The destructive power of orangutan zombies is far greater than Wang Tao imagined.

It destroys wherever it goes, regardless of whether there are people or not, it just wants to destroy.

Some unlucky small survivor bases are out of luck. Either it was accidentally affected by the orangutan zombies; or it was almost completely destroyed after being discovered...

Those who managed to survive immediately fled the base.

It has been more than two months since the end of the world, and basically all the survivors in Shuizawa County know about the Mizusawa University Survivor Base.

After all, there were many hunters in the Shuizhe base, and they would occasionally encounter other survivors when they went out. News about the Shuizhe base slowly spread. Moreover, the Mizusawa base also uses walkie-talkies to broadcast from time to time, and those with civilian walkie-talkies can receive the signal.

Of course, knowing about this Shuize base is one thing, but whether you are willing to come is another.

After all, you have to be restrained when you come here, and you won't have as much freedom as before. Moreover, there are too many zombies outside, and coming to the Shuizhe base involves taking a lot of risks. Many people feel that as long as they can survive, there is no need to take this risk - this was their previous thinking.

Now of course it's no longer possible. Their small bases can only have a dozen or so people, and they have no ability to withstand risks.

In the past, they could hide away when encountering some powerful elite zombies, but now they have no ability to resist when encountering gorilla zombies.

Many small bases were wiped out, and those who were still alive were forced to flee. Many people died along the way. It was already quite difficult to reach Mizusawa University...

"Today, 32 people came to our base. According to their oral accounts, at least 50 of them died..."

Ren Jie's tone was a little sad.

Although it is good to increase the population of the base, it is still sad that so many survivors died.

After such destruction by the orangutan zombies, it is estimated that in a short time, their Shuize Base will be the only one left alive in the entire Shuize County.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Wang Tao shook his head and was about to leave, but as if he thought of something, he asked again:

"By the way, is there any Li Qiuyu among these people?"

Ren Jie shook his head.

"Li Qiuyu? No, not in my impression."

The surname Li is still relatively rare. If you have seen it, it is impossible not to remember it.

"Well, it's a pity, she helped me before. I saw the orangutan zombies going to her house, but I couldn't help her."

Wang Tao shook his head and told the situation at that time.

Although it was a pity, he no longer had any hope for Li Qiuyu.

"'s not your fault."

Ren Jie shook his head. Wang Tao hadn't reached the second level yet, so he definitely wouldn't be able to do anything to the orangutan zombies. He would be destined to die if he went there.

"But I will help you pay attention, in case you are not dead..."

"Okay. Then I'll go back first."

After Wang Tao left, Ren Jie frowned and thought for a while.

"There should be no such name as Li Qiuyu..."

He took out the list he had compiled before, looked at it carefully and shook his head.

"Yan Tai, Meng Xiaojuan, Wu Fei... indeed not."

Teachers' apartment.

Han Rui was a little disappointed when she didn't see Wang Tao when she woke up.

But she found that Sun Weiguang was actually in the living room.

"How did you come."

Han Rui's face suddenly turned cold.

To be honest, she lived quite comfortably without Sun Weiguang at home.

She now hates Sun Weiguang, and based on the fact that Sun Weiguang drugged her, she feels that killing Sun Weiguang is not an exaggeration.

She did not take action because of past friendship, but she no longer wanted to see Sun Weiguang again.

"Ahem, are you awake? That's it...Thank you very much for taking care of me over the years. I also know that I have caused you a lot of trouble. This is all my fault. It was all my fault in the past..."

Seeing Sun Weiguang talking nonstop, Han Rui frowned.

Does Sun Weiguang want to reconcile? Still want something?

In the past, during peacetime, every time he asked Han Rui for money, it was similar to the current situation.

Sun Weiguang looked at Han Rui's impatient look, he sighed and said:

"Okay, let me tell you the truth. I think we should get together and spend time together. From now on, we can live our own lives without anyone disturbing the other. That is... divorce. What do you think?"

That's it?

