Lin Qun had already obtained the cartoon crocodile before and was killed on the battlefield in Daxing, but he did not expect that he could draw another one.

This card is just a basic cartoon series card. Compared with ordinary low-level cards, it has some unique features, but compared with other cartoon series cards, there is nothing special.

Just looking at the cartoon crocodile on the card, Lin Qun's expression was a little complicated.

This seems to be a kind of fate.

As for the second cartoon card draw, what was drawn was an effect card.

[Name: Cartoon Bookmark]

[Type: consumable effect card]

[Effect card grade: B grade]

[Description: This effect card can be activated when there is a cartoon world field on your field. This effect card can be activated automatically without being actively triggered. When the cartoon world field card is destroyed, this card can be destroyed on its behalf. Actively triggering the activation of this effect card can move the cartoon world to a designated location within five kilometers of the card initiator (it must be on the same planet or world). 】

[Is it present? 】

The effect of this card is very simple.

As a linkage card of Cartoon World, it can be destroyed as a replacement card for the A-level card Cartoon World.

Moreover, it can be activated automatically without Lin Qun actively activating it.

That is, it can be activated the moment the cartoon world is destroyed.

No need to use it specially.

Moreover, it also has the ability to move field cards...

Under normal circumstances, using a venue card means "covering" the current area. Unless it is folded up, restarted, and restarted, the location of the venue card cannot be changed, but this cartoon bookmark changes this possibility without tedious steps. By paying extra energy, you can move the field card to the cartoon kingdom.

These two cards cannot be said to be too powerful, but they are still useful.

The most important thing is that these are all drawn by drawing cards for free.

Lin Qun summoned the cartoon crocodile and sent it out to cooperate with the frontline troops to participate in the battle, while the cartoon bookmark was kept close to his body.

At this time, the third red-eyed cartoon dragon roared into the sky again, joining the sky battlefield, injecting a little new power into the already shaky human air force.

Lin Qun is still sitting in the deepest part of the cartoon kingdom.

Waiting for the final time.

No matter how slow it is, he won't be able to wait any longer.

The next ten minutes come.

Regardless of whether these evolvers take action or not, he will take action.

At this moment, all the top civilizations governed in Ankara are also waiting.

The giant ships of the silicon-based civilization advanced slowly, and their firepower was quite powerful, which dealt a huge blow to Ankara on the ground.

But there has been no full-scale bombardment.

The Knight Commander stood on the bridge and said: "Just maintain the current attack frequency and put the same pressure on humans and Linyuan Civilization and Shengui Civilization. Otherwise, if we beat them hard, the human dog will jump over the wall and come to us first." The trouble is more than worth the loss.”

On one side, another life from the silicon-based civilization said: "Master Knight, do you think this human being can't help but take action first? Their casualties are huge. Since the war started, the humans, civilians and soldiers in Ankara have... , the casualties may have reached hundreds of thousands..."

"Judging from the current situation in Ankara, this is the case. Even if we don't use our full strength, humans cannot resist the coalition of three top civilizations, but..."

The knight commander raised his head and looked into the distance in the sky.

The confrontation between the human Chinese fleet and the Black Sheep Civilization Fleet tens of kilometers away from Ankara is not a secret to everyone.

Including the Black Sheep civilization, they paid a heavy price in the first round of collision.

In the fleet of Linyuan Civilization.

Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan civilization, has returned to his fleet flagship.

It has been waiting for a long time and has not spoken. It just quietly receives messages from all parties on the battlefield.

The brains and body strength of the Linyuan civilization are superior to humans. As an evolver, it has strong information processing capabilities and clearly controls the direction of the entire battle.

When the third red-eyed cartoon dragon took off, the commander of the Linyuan Civilization Fleet also took the initiative: "Now it can be confirmed that the cartoon beings summoned by this human being also come from other dimensions. He should be every fifteen He can summon a similar creature within minutes. This may be the function of the cartoon castle he displayed above the city of Ankara. However, although the attributes of these dragons are amazing, they can at most pose a threat to the civilization of ordinary contestants, as long as they are not. A dozen similar creatures appearing on the battlefield at once are not enough to threaten us and the air force of silicon-based civilization.

"But I'm really curious, how did he do it? With so many abilities?"

