Wang Tao observed for a while, and sure enough he saw survivors appearing, and cautiously entered the mall.

There is no doubt that there is a survivor base here, it depends on whether it is Shao Yong's people.

"how do you say?"

Wang Tao turned around and asked.

"I'm going to send someone to observe here for two days, and then I'll check out the surrounding areas to see if I can sneak in..."

Although the Mizusawa Base is very strong, its strength lies in its firearms. Without guns, it would be difficult to break into this camp.

After all, they were on the defensive waiting to be attacked, and there might be some traps inside, so rushing in rashly would definitely not work.

"Sneaking it dangerous?"

Wang Tao frowned.

"Haha, don't worry, we are professionals in this area! But the premise is that there are loopholes that can be exploited. After all, the opponent is underground. If all the entrances are blocked, it will still be difficult to get in..."

Xiang Hongbin didn't say too much.

"Then you should be careful!"


A few people discussed for a while, but there was no good countermeasure for the time being. They could only send someone to Xiang Hongbin to inquire about it tomorrow day.

But when it came to infiltrating, Wang Tao suddenly remembered that he had something that he hadn't used yet.

"Give this to you!"

Wang Tao handed over two bottles of injections.

"What's this?"

Xiang Hongbin took it curiously.

"This thing... you can call it a concealing potion. It is said to be able to hide one's own breath from being discovered by humans. It can last for an hour. It is best to use it at night... But I have never used this thing, so I don't know the details. What’s the effect?”

Wang Tao explained.

The thing he gave was naturally the "Concealing Potion (Small)".

This thing is of no use to him. What he needs is a potion that can avoid zombies, not a potion that hides people.

So this thing has been gathering dust in Wang Tao's backpack.

Just when he told Hong Bin about sneaking in, Wang Tao suddenly remembered this thing.

Since it is said to be able to avoid human attention, it should be effective, and it may be helpful for infiltration.

Upon hearing Wang Tao's explanation, Xiang Hongbin's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is great stuff to sneak into!

Although breath was a bit mysterious, and he didn't know where Wang Tao got it from, it didn't matter.

It's the end of the world now, and this thing looks like the product of some laboratory... There is no need for Wang Tao to lie to him about this kind of thing.

"Thank you! By the way, I got a few zombie crystal cores today. Do you want to see if you need any?"

Xiang Hongbin took out a bag filled with zombie crystal nuclei.

"Huh? You guys have gained a lot!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. There were five crystal nuclei in total, two more than Wang Tao's harvest today.

"Hey, this is because we have been working with Lao Feng for a while today. Not to mention, his ability to vomit mucus is really good. He can even stick to self-destructing zombies. As long as the zombies stuck by him are basically It’s easy to kill!”

Xiang Hongbin laughed a little proudly.

But he quickly shook his head.

"But Lao Feng is too short-lived! You have to rest for a while after spitting a few times, otherwise we can kill more special zombies..."

Wang Tao smiled and shook his head, then suddenly thought of something and raised his brows.

"You mean, you encountered some elite zombies on the road today, but you couldn't kill them?"

"Yes. I gave up on some goals that I felt were dangerous."

Xiang Hongbin shook his head with regret.

Wang Tao quickly continued:

"Tell me the location of those zombies and I will deal with them tomorrow!"

"Ah? Okay! You are so strong, there must be no problem!"

Xiang Hongbin brought a map and pointed at several locations on the map. Han Rui, who had been silent next to him, quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote down these locations.

After Wang Tao saw Han Rui recording, he looked at the zombie crystal nuclei that Xiang Hongbin took out.

There are three self-destruction crystal cores alone, and the remaining ones are a quagmire crystal core and a copper skin and iron bone crystal core.

Naturally, Wang Tao couldn't use the quagmire crystal core, but he wanted the copper skin and iron bones.

Although it was just a white crystal core, he didn't mind it either.

Wang Tao took out the purple vomit mucus crystal core he got today and asked Xiang Hongbin if he wanted it.

The purple crystal core has a fusion success rate of 60%, and Xiang Hongbin is a little excited.

But when he thought of Feng Ming'an's painful appearance when using his powers, he still shook his head.

"Forget it, give this crystal core to Lao Feng!"

"Haha, okay. Then I'll give you this crystal core. You can hand it over to Lao Feng."


Wang Tao handed the vomit mucus crystal core to Xiang Hongbin, and then rested here with Han Rui for the night.

Early the next morning, the two continued to set off.

The target is naturally the location of the elite zombies that Xiang Hongbin told them yesterday.

This is an artificial lake in a park.

"Good luck!"

When he arrived at the first location, Wang Tao saw the elite zombies. They did not leave last night. And there were still three of them together, no wonder Xiang Hongbin and the others didn't take action.

"A violent terror, a quagmire zombie, a self-explosion zombie..."


The quagmire zombies were in the water. This area of ​​the lake was all covered in mud. The Violent Terrorist and the Self-Destructor were also in the mud. Although they had a little difficulty moving, they were not trapped.

However, if Wang Tao passed by, he felt that he would probably fall into the quagmire.

