Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 113 The upper limit of fusion of single-type crystal nuclei

Wang Tao used the intercom to notify Li Qiuyu that he and Han Rui had returned. After all, I stayed with Li Qiuyu for a few days, so I had to tell someone before leaving.

"Be careful on the road..."

After hanging up the call, Han Rui shook her head helplessly.

"What a stubborn woman..."

It would be great if Li Qiuyu went back to the base with her. If he stayed here, he would eventually be eaten by zombies or starve to death... Thinking of such a beautiful woman disappearing, Han Rui felt pity for her.

Wang Tao didn't say anything. He didn't want to interfere with other people's affairs. However, it would be a pity if Li Qiuyu died. After all, she was also the goddess of many people.

When we returned to the Mizusawa base, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Wang Tao looked at the date and realized belatedly that they had been outside for a week.

"You go and take a rest first, I'm going to have a meeting."


Wang Tao didn't even have time to change his clothes, and went directly to the top floor of the complex fully armed.

He was the last to come back, and several other committee members were there.

After not seeing each other for a week, I can obviously feel that these people are a little different from before.

Especially Xiang Hongbin, Lu Gang and Feng Mingan, each of them has 1,000 health!

Sure enough, only with external stimulation can everyone be more motivated to become stronger.

And they followed Wang Tao's suggestion and killed ordinary zombies first. Otherwise, except for Xiang Hongbin, other people would definitely not reach 1,000 health points so quickly just by killing elite zombies.

"Wang Tao, how was the harvest this time?"

Wei Zhenguo asked with a smile.

"not bad!"

Wang Tao directly took out a bag, which was filled with zombie crystal nuclei.

Several people's eyes lit up, but no one was in a hurry to open it. Instead, he looked at Wei Zhenguo.

Wei Zhenguo's face instantly became serious.

"According to the information from our infiltrators, that underground shopping mall is Shao Yong's survivor base. And the two hunter teams in our base were captured by Shao Yong! But the specific situation is still unclear, and we don't know Are there any dead? All I know is that those people are locked up, and our people can’t get close..."

Wei Zhenguo briefly explained the current situation.

"What should I say? Hit him directly?"

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

"No, we have to consider those hunters. If we attack them directly, they will definitely be killed..."

Ren Jie said in a loud voice.

The other party has a hostage in their hands, so they are a bit too cautious.

After all, he has to consider the thoughts of other people in the base. If everyone sees that your base is so inhumane and you don't even save one of your own people when they are arrested, you will lose the support of the people...

"Anyway, let's prepare for the battle first. Since they still keep our people and haven't killed all of them, it means they still want to negotiate. Let's see what they have to say first. Then we can determine the countermeasures."

Wei Zhenguo was also a little helpless.

This group of people was so strange. I thought that after arresting them, they should have given Shuizawa Base a blow or negotiated with Shuize Base. As a result, a week passed without any movement from the other party. It makes no one know what they are thinking...

If you don't know what the other party is thinking, then naturally you can't formulate targeted tactics. You can only say that you are ready for war at any time.

"Okay. That's it for the hunter team. Anyway, it will be over by then! Now let's talk about the zombie crystal core!"

Xiang Hongbin also took out a bag. After he opened it, he could see crystal nuclei of various colors inside, but they were mainly white.

"Huh? You've gained a lot too!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

"That's right!" Xiang Hongbin laughed proudly at first, and then said, "But this is not for me alone, but for Lu Gang and I."

"That's pretty good too."

Feng Mingan said with a smile, and then took out a bag.

The number of crystal nuclei here is relatively small, but the color is richer.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Hongbin, who was still proud just now, suddenly turned dark.

The crystal core that Feng Ming'an obtained was obviously of higher quality than his!

Then several people looked at Wang Tao again.

Wang Tao opened the mouth of his bag and everyone's eyes widened when they saw the large number and rich colors of crystal nuclei inside.

"I'll go! Have you stabbed the elite zombie nest? Even if the quantity is so large, how can the quality be so good?"

Xiang Hongbin was a little uneasy.

"Haha, I'm lucky!"

Wang Tao didn't explain much.

