
Looking at these poor women, some people burst into tears. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×


Xiang Hongbin took out his dagger and killed all four female zombies one after another.

Han Rui felt that her scalp was numb. How bad of a person could he do such a thing? It would not be an exaggeration to kill such a person with a thousand cuts!

But Han Rui was also a little confused. Didn't Gao Hua say that he killed these women before? Then why did these women become zombies?

Gao Hua was also feeling some physical discomfort, but he was also observing everyone. When he saw Han Rui's eyes seemed to be confused, he quickly explained:

"Unless the head is violently damaged, even a dead person infected with the virus will still turn into a zombie..."

He lied. But this kind of thing did happen. He had seen it before - a survivor jumped off the building, but unexpectedly killed a zombie. He and the zombies were both dead, but just a minute later, he became a zombie and got up again.

"So that's it..."

Han Rui had no doubts.

After Wang Tao heard this, he glanced at Gao Hua.

Seeing Gao Hua's affirmative look, he felt thoughtful in his heart. He had never seen such a situation, but Gao Hua probably didn't need to lie to him. You’ll have to pay more attention in the future.

In addition to these four female zombies, Wei Zhenguo also asked others to kill several other poor women who mutated into zombies.

"Except for the few slaves and Shao Yong and his group outside, there are no living people in this base..."

Wei Zhenguo glanced at Gao Hua.

He was a ruthless man, and he destroyed a survivor base by himself!

"Pack up all the supplies and leave quickly!"

Wei Zhenguo greeted immediately.

Although the battle just now took place underground, he couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't attract other zombies, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.


Everyone immediately took action.

Although the people in this base are hateful, the materials are innocent and cannot be wasted.

But everyone was a little unhappy.

One is seeing these cruel things, the other is not being able to take revenge with his own hands.

When everyone came, these people had turned into zombies. Although the body is still the same as before, it is no longer the same person. This kind of revenge is definitely not very pleasant.

"They are lucky. If they hold on for a little longer, I guarantee that their lives will be worse than death!"

Xiang Hongbin punched the wall hard.

He was very unhappy. Based on what these people had done, dying ten thousand times was not an exaggeration. It would be an advantage for them to turn them into zombies.

But there is nothing he can do if he is unhappy. There is no way he will go to the hospital to seek revenge on Shao Yong...

"Oh, let's go."

Wei Zhenguo patted him on the shoulder, and then everyone began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Wang Tao returned to the car, looked at Han Rui, whose face was still a little pale, squeezed her hand and said:

"Are you okay?"

Han Rui subconsciously squeezed Wang Tao's hand.

"It's okay, it's just those images that are a bit lingering... I adjusted them quickly, don't worry about me."


Wang Tao glanced at Han Rui's health bar, which had not lost any more blood, and said nothing more.

In the situation just below the third floor, anyone who saw those things would lose blood to varying degrees. Even Gao Hua, who had already watched it once, still lost a lot of blood.

Those things are simply spiritual attacks!

It is estimated that many people will have nightmares tonight.

However, Wang Tao discovered that, maybe because of his strong spirit, he lost the least blood. Each time he lost 1 point, he lost a total of about ten drops of blood. The one who lost the most blood was Han Rui, who lost a hundred blood.

Sure enough, women's psychological endurance is still slightly weaker. Of course, it might also be because these victims were all women, which made Han Rui feel a little bit empathetic.

Wang Tao let Han Rui hold his hand without taking it back, and then said to Gao Hua in the driver's seat:

"Let's go."


Gao Hua quickly started the car and followed Wei Zhenguo and the others away.

The way back was not smooth. We encountered several large waves of zombies and even encountered elite zombies.

However, the current Shuizhe base is almost fully mobilized. There are six superpowers alone, not to mention other soldiers, police and other combatants.

Facing these elite zombies, Feng Ming'an sneaked in first and vomited to stick the elite zombies. Then Wang Tao and others will make up for the damage.

The few elite zombies we encountered were all types that everyone had seen before and knew their fighting methods, so there was no danger.

After killing several elite zombies and the sun completely setting, the convoy finally returned to the base safely.

“Phew—I’m finally back safely!!”

After everyone got out of the car, they were generally relieved.

This time they went out for revenge, risking their lives to a certain extent. Not only is there danger in the underground shopping mall, there are even more dangers on the way there and back.

But fortunately, I was lucky this time. In addition, before going there, Wei Zhenguo planned the route and deliberately avoided some more dangerous places, so although there were some twists and turns when he came back, nothing happened.

"Everyone, please take a good rest for a few days and don't go out these days..."

Wei Zhenguo spoke to everyone.

Although this operation went smoothly, everyone was very tired, both physically and mentally, and needed adequate rest.


Everyone nodded and dispersed.

"You two go back first, and I'll go up there. We'll start tomorrow with the post-war awards and other things."

Wang Tao said to Han Rui and Gao Hua.

"Yes! Brother, you can give me any instructions if necessary. Then I'll leave first."


After Wang Tao nodded, Gao Hua left.

Han Rui hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay..."

Han Rui lowered her head and left.