Han Rui wanted to ridicule him, but after seeing Sun Weiguang's serious expression, she felt that Sun Weiguang had really matured a lot. So, she nodded.

"Okay. I agree to the divorce."

Although they are in the apocalypse and there is no need for these formal things, the two of them have been married after all, so they can get together and part ways.

Seeing Han Rui agreeing without any hesitation, Sun Weiguang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and he nodded with a wry smile.

"...Okay. Then...I'll leave first."

After saying that, Sun Weiguang stood up and left the key to the house. There are two keys in this house, one for each of him and Han Rui.

"By the way, are you still with Ou Yingying now?"

Han Rui suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Ou Yingying said she was sorry for you and didn't have the face to see you, so she didn't come over..."

Sun Weiguang paused for a moment, and then left.

Looking at Sun Weiguang's disappearing back, Han Rui felt a little complicated.

It’s not that I’m reluctant to give up. But after all, they are still a couple, and it is still somewhat embarrassing to finally reach this point.

Shaking her head, Han Rui stopped thinking about this matter. She had no time to lament, her first priority now was to improve her ability to protect herself!

After Sun Weiguang left the teachers' apartment, he came to a student dormitory. This is where Ou Yingying lives.

Arriving at the door of Room 404, Sun Weiguang knocked on the door.

"Yingying, open the door, it's me."

But no one paid any attention.

Sun Weiguang knocked again.

"It's me Yingying, open the door quickly!"

Still no one answered.

Sun Weiguang frowned a little.

It's so late, Ou Yingying shouldn't go out!

At this time, someone came out of the next room. When Sun Weiguang saw this, he quickly stopped him.

"Old Li, have you seen Yingying?"

The man named Lao Li glanced at Sun Weiguang, a little strange.

"Huh? There was a man calling Ou Yingying downstairs before, and she went downstairs. I thought that person was you? It turns out it's not you..."


Sun Weiguang was a little confused.

A man looking for Ou Yingying at night?

This gave him a bad feeling. Could he have been cheated again?

"Where did they go?"

Sun Weiguang asked quickly.

"Is it just the grove over there? Oh, I said don't run so fast! Don't fight? The consequences of fighting in the base will be serious..."

Before Lao Li finished speaking, Sun Weiguang disappeared.


Sun Weiguang walked towards the grove pointed by Lao Li.

"No, Ou Yingying and I truly love each other. It's impossible for her to have a relationship with another man..."

Sun Weiguang was mumbling as he walked.

It was already dark, so naturally there was no one in the woods. This is the end of the world, and with no entertainment activities, everyone is ready to go to bed at this time.

Sun Weiguang searched for a while and soon saw a figure sitting on a stone chair in the woods.

Judging by the way her long hair is fluttering, she is none other than Ou Yingying.

Sun Weiguang first observed secretly and made sure there were no men around, and then he felt relieved.

He just said that Ou Yingying and he were true love, how could she betray him!

Sun Weiguang came out and shouted:

"Yingying! What are you doing here?"

Hearing the sound, Ou Yingying raised her head. But now there was only a little starlight, and Sun Weiguang couldn't see Ou Yingying's expression clearly.

"Is there anything that's bothering you? Tell me if you have anything to do! I'm now a man who can earn four food stamps a day. If anything happens, I can handle it!"

Sun Weiguang laughed and spoke.

He couldn't believe it when he said it. When he was with Han Rui before, he could barely earn one food stamp a day and basically relied on Han Rui for relief. But now when he is with Ou Yingying, he can earn four food stamps by doing hard work!


Seeing that Ou Yingying didn't speak, Sun Weiguang was a little surprised. He walked over quickly and held Ou Yingying's shoulders.

"Yingying, why are you—ah!"

Ou Yingying raised her head, and a ferocious face appeared with white eyes and black blood vessels on her face.

Sun Weiguang was startled and sat down on the ground.

"Zombie? What's wrong with you!"


"Ho ho..."

Ou Yingying stretched out her hand and was about to grab Sun Weiguang's arm. Sun Weiguang quickly backed away using his hands and feet.


