Wang Tao looked at Gao Hua strangely.

When Wang Tao heard that he lured zombies to the opponent's base, he thought he was cruel enough. But he didn't expect that before introducing zombies, he would cause chaos inside, and the reason for the chaos was because he smeared zombie blood on those poor women...

To be honest, if Wang Tao were to do it himself, he felt that the most he could do was attract zombies, which would have to bear a certain amount of psychological pressure. After all, no one is born a bad person, and there must be innocent survivors in the base...

As for using these women's bodies to poison, Wang Tao might not even think of taking this step.

And Gao Hua not only did it, but also succeeded.

Emotionally speaking, it's really not good to do this. Those women were tortured into that state, and he still treated them like this...

But from a rational point of view, this is indeed a very appropriate approach. Those women want to die anyway, so if they can play their role before they die, then it will be a worthy death...

"Brother, I didn't mean to lie to you, but there were too many people just now..."

When there are more people, there are more ideas. Gao Hua wasn't sure whether his actions would be objectionable to others, so he didn't dare to say anything. But he didn't want to deceive Wang Tao, so he told Wang Tao alone.

Wang Tao looked at him deeply and then said:

"Who else knows about these things?"

"Only I know..."

"Then don't mention it again."


Gao Hua looked happy. He just wanted to hold Wang Tao's thigh. As long as Wang Tao didn't hate him, it didn't matter to him.

"Are you going to come with me later?"

Wang Tao asked again.

"Yes, I want to take a look..."


Wang Tao didn't say much.

Soon, many people gathered in the base, and Xiang Hongbin and the others also returned.

"Go, go, go!"

The base gate opened and several cars rushed out.

On the electric off-road vehicle, Gao Hua was driving. Wang Tao and Han Rui sat in the back.

Gao Hua was a little excited.

He naturally hates zombies to the core, and he is unwilling to give up the opportunity to kill zombies on such a large scale, even if it is just to watch - the reason why he says "killing zombies" is because he feels that there should not be many zombies in the underground mall. A living person.

Wang Tao said to Han Rui:

"I guess the underground shopping mall is full of zombies. Don't hold back when you see people later."

He and Gao Hua had the same idea. If zombies are just introduced from the outside, then if the defense is proper, there should still be some survivors, but if chaos starts from inside, then the base will basically be in ruins. Especially since this is an underground base, several entrances are blocked, and you can't escape even if you want to...


Han Rui nodded.

The convoy encountered some zombies on the road, but they were quickly dealt with. As for seeing some elite zombies and the like, no one had time to worry about it. Taking down the underground shopping mall was the most important thing.

However, it still took a lot of time to reach the underground shopping mall. After all, we had to avoid large numbers of zombies on the way, so we couldn't go too fast.

The convoy stopped not far from an entrance to an underground shopping mall. Everyone shook their heads when they saw the entrance wide open and zombies inside. This underground shopping mall base can basically be announced.

Wang Tao and Han Rui got out of the car, and Gao Hua hurriedly followed after hesitating for a moment.

With so many people here, he felt that his safety should still be guaranteed.

"Leave some people to guard outside, while the others rush after me!"

Wei Zhenguo walked in front holding a military shield in one hand and a fire ax in the other.

Xiang Hongbin, who was equipped with the same equipment as him, was half a step behind him.

Wang Tao and Han Rui followed Xiang Hongbin, and Gao Hua followed closely behind Wang Tao.

Wang Tao turned to look at him:

"You should pay attention to yourself."

"I see!"

Lu Gang didn't come. He led a few people to the top floor of the shopping mall in advance. They were responsible for observing the surrounding situation, not only to monitor the surrounding zombies, but also to monitor whether Shao Yong and the others would suddenly come back. Although they were trapped, it was not impossible to escape.

Feng Ming'an didn't go in either. His ability to vomit mucus was fine for a sneak attack, but it wasn't very suitable for a frontal battle. After all, he didn't vomit very far, and his stomach would feel uncomfortable for a while after vomiting, which would affect the rhythm of the battle, so just let him guard outside.

So the superpowers currently participating in the battle are Wei Zhenguo, Xiang Hongbin, Wang Tao and Han Rui.

The four superpowers walked in front and led the others into the underground shopping mall.

The underground shopping mall is not as dark as Wang Tao imagined. There are some light-transmitting windows above the head, and they have a large generator. Although it is a little dark down there, you can see the road clearly.

Wei Zhenguo took a deep breath when he saw that among these ferocious zombies, there were also some zombies with relatively "handsome" faces.


He thought silently in his mind. A faint light shield appeared on his body, then he kicked his right foot and suddenly rushed towards the group of ordinary zombies.


Zombies hit by him were either smashed or knocked away. A large number of people were killed and injured in an instant!

When Gao Hua, who was not far away, saw this scene, his eyes widened and he was extremely shocked.

He knew about superpowers. After all, there were rumors in the base that several committee members were superpowers. That Shao Yong and several other subordinates are also superpowers.

But this was the first time he saw a superpower take action.

This Wei Zhenguo was like a bull, knocking away or even crushing a dozen zombies!