"He is not a son of mankind, nor has he violated the rules and been judged as cheating on the civilized battlefield. No matter how many abilities he has, they are all in compliance with the rules. It should be that he has special talents and abilities that can lead to various abilities. ." Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, opened his eyes and said, "But it doesn't matter, changes are coming."

It raised its head and looked into the distance: "The Black Sheep Civilization Evolver can't bear it any longer."

The latest battle report.

The Black Sheep Civilization Fleet suffered heavy losses and might even be wiped out.

If they were really wiped out, it would be too late.

This news is enough to move the evolution of Black Sheep Civilization.

On the raging battlefield, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers were on fire at this time.

In the Daxing battlefield, they had lost a fleet.

The Black Sheep Civilization has only three fleets in total for this battle. It’s not that more can’t come, but over the years, the Black Sheep Civilization has only cultivated and built four fleets in total. What's left is a large number of conventional troops in Africa. Those civilizations are okay against humans and ordinary contestants, but in top-level civilization competitions, they are cannon fodder.

Three are used for battle, and the remaining one stays on the planet.

Only with the three fleets, plus it as the evolver, can it run rampant in the third-level civilization battlefield and become the top civilization to win the competition.

Now that the decisive battle has not yet begun, this fleet cannot be lost anymore. The Second Fleet has been completely lost here. Then, how will their Black Sheep Civilization compete with other top civilizations?

The most important thing is that in this Ankara battlefield, it is clear that human beings are no match for the other three top civilizations. Although the Silicon-based Civilization, Linyuan Civilization, and Shengui Civilization have not suffered much losses, if they lose, they will suffer a big loss.

The black sheep civilization evolvers can’t sit still.

It became the first Evolver-level powerhouse to take action in the five-party competition.

But it is very cunning. It wants to take action, but not against the forest group. Instead, it will roll up the black clouds in the sky and leave the Ankara area directly to go back to reinforce its fleet.

As long as it, the evolver, goes back.

The human warships are bound to be defeated!

As soon as this evolver moved, all parties on the battlefield immediately noticed it.

At the Ankara Command Center, Andor said excitedly: "The Chinese fleet should have succeeded. They have brought a huge threat to the Black Sheep Civilization, and the opportunity to break the situation is coming!"

"This will be a situation that is beneficial to us humans!"

Others were even more shocked.

"Does the China Region already have such strength? Can it shake the fleet of a top civilization?"

They were very surprised.

They are all a large region in the federation, and they are being suppressed and beaten by others. They are already able to defeat the frontal fleet of a top civilization!

This gap seemed to be clearly placed here, which made them excited and excited about the change in the situation. At the same time, they also deeply felt that the huge gap between the two sides had arisen unconsciously and was getting bigger and bigger.

In the silicon-based civilization giant ship, the Knight Commander raised his head: "The Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers are about to take action. Let our people withdraw at any time. If the Evolvers fight, everyone may become cannon fodder!"

The same order is being withdrawn from the flagship of Linyuan Civilization.

Yegus rose again from the fleet.

Only the miscellaneous army of mysterious and mysterious civilizations are still moving forward desperately.

However, the huge darkness that was originally moving under their feet began to roll back at this moment, moving backwards and converging further back, forming a larger, mountain-like shadow, but it was not three-dimensional, but It was spread flat on the ground, like a child's random graffiti on the ground, but the area was too large, covering an area of ​​nearly six to seven hundred meters, and its edges were constantly twisting.

That is the evolver of the divine civilization.

And right now.

Lin Qun also moved.

Black sheep civilization evolvers are cunning.

It knew very well that the real competition still had to be fought here. Before Lin Qun, a strong human being, was killed, it was impossible for it to leave Ankara and go back to reinforce the fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization dozens of kilometers away, but it Just do this, switch from offense to defense and see if Lin Qun dares to let it go.

Of course Lin Qun can't.

But even if the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver is cunning, if it moves first, it will definitely be the one who suffers.

Because Lin Qun let it fly a certain distance before taking action.

At this position, the rivalry between it and the two evolvers of Linyuan Civilization and Shengui Civilization has been broken. It has become impossible for them to take action simultaneously. This is the best time for Lin Qun to take action.

In the cartoon kingdom.