He and Han Rui had been outside for a week. With his combat power, it was not easy to get these crystal nuclei. And this is just what he took out, he still has some things that he hasn’t taken out yet.

"Wang Tao, you choose first. After all, you are our number one combat force."

Wei Zhenguo looked at Wang Tao.


Wang Tao was not polite. After looking at the crystal nuclei in the two bags, he immediately picked out all the shock wave crystal nuclei and copper skin and iron bone crystal nuclei.

It's not that he doesn't want other things, it's just that he has no use for other things. He didn't see any self-healing or precise shooting. They probably didn't stay here on purpose, because among these people, only Feng Ming'an is a superpower, and the others are still ordinary people.

"I want this."

Wang Tao took a total of six crystal cores, four shock waves, and two copper skin and iron bones.


Several people had no objections.

Then he asked Feng Ming'an to pick, and Feng Ming'an took away all the vomit mucus crystal nuclei.

He can only use this.

Seeing that there were so many crystal nuclei here, but he couldn't use them, he still felt a little uncomfortable. But when Wang Tao saw so many vomit mucus crystal nuclei here, he became happy again. If he can successfully fuse these crystal nuclei, his strength will definitely increase a lot!

After Feng Mingan finished choosing, the remaining few people did not choose, but looked at Wang Tao.

"Wang Tao, please help us find out which crystal nuclei are suitable for us to use!"

Xiang Hongbin spoke expectantly.

In their eyes, Wang Tao knows everything. Regarding the matter of fused crystal cores, Wang Tao must be the one who is reliable.


Wang Tao nodded, then looked at the physiques of Xiang Hongbin and Wei Zhenguo, and said:

"I think you two can try it with a charge crystal core first."

The charging core is still very powerful, it can run away and attack at the same time. This is fully reflected in Han Rui. If Wang Tao hadn't wanted to wait for the self-healing core, he would have prepared to fuse the charging core.

If these two people fused the charging crystal core, they would probably be stronger than Han Rui. After all, they are physically stronger. Physical fitness should be a bonus in the charge ability.


Both nodded.

In fact, Wang Tao felt that it was quite suitable for them to use shock wave crystal cores, but he also wanted to use them himself. You can't be polite at this time, you must first take away the crystal core you need.

"As for Lu Gang..."

Wang Tao thought for a while and took out another blue crystal core from his body.

"This is a precision shooting crystal core..."

"Precision shooting?"

Lu Gang's eyes lit up when he heard the name. Although he doesn't know its specific function, the name suits him very well!

But what Wang Tao said next made him confused.

"Precision shooting is a very powerful ability. During the duration, your five senses will be enhanced, and your shooting ability will be greatly improved. But - its side effects are also terrible, it will blind one eye! This crystal core It has a 40% success rate, if you want it, I’ll give it to you.”


Lu Gang was a little dumbfounded.

Although he is a sniper and will turn a blind eye when sniping, this does not mean that he is willing to be blind...

"I personally think this is too extreme. So I don't recommend it, but if you really want to use it, it's not impossible."

When Wang Tao and Han Rui were hunting zombies yesterday, they encountered another police zombie with a gun. After solving it, you get a precision shooting core.

For Lu Gang, if he could obtain the power of precise shooting, it would definitely be even more powerful. But unfortunately, Wang Tao currently only has this accurate shot, and no one else has it. Then Wang Tao would not be able to synthesize an epic crystal core without side effects.

So Wang Tao himself didn't agree with it, but he still said it.

After Lu Gang struggled for a while, he finally shook his head with a wry smile.

"No, I still can't accept the cost of losing an eye. For a sniper, eyes are very important. If I really lose an eye, my strength will definitely drop drastically! Even if I rely on supernatural powers It can be improved a lot, but I can't always use my powers, so I don't think it's cost-effective..."


Seeing that Lu Gang was still relatively rational, Wang Tao smiled and took the crystal core back.

"If you don't need to shoot accurately, I think you can actually fuse a sprint core and give it a try."


Lu Gang frowned.