And if ordinary people like them want to kill a zombie, they have to use all their strength, and they may even overturn...

This gap is too big!

He also wants to become a superpower!

At this time, Xiang Hongbin also rushed.

He also charged forward and killed all the dozen zombies in front of him. However, after Xiang Hongbin rushed over, he swung the ax again.

In an instant, a very light shock wave centered on him and spread out in all directions, killing several more zombies in an instant.

"Two powers!"

Not only Gao Hua, but other soldiers were also amazed when they saw this scene. They knew that their commander was a superpower, but they didn't know that he had two superpowers.

Gao Hua looked at the two men who were killing everyone, and then at Wang Tao. He was looking forward to seeing how strong Wang Tao was - although Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin were both very strong, he still firmly believed that Wang Tao was the strongest, and he felt that his vision would not be wrong.

However, Wang Tao didn't take any action. He just held a hand crossbow and fired cold arrows with Han Rui.

The main reason is that it is a bit dark inside, the area is not very large, and the abilities of several people are ranged attacks, making it easy to accidentally injure...Wang Tao can also practice archery by the way.

It didn't take long for the zombies on the negative floor to be cleared away. As for the survivors here... there are none.

Judging from these zombies who have obviously just transformed, there are at least fifty survivors on this negative level. All these fifty people were infected...

Wang Tao glanced at Gao Hua subconsciously. These are all his masterpieces.

Everyone moved towards the negative second floor. The second floor was a little darker, but it wasn't a big problem. Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin still showed their prowess, and it took them some time to clean up the second floor.

"The next floor is left to you!"

Wei Zhenguo was a little excited, but also a little helpless and said to Wang Tao.

The charge ability is great, but it consumes too much. He can only use it three times in a short period of time, and he will fall into exhaustion after using it. I was a little too excited just now. I used it all three times...

Although Xiang Hongbin is better, he only has 200 mana, while charge consumes 30 mana and shock wave consumes 20 mana. He can only use these two abilities together a few times, and his mental state is now a little depressed.

Wang Tao was a little speechless. He had told them before that they should exercise restraint. The two of them talked about it, but their bodies were very honest and they almost collapsed from playing. This is their first time using superpowers in actual combat, and they are still a little unaccustomed to it!

Fortunately, there are relatively few zombies on the second floor, only about thirty in total. Otherwise, they would probably have to ask Wang Tao for help.

"Okay, you guys should rest first."

Wang Tao nodded and walked in front, with Han Rui following closely behind Wang Tao.

As soon as we entered the third underground floor, we obviously felt something was different.

In addition to the smell of blood, there are also all kinds of strange smells here. The smell is very unpleasant.

Moreover, the layout of the three underground floors is different from that of the two floors upstairs. The layout of the upper floors is basically the original layout, while the third floor has been re-planned. There are signs in each area.

"Snow storage area, rest area, cage area, slave area, dog training area..."

Looking at these signs, Wang Tao frowned deeply.

This Shao Yong is very good at playing!

There didn't seem to be many zombies on the third floor, at least they didn't see a few when they came down.

However, everyone did not relax, especially when Han Rui reminded Wang Tao in a low voice that there were a large number of zombies in the previous areas, and Wang Tao told everyone to be alert and ready to fight at any time.

"Just inside these areas! There are also a few elite zombies and survivors..."

Han Rui pointed to the direction of the cage fighting area, slave area and dog training area.

The doors to these areas are all closed, so you can't see clearly what's going on inside.

Wang Tao walked to the front of the cage fighting area and suddenly opened the door.

Under the flickering yellow light, there is a huge iron cage.

Inside the iron cage, there were two men and a woman, naked but covered in blood, hugging each other. They were still alive.

Outside the iron cage, a group of zombies were grabbing the iron cage with their claws and teeth.

The moment Wang Tao opened the door, these zombies suddenly turned back, staring at Wang Tao with their cataract-like eyes.

"Ho ho..."

In an instant, these zombies changed their targets and ran towards Wang Tao.

Looking at this group of zombies, Wang Tao did not dodge. After they got closer, Wang Tao raised his ax and hit the fastest zombie with an ax in the head.






A shock wave that was obviously much larger than Xiang Hongbin appeared. In an instant, the group of zombies fell to the ground like wheat, and their bodies were shattered by the shock wave, leaving a bloody mess around them. Even the surrounding walls and pillars are crumbling...

Gao Hua, who was hiding behind, was excited when he saw this scene.

"I knew Wang Tao must be stronger!"

Wang Tao looked at the damaged building walls around him and was speechless.

At the beginning of the shock wave power, the maximum attack range was only three meters in diameter, which was half that of the Violent Terror zombies.

And after he fused ten shock wave crystal cores, the maximum diameter of the shock wave is now six meters, which is the same as the shock wave range of the Violent Terrorist Zombie.

A range of six meters in diameter sounds small, but it is actually quite a lot. Especially when there is a building wall indoors, the shock wave hits the wall directly.

Fortunately, this is reinforced concrete. If it were an ordinary brick wall, it might collapse...

