Wang Tao feels that the concealment ability is good, and it is a strong life-saving ability. It's also quite suitable for Ding Yuqin.

However, the hidden crystal core in his hand is not enough for the time being, and he cannot fuse an epic crystal core, so he will wait until he has accumulated enough.

And maybe in the future you will come across abilities that can add blood to your companions...

The next day, early morning.

After eating the loving breakfast made by Ding Yuqin, Wang Tao came to the complex.

"Is there any news about Gao Hua?"

"Return to the committee member, there is none at the moment."

"Well, I understand."

Wang Tao was not surprised. He was making a routine inquiry. After all, one day was too short, so it was normal for Gao Hua not to finish it.

Then Wang Tao asked Wei Zhenguo who used the shock wave.

"Give it to Lao Xiang. He should be the second strongest person in our base after you, so it's just right for him."

Wei Zhenguo smiled.

There are only two people suitable for this shock wave crystal core, just him and Xiang Hongbing. He actually wanted it very much, but considering the combat strength, Xiang Hongbin was the second strongest person in the base, so he would have a better effect using this shock wave crystal core.

So Wei Zhenguo gave the orange crystal core to Xiang Hongbin.

"Well, it's really appropriate for him."

Wang Tao was looking forward to Hong Bin's ability to charge and add shock waves.

"Where are the others?"

"When he woke up in the morning, he couldn't wait any longer. Now he's testing his abilities outside!"

Wei Zhenguo shook his head helplessly.

"Haha! I understand."

Wang Tao laughed.

Then he said again:

"By the way, how are your injuries?"

"Don't tell me, after fusing the crystal core, I feel that my injuries have improved a lot. Now the problem is not big. I plan to wait for the morning's work to be finished, and then go out and try to hunt zombies!"

Wei Zhenguo said excitedly.

When Wang Tao first met Wei Zhenguo, he had more than 600 health, and he still has more than 600 health now. Because he hasn't been out during this time. After all, he was injured by a charging zombie before, which was quite serious.

However, after recuperating for such a long time and then fusing the crystal core, his injuries are much better now, and there are basically no major problems.


"Oh, I have to improve my strength quickly. I used to feel that I was a little worse than Xiang Hongbin, but now I am no match for him..."

Wei Zhenguo was a little helpless.

Wang Tao smiled and said nothing.

Former Wei Zhenguo had more than 600 blood, and Xiang Hongbin had more than 800 blood. There was not much difference between the two. Now Wei Zhenguo still has more than 600 blood, but Xiang Hongbin has more than 1,000 blood, so the gap is huge. It's normal that he is not Xiang Hongbin's opponent.

After the two communicated for a while, Wang Tao was ready to leave. But before he could go downstairs, he saw someone running up in a hurry.

"Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Wei! Gao Hua is here with news! He said he has brought people out and asked us to go and help him!"



Wang Tao and Wei Zhenguo looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

It's only been a day, and he actually brought someone out?

To find out who had infiltrated before, it would have taken several days just to find out the information!

Even Wang Tao had some doubts, whether Gao Hua had rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, and asking them to pick him up was actually a trap...

"Send someone! No—I'll go myself!"

Wei Zhenguo was a little excited.

Although I don't know how Gao Hua did it, it would be great if he could bring people back. But similarly, Wei Zhenguo had some doubts about whether Gao Hua had surrendered to the enemy, so he planned to go there in person. He had rich experience and could retreat immediately if he found something wrong.

"I am coming too!"

Wang Tao wanted to see how Gao Hua got people out.

He planned to bring Han Rui with him again. After all, Han Rui's perception ability was a good trump card when facing some ambushes and traps.


Wei Zhenguo immediately prepared the car, and Wang Tao also went downstairs and called Han Rui.

Han Rui was also shocked when she heard that Gao Hua had gotten someone out.

"Okay, I'll go too!"

A moment later, four vehicles drove out of the base in full gear.

"Are we safe here...?"