Just when Ou Yingying was about to catch Sun Weiguang, he suddenly paused and waved wildly. Its nails were only ten centimeters away from Sun Weiguang's legs, but they couldn't reach them.

Only then did Sun Weiguang discover that Ou Yingying had an iron chain tied to her body and tied her to a tree!

After Sun Weiguang was frightened, he also came to his senses.

Ou Yingying was killed!

Who, who is it?

Sun Weiguang looked around in panic. Except for the trees, there was no shadow of anyone, but he felt that these trees were all shadows of people!

"Yes, inhibitor! Yingying, wait for me, I will find an inhibitor for you!"

Sun Weiguang got up and ran.

Wang Tao is exercising daily. He will exercise for a while every night.

At this time, a rapid voice suddenly sounded from the intercom placed next to him.

"Commissioner Wang! There are zombies in the base! Come to the downstairs of Student Dormitory No. 1!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Tao immediately put on his assault suit without saying a word.

"Sister-in-law, don't go out at home, there are zombies in the base!"

"Ah? Okay! Be careful!"

Ding Yuqin immediately picked up a fire ax nervously, but she didn't say that she was with Wang Tao. He knew that she was Wang Tao's burden, so it was better not to cause trouble at this time.

Wang Tao quickly got on the bus and arrived at the downstairs of Student Dormitory No. 1 in a moment.

Wei Zhenguo, Xiang Hongbin and other committee members also arrived. Several people were not fully clothed, and it was obvious that they had all fallen asleep.

"what happened?"

Wei Zhenguo asked sharply.

"It was Sun Weiguang who came to apply for the inhibitor. The staff thought he was infected before, but he said that someone in the woods was infected. When the staff came to see, the person had turned into a zombie, and the inhibitor was useless! "

Ren Jie quickly explained.

"Where are the zombies? Are there any casualties?"

"In the grove, tied by iron chains, there are no casualties for the time being!"

Everyone was slightly relieved when they heard that the zombies were under control and there were no casualties.

Wang Tao said a little strangely at this time:

"The zombies discovered by Sun Weiguang? Where are the others?"

"He is under control and his mind is a little abnormal. He keeps saying that his girlfriend can still be saved, but she is infected..."

Ren Jie shrugged.

"Girlfriend? Is it her?"

Wang Tao subconsciously thought of Ou Yingying.

While talking, several people came to the woods.

Under the illumination of several flashlights, a female zombie wearing pajamas and disheveled hair was turning her head crazily, but the iron chain around her waist tied her tightly, allowing her to move only within a certain range. .

"Who tied this iron chain?"

Wei Zhenguo asked.

"Sun Weiguang doesn't know, he said he wasn't the one who tied her up!"

Ren Jie looked serious.

"Huh? Is there anyone else at the scene? Was Ou Yingying killed?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the key question.

"I don't know, but that's why I called you here."

Ren Jie shook his head.

Internal fighting is strictly controlled in the base. There are only quarrels between the survivors, and there are very few fights. Not to mention that this was obviously a frame-up for murder.

Ou Yingying has never been out, and has no chance of being infected with the zombie virus. She has never fused a crystal core... so there is a high probability that she was infected with zombie blood!

"Check! I want to see who is so brave!"

Xiang Hongbin was very angry. This was provoking the authority of their committee!

Wang Tao walked over to check, then reached out and grabbed the other person's face.

"Ho ho..."

The zombie immediately waved his arms, trying to catch Wang Tao. But Wang Tao's other hand directly restrained the opponent's arms, preventing him from moving.

An ordinary zombie with 500 HP can still be manipulated by Wang Tao at will.

Looking at her face, it turned out to be Ou Yingying.


However, when he saw Ou Yingying's face, Wang Tao suddenly frowned.

Because he discovered that there was a deep bite mark on Ou Yingying's neck, and the bite mark was surrounded by black blood capillaries. Moreover, this bite mark is the same as a human tooth!

"No! There are zombies in the base!" Wang Tao suddenly shouted, "She was not infected by the blood of zombies, but was bitten!"


