"Where am I...?"

Wang Tao woke up in a daze and looked at the ceiling above his head, feeling something familiar.

"You finally woke up!"

Han Rui's voice sounded from beside him. Wang Tao turned his head and saw not only Han Rui but another woman with a familiar face.

"Li Qiuyu?"

"Good afternoon Mr. Wang..."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

Only then did Wang Tao know that Han Rui had been brought to Li Qiuyu's house for him. He said politely:

"Excuse me, Ms. Li."

"No trouble, Xiaorui also helped me clean up the zombies around me!"

Li Qiuyu smoothed his hair.

It has to be said that although Li Qiuyu is in her thirties or forties, her charm is still the same as before, and even more charming. Even a random movement is full of femininity. Especially since she is now wearing a white silk suspender pajamas, this hazy temptation makes people want to take a closer look.

Wang Tao glanced at it subconsciously for several times, until Han Rui pinched Wang Tao secretly, and Wang Tao turned his head naturally.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About three hours...it's eight o'clock in the evening."

Han Rui looked at her watch and said.

Wang Tao nodded. Every time he gets a thousand blood, he has to sleep for three hours?

This is a very tricky mechanism. If it were in the wild without teammates, it would be too dangerous...

"Since Mr. Wang is already awake, I will go to bed first..."

Li Qiuyu nodded to the two of them and then left.

After she left, Han Rui rolled her eyes at Wang Tao, but said nothing.

Wang Tao hugged Han Rui's slender waist and said helplessly:

"You know, every time your strength improves, your whole body becomes very energetic."



Han Rui lay on Wang Tao's chest and listened quietly to Wang Tao's heartbeat. Wang Tao stroked Han Rui's hair, but his mind was no longer on Han Rui's body, but on his own body.

After being raised to 2,000 blood this time, he felt that his physical fitness had improved a lot. About a 20% improvement? Wang Tao is not sure, but this feeling of improvement is very refreshing and he likes it very much.

As for whether he can fuse the fourth crystal core now... Wang Tao feels like he can!

However, he hadn't collected enough self-healing crystal cores yet, so he could only wait.

Although Wang Tao collected several more charge crystal cores and even fused an orange epic charge crystal core, Wang Tao was not ready to use them for the time being.

Because after his blood volume increased to 2000, Wang Tao became more aware of his physical condition. He could feel that he could only fuse four types of crystal nuclei now.

He didn't know if there would be more in the future, but right now he felt like he could only fuse four.

And he has already fused three kinds of crystal nuclei, so he has to be more careful with the fourth one.

Wang Tao is quite satisfied with the first three types of crystal cores: a shock wave for range attack, a copper-skinned iron frame for super defense, and a precision shot that enhances long-range shooting capabilities.

Two attack abilities and one life-saving ability.

If there is another charge ability, his combat power will definitely be improved, but it will fall short in terms of self-protection.

But if there is another self-healing crystal core, it will be much safer. Survival in the apocalypse is not about playing games. You only have one life, so it’s better to be safe.

Wang Tao took out an orange charge crystal core and handed it to Han Rui's mouth.


Han Rui was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at Wang Tao.

"Open your mouth."


Wang Tao stuffed the crystal core into Han Rui's mouth.

Han Rui's eyes widened.

"Orange charge crystal core? Why do you still have it? Why did you give it to me again? Don't you use it yourself..."

Han Rui has been with Wang Tao these two days. She remembers that Wang Tao didn't explode the orange crystal core, right?

And didn’t Wang Tao say he would keep one charge crystal core for his own use? Why give it to her?

Wang Tao looked at Han Rui's excited and complicated eyes and patted her butt.

"Absorb it well."


Soon, Han Rui's fusion was completed, and the amount of mana reached "300".


Han Rui opened her eyes and looked at Wang Tao with gratitude.

Since she was a child, this is the first time she has seen someone treat her so well, except for her parents and relatives... These are orange crystal cores. They were given to her as promised, and they gave her two of them!