A young man with scars all over his body gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Don't worry! This is one of the temporary strongholds of our base, it's very safe!"

Gao Hua wiped his gold-rimmed glasses with a rag, then looked back at them and said again.

"Everyone, don't go out, don't make a sound, just wait here for rescue."


Everyone nodded and then sat together silently without speaking.

Looking at these people, Gao Hua was very satisfied.

Those who dare to become hunters are different from ordinary people. Regardless of their personal abilities, at least they have strong psychological quality and obey orders.

Unlike his previous Shabi teammates who screamed when something happened and had no ability, they had a lot of ideas and didn't listen to orders at all...

"Thank you very much, Mr. Gao. If it weren't for you, we don't know how long we would have survived..."

A man whispered.

"You don't need to thank me. The base values ​​you very much. After learning that you were kidnapped, it immediately started formulating a rescue plan. After finding out some information about you, Commissioner Wang Tao strongly recommended that I come to rescue you..."

Gao Hua didn't take any credit, but gave it all to the base and Wang Tao.

"Fortunately, we joined a good base and all the committee members we met were good!"

Several people sighed, their eyes a little red.

"It's a pity that Xiaoting and the others can't see it..."

Someone murmured.

After hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

Gao Hua shook his head.

He could only save the living, but there was nothing he could do about the dead.

Gao Hua took out the food, shared it with these people, and then began to wait quietly.

At a certain moment, Gao Hua felt like there was some movement on the street - several cars appeared in his field of vision.

Several other survivors also hurriedly leaned on the windows to watch.

Gao Hua could tell at a glance that there was Wang Tao's car inside, and he quickly took out his walkie-talkie.

"I'm Gao Hua, are you here?"

"We are already here, prepare to come out. There is no danger around."

Wang Tao's voice sounded from the intercom.

Hearing this voice, the rescued people could no longer control themselves and all cried with joy. Gao Hua was also a little excited. He didn't expect Wang Tao to come in person!

Soon, four cars were parked downstairs.

Gao Hua and others were also waiting at the door. After the car door opened, several people quickly got into the car. The convoy immediately turned around and headed back the way it came.

On the electric off-road vehicle, Wei Zhenguo was driving, Han Rui was sitting in the passenger seat, Wang Tao was sitting in the back seat, and next to him was Gao Hua, who had just gotten into the car.

Wang Tao was sitting in the back, naturally ready to get out of the car and fight at any time. Fortunately, the journey went smoothly and we didn't encounter a large number of zombies or people from Shao Yong's base.

"Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Wei! Unfortunately, I only brought back 4 people..."

Gao Hua lowered his head, as if admitting his mistake.

Wang Tao patted his shoulder.

"You've done a great job! Have the remaining ones been killed?"

"Yes... they all died miserably!"

Gao Hua took a deep breath and recalled the scenes of those people's tragic deaths. Even a pervert like him felt perverted...

"What exactly happened? How did you rescue them? Tell me carefully!"

Wei Zhenguo took a deep breath and looked a little ugly.

Although he had expected someone to die, when the fact actually happened in front of him, he still couldn't accept it.

14 survivors, 4 will come back now, 10 people died! He specially prepared four cars today...


Gao Hua nodded and spoke slowly.

"The hunter team was trapped in a building before, but was accidentally discovered by people from Shao Yong's base. Shao Yong had too many people and guns! They couldn't escape and were caught."

"At that time, the hunter team didn't know who the other party was. When they were asked to report their home address, they naturally said the name of our Shuizhe base. But they didn't expect that this was the beginning of the nightmare..."

"The people from Shao Yong's base tied them all up and brought them back to the base. Then they began to torture them inhumanely... Not to mention all kinds of torture, Shao Yong also specially built an iron cage in the base specifically for human beings. Fighting zombies!"

"The members of the hunter team were put into iron cages! Four people died in the duel alone, and two people died in the previous torture... As for the remaining four people, they were all women, and they were even worse... …”

In Shuize Base, female hunters are relatively rare, but they are not impossible. Every female hunter is a flower in their respective team and is cared for by everyone - this has nothing to do with appearance, everyone admires women with such courage.