Several people were shocked.

Wang Tao checked the ground carefully.

No one has been in this small forest for a long time, and there is dust everywhere. Among the messy footprints, there is one footprint that leads to the courtyard wall to the north!

"You search other places carefully, and I'll go out and take a look!"

Without saying a word, Wang Tao took a flashlight and ran along the footprints.

"Quick, quick, quick! Call all the survivors and check! Come and guard the grove with a few people!"

Wei Zhenguo greeted immediately.

When he came out of the woods, Han Rui happened to trot over.

"What's happening here?"

Han Rui was still a little confused. She only knew that someone in the base was infected, but she didn't know the details.

Ren Jie told her about the situation.

"What? Sun Weiguang? Ou Yingying?"

Han Rui was shocked.

She didn't expect that something happened to them!

Han Rui ran into the woods. After seeing Ou Yingying's zombie, she shook her head, then ran out and asked:

"Where are Sun Weiguang and others?"

"He was taken to the complex and guarded..."

Ren Jie pointed to a place.

Han Rui hurriedly went to find Sun Weiguang to find out what was going on.

"I want to see Sun Weiguang!"

"Okay, Minister Han, please—eh? Where is Sun Weiguang? The window is open? Damn! He ran away from the window? This is the fourth floor!"

"Yingying, I got the inhibitor, I'm here to save you!"

Sun Weiguang held a bottle of inhibitor tightly and limped from the darkness into the woods. There was no moon tonight, the starlight was relatively dim, and the base was a bit chaotic, so no one noticed that he entered the woods.

Soon, Sun Weiguang saw the man tied by the chain.

"Yingying, I'm coming!"

Sun Weiguang held the inhibitor and ran towards Ou Yingying with her head lowered excitedly, and then hugged her.

"Yingying, open your mouth quickly!"

Ou Yingying raised her head and looked at Sun Weiguang in front of her with her white eyes. She tilted her head, as if she was confused.

Then, he bit Sun Weiguang on the neck.


Sun Weiguang covered his neck with one hand and held the inhibitor tightly with the other, his face full of disbelief.



"There's movement!"

When Wang Tao followed the footprints, he suddenly saw a black shadow flashing past. He quickly chased to the courtyard wall, and then found that the barbed wire fence on the courtyard wall was broken!

"Can zombies cut through barbed wire?"

Wang Tao previously thought they were zombie footprints, perhaps special elite zombies. But will elite zombies cut through barbed wire? This barbed wire is the same type of ring-shaped barbed wire used in prisons. Even the crazy zombies will be blocked from climbing in! Unless the barbed wire is cut!

Are elite zombies so powerful now?

Wang Tao was a little surprised, but he didn't stop and climbed directly over the courtyard wall.

He is now stronger and more confident.


Wang Tao landed, and there were no zombies outside the base.

He quickly looked around and saw a black shadow flashing away in the distance.

"Finally caught you!"

Wang Tao instantly activated his precision shooting ability, and then activated the charge ability of his equipment set, using charge as displacement.


Wang Tao sprinted twenty or thirty meters in an instant!

Not far in front of him, there was a thin figure running wildly.


Wang Tao didn't say anything, and flew out with an axe.


Dang clang——

The ax hit the opponent's back, but it made a sound of metal collision.

The figure slowly climbed up. Then he turned his head and looked at Wang Tao.

The moment Wang Tao threw the flying ax, he was actually a little shocked.

Because the figure's health bar was flashing red and green!

Wang Tao only saw this when Shao Yong turned into a zombie!

And when the figure turned his head, Wang Tao saw the other person clearly through the faint starlight, and was completely shocked.

"Wu Fei!"

The person in front of him was none other than the yellow-haired Wu Fei whom he had met twice!

But this time Wu Fei was not as enthusiastic and cheerful as last time. He looked cold, like a stranger.

After seeing that Wang Tao did not take action again, Wu Fei suddenly dodged and disappeared into the night.

Brother Meng, it’s almost the end of the month, please vote for me~

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