Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 132 The most difficult promotion (please vote for me)

"Wang Tao, what's wrong with you?"

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao strangely.

"I'm fine. It's up to you to hit the next zombies."

Since he kills elite zombies without adding blood, these elite zombies cannot be wasted, let Han Rui kill them.

"Ah? Do you really want me to come? Aren't you going to increase your strength?"

Han Rui was a little excited. She definitely wanted to become stronger, but she had agreed that Wang Tao would be the main one.

"I have reached the upper limit and there is no way to improve my strength for the time being."

Wang Tao shook his head helplessly.

"The upper limit?"

Han Rui was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, I have reached the upper limit of the first level. I have to find a way to upgrade to the second level first, otherwise it will be useless to kill these elite zombies..."

Previously, when the blood was 1,000, killing ordinary zombies would not increase the blood, only elite zombies could be killed.

But this time the situation is different from before. In the past, he could increase his health to 1,000, but now he is stuck at 4,999 and cannot increase it.

His previous guess of 5,000 blood to advance to the second level should be correct, but this 5,000 blood cannot be obtained just by killing zombies. Wang Tao thinks the reason should be the crystal core.

He killed Shao Yong the day before yesterday and got a second-level promotion crystal core. This crystal core can upgrade a superpower to the second level.

The second-order crystal core can only be fused after the crystal core is upgraded to the second-order.

Is there a possibility that if a person with superpowers wants to advance to the second level, he must first upgrade his superpowers to the second level?

Maybe Wang Tao has to upgrade his superpower to the second level first before he can continue to gain health by killing zombies!

If this is the case, then Wang Tao will be helpless.

After all, he has learned four superpowers. Doesn't he have to upgrade all four superpowers to the second level? Or does it only need a second-level ability?

If he could advance to the second level with just one ability improvement, that would be fine.

But what if all four powers have to be promoted... Let’s not talk about whether he can kill so many second-level zombies. Even if he finds so many second-level zombies, it will not be easy!

The only second-level zombies he knew so far were the dead zombie Shao Yong, the hooded zombie with 6,000 health that he just saw, and the orangutan zombie with 10,000 health. Apart from this, he has never seen any other second-level zombies.

He definitely can't defeat the gorilla zombies. He can think of a way to kill the hooded zombies, but even if he can kill them, the number of crystal cores is still not enough... Oh, what a headache!

Shaking his head, Wang Tao stopped thinking about it for the time being and concentrated on cooperating with Han Rui to kill the zombies.

Although the trumpet prepared by Wang Tao was crushed by the hooded zombies, the effect was still achieved, and many elite zombies were led outside the hospital.

Wang Tao and Han Rui took advantage of the effect of the concealment potion to kill the zombies. With the concealment potion combined with the crossbow arrows, these zombies couldn't detect them at all.

It took two days, and all the more than thirty elite zombies that came out this time were killed by two people.

Wang Tao also tried it once. After he reached 4999 blood, he could no longer increase the upper limit of blood volume.

Except for the time he tested it, all the other zombies were killed by Han Rui.

Han Rui was absolutely delighted!

She directly added nearly two thousand blood! Her total blood volume has also reached "3030"!

In fact, I thought I could defeat these zombies in one afternoon, but Han Rui needed sleep to increase her blood volume, so some time was wasted.

Of course, Han Rui was still very fast, much faster than Wei Zhenguo and the others.

There was nothing she could do about it. After all, Wang Tao was there to protect her, and there were a lot of elite zombies here, so it would be impossible for her to improve quickly.

However, after killing these zombies, there were no elite zombies left outside the hospital. If you want to continue killing, you either have to lure them out or go in.

Wang Tao's trumpet was gone and it was difficult to attract monsters, so the two decided to hunt inside the hospital.

But Wang Tao has not forgotten that Shao Yong is trapped in the hospital despite his strength.

So the two of them decided to hang out at the entrance of the hospital instead of going in deeply.