"There seems to be something about this quagmire zombie..."

Wang Tao originally thought that this ability was useless, but now it seems that it stays in a place with water and almost turns the entire lake into a quagmire. This range is still a bit exaggerated.

Wang Tao and Han Rui discussed it and decided to kill them from a distance.

But before that, you need to give them a few slime grenades.

After all, there is a self-destructing zombie, and it will be very troublesome if the explosion attracts other zombies.


After the discussion, Wang Tao directly threw a slime grenade over.


The grenade accurately hit the self-destructing zombie on the head. Before the self-destructing zombie expanded, a ball of mucus instantly exploded, sticking to the self-destructing zombie and the quagmire zombies next to it.

Wang Tao threw another slime grenade at the violent terrorist zombie.

In the blink of an eye, these three elite zombies were all stuck and unable to move.


Wang Tao took out his hand crossbow, activated the "precision shooting" ability, and pulled the trigger on these three zombies!

Han Rui, who was not far away, also started shooting. Han Rui's sniper crossbow fired slowly but did high damage. Each arrow shot out can cause more than a thousand damage to a violent terror with high defense, and even more than 2,000 damage to a quagmire zombie - the defense of this quagmire zombie seems to be not good.

As for the self-destruction zombie, Han Rui was accurately shot in the head by Wang Tao before Han Rui could take action.


After Wang Tao saw that the violent terror and the quagmire zombies were all drained of health, he decisively shot arrows to make up for the damage.



In an instant, the three elite zombies were killed by Wang Tao's crossbow arrows.

He definitely didn't mean to steal people's heads, he just got lucky.

Wang Tao grinned as he watched his health bar soar by 140, reaching [1600/1600]. His health bar is already higher than that of some elite zombies!

Han Rui, who was not far away, was a little shocked. Didn't Wang Tao say that his shooting skills were not good? He shoots so fast, and every arrow hits the head. Isn't this enough? This is also Versailles...

Although the three elite zombies are dead, the corpses of the self-destructing zombies will still explode, so there can be no delay. Wang Tao threw two more slime grenades over. The slime formed after the explosion of the slime grenades quickly solidified and turned into a hardened road in the quagmire.

Seeing the effect of the slime grenade, Wang Tao was very satisfied. It's not that he has mysophobia, but that he is afraid that he will fall into the quagmire and be unable to get out.

Run over this hardened slime road and collect all the loot from the three zombies.

"Go, go, go!"

Han Rui had already gotten in the car to wait for him. After Wang Tao got in the car, she immediately stepped on the accelerator.

A few minutes later, a bang was heard in the park, and a self-destructing zombie exploded. After a while, a large group of crazy zombies came around. Both Wang Tao and Wang Tao had already walked through several streets.

In the car, Wang Tao asked Han Rui to go to the next elite zombie location, while he looked at the loot——

A white self-explosion crystal core, a blue quagmire crystal core, and a red shock wave crystal core!

The self-destruction core and the quagmire core were ignored. The important thing was the red shock wave core. He happened to have a white shock core in his backpack. Another golden epic shock wave crystal core can be synthesized!

Wang Tao synthesized it directly in his backpack instantly, and then with a thought, this epic crystal core appeared in his mouth.


A warm feeling came over my body again, and I was refreshed without any discomfort.

Seeing that his mana amount increased by 100 again, reaching 600, Wang Tao clenched his fists with satisfaction.

So far, he has fused 6 zombie crystal cores. Except for one "Precision Shot" and one "Copper Skin Iron Bone", the remaining four are all "Shock Waves".

Of course, the crystal nuclei he fused were all synthetic, but he actually consumed 12 crystal nuclei.

"I don't know if anyone has synthesized more crystal nuclei than me so far..."

Wang Tao thought silently in his heart.

Soon, Han Rui drove the car to the place where the second elite zombie stayed.

He saw the three elite zombies here from a distance.

One vomiting slime zombie and two self-destructing zombies.

Wang Tao actually likes the vomiting slime zombie, because the slime grenade it explodes is the key to Wang Tao's solution to the self-destructing zombies.

With this thing, he can kill elite zombies almost without taking any damage. And there is no need to worry about self-destructing zombies exploding.

After spending some time and three vomit slime grenades, Wang Tao killed three elite zombies again.

The heads all belonged to Wang Tao, and he didn't let Han Rui snatch them.

After all, Han Rui can still increase his health by killing ordinary zombies, but Wang Tao can only increase his health by killing elite zombies, so it is more appropriate for Wang Tao to take the human head.

When the sun set, Wang Tao and Han Rui stopped the car in front of a small hotel.

Han Rui checked and determined the location of the zombies inside, then she went up directly with a fire ax.

"There are still a few left!"

Han Rui was a little excited.

Because at this time, her blood volume has reached [970/970], and there are still three zombies left to reach 1,000 blood!

Of course, she couldn't see the health bar herself. This was Wang Tao's reminder to her, telling her that after killing three or four more zombies, her physical fitness would be fully improved.

