Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 382 Who will strike first?

Anyuan destroyed the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization, charged left and right with the iron curtain shield, and cooperated with the powerful firepower of the beam energy weapons of the attacker warships in the rear, directly facing the artillery fire of many Black Sheep Civilization warships, and fired thousands of cannons, killing two more burning giant warships of the Black Sheep Civilization, and severely damaging another three giant warships.

The pocket formation of the Black Sheep Civilization warships that seemed to swallow the entire Anyuan just now became an opportunity for the Chinese warship Anyuan. Because the distance was relatively close, the effect of the iron curtain device could be maximized in 30 seconds.

With the existence of the iron curtain device, Anyuan can charge forward against the attack of enemy ships and sweep with artillery fire savagely. Even if those Black Sheep Civilization warships have strong armor and fierce firepower, they can't penetrate the iron curtain at all, so there is nothing they can do.

You can't even break the defense of my warship, what can you do?

Only wait to die!

At this moment, this silver behemoth is killing out of the sea of ​​fire where the Black Sheep Civilization warship fell.

The black cold light of the iron curtain device was weakening and disappearing, and the Anyuan warship showed its original color.

At this time, the muzzles on it had turned and started firing at other gunboats.

As a modified flagship warship of the Black Sheep Civilization, the Anyuan's combat power should not be underestimated. As long as it sank the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization, even if it was fired at close range, the remaining warships and gunboats of the Black Sheep Civilization would not be able to sink the Anyuan in a short period of time. However, the firepower of the Anyuan was not something they could withstand at close range.

At this moment, on the battlefield, heavy artillery roared, and warships and gunboats moved and fired within a few kilometers. Missiles and shells flew like meteors in the space, carrying the flames of death. Hitting the warships would set off a huge ball of fire.

Without the iron curtain device, the Anyuan was also quickly filled with flames. Some armor was shot through and the turret was directly blown up, but this was nothing compared to its huge size. It was still moving forward and still firing continuously, like an unstoppable steel killer on the battlefield!

Behind the Anyuan, the other two modified gunboats were also moving forward, pursuing the victory.

Farther away, the attacker warships were throwing firepower as if they were free. The beam energy weapons of the attacker warships were aimed at the space battlefield. The firepower was fierce. The power of the turbolaser cannon could directly shoot through and destroy the insect swarm. At this moment, the fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization was strafing, which also caused huge damage.

In the bridge of the Anyuan, the facts proved that Chen Weiang's command was very correct. They were gaining an incredible advantage in the war. If they had not been able to kill the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization in the first place, they would never have been able to gain an advantage so smoothly now.

On the other hand, the lives of the Black Sheep Civilization.

In the warships, they watched their warships sink and fall one after another. Their faces were extremely ugly, and the previous ridicule was long gone.

"How is this possible?"

"How can humans have that level of energy shield?"

"With eleven warships and more than fifty airships, can't we beat their four warships? I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out!"

And in the wreckage on the ground.

The commander of the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet is not dead. He is in the ruins of the broken bridge, looking at the outside picture through the equipment, and the expression on his face is unpredictable.

He never dreamed that this would be the result now!

The commander of this human fleet really has some means.

But he knows more clearly that the absolute strength gap is here, and it is useless to have means. What's important is that humans have cards in their hands. If there is no shield just now, the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet will definitely win.

And Chen Weiang is also very clear about this.

At this moment, the Anyuan is shaking violently. He stands at the front of the bridge, not arrogant or impatient, and gives orders in an orderly manner.

Their mission has not been completed yet.

On the battlefield filled with smoke, warships are passing through it, like swimming steel whales.





On the battlefield here, a thunderous roar is erupting.

The troops in front have begun to exchange fire.

The legions of the top civilization and the troops of the American Federation began to fight in the outer area of ​​Ankarazhi, with artillery fire flying, roars and loud noises.

The Black Sheep Civilization Evolver hovered on one side. The position where it stopped was very clever, and it was synchronized with the positions of the Linyuan Civilization Evolver and the Shengui Civilization Evolver, forming a corner. At this position, as long as the Ankarazhi forest group moved, they could attack the forest group at the same time, not only forming a three-on-one situation in an instant, but also sharing the pressure among the three parties, so that no one would suffer, and the three evolvers could really synchronize their attacks without scruples.

When it arrived, the shadow clone forest group that "chased" it directly changed direction and flew directly back to the Ankarazhi area.

At the beginning, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver thought it was successful.

Bringing this human warrior Lin Qun to Ankara, in front of the main forces of the four top civilizations, it forced this human to give up his plan to use the Black Sheep Civilization and itself as a breakthrough.

Obviously, it regarded the retreat of the shadow clone Lin Qun, who was chasing it in the Mark 50 nano-suit, as a cautious retreat.

Until the news came that their flagship was destroyed by the Chinese fleet.

"The human warship was covered with a strange black shield that lasted for 30 seconds. Unexpectedly, the thunder method destroyed three heavy warships including the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization-"

This made the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver's face green.