"Yes, it is sprinting. Although compared with charging, the sprinting core is not as good in all aspects, but it is actually a very good displacement ability. And you are a sniper, then if you have such a small If you use range displacement skills, your life-saving ability will be greatly enhanced! And as long as you are alive, you can always have output!"

Wang Tao explained.

"Huh? What you said makes sense! Then I'll do Fusion Sprint!"

Lu Gang's eyes lit up.

His strength is long-range combat. Although his melee combat ability is not weak, since he can fight from a distance, why should he give up his advantage? So he doesn't really want those melee abilities. But Wang Tao is right, if it is not regarded as a melee ability, but as a life-saving ability, then it is very suitable!

"As for Liu He, I think we can try fusing a hidden crystal core. The probability of this hidden crystal core is 80%, which is basically stable..."

Wang Tao looked at Liu Hedao.

Liu He is not a combatant, nor does he want to become a combatant, so there is no need to fuse a crystal core with combat capabilities. This concealment ability has a very good life-saving effect. Although the side effect is that it consumes double the physical strength, but since he is not going out to fight, the impact should not be big.

Of course, it's actually just fine if he doesn't fuse the crystal core. Although he won't have any superpowers, he won't have any side effects. It's good to be a normal person.

But it's obvious that Liu He doesn't want to be an ordinary person.

"Okay, I actually want to merge and hide!"

Liu He was a little excited.

As for Ren Jie, he has already fused the screaming crystal core, but he feels that he can fuse another type of crystal core. Wang Tao also suggested that he fuse a hidden crystal core.

But Ren Jie hesitated and said he wanted to think about it. Wang Tao didn't say much. He just suggested that it depends on the individual.

After several people determined the direction of their respective fusions, they immediately prepared to fuse. The battle may start at any time, so be prepared in advance.

Wang Tao left first. Anyway, they already had fusion experience with Feng Ming'an, and there was no need for Wang Tao to look after them.

Back home, Ding Yuqin and Wang Tao hugged each other.

"Wang Tao, you are finally back!"

Looking at the more than 300 blood bars on Ding Yuqin's head, Wang Tao suddenly felt that it was time for her to improve... After all, the more blood Ding Yuqin had, the more blood he would add to Wang Tao.

"Sister-in-law, I will take you out to play tomorrow."

Wang Tao said to Ding Yuqin.


Ding Yuqin opened her mouth slightly, and after being stunned for a moment, she suddenly said with a pitiful look on her face:

"Wang Tao, you won't let me kill zombies again..."

"Sister-in-law is so smart!"

Wang Tao touched her head.


Seeing Wang Tao's expression that showed no room for refutation, Ding Yuqin wisely remained silent.

She knew that Wang Tao would definitely protect her, but she was just afraid.

Of course, she also knew that Wang Tao meant well, because killing zombies would make you stronger...

Ding Yuqin had already prepared dinner. Wang Tao took a bite and sighed:

“The food at home is still delicious!”

He has been outside for the past few days and has been eating nutrient solution every day, almost getting tired of it.

“If it’s delicious, eat more!”

Ding Yuqin was very happy, after all, this meant that Wang Tao was satisfied with her cooking skills.

After the meal, Wang Tao went to the room to fuse the zombie crystal nuclei.

During the time he was out, he had accumulated a lot of crystal nuclei in his hands, and he had just brought a few more crystal nuclei from Xiang Hongbin and the others, which was just right for a wave of fusion.


A flash of light flashed, and several orange crystal nuclei appeared in his hand.

[First-order crystal core·shock wave*4]

[First-order crystal core·Copper skin and iron bone*1]

Looking at these five orange epic crystal cores, Wang Tao grinned.

The crystal cores in his hands were not enough, but Xiang Hongbin and the others happened to have them here too. After getting them, he synthesized 5 crystal nuclei that were useful to him!

Wang Tao didn't dare to eat them all at once, but followed the usual practice of eating them one by one. He ate a copper skin and iron bone first.

After Wang Tao fused a copper-skinned iron bone crystal core two days ago, he also fused a shock wave crystal core. Now the mana level has reached 1,000.

After a while, my body felt warm, and my mana amount increased by 100!


Wang Tao ate another shock wave crystal core.