However, after entering the hospital, I found that there didn’t seem to be that many elite zombies.

"Are they all killed? It shouldn't be! There were so many before..."

Wang Tao looked at the big hole in the inpatient building that had been knocked out by the orangutan zombies, and he felt that the zombies could be inside.

"Forget it, let's not think about the zombies in the building. Let's just clean up the zombies in the yard."

Wang Tao thinks it's better to be more stable.


Han Rui naturally had no objection.

There were not many elite zombies in the yard, there were only 8 zombies in total, which raised Han Rui's blood volume to "3470".

The two of them stopped and went straight back to the apartment.

"Wait for one more day. If the zombies in the building don't come out, then we will go home."

Wang Tao thought for a while and said.

In fact, he wanted to directly increase Han Rui's blood volume to four thousand. After all, the opportunity was rare.

But no zombies in the hospital came out!

If these zombies come out, Wang Tao not only wants to increase Han Rui's health volume to four thousand, but also wants to bring Wei Zhenguo over to increase their health volume.

As long as everyone is stronger, Wang Tao can let everyone help him hunt down the second-level zombies!

But imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

By the next day, not only were there no elite zombies left in the hospital, but even the ordinary zombies had disappeared...

"Forget it, withdraw!"

There was no other way, so Wang Tao decided to go home and rest first.

But on the way home, Wang Tao suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

"It's a gorilla zombie!"

The two quickly left the car and hid in a building.

Not long after, they saw this orangutan zombie passing by them. It was still wreaking havoc as before. Wang Tao was worried that he would abandon his car. Fortunately, the orangutan zombie walked from the next street and his car survived.

"Let's go! Go back quickly."

After the orangutan zombies left, Wang Tao drove away.

The appearance of the orangutan zombie seems to have some benefits, that is, not only were all the obstacles knocked away along the way it passed, but even the zombies were gone.

The car went smoothly all the way and ran very fast.

Moreover, Han Rui in the car frowned a little. She looked at Wang Tao with some uncertainty and said:

"Looking at the route this orangutan zombie takes, it seems that it will pass by Li Qiuyu's house..."

Wang Tao thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"We can't control it, we can only hope she gets lucky."

If it's a simple matter, Wang Tao doesn't mind helping. But this is a second-level zombie with thousands of blood. With Wang Tao's current strength, it is no different from seeking death. There was no way he was joking with his and Han Rui's lives.


Han Rui felt a little regretful. She tried to contact Li Qiuyu using the walkie-talkie, but failed. She just wished Li Qiuyu good luck.

Two hours later, the two returned to the Mizusawa base.

They stayed outside for three days. During these three days, a big event happened in the base - the first 20 survivors who were selected all became superpowers!

Since they have been selected as superpowers, it is impossible to just give them a crystal core and be done with it. If they succeed, that's fine. If they don't, they will continue to be given crystal nuclei until they succeed.

So these twenty people all became superpowers.

The overall strength of the base has been greatly improved.

Ren Jie and others were a little excited at first, but when Wang Tao said that he could not advance to the second level for the time being, everyone's excitement suddenly decreased a lot.

They didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to advance to the second level. Especially today, the orangutan zombies have appeared again. If Wang Tao cannot advance to the second level, it will be very difficult to deal with the orangutan zombies...

"Next, you guys must seize the time to kill zombies, improve your strength, and collect more crystal nuclei. If you encounter a zombie that is suspected to be the second level, contact me immediately. As for me... I will think of a solution."

Wang Tao looked at the crowd and said.


Anyway, improving strength is the most basic thing. If the five or six hundred people in the base are all first-level superpowers, how can they still defeat a second-level zombie?

After Wang Tao returned home, he frowned and thought.

He did have a second-level promotion crystal core in his hand, which was still red. But there were impurities in this crystal core... He was hesitant to use it.

If he continues to synthesize crystal nuclei without any impurities as before, he will need 3 crystal nuclei!