It realized that maybe it had thought too much.

Perhaps, it was not that it had fooled this human being, but that it had thought too much from the beginning, and was deceived by this human being to come here!

Thinking of this, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver almost couldn't sit still.

Although it was also cunning, as a Black Sheep Civilization life, it was born to be irritable. How could it have suffered such anger?

It had been fighting wits and courage with the air for a long time, thinking that it had planned everything, but in fact it had made the other party achieve the desired result without any effort.

What frightened it even more was the loss of the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet.

In the battle of Daxing City, their losses were already very heavy, and they must not lose so much this time.

But it was still rational and did not rush to attack in anger. It knew that if it did so, it would meet the wishes of that human being again, and it would become a favor to the human being in return.

On the ground battlefield, the American Federation troops of Ankara were exchanging fire with the miscellaneous troops of Linyuan Civilization and Shengui Civilization, and the battle situation was very tense.

The level of the ragtag army controlled by the Shengui civilization is uneven, mainly ground troops, and the level of the troops of the American Federation is about the same, but the numerical advantage is still on the human side.

Although the Shengui civilization claims to have recruited a large number of contestant civilizations to fight against humans, in fact, even if the scattered civilizations in the Americas seem to have a lot of people added together, they can't be more than the "local" humans.

Even though the federal forces in the Americas have suffered heavy losses, there are still a large number of manpower.

However, the fleet of the Linyuan civilization has brought them great pressure.

Their fleet is far more advanced than the ragtag army, bombing at low altitude and advancing forward, and large groups of federal soldiers were shot and killed.

The swarms behind them, at a heavy price, may not be able to capture a warship of the Linyuan civilization.

Under the cover of the ragtag army of the Shengui civilization on the ground, they are like an iron wall and copper wall, slowly but unstoppably advancing towards Ankara from several directions, further compressing Ankara's outer defense line.

The armored units sent out by Andorra were not defeated by the ragtag army of the Shengui civilization, but were defeated under the attack of the Linyuan civilization.

The battle was won in a short time, and they had to retreat.

The fleet of the Linyuan civilization had the advantage of air superiority.

Once they got close, they couldn't fight anymore.

In the battle for air superiority, humans are now at an absolute disadvantage. Not to mention the fleet of the Linyuan civilization, it is difficult to deal with the fighter formations of the silicon-based civilization and the Linyuan civilization. In fact, they may be completely defeated soon, and then they will completely lose the right to fight for the sky.

In the battle at the missile level, Ankara's power is now more involved in the silicon-based civilization, and more power has to be deployed to defend against the bombardment from the silicon-based civilization.

This means that Andorra has no manpower to dispatch, and the battlefield ahead can only be filled with the lives of federal soldiers.

Twenty minutes have passed again. The situation in Ankaraji changed rapidly, and humans were already at a disadvantage.

If the Chinese fleet had not blocked the Black Sheep Civilization fleet, they might have been defeated now.

The four top civilizations joined forces, even if everyone was hiding their own thoughts and unwilling to give their all, for any civilization in the third-level battlefield, it would be an impossible opponent to defeat. If Ankaraji had not gathered almost all the federal forces in the Americas and had enough lives to fill it, the current defense line might have been broken.

However, on the sky battlefield, with the addition of the second batch of fighters from the silicon-based civilization and the Linyuan civilization, the human air force suffered heavy losses, and the blue-eyed white dragon fell from the sky first and fell under intensive attacks.

Lin Qun lost contact with it in an instant, and a sense of emptiness arose in his heart for no reason.

That was a real feeling.

When the cartoon crocodile was killed, he had a similar feeling.

Although the death of the summoned monsters had no substantial impact on Lin Qun, their connection was inseparable from Lin Qun, which was the key to Lin Qun's control of them. Therefore, when they died and the connection was disconnected, this feeling disappeared.

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon had no blessing, and its attributes were not as good as the Red-Eyes Cartoon Dragon. After being injured, its huge size became a hindrance, so it was reasonable that it was killed first.

That scene made people feel a little disappointed.

The silver-white dragon let out its last howl in the sky, spilling blood, and fell unwillingly into the sky. Before landing, as a summoned creature, it turned into light and disappeared in mid-air.

The survivors hiding in the ruins of Ankara looked up at this scene, like a dream, but seemed to be infected by it, with a faint sadness.


Lin Qun had almost no reaction to this. He was still sitting in the Cartoon Kingdom and did not move. If he moved, the three evolvers would also move, and they would be trapped in a triple siege in an instant. Therefore, if he was the first person to take action, he would be passive, and he had to wait for a certain evolver to take action first.

But, can he wait until that moment?

Lin Qun didn't know.

But he still had a glimmer of hope.

Although the situation in Ankara is very unfavorable now, the Chinese fleet led by Chen Weiang has gained an advantage by fighting against the enemy with a small number of enemies. If they can make a breakthrough in another battlefield with the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet, then it is likely to become a breakthrough.

