Lin Qun's move directly shocked several top civilizations. Not only did it scare several top civilizations, but it also shocked the people of Ankara.

"Mr. Lin committed suicide!"

In the command center, they followed the screen in real time. A cartoon Lin Qun walked out of the castle and committed suicide in public.

The American senior officials in the command center were all stunned.

Brent had just run away, and Mr. Lin came. As a result, Mr. Lin committed suicide directly. This was an unimaginable blow to them.

Although these people are all big figures in the American federal military and are very experienced, facing the coalition of the four top civilizations, plus Brent's escape, they are like frightened birds, and their mentality is easy to explode at this time.

"Could it be that Mr. Lin couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide?"

"This... can't be true? If Mr. Lin is also finished, aren't we completely finished?"

But soon someone discovered that although this cartoon Lin Qun committed suicide in public and his head and body were separated,...

In the ranking list, Lin Qun still ranked high in the main position of Ankara.

"Don't panic, Mr. Lin is still on the list." Andor said, "Your performance is too poor, federal soldiers, how can you panic at the slightest disturbance? Mr. Lin has many means, far beyond ordinary people, this should be one of his means!"

"But..." Someone on the side asked blankly: "Mr. Lin committed suicide in public but didn't really die, what does it mean?"

This question also stumped Andor.

No one knows what Lin Qun wants to do.

Even the alien civilization doesn't know.

But Lin Qun's move shocked Yegus.

A strong man like it naturally noticed it at the first time. Although the human just committed suicide in front of it, he is still on the list of Ankarazhi area.

The list will not lie, which proves that this human is not dead.

Yegus was a little surprised and doubtful. At this time, he didn't know whether to move forward or retreat. The original idea of ​​​​probing began to retreat.

At present, the cartoon two-dimensional field unfolded by this human and the suicide just now seem to have no effect, but it is also possible that it doesn't know the effect yet.

After a moment of silence, Yegus retreated again.

It chose to be cautious.

This human was a little outrageous. At this time, it felt a little pressure from this non-evolved human.

The other party was not an evolver, but his methods were rich and his abilities were strange. Even it couldn't figure it out, let alone guess what Lin Qun wanted to do.

At this time, in the giant ship of the silicon-based civilization, according to the request of their Knight Commander, the data analysis of the previous destruction of the lance had already produced results-

"Master Knight Commander, we analyzed the scene of our lance being intercepted just now. It was indeed this human who intercepted our lance, and he died with our lance at that time. But as we can see, he is still alive here. We suspect that he has some kind of high-intensity clone ability, and it costs almost nothing to use and consume. The one who intercepted our lance and appeared in front of the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization were all his clones! And his original body is still in Ankara, so there is the current situation!"

The silicon-based civilization carefully analyzed the previous picture and came to this conclusion.

The Knight Commander looked at the analysis report with a cold look: "How did he do it? Can the clone still have such combat power?"

"Master Knight Commander, should we share this information with other top civilizations?"

The life of the silicon-based civilization asked.

"No. There is no need." The Knight Commander shook his head and said, "We don't know about this ability of this human. It is normal for the Black Sheep Civilization and the Linyuan Civilization not to know. I don't believe that the Shengui Civilization doesn't know. It knows but doesn't say it. Why should we say it? We know that we are on guard. The four top civilizations are here. Even if that human has the ability to reach the sky, he is just a native who is not at the level of an Evolver. Can he beat one top civilization, can he beat four top civilizations?

"Humanity is just struggling to survive now. We don't have a real Evolver. We don't have an advantage in the final competition, so we have to use the information advantage to consume other top civilizations as much as possible.

"We have more opportunities.

"This is not the way of the knight.

"But our civilization needs this victory too much."

Yegus retreated.

The silicon-based civilization did not move either.

The evolutionists of the Shengui civilization were silent, and seemed to be reorganizing the large number of miscellaneous troops under its command.

And Lin Qun's move seemed to shock the top civilizations in another way, making them doubtful and no one dared to move at this time.

No one in the Ankarazhi command center expected this situation.

"Commander, the evolutionist Yegus of the Linyuan civilization did not move. It just retreated. It seemed... to be stunned by Mr. Lin's behavior!"

"Could this be the real intention of Mr. Lin's move? In this way, to deter alien civilizations? To make them dare not act rashly and buy time?"

"Is this... a game between top powerhouses?"

The staff and senior officers in the command center discussed and came up with an answer they agreed with. They all showed shocked expressions on their faces, thinking that they had understood Lin Qun's inexplicable self-destructive behavior just now.

Because the facts are here.

Just now, Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, was obviously about to attack and was approaching quickly, but at this time, after Lin Qun committed suicide strangely, he immediately retreated.

Isn't this the wonderful result of Lin Qun's suicide this time?

Is there any better explanation than this?

Listening to these words, Andor, who was originally thinking about why Lin Qun did this, couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

He felt that it seemed to make sense to think so!

This Chinese Lin Qun did have some means.

He seemed to be more reliable than Brent!

In fact, Lin Qun didn't think so much.

He just saw that Yegus was about to kill him, and the cartoon kingdom had been opened for ten minutes, so he just tried to use a bug.

And since he was going to use a bug, he might as well confuse the opponent.

Unexpectedly, Yegus was scared away instead.

But in fact, this was not the result Lin Qun wanted.

The four top civilizations pressed forward step by step, and Lin Qun immediately launched the Cartoon Kingdom. In his opinion, the best situation is to start right now. Even if it is not one-on-one, even one-on-two is better than the future Black Sheep Civilization reaching one-on-three.

He wanted to fight as soon as possible.

Defeat them one by one.