In the most unlucky situation - if he has to upgrade all four abilities to the second level before he can be promoted, he will need 12 promotion cores!

This requires killing at least 12 second-level zombies... Where can he find so many second-level zombies!

"How about using one to try first..."

Wang Tao struggled for a moment, and then decided to use this promotion core!

Isn't it just that some impurities accumulate in the body? As long as it is controlled within a relatively small range, it is still very safe.

The main reason is that the gorilla zombie is too threatening. It may come to the base at any time and does not give him a chance to slowly collect crystal cores...

Wang Tao took out the promotion crystal core.

Inside the promotion crystal core, there is a faint "+" shadow, which may indicate promotion.

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Impurities: 45% (no side effects)]

[Promotion: After fusion, one of the abilities that has been fully integrated can be randomly promoted to the second level]

Wang Tao currently has two abilities that are +10, namely shock wave and copper skin and iron bones.

One for offense, one for defense, no matter which one is upgraded to the second level, he can accept it!

Wang Tao directly put this excellent quality promotion crystal core into his mouth.

After the crystal core entered his mouth, Wang Tao felt that it turned into a gas, filling his limbs and bones in a short period of time.

Wang Tao felt warm all over, with an 80% success rate and no accidents.


After a while, the warm feeling disappeared.

Wang Tao's previous feeling of fatigue disappeared instantly.

He quickly looked at his attributes.

The health bar has not changed at all, it is still 4999, but the blue bar has changed, it was 2500 before, and now it is 2700!

In other words, a second-order crystal core adds 200 mana?

Then, as expected, Wang Tao gained an additional attribute.

[Impurities in the body: 0%]

Seeing this impurity, Wang Tao felt helpless and hoped that there would be less impurities in the future.

And I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but Wang Tao always feels uncomfortable after there are impurities in his body...

As for the key point of this promotion to the crystal core - the promotion's special ability, Wang Tao had already sensed it before looking at the attributes. It was a shock wave.

Looking at his attributes again, the +10 in the lower right corner of the shock wave icon is gone, but there is an extra "two" in the lower left corner, which should mean the second level.

Nothing else has changed.

Wang Tao was going to go out and try out this second-level ability, and find an elite zombie to see if he could advance to the second level.

Han Rui was still called, and the two walked around outside. They didn't know if all the elite zombies nearby had been killed by Wei Zhenguo and the others, and they were basically invisible. I finally saw one, and it was a self-destructor.

But as long as it was an elite zombie, Wang Tao used it to practice.

He carefully sneaked into the vicinity of the self-destructing zombie. He used a slime grenade to control the self-destructing zombie, and then he struck the self-destructing zombie with an ax in the air.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye appeared from the ax blade, and then hit the self-destructor heavily.



The self-destructor exploded!

But the sound was not loud, because it did not explode by itself, but was shattered by the shock wave! Even the solidified white mucus on its body was broken into pieces.

"That's amazing! This is the second-level superpower!"

Looking at the minced meat on the ground, Han Rui exclaimed in a low voice.

And she suddenly thought of a question. If Wang Tao could kill the self-destructor with one blow and prevent it from self-destructing, then he would be able to save slime grenades and save a lot of time - walk near the self-destructor and chop with an axe. It’s done!

This is the suppressive power of the second level on the first level!

"No, to be precise, this is only the power of the second-level superpower. I am not a second-level superpower user yet."

Wang Tao was not happy at all, because he still didn't add blood. The most unlucky situation has arisen - maybe he has to upgrade all four of his abilities to the second level before he can advance to the second level...


Han Rui was stunned for a moment, and then after hearing Wang Tao's explanation, she felt a little regretful at first, and then thought of herself.

She currently only has two abilities, namely perception and charge. But she could feel that she could still combine two more powers. In other words, like Wang Tao, she can learn up to four powers.

But if Wang Tao wants to upgrade to the second level now, he may need at least four promotion cores!

If she only had one kind of power, she might only need one promotion crystal core... Now that she has two kinds of powers, she only needs two, which is twice as difficult as four...