But that is something Lin Qun cannot intervene in. At this time, he can only pin his hopes on his own civilization.

He was just running the Concentration Technique with all his strength to maintain a high energy consumption as much as possible, and Andorra also sent batches of energy recovery potions, most of which were the lowest and cheapest, but at this time Lin Qun was no longer fighting. , but you can use them to recover, saving the use of advanced recovery potions as much as possible.

The shadow clone Lin Qun who had been separated to deal with the evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization had also returned early.

After he came back, Lin Qun immediately merged with him. This clone existed for a long time. After returning to the original body, it had some impact on Lin Qun's memory. However, because Lin Qun had already adapted to the super senses of Superman's body, he suffered The impact only lasted for two seconds and was digested. Immediately, he knew the situation over there. Chen Weiang's tactics were also told to this clone, and Lin Qun also understood it clearly.

He has confidence in Chen Weiang.

At this time, news from Andorra also came: "Mr. Lin, I'm afraid the current situation is not good. We..."

His voice was a little rushed.

Federal forces in the Americas are rapidly depleting, and a large number of humans are dying on the battlefield.

Just now, the large-scale bombing of the alien civilization was an indiscriminate bombing of the Ankara area, but now, thousands of soldiers have died in the battle. The casualties of alien civilizations are not large. The biggest casualties may be the motley army of Shengui Civilization, but Shengui Civilization doesn't care at all.

If the conventional troops cannot win, the opponent's Evolvers will not be able to take action, and Lin Qun will not dare to take the initiative. In this case, as time goes by, the end of destruction will inevitably happen.

Now for Andorra, he is almost watching the defeat approaching little by little.

An atmosphere of despair and panic has begun to spread.

Anyone with some knowledge can see at this time that if the fight continues like this, they will definitely lose and everyone will die.

"I know. Wait a moment. The Chinese fleet is the last chance."

Lin Qun answered.

He knows that the current situation is very unfavorable, but if he takes action first, none of the three evolutionaries will take care of it. They will jointly encircle and suppress them and attack simultaneously. The possibility of him being defeated instantly is extremely high, and once he is defeated, then It's really over. On the contrary, if any top civilization cannot bear the losses first and the Evolvers take action first, then there will be loopholes in their three-party structure. If Lin Qun can counterattack the one who takes action first, the situation will open up.

The current situation is that whichever company's conventional troops can't handle it first, whichever group's evolvers and masters will be unable to handle it first, and the human side will die intensively, and for these top civilizations, their fleets and manpower , is a treasure among treasures, built with the power of civilization, with countless resources, technology and time behind it. If the civilization loses on the battlefield, the fleet is still there and can participate in the next one, but if the fleet is gone, they will have to wait. I don’t know how long it will take to rebuild the fleet, train manpower, and then participate in the civilized battlefield. Therefore, if their fleet is about to be annihilated, their evolvers cannot sit idly by and must take action.

And whoever strikes first will have to pay huge losses.

Lin Qun is one against three. A little advantage and initiative may change the final result. It is not only a matter of who lives and who dies, but also who is the civilization behind who is destroyed!

Therefore, even if the situation is not right now, he still has to wait.

This is the same on both sides. When the black sheep civilization evolvers found out that they had been tricked, they did not take action in anger. This was the reason. None of them were willing to take action first, giving the forest group a chance to bite them. They were all waiting for the forest group to take action. They struck later. Working hand in hand to strangle, the risks are shared equally, and it is more fair.

Everyone present knows that the current battle is not only a frontal battle between troops, but also a game between the top powerhouses. Whether you can sit still or not, you have to sit still as much as possible!

But now, it is difficult for Ankara's troops to threaten the fleets of Linyuan Civilization and Silicon-based Civilization. There is almost no hope here. The only hope is that Chen Weiang can put enough pressure on him to force the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers to break the deadlock and take action first.

Lin Qun is ready.

Wait another ten minutes.

In ten minutes, if there is still no result on Chen Weiang's side, then he will have no choice but to take action, and he can only use cards such as Blessing of the Storm to open the way; and as long as there is a result on Chen Weiang's side, the one who can't wait will be the Black Sheep. For civilized evolvers, the situation is broken.

Now, let’s wait for who will make the first move!

Of course, Lin Qun actually still had the Remnant Sword of Zhu Xian in his hand, but as a last resort, he did not want to show that the sword of Zhu Xian could kill people as well as himself.

At the same time, Lin Qun did not forget to launch the Cartoon Kingdom series of combos.

The second red-eyed cartoon force in front was seriously injured and almost disappeared, but it was not dead. It was immediately withdrawn by Lin Qun. Although it could not fight anymore, it could continue to exert its effects.

Just twenty minutes have passed.

at the moment……

The third real red-eyed cartoon dragon appears!

Lin Qun did not miss two cartoon drawings.

A cartoon crocodile was drawn, and a B-level cartoon card was also drawn!

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