He pulled his body up from the cartoon at high speed, put on the Mark 50 suit, instantly broke the sound barrier, and his body flew through the air at high speed!

Close to the black sheep civilization evolver.

The black sheep civilization evolvers are waiting for this moment.

It knew that it moved first and broke the cornering situation. If Lin Qun took action against it, it would be impossible for the Linyuan Civilization Evolvers and Shengui Civilization Evolvers to come to help it immediately.

If three evolutionaries take action, humanity will undoubtedly lose. In this case, if there is an opportunity to use humans to consume other top civilizations, why not do it?

It would do the same thing otherwise.

Therefore, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolvers took action directly.

It opens up its own world.

Moreover, Lin Qun, Linyuan civilization evolvers, and Shengui civilization evolvers were all included in one breath.

It was a burning world.

It's like another planet undergoing a huge planetary change.

The sky is gray, with dust clouds hundreds of meters thick covering the sky, but the world is not dark.

Because on the ground, active volcanoes rise from the ground, and they are all in a state of eruption. Magma spurts out from them, flowing down from the mountain peaks and flowing through the black earth. As a result, the whole world is in a state of high temperature and red. among.

Black and red intertwined, and the air was hot.

The temperature of the entire world here may be above fifty or sixty degrees. The air in the atmospheric environment is very thin.

Ordinary humans simply cannot survive here.

Lin Qun was pulled in while advancing at high speed. He almost didn't feel it, and the world around him changed drastically. It was the same as before when he encountered the alien space of the mysterious civilization evolver and the kaleidoscope world of the prophet civilization evolver.

This time I'm sure.

This is the unique ability of evolvers.

They can create a false world.

Lin Qun doesn't know the principle yet, but judging from the previous situation, these worlds are related to themselves and can give them an increase.

Lin Qun also noticed that two other evolvers were also brought in.

As soon as Yegus and the Shengui Civilization Evolver came in, their original state immediately changed, and their auras were fully opened.

Even across a distance of tens of kilometers, Lin Qun could feel the surging aura rising from those two directions.

It's just that the feeling of their breath is completely different.

The Evolver of Divine Creation Civilization is infinitely dark. In this scorching world, its breath brings a chill to the bones.

And Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, is mighty and pure domineering.

However, their breath was surging, but the people did not move.

The forest group was still rushing straight towards the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver.

When the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver unfolded the lava world, it no longer moved forward into the distance, but stopped. Its already huge body grew several times larger in a few seconds, from the original height of 100 meters. High, reaching a height of one thousand meters in an instant, even larger than the giant state of the ancestor of the forest group.

Its feet slammed onto the ground, and there were low, thick clouds in the sky above its head.

The black ram's horn thrust into the sky like a sword.

Golden eyes shine brightly in the red world.

At this moment, it seemed like a god standing on the burning world, arrogant and invincible!

An unimaginably huge sense of oppression burst out from its body, pressing against the forest group approaching it.

And it raised its arms.

The storm gathered at that moment.

Only this time, what gathered was not the red lightning outside, but the thick clouds in the sky and the lava flowing like a river on the ground.

They are pulled downward or upward to converge.

Those clouds were rolled up by it, spinning and gathering crazily around its incomparably huge arms. In the next moment, the river of magma on the ground was directly ignited as it rolled back and gathered.

So, from a visual effect point of view, at this moment, a breathtaking fire tornado appeared on its arm.

Clouds of magma and fire flow.

It strides forward.

The huge body can walk as fast as flying in this world, and the heavy fist carries the cloud of fire that breaks the sky and the earth violently down!

Head towards Linqun!

Kill the forest group!

There was originally a distance of several kilometers between the two, but under the high-speed movement of both sides, it disappeared in an instant.

Lin Qun's expression suddenly changed.

Horrifying omens of death arose in his heart.

This punch is invincible.

This was a devastating blow.

If the worlds of other evolvers are to enhance their abilities, then the lava world of the evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization is very pure, that is, it only strengthens itself.

The whole world is a reinforcement of it.

At this moment, it is connected to the earth and sky of this world.

Its power breathes and pulses with the entire lava world.

It is the god here.

No one here can resist its punch.

Therefore, Lin Qun immediately slowed down and forcibly changed direction to avoid it.

And at the same time.

A golden card has appeared in his hand.

Activate instantly!

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