Therefore, just now he just wanted to quickly draw a cartoon card before Yegus came.

However, although Yegus was scared away.

But Lin Qun's cartoon card drawing was also successful.

This proves that Lin Qun's bug method is indeed effective.

He activated the cartoon and then used the shadow clone to split himself. In this Cartoon Kingdom venue, he was also identified as a cartoon creature. When the ten minutes were up, Lin Qun sent a clone to kill himself, which was determined to trigger the second effect, and a round of cartoon card drawing could be carried out!

This made Lin Qun a little excited.

With this method, he can indeed achieve zero cost to continuously trigger the second effect of the Cartoon Kingdom!

Yegus retreated.

Lin Qun himself did not leave the depths of the Cartoon Kingdom, but in the room deep in the Cartoon Kingdom, he carried out a round of cartoon card drawing.

The process of cartoon card drawing is no different from Lin Qun's normal card drawing, except that his talent is activated, the card drawing screen, and the cards drawn are all cartoonized.

And this card is...

[Name: Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon]

[Type: Monster Summon Card]

[Summoning Card Rank: B-level]

[Description: Use this card to summon a Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon. The Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon has the following effects: 1. The Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon cannot attack within the first ten minutes after the Summoning/Special Summoning is completed; 2. When the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon coexists with the Cartoon World, and there are no cartoon creatures in the opponent's camp, the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon's attributes double; 3. When the Cartoon World exists, after the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon is successfully summoned for fifteen minutes, it can be Special Summoned once, ignoring the conditions, and directly summoning a Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon with the same attributes and effects to appear on the battlefield. ]

[Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon Attributes: Strength: 240; Constitution: 200; Agility: 200; Dark Energy: 200. ]

[Special note: Each Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon can only activate effect 3 once. ]

[Materialize? ]

Cartoon draw!


Moreover, I had good luck in the first round and directly drew a B-level card!

Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon!

This card has good effects and attributes, and as a cartoon series card, it can be linked with the cartoon world.

The Cartoon Kingdom in Lin Qun's hand can be regarded as the cartoon world, which means that if you summon a Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon here, then its attributes will be doubled.

This means that Lin Qun can directly summon a cartoon monster with all attributes reaching 400.

Not only that, when it exists for fifteen minutes, it can also summon a second Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon.

Although this effect three can only be activated once.


Lin Qun noticed that the effect three of this card said that the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon specially summoned also has the same effect and the same attributes.

This means that the newly summoned Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon can be summoned again after another fifteen minutes.

At that time, the third Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon Special Summoned can summon another Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon after another fifteen minutes.

This goes on and on, as long as the Cartoon World exists synchronously with it and there is enough time, it can be summoned infinitely all the way!

Isn't that the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon Dragon Army?

With the Cartoon World, a group of cartoon Red-Eyes Dragons with all attributes exceeding 400, that is very scary!

And perhaps it is because of this attribute that this card has a limit. In the first ten minutes after summoning and special summoning, the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon cannot attack!

Lin Qun suddenly thought of something.

I don't know how many Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon cards are in his card pool...

Is it possible that there are no Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon cards when drawing? In that case, how can he summon the dragon army infinitely?

Lin Qun remembered that according to the setting of Yu-Gi-Oh, in a set of cards for duels, there can be up to three identical cards.

I just don't know whether his talent card pool also follows this setting, but Lin Qun has no way of knowing this, because up to now, he has almost never drawn out the same card. This may have to be verified in practice.

This B-level card directly corresponds to the basic card in Lin Qun's current level 4 card pool. Lin Qun was very satisfied that he could draw such a card in his first cartoon draw.

Since it depends on time to perform special summons continuously, after this card was drawn, Lin Qun activated it in the Cartoon Kingdom.

At that moment, many people in the Ankarazhi city below the Cartoon Kingdom heard a dragon roar.

In the Cartoon Kingdom, a cartoon black dragon of not too large size flew out and flew directly to the battlement of the castle, roaring to the sky, with bloodshot eyes.

Compared with the real Red-Eyes Black Dragon, the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon is indeed more cartoony and less oppressive, but the attributes are there and the combat power is not weak.

When it appeared, many people below saw it and showed a surprised expression.

"Look! It's a dragon! It's a black dragon! And it's a cartoon black dragon!"

"It... Is this also the method of that Huaxia Yeying? What kind of ability is this? Can he create a cartoon black dragon?"

"It's lifelike, my God, it's still looking at us! Is it really safe? Won't it fly down and destroy our city?"

Command center.

After Lin Qun finished drawing the cartoon card, he reconnected with Andor and said, "This is what I summoned. Don't worry, don't attack. Later, I should summon more things to assist in the battle. You can prepare and notify in advance."

Andor and others were a little frightened.

Before, they had seen the ability of Brent, who was a human, and it was already very surprising, especially Brent showed more than one ability. And now, Mr. Lin from Huaxia has rich abilities and unpredictable methods, which is even more than Brent.

These consecutive operations dazzled them.

But it also boosted their confidence!

Lin Qun is on the side of humans. The stronger Lin Qun shows, the safer Ankara will be, and the greater the hope of victory.

But at this time, the four top civilizations have also begun to move. Andor did not have time to tell Lin Qun too many details, but immediately said: "Mr. Lin, after the Linyuan civilization evolver Yegus was scared away by you, their fleet began to move. Not only them, but also the Black Sheep Civilization, the Shengui Civilization, and the Silicon Civilization Fleet have all moved. Their missiles are on the way to bombard Ankara, fighters and small aircraft have taken off in full force, and the army is in a further position!"

Lin Qun heard this, and his heart sank. He knew that the test was completely over, and the battle of Ankara was really about to begin!



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