Wang Tao looked at Han Rui's leaving figure with some doubts, but didn't ask any more questions. He came upstairs. In addition to a few committee members, a few slaves from the underground shopping mall were also there.

There were 12 people in total, 8 men and 4 women.

"Tell me about your situation at that time. Don't worry, you are already safe."

A woman with light makeup and a soft voice spoke to these people.

These slaves have been tortured, and some are mentally disturbed. The gentlemen Wang Tao and Wei Zhenguo looked unfriendly, so they specially found a woman to talk to these people.

There were a few people huddled in the corner, not daring to look at everyone. A few people looked blank, like fools.

Only two people were in good spirits, and they hugged each other tightly. This was exactly the man and woman found in the big iron cage before.

Wang Tao looked at these two people.

Maybe they were rescued by Wang Tao. After seeing Wang Tao, these two people subconsciously got excited, and then they stumbled and said:


They are a young couple who were lucky enough to escape the first wave of disaster when the virus broke out. In addition, there is a vegetable market downstairs where they live, so after taking risks to get some food, they also Lasted for a long time.

But one time when the two of them were out, they saw people from Shao Yong's base. The two of them had basically no contact with other survivors after the apocalypse, so they didn't realize the evil of human nature at all.

They mistakenly thought they had met a rescue team, so they greeted them boldly. Then the two were taken to the underground shopping mall. I thought I would be safe from now on, but who knew this would be the beginning of a nightmare!

Every woman who joins the base must take a look at Shao Yong. The purpose is self-evident.

Then Shao Yong fell in love with his wife.

Naturally, the husband and wife were unwilling, so Shao Yong directly threatened his wife with her husband's life. The wife had no choice but to follow Shao Yong in order to keep her husband alive.

Although the husband was grieving, he thought that if his wife could live a good life because of this, he would also be happy for her - what if he was not happy? He had no ability to resist?

But who knew that Shao Yong was a devil. After the novelty wore off, he threw his wife to his subordinates, and she was immediately tortured...

At this time, Shao Yong welded an iron cage and let people duel with people, or people and zombies, for their entertainment.

The husband was chosen, and he originally thought he was going to die at the mouth of a zombie. After all, he had fought several duels with zombies, and they always ended with humans becoming zombie food.

But he was still naive - Shao Yong actually asked him to duel with his wife!

It is said that only one person can come out alive. If they don't fight, they will both die.

The two of them have long been determined to die. If they can die together at this time, it may be a good choice.

But at this time, Shao Yong suddenly went out and never came back. Then zombies suddenly appeared in the base.

They decided that it was the program designated by Shao Yong. Without Shao Yong, the others did not dare to act without authorization, so they locked the two in a cage and ignored it.

Unexpectedly, a zombie crisis suddenly broke out in the base, and some people were suddenly infected. And because the couple was in an iron cage, they actually escaped disaster...

Then there was the scene where Wang Tao opened the door, appeared in front of them, and killed a dozen of them with one axe.

They didn't know much about Shao Yong, except that he was very cruel. Not to mention treating people as slaves and deliberately torturing them, even several of his younger brothers died at his hands!

As for Shao Yong's strength, they are not very clear. They have only seen the horrific scene where Shao Yong smashed a slave's Tianling Cap with his palm...

The young couple's talk also made several other slaves slowly start to speak.

What surprised Wang Tao was that two of the four women were employees of the old mall, two of the five female slaves that Cao Xin dedicated to Shao Yong.

As for the remaining three female slaves, they said they were killed by Shao Yong...

After listening to everyone's introduction to the underground shopping mall and the accusation against Shao Yong, Wei Zhenguo and others didn't look very good.

"Okay, let's take you down. Our Shuize base is different from other places. We have no slaves and no oppression here. As long as we work, we can have enough to eat..."

The woman with a gentle voice, together with several soldiers, took these poor people down.


After the others left, Wei Zhenguo, who had always had a sullen face, sighed.

He was heartbroken when this happened, but there was nothing he could do.

The faces of the other people were not very good-looking either. Although except for Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin, the other committee members did not see that situation, but it was cruel enough just to hear it.

"Everyone, please go back and have a good rest. We'll talk about anything tomorrow."


Everyone felt very heavy and nodded and left.

Wang Tao went downstairs and was about to go back, but he didn't expect Han Rui to be next to his car.

"Didn't you go back?"

Wang Tao spoke with some confusion.

Han Rui didn't know what she was thinking and was a little distracted. She didn't even see Wang Tao coming. Wang Tao's words startled her.

"Ahem, I... I want to invite you to sit at my house..."

Han Rui spoke sheepishly.


Wang Tao drove to Han Rui's house. Sun Weiguang is not here.

"I'll get you some food..."

Han Rui quickly stood up.

"Forget it, just eat whatever you want."

Wang Tao took out several bottles of nutrient solution and handed two bottles to Han Rui.

Han Rui didn't have much good stuff at home, maybe she had to buy it with food stamps, so Wang Tao thought it would be easier to take nutrient solution.


Han Rui thought the nutrient solution was quite delicious. After drinking a bottle, she still felt a little unsatisfied.