"You have to be more careful with your attack next time..."

Wang Tao glanced at the iron cage. The two survivors in the iron cage had their eyes widened, as if they still couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Wang Tao ignored them, but turned around and went to the next area.

Others hurried over, opened the iron cage, and asked the two survivors what was going on.

The slave area is located inside, is very large, and is surrounded by iron fences.

When you get closer, you can see at a glance that there are many zombies inside, as well as survivors. However, these survivors were locked in dog cages and escaped the zombie attacks.

"Ho ho..."

When these zombies found out who was coming, they immediately roared and wanted to come out.

But the doors of the iron bars in the slave area were pushed inward, and they could not be pulled, so after entering, they were blocked at the door and could not get out.

This was a good opportunity to kill zombies. Wang Tao did not take action and gave the opportunity to the soldiers to kill the zombies with knives and axes through the iron fence. After all, this could increase the upper limit of blood volume.

Wang Tao came to the last area with zombies, and also the place with elite zombies - the dog training area.

This dog training obviously does not refer to the literal sense, but the female slaves collected by Shao Yong are included here.

The four female hunters who were captured before are here.

The door was ajar. Gao Hua told Wang Tao that when he left, there should have been more than a dozen people inside. They had probably all turned into zombies. He didn't know how many people were left inside now.

Wang Tao opened the door after Han Rui made sure there were no zombies behind the door.

Suddenly, an even more unpleasant smell came out.

Even though he was wearing a mask, Wang Tao couldn't help but frown.

This area is particularly bright, and all the electricity from the generator seems to be supplied here.

Under the bright lights, some naked women were fixed in various positions. Some were chained upside down to the wall in a large shape, some were sitting on chairs full of spikes, some had wires plugged into their bodies, and some were tied to the bed with their big bellies...

But without exception, they died. Either they were eaten up, or they turned into zombies.

There was a mixture of blood and some messy liquids on the floor, walls, and even the ceiling.

There is also a display cabinet at the entrance, which contains some human tissues, like specimens.




Wang Tao was already losing blood when he saw this scene.

But he didn't have time to feel sick, because there were four elite zombies in the innermost position.

They were wearing relatively decent clothes on their upper bodies, but their lower bodies were naked. After seeing Wang Tao, they stared with cataract eyes. The expression on his face was distorted and he rushed towards Wang Tao.


Wang Tao took a deep breath, he needed to vent.

Then, Wang Tao activated the precision shooting ability.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be colorful.

Wang Tao took out two fire axes from his waist and threw them directly at the zombies that ran away first.


The first ax hit the zombie's head accurately, sinking deeply into it.




The zombie fell to the ground.

Wang Tao didn't even know what it was capable of.


Wang Tao threw his second ax at another pot-bellied zombie.




Still an instant kill.

However, this zombie spat a mouthful of mucus at Wang Tao before dying, but its attack range was too close and it did not touch the corner of Wang Tao's clothes at all.

Wang Tao once again took out the two fire axes hanging on his waist.


Throw them at the other two zombies respectively.

When the ability of precision shooting is not turned on, he can only aim at a zombie and throw the ax, but he may not be able to hit it.

But after turning on the superpower, within a certain range, he can target two objects in the same direction at the same time with extremely high accuracy.


The third fire ax also hit a zombie, smashing it through its eye socket and directly into its head.



As for the fourth zombie, Wang Tao's last ax also hit it in the head, but the damage was not high.



Looking at the other party's stiff body and black skin, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

"Copper skin and iron bones..."

This is obviously a side effect of the copper skin and iron bone crystal core.

"Ho ho..."

The zombie rushed towards Wang Tao with its teeth and claws bared, but the speed was too slow, which seemed a bit funny.

Wang Tao took out his last ax and walked directly towards the zombie.




The ax hit the opponent's head, and it felt like a hammer.

However, its copper skin and iron bones were obviously not as good as the copper skin and iron bones zombies that Wang Tao had encountered before. After five consecutive ax blows, the zombie's head finally couldn't bear it anymore and exploded.


After killing four elite zombies in a row, Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly put away the loot and ended the "precision shooting" state - he also just discovered that the precision shooting state also benefits melee combat! It allows him to strike six axes at the same place, so one ax does more damage than the other! If it had been left in the past, he would have had to chop another seven or eight axes.

From the time Wang Tao entered the door to the time he killed these four elite zombies, it seemed like a long story, but it actually took less than a minute.

Han Rui and Wei Zhenguo had been preparing for support, but they were afraid of getting in the way. After seeing Wang Tao quickly solve the problem, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Tao also saw that these zombies didn't have much blood, so he wanted to try if he could kill them all. If there is a zombie with more than 3,000 HP, he will invite everyone to join him. Zombies are the same as humans. Every thousand blood points will increase their combat power a lot. The difference between two thousand blood points and three thousand blood points is not small.

Others came in and looked at the surrounding scene. When they saw these dead elite zombies, there were several zombies that had been cut into human sticks or even made into "chairs". Everyone was nauseated and at the same time very sad, because this was someone from their base.

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