Mana +100, +100, +100...


When he put the last shock wave crystal core in his mouth, Wang Tao was suddenly stunned.

The crystal nucleus looks like a solid, but after it is eaten in the mouth, it seems to turn into a gas immediately, and it can be quickly integrated into the whole body.

But after this shock wave crystal core was placed in the mouth, it did not produce any changes...

"Can't fuse?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He spit it out and tried again, but it still didn't work. His body didn't react at all.

Wang Tao looked at his attributes and saw that among the power icons under his health bar, the shock wave icon had a "+10" sign, the copper skin and iron bones had a "+3" sign, and there was no number for precision shooting.

Wang Tao really didn't pay attention to this before.

"Could it be that a maximum of 10 crystal nuclei of one type can be fused?"

Wang Tao touched his chin and murmured.

This should be possible. If you want to continue the fusion - maybe it has reached the upper limit and cannot continue the fusion. Maybe you need a second-order crystal core...

But no matter which possibility it is, Wang Tao can't continue to fuse the shock wave now.

He took a look at his attributes.


Mana amount【1400/1400】

Wang Tao is quite satisfied with this attribute.

These are all the results of his crazy hunting of elite zombies this week. This process was not smooth and encountered several crises. But no matter what, Wang Tao was satisfied when he saw that he had more than two thousand blood and more than one thousand blue.

Then Wang Tao looked at the orange shock wave crystal core in his hand.

"I can't use it myself, I can use it for others..."

He felt that Han Rui, Xiang Hongbin and Wei Zhenguo were all suitable. Let's take a look tomorrow to see how they blend and then decide who to give it to.

It just so happens that Wang Tao is planning to go out tomorrow, so it makes sense for him to get an orange shock wave crystal core.

Wang Tao does not intend to expose his ability to synthesize crystal nuclei, and he will not tell even those close to him. Not including his ability to kill monsters and drop treasures.

He is very clear about the principle of "Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade". He is sure that if he exposes these abilities, he will never have peace in his life. Not only does he have to guard against zombies, he also has to guard against other survivors. By!

Therefore, before taking out the orange crystal core, Wang Tao will make some preparations to cover up and try not to let everyone think about other aspects...

As for the other crystal nuclei in Wang Tao's space, as long as they were not needed, he had no intention of synthesizing orange ones. After all, he also needs crystal cores to make slime grenades and so on.

After fusing four crystal cores at once, Wang Tao felt a little excited and had plenty of physical strength. After simply taking a shower, he found Ding Yuqin already lying on the bed.

But Ding Yuqin was wearing clothes, a white business suit with black and red-soled high heels... This is simply an attack speed suit!

"Sister-in-law, you understand me!"


Ding Yuqin snorted lightly. She obviously didn't know yet what would greet her later.

The next day.

Wang Tao woke up, but Ding Yuqin was not awake yet.

He was too lazy to cook, so he just drank a few bottles of nutrient solution and then went to the complex.


As soon as I got off the bus, I heard a shout.

Wang Tao turned around and saw a man wearing a fine suit, gold-rimmed glasses, his hair slicked back, and he looked elegant.

"Who are you……"

Wang Tao didn't recognize who it was at first.

"Brother, I am Gao Hua!"

The other party ran over excitedly.

"Huh? Gao Hua?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised, mainly because the last time he saw him, he was dirty, and then he killed someone and was covered in blood... not like the person he is now.

"You kid, okay do this!"

"It's all thanks to eldest brother! Whatever happens to eldest brother in the future, just tell the younger brother! The younger brother will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Seeing the sincerity in Gao Hua's eyes, Wang Tao didn't know whether it was true or not, but he still smiled and patted Gao Hua on the shoulder.

"Not bad!" Wang Tao nodded, and then said, "I'll go up first, let's talk later."

"Brother, wait a minute! I heard that someone from our base was arrested? The arrester was a man named Shao Yong?"

"Well, what?"

This news was not considered confidential. After confirming who the other party was, Wei Zhenguo revealed it to the hunters on a small scale and asked them to be careful when going out.

"Brother! I may know that Shao Yong! I can try to help you save people!"

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