"I don't even know how to repay you..."

Han Rui thanked her sincerely.

She said before that she would repay Wang Tao well, but she hasn't repaid him yet, and Wang Tao has given her so many benefits!

As for sleeping with Wang Tao, Han Rui didn't think it was repayment, otherwise wouldn't it be the same as some kind of transaction? She felt that this was her own choice, and both of them just got what they needed...

Seeing the affection in Han Rui's eyes, Wang Tao suddenly smiled.

"Call my husband to hear it?"

Han Rui blushed instantly.

"……not called!"

Although her husband is a loser, he is still in the base. What would it look like if she called someone else her husband...

Wang Tao didn't force it, he said again:

"It's okay to call me daddy."


Han Rui bit Wang Tao's shoulder angrily, but of course, without force.

Wang Tao smiled and didn't care.

His feelings for Han Rui... To be honest, talking about love is too fake. They have only been in contact for a few days, and his main focus is on improving his strength... He is simply greedy for Han Rui's body. .

In fact, he doesn't have deep feelings for Ding Yuqin. After all, the two met only a handful of times before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, they just relieve each other's loneliness. I don't know if Ding Yuqin thinks this way, but that's how he feels anyway. .

But no matter what, since these two women are following Wang Tao, Wang Tao will naturally give them priority if he does anything good. Even if they are kept as small pets, they still have some feelings.

For example, this charging core is very precious, but if Wang Tao doesn't use it himself, it would be a waste to keep it. He might as well give it to Han Rui to improve her strength, which can be regarded as helping himself.

Late at night, Han Rui, who had regained some strength, was particularly proactive, and Wang Tao almost couldn't bear it.

The next day, early morning.

After Wang Tao and Han Rui got up, they simply took some nutrient solution. Wang Tao also gave Li Qiuyu two bottles.

"Thank you. By the way, a group of people came outside the community yesterday and they picked up the survivors in Building 2."

Li Qiuyu first thanked him, and then spoke quickly as if he thought of something.

"That's our guy."

Wang Tao explained that when he contacted the base yesterday, the people at the base said that they had sent people to pick up Gao Hua's group.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Li Qiuyu nodded.

Han Rui said at this time:

"Sister Qiu Yu, will you go to the base with us? It's not a problem for you to be here alone!"

Although Li Qiuyu refused many times, Han Rui was worried every time she saw Li Qiuyu here alone. She wanted Li Qiuyu to return to the base with her.

"Thank you, but..."

Li Qiuyu still shook his head and said nothing more.

Han Rui sighed silently in her heart, and then said:

"Then we may be in trouble for you these days, so please be patient."

Last night, Han Rui and Wang Tao discussed it. Decided to temporarily stay at Li Qiuyu's house because Han Rui discovered some elite zombies nearby when driving Wang Tao here. They were going to hunt elite zombies, so it was a good idea to live here.

"no problem!"

Li Qiuyu immediately agreed. After all, she had seen the character of Wang Tao and Han Rui, so she was relatively reassured.

After breakfast, Wang Tao contacted the base. Let's see what news the kidnappers have. The result is still no news.

He contacted Xiang Hongbin again, but this location was a bit far away from Xiang Hongbin's temporary safety zone, so he failed to contact him.

Wang Tao asked about the base and said that Xiang Hongbin had already started sending people to infiltrate. But the specific situation is still unclear.

Shaking his head, Wang Tao continued to hunt zombies today.

Han Rui memorized all the places where she saw elite zombies yesterday and will go to those places today.

In the past two days, Wang Tao had always felt that he was not very lucky. Either you can't meet elite zombies, or even if you do, it's probably not suitable for you.

And today, Wang Tao found that he was extremely lucky.

For the first time, I met two violent terrorists together!