Then she looked at Wang Tao and spoke expectantly:

"Well, can you not leave at night..."


"That's not what I meant, it's just me...I'm a little scared..."


Looking at Han Rui with her hands clasped together and a pleading look on her face, Wang Tao nodded. It wasn't sleep anywhere.

After washing, the two of them lay on the bed. Han Rui got into Wang Tao's arms and put her head on Wang Tao's chin. Wang Tao hugged Han Rui and smelled the fragrance of shampoo on Han Rui's hair. Neither of them spoke, and neither of them was interested. After all, the things I saw during the day are still vivid in my mind.

After feeling that Han Rui was fine, Wang Tao turned his attention to what he had gained today.

Although what I experienced today was not good, it was also very rewarding.

Before going out, his health bar was [2650], and then he killed the four elite zombies on the third floor of the underground shopping mall. Each zombie added 50 blood to him, and the total blood limit was increased by 200. On the way back, he met a few more elite zombies, one with 50 and two with 40, so he now has [2968/2980] health.

There are still 20 health points left to reach 3,000. This is the result of Wang Tao's deliberate control - he met several elite zombies on the road, but he only killed three, leaving the others to Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui.

Mainly because it was still some distance from the base at that time, and Wang Tao was afraid that something would happen if he fell into a deep sleep. For safety reasons, he did not dare to increase the blood level to 3,000 at that time.

Now there's only 20 blood left. I'll go out tomorrow and kill a special zombie at random.

In addition to the increase in blood volume, this harvest also includes crystal cores and trophies exploded from killing zombies.

The crystal cores exploded by the four elite zombies on the negative third floor are copper-skinned iron bones, shock wave, vomiting mucus, and charge.

But their appearance is different from the elite zombies we have seen before, and they do not have such distinctive features. For example, a violent terrorist will definitely have a heavy weapon in his hand, and a charger will have a deformed body, with half of his body being very large, etc.

Wang Tao guessed that this should be related to their original identities.

They used to be superpowers who fused with zombie crystal nuclei, and then they were infected and turned into zombies. They were not zombies that evolved naturally.

Not only are their appearances different, their crystal nuclei are also different from those of native zombies. They are all green, but dark green.

[First-order crystal core·copper skin and iron bone]

[Quality: Rare (55%)]

[Purity: 50% (side effects: skin darkening, body rigidity)]

The crystal core of the copper skin and iron bone is 55% rare quality. This is the first time Wang Tao has seen this number.

The green crystal core exploded by his previous killer Cao Xin was 50% rare quality, but the crystal core was light green and had no side effects.

And this crystal nucleus is dark green and has side effects.

Compared with ordinary crystal nuclei, except for the strange quality, there is no difference in other places.

The other three crystal nuclei are also dark green.

[First-order crystal core·shock wave]

[Quality: Rare (55%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Eyes are afraid of light)]

[First-order crystal core·Vomiting mucus]

[Quality: Rare (55%)]

[Purity: 50% (side effects: belly enlarged, defense reduced)]

[First-order crystal core·Charge]

[Quality: Rare (55%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Limb Stiffness)]

Looking at these four crystal nuclei with a quality of 55%, Wang Tao felt that their nuclei were slowly transforming from humans to zombies...

When they were still humans, their crystal nuclei should be the same as Cao Xin, with 50% quality and no side effects.

But after turning into zombies, their crystal nuclei are slowly transforming into zombies, and side effects naturally appear. Maybe after a while, they will become elite zombies with obvious physical characteristics, and the quality of the crystal core will become 60% excellent...

Of course, these are Wang Tao's guesses. We have to observe further to know the details.

In addition to the crystal cores, these four zombies naturally also revealed packages.

[Slime grenade making drawing*1], [Slime grenade*5], [Defense potion*5], [Strength potion*5], [Charging right knee making drawing*1] [Charging left knee making drawing*1].

Slime grenades and potions are common items. What made Wang Tao's eyes light up was this "Charging Knee Pad".

[Charging Right Knee Production Drawing: A knee pad can be made. Materials required: iron block*2, steel wire*2, screw*2, sharp edge*2, nail*2, rubber*2, plastic*2, cable*2, electronic component*2, battery*2]

[Charging right knee: Tough in texture, it can block knives and guns. Durability +10, defense +10]

The attributes of this assault knee pad are the same as those of the assault arm guard, and the effect is probably about the same. Maybe give the knee strike extra speed and power?

However, Wang Tao rarely uses fighting skills when fighting zombies. He just swings an ax at the vital points. After all, zombies don't know how to hide.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it has attributes or not. The main thing is that the defense provided by this thing is very strong!

Just as a protective device, it is very comfortable.

And more importantly, two of them exploded at once this time, and both the left and right knee pads exploded!

He also has the materials, and now he can make it.

Wang Tao lowered his head and glanced at Han Rui.

She had fallen asleep in his arms.

So, Wang Tao took out the things directly and put them on the bed.

Make it!

With a thought, a ray of light flashed through.

Two matte black knee pads appeared in front of Wang Tao.

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