Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 381 Iron Curtain Device, activated!

The characteristics of the Black Sheep Civilized Fleet are heavy battleships and dense forts.

This is especially true for the core battleship in one of its fleets: the flagship. The flagship of Black Sheep Civilization is not only huge in size but also heavily armored. The number of turrets on a flagship may be several hundred. It is a true hedgehog-like warship. Within a range of two to three kilometers, the threat it can bring is extremely deadly.

During the Battle of Daxing, the human military paid an extremely heavy price in order to capture the main battleship of the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet. It even failed to sink the Black Sheep Civilization flagship.

But there was also a strange combination of circumstances, and finally one was successfully captured.

And now, the Anyuan battleship, which was once the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization and now the human battleship, is confronting the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet.

"The distance is getting closer. We are about to enter the optimal shooting range!"

"We are locked! Their flagship is moving sideways, and more than 70% of the guns are aimed at us. They do not dodge, they want to trade their flagship for a flagship with us!"

"We can't afford to replace it. If we bombard each other like this, our Anyuan and their flagship will all be scrapped. But if our flagship is scrapped, the remaining two warships converted from Black Sheep civilization transport ships will have no combat effectiveness at all. Attack The warship is small, even if it is very flexible, it can only move, and it is impossible to face the remaining ten Black Sheep civilization warships and a large number of gunboats! "

In the bridge of the Anyuan flagship, the alarm sounded harshly.

The staff officer suggested to Chen Weiang: "Your Excellency, Commander, we must change course immediately! It is definitely not wise to attack the artillery."

At this moment, the Anyuan is still moving forward.

The medium and long-range heavy artillery fired in unison, firing at the Black Sheep Civilization warship ahead. The shells from both sides bombarded each other's ship armor, leaving a terrifying "cannon mark". Some missile rockets were also intercepted in mid-air. , at this distance, the special heavy armor of the Black Sheep Civilized Warship can withstand such a bombardment.

But as long as you get closer, if the two flagships fire at full range at close range, it will be like a lose-lose outcome!

Now, it looks like both sides are ready.

The distance between the Anyuan and the Black Sheep Civilization flagship is rapidly closing.

The Black Sheep Civilization Fleet is changing its formation.

Three of their gunboats are located at the rear and are firing at the attacker warships seven or eight kilometers away, suppressing the effectiveness of the attacker warships' energy-beaming turrets.

Nearby, the remaining seven battleships of the Black Sheep Civilization are advancing in a pocket array at low altitude. The huge Burning Chongshan battleships are spread out on a scale of two kilometers, with the edge speed accelerating and the flanks slowing down. speed, while the Black Sheep Civilization flagship in the center has been accelerating.

It crashed into the Anyuan that was charging towards it.

At this moment, among the three advancing Chinese fleet warships, two warships converted from transport aircraft had begun to move sideways to avoid fire. Only the Anyuan plunged into the pocket formation of the Black Sheep Civilization. As the distance was stretched to the limit, Chen Weiang Under the command, the mountain-like giant battleship moved sideways, revealing densely packed gun muzzles, facing the Black Sheep Civilization flagship in the distance.

Regarding the staff officer's nervous advice, Chen Weiang simply said: "Obey the order and continue to accelerate. All the forts on the right wing are ready. As soon as the maximum firing range is reached, fire immediately!"

Chen Weiang's eyes were bloodshot.

Of course he knew the objections of the staff officers and others.

With the flagship gone, their fleet is doomed.

Externally, the Chinese fleet is said to be a fleet, but who doesn't understand that their fleet is one of the best among humans, but compared with the fleets of these top civilizations, it cannot be called a fleet at all.

Even if Mr. Lin lures away the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers, they will still be under huge pressure if they want to eat the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet.

An interception is an interception.

Balance of power is called interception.

However, the Chinese fleet and the Black Sheep Civilized Fleet are not in balance, and interception means frontal combat. Either they will eat the Black Sheep Civilized Fleet, or the Black Sheep Civilized Fleet will eat them.

If you want to defeat the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet, you must sink the Black Sheep Civilization flagship at the beginning of the battle.

The flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization is the warship with the largest size, the thickest armor, the strongest artillery fire, and the best performance in its fleet. It can be said that one flagship can rival two or three flagships of the Black Sheep Civilization.

And therefore, only when the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization no longer exists, can the Anyuan's advantages be brought into play, and can it cooperate with the attacker warships, and have the possibility of defeating the entire fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization.

So, they must move forward.

The distance between the two sides is closing.

More and more artillery fire bombarded the Anyuan battleship, and the huge steel battleship trembled. This tremor could be clearly felt in the bridge.

This means that the outer firepower intensifies.

Chen Weiang is the absolute commander of the entire fleet, and no one can disobey his orders. Therefore, the suggestions of the staff and others can only be shelved at this moment.

The entire bridge was enveloped in a tense atmosphere, and many people were even sweating.

At this moment, Chen Weiang suddenly said: "Slow down, slow down immediately, everyone is ready, check the position and distance, once you are about to reach the firing position, immediately accelerate forcefully, grab a time difference and reflection difference, enter the firing distance in advance and fire immediately, As long as we can get three to five seconds more time to fire than the flagship of the Black Sheep civilization, we can kill their flagship with minimal damage!

"But if you can't grab it, just fire partially-"

The order was issued, and the Anyuan immediately began to slow down——

The flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization, like the Anyuan, began to slow down almost simultaneously at this moment.

Because the distance between the two sides is about to enter the extreme distance.

Once it reaches the extreme distance, all the dense short-range conventional artillery batteries can open fire. Such terrifying firepower can destroy the flagship in one round.

Therefore, whoever fires first is particularly important.

The key to who fires first is who gets stuck in the best position first, so at this time they have to slow down and complete the last firing distance in a semi-gliding attitude.

Chen Weiang held the transmitter in his hand tightly and stared at the distance between the two sides on the electronic map.

The numbers are falling fast.

We are about to enter the final range.

Of course, in fact, if anyone is looking outside at this moment, these warships are actually very far away from each other. But this distance is enough for all their forts to hit each other.

The distance is about to get as close as possible.

Chen Weiang took a deep breath and pressed the button of the transmitter in his hand.

At that moment, the quantum communication device was activated, and a super-light message shot out from the American land, arrived at a hidden place in far northwestern China, and was responded to by another receiver.

What it emits is a coordinate.

Among the flagships of the Black Sheep Civilization, their commander said: "The human commanders of this fleet are a bit interesting, but that's all. If they want to win, they must replace our flagship while their own warships survive." , so they have to be careful, but we don’t have to be so, even if we replace their flagship with ours, we will win.”

It showed a ferocious expression.

The Black Sheep civilization is famous for its cruelty and toughness, which is clearly reflected in their huge and heavy battleships. They are never afraid of losses, let alone shrinking from a life-for-life battle with their opponents.

They also believe in the road where the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road, and they are committed to becoming that brave man.

They also dare to fight.

And in this game, humans lose first.

After all, this is the battleship of the Black Sheep Civilization, and no one knows their own battleship better than them.

In the final game, the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization took the lead in decelerating and re-accelerating. Its huge flagship moved laterally, aiming as many cannons at its opponent as possible.

Then, fire first.

The human warship opened fire nearly five seconds late.

Five seconds was enough for the Black Sheep Civilization warship to stop and slow down, avoiding fifty percent of the Anyuan's blow.

"They're finished!"

In the flagship of Black Sheep Civilization, the bridge was shaken violently by the bombardment, but the damage was within the tolerable range.

And it is the human warships that should perish.

They fired first, and this round of shooting should have destroyed the entire human warship!

However, when they raised their heads from the shock, they saw a scene that horrified them.

Because at this moment, in their imaginations, the human warship that should have been destroyed by their cannon fire was not only not destroyed, but instead moved forward smoothly, with the muzzle still spitting flames.

Only then did they realize that the blow they had just suffered was not all.

The human warship didn't open fire at all.

Now comes the real death blow.

What really makes them feel incredible is that their attack was enough to level half of a human city, but the human warship was almost unscathed.