Since there are no self-destructing zombies, it is much easier to deal with them. Wang Tao directly took out his hand crossbow and cooperated with Han Rui's sniper crossbow, shooting the two violent terrorists to death in a few shots. Until they died, neither zombie could get close to Wang Tao.


After collecting the loot, Wang Tao drove and headed to the next place with Ding Yuqin.

The day passed quickly. When Wang Tao and the two returned to Li Qiuyu's villa, Wang Tao's lips almost reached his ears.

"What's going on? Are you so happy?"

Li Qiuyu asked curiously after seeing it.

"I got some zombie crystal cores I need."

Wang Tao explained with a smile.

"Congratulations then!"

Li Qiuyu knew that zombie crystal cores were something that could turn ordinary people into superpowers and allow superpowers to increase their strength. She congratulated heartily.

But she didn't have much idea about this thing, so she didn't ask more about it.

Wang Tao did not leave the bathroom after washing, but took out a drawing.

[Drawings for making the charging left arm (can be produced)]

This was the result of killing one of the two chargers before. Wang Tao already has a right arm guard, and he just needs a left arm guard.

Now that the materials have been gathered, Wang Tao can make it directly.

With a flash of light, the charging left arm guard was completed. Wang Tao put it on his left arm and tried it. It felt almost the same as the right arm guard. Not only can it protect his arms, but it can also increase his attack power. It's a good thing.

After playing with it for a while, Wang Tao put the arm guard into his space backpack, and then took out two orange crystal cores.

These are two epic shock wave crystal cores!

Outside today, Wang Tao killed a total of six Terrorist zombies. I have to say that he was very lucky today!

However, the quality of the crystal nuclei that exploded was not very good, with two white, two blue and two purple.

Two blue and two purple lands naturally synthesized two epic crystal cores.

To be on the safe side, Wang Tao swallowed one first.


My body is warm and comfortable.

After waiting for a while and seeing that the blue bar increased by 100 and that there was no problem with his body, Wang Tao swallowed another shock wave core.

Soon, Wang Tao's blue bar reached 800!

Counting these two, Wang Tao has fused 6 shock wave crystal cores. He doesn't even know how strong his shock wave ability is now, because Wang Tao doesn't engage in close combat if he can deal with it with a hand crossbow. After all, the feeling of sniping from a distance is still quite satisfying.

The next day, if there is still no useful news from the base, then continue hunting zombies.

Today's luck was not as good as yesterday. I only hunted 2 violent terrorist zombies, but encountered 4 self-destructors and 1 slime zombie.

As long as there are self-destructors, slime grenades will basically be consumed. I still encountered a slime zombie and could replenish a wave of grenades.

In the evening, when returning to Li Qiuyu's villa, Wang Tao discovered that there were two elite zombies around Li Qiuyu's villa, namely the Screamer and the Stubborn!

Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he saw the stubborn person.

He encountered a die-hard once, and this type of zombie seemed to be rare.

This screamer only has 1000 health, which is as low as ever. However, to be on the safe side, Wang Tao did not take action himself, but asked Han Rui to snipe from a distance.

call out--

An arrow shot out.

The screamer was instantly killed.

Wang Tao asked Han Rui to get the crystal core of the screamer, but he rushed directly to the stubborn one.

The Diehard is definitely one of the zombies with the lowest threat, with weak attack power and slow attack speed. As long as someone can break its defense, it can be worn to death. Of course, that's assuming there are no other zombies around.

Surrounding this stubborn man were a group of ordinary zombies. If you don't deal with these ordinary zombies first, there is no way to deal with the stubborn ones.

After Wang Tao ran over, he struck an ax directly at one of the ordinary zombies.






A group of ordinary zombies were instantly killed by the shock wave at the same time.

Wang Tao didn't even look and immediately rushed towards the stubborn man.




With one strike of the ax, the stubborn man only lost more than forty blood.


Wang Tao could only comfort himself in this way.

After all, when he attacked the stubborn ones before, one hit of his ax only cost more than twenty health points. Now that I am over forty, my damage has doubled, which is quite an improvement!