She vaguely felt this way herself, but it wasn't very obvious. After Wang Tao's reminder, she instantly felt that Wang Tao was right.

Han Rui walked in front and went upstairs. Wang Tao followed Han Rui. He was not ready to take action.

Han Rui's strength is not weak. Although her overall strength is not as strong as Wang Tao's, she still has almost a thousand HP. It is not difficult to deal with these ordinary zombies.

Soon, after Han Rui killed three ordinary zombies, her blood volume officially reached 1,000! At the same time, Han Rui suddenly felt sleepy.

"What's going on...I, I want to sleep..."

Han Rui quickly turned to look at Wang Tao, with a hint of panic in her eyes.

"Don't worry, it's normal!"

Wang Tao quickly came over to support Han Rui.

He thought in his mind that it seemed that not only he would become sleepy when he reached 1,000 health, but others would too.

After Han Rui heard Wang Tao say it was normal, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then fell directly on Wang Tao and fell asleep.

Wang Tao put her on the bed and closed the doors and windows tightly. After waiting for about three hours, Han Rui woke up in the night.


Han Rui was a little thirsty, so Wang Tao handed her the water.

Tons tons tons tons~

After Han Rui took a big sip, she felt much better. She looked at Wang Tao next to her and said excitedly:

"I feel like I'm much stronger! I even have the idea of ​​​​fighting elite zombies..."

Seeing the excitement in Han Rui's eyes, Wang Tao shook his head speechlessly.

"Don't be too inflated. I can't even say that I can defeat all the elite zombies for sure!"

"Ahem, I know. But I really want to try my strength..."

Han Rui clenched her fists. She felt that her energy was very strong and she needed to vent it.

When Wang Tao saw this, he suddenly understood.

Energetic energy will appear when fusing crystal cores and increasing blood volume.

Now seeing Han Rui like this, Wang Tao suddenly grinned.

"Let's try our strength, right? OK, I'll try it with you!"

"Ah? Okay! I don't know how strong you are yet. I should be qualified to be your opponent now, right? Eh? What are you doing - um -"


Wang Tao shook his head.

As far as physical fitness is concerned, it’s still not enough even if it’s improved!

Wang Tao could keep her docile without using copper skin and iron bones. After using copper skin and iron bones, Han Rui surrendered directly.

Han Rui and Ding Yuqin are different.

Both of them have their own merits, and Wang Tao likes them both.

The next day, morning.

Han Rui was still lying in bed, so I woke her up forcibly.

After the two simply took a little nutrient solution in the morning, they left the small hotel and got in the car to where the other elite zombies were.

Wang Tao turned on the intercom and contacted the base. The base did not receive any news from the kidnappers.

Then Wang Tao contacted Xiang Hongbin, and Xiang Hongbin first told him the good news-Xiang Hongbin took a nap after killing a few zombies, and his physical fitness improved after waking up.

He said he had never felt so powerful. However, he was still very cautious and did not say anything like Han Rui who casually singled out elite zombies.

Xiang Hongbin is now hunting zombies with his own people, and he left some people there to observe the survivor base. No opportunity to sneak in has been found yet.

But he was basically certain that this was Shao Yong's base.

Because he heard some survivors who were out calling the boss of the base Shao Boss.

Xiang Hongbin no longer had any hope for the survival of the two hunter team members. Now it's just a matter of proving whether these 14 hunters are here.

If not, it was a misunderstanding, then there is no need to make a grudge.

If so, then you have to let the other party taste the iron fist of justice!

Seeing that there was still no definite news, Wang Tao continued to take Han Rui to hunt zombies.

Good luck today.

Not only were elite zombies found in the last two locations left by Xiang Hongbin, Wang Tao himself also encountered several elite zombies.

But today's battle was much more dangerous.

Especially in the last battle, two chargers with 3000 health appeared.

At that time, Wang Tao thought there was only one self-destructor and one charger. After finally killing the charger with a slime grenade, another charger suddenly rushed in from a distance.

Han Rui's perception ability has a range, and the charge distance of a charger can reach up to more than thirty meters. Han Rui couldn't sense this distance, and when the chargers came, she realized it was too late. After all, the Charger is too fast.

Fortunately, Wang Tao reacted quickly, although he could not avoid it. But he activated the copper skin and iron bone ability in time. He withstood the charger's full blow.

The defense of the copper-skinned and iron-bone man was still strong. Facing a strong blow from the 3,000-blood charger, he only lost more than 100 blood. Although he was in pain, he was not seriously injured.

The charger stopped. It was unable to charge a second time in a short period of time, so it naturally became Wang Tao's target.

After killing the charger, Wang Tao could synthesize another golden charge crystal core!

But there was no time to be surprised. Wang Tao suddenly saw that his blood volume had exceeded 2,000!

He killed a total of 8 elite zombies today. Counting this charger, his blood volume increased by exactly 400, reaching 2000!

"Find a safe place to rest quickly!"

Wang Tao felt sleepy and quickly got into the car.

Han Rui didn't dare to neglect. After identifying the direction, Han Rui galloped towards a familiar direction.

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