Moreover, the battleship was covered with a strange black light curtain, covering almost half of the battleship. Missiles fired from other locations hit the light curtain and exploded. Black ripples vibrated on the light curtain, like The strange-colored flares that burst out from the sun were completely digested!

In fact, just three seconds before the attack on the flagship of the Black Sheep civilization broke out, this shady curtain had already arrived, covering the key positions of the Anyuan, and it withstood most of the blows. Only a few parts were not covered by the shady curtain. And after being hit, layers of fire broke out!

However, this is not harmful at all to a battleship as huge as the Anyuan.

And this is the Iron Curtain device.

Chen Weiang spent a lot of money to buy a quantum communication positioning and transmission device. The transmitter is in his hand, and the receiver is in the remote Iron Curtain Device Base in China.

At a time when communications are being disrupted by the four top civilizations, this is the only way that the Iron Curtain device can provide accurate support.

Not much information is required.

One coordinate is enough.

The Iron Curtain device is a full-map super weapon in the Red Alert game. Its effect can also cover the entire Blue Star. As long as a signal is activated, it can cover a cubic area of ​​300 meters within the target range within a few seconds.

The Anyuan is huge, exceeding three hundred meters, so it cannot be completely enveloped, but it is enough to cover most of it.

The Iron Curtain Device, as a terrifying support weapon in Red Alert that can truly defend against all damage except set kills, demonstrated its amazing capabilities here.

The terrifying attack on the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization, most of them were eaten!

Under Chen Weiang's advance deployment, and with the Black Sheep Civilization taking the lead, only some of the Anyuan's forts fired, and most of the forts did not fire. At this moment, it was the opportunity to fire.

And this is Chen Weiang's real confidence to dare to charge towards his opponent!

He is not stupid.

If you use other people's warships to compete with other people's operation and performance, the possibility of winning is too small.

Therefore, the only way is to use things that others do not have and cannot use.

A true super weapon.

The Iron Curtain Device that none of the four top civilizations have.

Who can shake it under the Iron Curtain?

You can't kill me, but I can kill you!

Chen Weiang roared and gave orders: "Open fire! Open fire!"

In fact, at this moment, even the people in the bridge of Anyuan were a little stunned.

Because in order to avoid being intercepted or discovered by alien civilizations, the existence of the Iron Curtain Device has always been a secret among secrets. Chen Weiang dared not tell anyone, and the area where the Iron Curtain Device is located has even been isolated from the outside world. Therefore, he did not tell anyone in advance.

Just now, seeing the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization take the lead, no one in the entire Anyuan felt that they were going to die.

But no one expected that the ending would be like this.

At this moment, those questioning staff and others showed a look of surprise and shock, looking at the back of Chen Weiang in front of them. At this time, they finally understood and admired it in their hearts. It turned out that Chen Weiang had kept a back hand. They could not be sunk. The only one who could be sunk was the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization!

All the people here are qualified soldiers. No one asked questions at this time, only orders were given.


Open fire!

Half of the silver Anyuan was shrouded in darkness at this moment, cold and eerie. Under the iron curtain, it opened fire. Countless shells roared out with human anger!

On the front, in the bridge of the Black Sheep Civilization flagship, those Black Sheep Civilization creatures who had previously mocked and ridiculed the weak human fleet all showed terrified expressions.

They never dreamed that they thought that the brave would win when they met on a narrow road, but in the end, they came shirtless, but they were carrying a big shield!

It turned out that they didn't wear armor!

But, how can such a thing be possessed by the level of human civilization?

"They... How is this possible?"

At this moment, the Anyuan fired a volley of artillery fire, and the flames spewing from the muzzles rose and fell, shining like stars.

And then, the armor of the Black Sheep Civilization flagship was penetrated, and the entire warship was shattered from the front.

The huge warship scattered a large amount of material and metal fragments, burning fiercely, sinking all the way in the billowing smoke and dust, and crashing to the ground below!

The Anyuan, with a black iron curtain shield, was passing through the ruins and flames.

The iron curtain device lasted for thirty seconds.

In these thirty seconds, the Anyuan warship was an unshakable battlefield killer!

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