Without the interference of other zombies, Wang Tao can play to his heart's content. After a bunch of hacking.

The stubborn one was finally shot in the head by Wang Tao.



While Wang Tao pried out the zombie crystal core, he also put away the loot.

[Obtain: Stubborn Breastplate Production Drawing*1]

[Obtain: Defense Potion*2]

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw the trophies. Unexpectedly, another stubborn breastplate broke out. He already has this thing, maybe it can be used by Han Rui. After all, she has been hunting zombies outside, which is still a bit dangerous.

After putting away the loot, Wang Tao looked at the crystal core exploded by the die-hard.

[First-order crystal core·copper skin and iron bone]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 50% (side effects: skin darkening, body rigidity)]

This is a red crystal core, and Wang Tao happens to have a white copper-skinned iron bone in his hand.

You can synthesize an orange epic copper-skinned iron bone!

Wang Tao was a little excited. His shock wave crystal core has been fused several times, but his copper skin, iron bones and precision shooting have only been fused once. This can finally be fused again.

After putting away their things, Wang Tao and Han Rui walked around the villa and made sure there were no other zombies before returning to the villa.

Li Qiuyu had been watching from the balcony for a long time. When she saw the two people coming, she quickly opened the door.

"thank you all!"

Wang Tao was also doing her a favor by clearing away the zombies around him.

"You're welcome. I'll have to trouble you for the next few days."

Han Rui said with a smile.

"No problem at all."

Li Qiuyu nodded first, then looked at Wang Tao, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Tao asked a little strangely.

"Ahem, I see you are so powerful... I want to ask you a favor..."

The scene where Wang Tao killed a bunch of zombies with an ax just now was still vivid in her mind. She had always known that superpowers were very powerful, but this was the first time she felt the power of superpowers so intuitively.

So she wanted to ask Wang Tao for a favor.

"What's the deal?"

Although the other party was a beautiful woman, Wang Tao did not agree casually. He doesn't like making promises to people casually because he values ​​promises.

Li Qiuyu showed a trace of sadness on his face.

"I don't know how long I can hold on, I..."

With that said, Li Qiuyu took off the necklace from his neck and handed it to Wang Tao.

This is a very delicate heart-shaped necklace.

"This was given to me by my daughter Xiaoxue on my previous birthday... I want to ask you, if you have the opportunity to see my daughter, please give her this necklace and tell her that I love her very much... "

Although Li Qiuyu has always insisted on waiting for her daughter at home, she also knows the dangers of the end of the world, and she doesn't know how long she can hold on.

And she felt that even if her daughter was still alive, she would not be able to see her daughter for the last time...

"Okay. If she is still alive and I have a chance to meet her..."

Wang Tao took the necklace, and there was still a trace of heat on the necklace.

He felt that the possibility of Li Qiuyu's daughter surviving was very small. After all, her daughter was in the mountains, which might be more dangerous than the city... But Wang Tao didn't say much. This was the spiritual support for Li Qiuyu's survival, and there was no need for him to attack Li Qiuyu.

"Thank you so much!"

After Li Qiuyu saw Wang Tao agreed, he immediately looked grateful.

"You're welcome."

Anyway, there is no need for Wang Tao to find her daughter, so this kind of effort is no problem.

"By the way, my daughter's name is Jiang Shixue. This is her photo..."

Li Qiuyu seemed to have thought of something, and quickly went to the room to take out a photo.

The photo is of a young and energetic girl wearing a JK uniform. His eyebrows are somewhat similar to Li Qiuyu's.


After another night's rest at Li Qiuyu's house, Wang Tao went out to hunt zombies early the next morning.

On this day, Wang Tao, who was hunting zombies outside, suddenly received information from the base.

"Commissioner Wang! Commissioner Wei is looking for you. Please come back as soon as possible after receiving the news!"


There is news from the base!

Wang Tao immediately drove the car to the base.

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