"They were humiliated in various ways, tortured by countless people, and even locked up with dogs that took medicine... In just a few days, they have lost their human form, but they are not actually dead, because they I can’t even die..."

"When I went to rescue them, their limbs were chopped off and turned into dolls... They begged me to kill them - although they had no tongues and could not speak, I could feel the begging from their eyes. I didn’t want to die, so... I killed them."

Gao Hua scratched his hair. He was also a ruthless person who had killed people before. When he killed the aunt and her grandson before, he didn't even blink. But now when he thought back to the tragic situation of those women, he just felt very stuck in his heart.

"The reason why four people in the hunter team are still alive is because these four people will enter the iron cage with the zombies next, and it is not their turn yet..."

"All of what I'm talking about is the situation on the third floor of the underground shopping mall. Only core personnel can enter the third floor of the underground mall, and ordinary people cannot enter..."


Wei Zhenguo punched the car door with a murderous look on his face.

"You are really looking for death! You dare to torture me like this!"

He could feel the cruelty and despair just by listening to Gao Hua's narration, let alone those who experienced it personally...

Han Rui's face turned a little pale. Although she had been a police officer for so many years, she had seen many bad cases, but this was the one closest to her and the one she felt the most. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she was caught...

Wang Tao's face was expressionless, but his pupils were full of anger. This Shao Yong base, including everyone who participated in it, was sentenced to death by him.

"No wonder they didn't contact us again after they captured the hunter team. They have no idea of ​​peace talks at all. They just want to torture the people in our base to death!"

Wei Zhenguo closed his eyes.

But Gao Hua suddenly said:

"No, maybe that's not the case. Shao Yong and the others actually want ransom..."

"Huh? What do you say?"

Wang Tao frowned and glanced at Gao Hua.

"Because several core members of Shao Yong's men were trapped a few days ago! The walkie-talkie that contacts our base is owned by one of his men. This is a military walkie-talkie. Other walkie-talkies cannot contact our base, so There has been no news... Oh, by the way, Shao Yong seems to be trapped too. He went out this morning. An hour later, one of his subordinates came back in a panic, saying that the boss was trapped and wanted to Recruiting troops, but I don’t know the specific situation..."

Gao Hua quickly explained.

"Shao Yong is trapped? Where are you trapped?"

Wei Zhenguo opened his eyes and asked eagerly and excitedly.

As long as he knows the opponent's location, he will definitely add insult to injury!

"Trapped in our county's No. 1 Hospital..."


Wei Zhenguo opened his mouth.

Just pretend that he didn't say what he thought.

What is the First Hospital? This should be the most dangerous place in Shuize County right now!

Before those elite zombies appeared, many elite zombies had already appeared in the First Hospital. He even hurt someone there...

Now that there are more elite zombies on the street, and ordinary zombies have become stronger, how strong must the zombies in the First Hospital be? I can not imagine!

There is no need to add insult to injury here, I guess Shao Yong will not be able to hold on for long.

"The First Hospital..."

Wang Tao frowned. Chen Zhuang told him before that there were many elite zombies in the First Hospital and he must not go there.

He had thought before that if he had a chance, he would definitely go to the hospital. After all, those many elite zombies were all made of crystal cores and packages!

Now that Shao Yong and others are inside, this is another reason to go. Because for the enemy, Wang Tao must see their corpses or see them die with his own eyes before he can feel relieved!

Now it depends on the outcome of the committee's discussion. If he wants to take revenge on Shao Yong's base now, then he will postpone it for a while. If he didn't take revenge for the time being, he would have to go to the hospital no matter what. If the hospital was really dangerous, then he would just hang out outside and not go in.

"By the way, what's going on with you inside? How did you escape today? Your speed is too fast. If I didn't trust your character, I would have doubted whether you were incited to rebel!"

Wang Tao shook his head curiously.