"There is a price to pay for being strong!"

Wang Tao sighed.

Although the superpowers who fuse four kinds of crystal cores are more powerful, the difficulty of promotion is also doubled!

When he discovered that he could fuse four different types of crystal nuclei, he thought it was too few. How powerful it would be if he could fuse dozens or hundreds of types!

But now, Wang Tao just feels that it's a good thing that he can't fuse so many types of crystal nuclei!

Otherwise, if he can really integrate so much, it will be a question whether he can advance to the second level in this life...

"Then...are we still hunting zombies?"

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao and asked.


Wang Tao nodded.

He needs to find the crystal core! At the very least, we need to get three more promotion crystal cores and search for second-level zombies.

Wang Tao now knows that there are two second-level zombies, namely the gorilla zombie and the hooded zombie. Even if they can be killed, if they can both explode the promotion crystal core, there will still be one crystal core left...

And he also needs to upgrade his precision shooting and self-healing levels. One of his two abilities is +4, and the other is still +1... He needs to hunt more zombies to collect the first-order crystal cores!

Wang Tao and Han Rui stayed outside until dark before going back. They had bad luck today. They found 5 elite zombies in one afternoon.

This is really a far cry from the hospital. It's a pity that none of the zombies in the hospital have come out.

"Go back and have a good rest."

Wang Tao said to Han Rui who got off the car.


Han Rui added a lot of blood this afternoon, and it has now reached 3700! It's not far away from 4000 blood.

However, Han Rui was a little confused about the issue of fusing crystal nuclei. Wang Tao said that he still had a lot of crystal nuclei in his hand. If Han Rui was willing to fuse, she could ask him for it.

But the more types of fusion crystal cores there are, the harder it is to advance. Han Rui is now not sure whether to continue fusion.

After all, reality is not about playing games. In games, you can take your time, but reality does not give you time to develop...

The next day.

Wang Tao asked Han Rui to go out to hunt zombies again, but this time it was not only Han Rui, but also Ding Yuqin, Gao Hua and Chen Zhuang.

All three of them have more than 1,000 blood. Killing ordinary zombies does not add blood, so you have to kill elite zombies.

Wang Tao didn't take them with him before because they had no experience in killing zombies, and bringing them out would only be a hindrance. Now after a period of training, he is basically a qualified hunter. Even the most inexperienced Ding Yuqin can fight several ordinary zombies by herself at the same time.

So Wang Tao took them out to get more familiar with the characteristics of elite zombies, so that they could face them more calmly when they encounter them in the future.

Today's luck is better than yesterday. I encountered 16 elite zombies in one day!

Han Rui directly reached 4000 blood and fell into a deep sleep. Ding Yuqin, Gao Hua and Chen Zhuang also refinished their swords and felt the thrill of killing elite zombies.

After returning to the base before dark, Wang Tao felt that there were many unfamiliar faces today.

He asked Ding Yuqin and others to go back first, and then drove Han Rui, who was still awake, back to her home.

At Han Rui's house, Wang Tao accidentally saw Sun Weiguang.

Wang Tao hasn't seen Sun Weiguang for many days. To be honest, he feels that it seems more exciting when Sun Weiguang is around? cough--

"Commissioner Wang!"

Sun Weiguang was a little surprised when he saw Wang Tao carrying Han Rui upstairs, but he still thoughtfully helped Wang Tao open the door.

"What have you been doing recently?"

Wang Tao asked curiously.

"Ahem, I have been with Ou Yingying recently. I came here today to formally tell Han Rui that I hope we can get together and live our separate lives from now on..."

"Oh, I won't bother you then."

Wang Tao nodded.

He put Han Rui on the bed and left. Then he came to the complex building and asked Ren Jie strangely:

"Why are there so many strange faces today?"

Ren Jie replied:

"It's not that gorilla zombie...many small family-style survivor bases have been destroyed! Those who survived want to join our base."

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