When Gao Hua heard Wang Tao's words, he was immediately moved.

Sure enough, his efforts paid off!

Wang Tao publicly stated this suspicion, which shows that he does not doubt it. If he really had doubts, it would be impossible to say anything.

"Shao Yong and I know each other, and we had a good relationship before. So when I went to seek refuge with him, he entertained me immediately after he found out."

"But he is different now. Although he was a little arrogant before, he was still very sunny and good at dealing with people. But now... he is very irritable, very thoughtful, very arrogant, and looks down on everyone. And he is particularly passionate about things between men and women. He has more than 20 women in the base, as well as many female slaves..."

"Of course, these don't affect me for the time being. I told him about our past cooperation, slowly getting closer to him, and initially gained his trust. Then he took me to his core area, the negative three floors."

"The situation on the negative three floor that I mentioned before was all seen at this time. Then, while he was torturing his female slave, I secretly contacted the hunter team on the negative three floor as his brother. …”

"Because Shao Yong has been taking me to visit his base throughout this day, many people have met me. They have never seen Shao Yong value a person so much, so they have no doubts about my identity as a 'brother'. Of course, I didn't do anything, I just wanted to visit these 'slaves' and of course they wouldn't stop me..."

"I learned some information from the members of the hunter team. After confirming how many people there were, I began to plan how to rescue people. In fact, I didn't expect to succeed today, but who knew that Shao Yong was trapped, and those People with fighting skills have gone to rescue him again, and the underground shopping mall is a little empty, so I think this is a good opportunity!"

"So, I created a chaos and left them busy to take care of themselves. Then I ran out with the few surviving members of the hunter team. As soon as I came out, I contacted you. I didn't dare to contact you in the base before, for fear of being exposed... …”

Listening to Gao Hua's words, Han Rui suddenly asked:

"What kind of chaos did you cause? Not only did you run out in the chaos, but you also didn't have time to chase you?"

Han Rui was more attentive. She observed that she didn't see any other survivors along the way.

Logically speaking, if Gao Hua ran out with someone, he should be seen by others. The other party should send someone to chase him, right? Don't they have enough manpower? Or was there too much confusion that they didn't notice that Gao Hua had run away?

Gao Hua glanced at Wang Tao, then lowered his head slightly and said:

"I...led a large group of zombies into the underground shopping mall."


Wang Tao and the other three looked at Gao Hua in surprise.

This indeed big enough!

No, it’s no longer a big question. This is the rhythm of destroying the entire underground shopping mall base!

The zombie virus is contagious. As long as one person in the base is infected, a group of them may be infected!

He led a large group of zombies to the base, infected a group of people, and then these people infected other people, and so on... The scene is unimaginable!

"Opportunity, this is an opportunity!"

Wei Zhenguo said suddenly.

"It is indeed an opportunity! Go back to mobilize troops? Go to the underground shopping mall?"

Wang Tao looked at Wei Zhenguo.

"I think so too!"

After the vehicle returned to the base, Wei Zhenguo immediately went to mobilize troops, and Han Rui also went to prepare. Wang Tao and Gao Hua were the only ones left in the vehicle.

"Aren't you going to take a rest?"

Wang Tao turned around and asked.

"Thank you for your concern, brother, but you don't need me. I actually didn't expend much effort..."

Gao Hua first thanked Wang Tao, and then whispered:

"Brother, actually I'm hiding something..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

"The reason why Shao Yong was trapped is probably because I poured an entire bottle of weakness potion into his kettle..."


Good guy, you have done a great job!

"Actually, before I attracted the zombies, there was a zombie crisis in the base - I didn't directly kill the four poor female hunters. After explaining the situation to them, I smeared the zombie blood that I had prepared in advance on them. They were infected with the zombie virus. The core members who went to play with them in the morning were all infected with the zombie virus... and then the inside suddenly became chaotic! Only then could I take the opportunity to attract zombies from outside, and there was an internal and external pincer attack..."


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