In the morning, Wang Tao went to the teachers' apartment.

"How did you come?"

Han Rui thought that Wang Tao came to her to hunt zombies, and she was suddenly happy.

"Had breakfast?"

Wang Tao looked at the paste on the table.

"not yet……"

Han Rui was a little embarrassed.

"Then let's go."

Wang Tao turned around and left.

Han Rui was a little confused. She looked at the breakfast on the table, her throat rolled, but she didn't eat it in the end.

After getting in the car, she thought she was going out, but she didn't expect Wang Tao to take her to the committee member's villa area.

"get off."


Han Rui followed Wang Tao into the villa and saw Ding Yuqin in an apron preparing breakfast.

"Here you go, sit down!"

Ding Yuqin politely asked Han Rui to sit on a chair in the restaurant.

Han Rui was on pins and needles. She always felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

But when Ding Yuqin brought the delicious food, her eyes immediately lit up. In fact, she didn't care much about what she ate. She only needed to eat as much as she could, so she didn't go out of her way to collect food.

But now that I see these foods, I immediately feel a little thirsty.


Ding Yuqin handed her chopsticks, and she quickly thanked her.

"We are all a family, why are you so polite!"

Ding Yuqin said with a smile.


Why does this feel wrong? But we are all in the same base, so it doesn’t seem to matter if we are a family...

After the meal, Wang Tao said to the two women:

"Sister-in-law, please go out with Gao Hua and the others today. I'll take Han Rui to look for any second-level zombies."


Both nodded.

Wang Tao was fully armed with the help of Ding Yuqin, and then went to Han Rui's house to put on her equipment.

After both of them were ready, Wang Tao suddenly said:

"Don't stay here anymore. Come back in the evening and pack your things. I've already given this place to someone else."


Han Rui was confused. She just went out to have breakfast. Why didn't she even have home? This was the house assigned to him, and Wang Tao took it away without saying a word...

"Then where do you want me to go..."

Han Rui lowered her head and said a little aggrievedly.

"Go to my house."


Han Rui was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised her head. Seeing that Wang Tao didn't look like he was joking, she blushed instantly.


"Stop me and me, let's go! We'll pack things up next time we come back."


Looking at the extremely tough Wang Tao, Han Rui did not dare to say anything, so she had to follow Wang Tao downstairs.

After the two of them left the base, they still headed towards the hospital.

After all, there are many elite zombies in the hospital. Wang Tao guessed that there are probably second-level zombies in the hospital!

There are so many elite zombies here, and it makes no sense that there are no second-level zombies.

Even if it doesn't happen, it can still make Han Rui's health bar increase. Of course, the premise is that the zombies inside will come out.

They were lucky today. When the two of them arrived at the hospital, they found that there were indeed some elite zombies coming out of the hospital entrance.

Wang Tao and Han Rui quietly touched it.

Under the crossbows of the two men, these first-level elite zombies could not survive for more than thirty seconds.

After all the elite zombies at the entrance of the hospital were dealt with, Han Rui's blood volume had reached 4300, but unfortunately, no second-level zombies were seen.

But it was an unexpected surprise - Wang Tao finally saw a self-healing zombie!

This is also a fat zombie, but it is different from other fat zombies. This zombie does not look so ferocious, and it has no attack power, but it is difficult to kill, a bit like a stubborn person.

It has a total of 4000 health, but it will restore 2 health every second. Although these 2 bloods may not seem like much, this zombie is too wretched.

Shoot it with an arrow and it will hide in the lobby of the inpatient department. When it comes out again it will be full of health.

There was nothing Han Rui could do about this situation. If it doesn’t come out, it won’t be able to ejaculate…

Wang Tao had no choice but to take a risk, ran to the entrance of the inpatient department, and used two shock waves to kill it.

[First-order crystal core·Self-healing]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 50% (side effect: weakened tactile sense)]

[Self-healing: Within the duration, you can slowly recover a certain amount of injuries]

Now that it is confirmed that there are self-healing zombies in the hospital, Wang Tao is going to stay here to see if he can get more self-healing crystal nuclei.

Not only does he lack promotion cores, he also lacks precision shooting and self-healing cores. Especially the self-healing crystal core. He had never seen a self-healing zombie before. He finally encountered it this time, so he had to seize the opportunity.

So Wang Tao stayed here for three days.

In the past three days, Han Rui's blood volume had increased to 4999, and neither of them could remember how many zombies they had killed.

When the zombies in the hospital didn't come out, Wang Tao deliberately made noise to attract them to come out, and even fired a shot.

Then just like last time, not only did it attract crazy zombies and elite zombies, but it also attracted the second-level hooded zombie!

This second-level zombie seems to have been around here?

When he saw it for the first time, Wang Tao was somewhat worried. But now, Wang Tao is already thinking about how to solve it.

After all, there are really no other second-level zombies... He actually thought that if he could encounter a second-level zombie with 5,000 health, it would be the best, then it should be the weakest second-level zombie.

It's a pity that except for this hooded zombie, there are no other second-level zombies at all, let alone 5,000 health.

So Wang Tao has already set his sights on this second-level zombie. Although it has 6,000 health, he still has a good chance since he has many people. But we have to improve our strength first, otherwise it will be bad if there are casualties...

As for now, I wonder if the zombies in the hospital are immune to Wang Tao's attraction, and they can't be lured out no matter what...

Wang Tao could use a telescope to see some shadowy figures inside, but he just couldn't figure it out. Even if they fired, the elite zombies would not come out.

This puzzled Wang Tao. What is there in this hospital that attracts them so much?

"It's really gone, not even one..." Looking at the empty hospital, Wang Tao felt helpless, "Forget it, let's go back to the base first and see how Lao Wei and the others have harvested. Let's come back later."


Han Rui nodded, drove, and walked towards the base with Wang Tao.

In these three days, the harvest was pretty good. From the self-healing crystal core alone, 5 orange epic crystal cores were synthesized, and 3 orange epic crystal cores were synthesized from precision shooting.

These 8 crystal cores have been used by Wang Tao. Now his precision shooting is "+7" and his self-healing is "+6". The amount of mana has even reached 3500!

Wang Tao's overall strength has been greatly strengthened. He feels that with his current ability, he should be able to easily defeat Shao Yong, who was previously full of health. Even Shao Yong, a second-level zombie with full health, can’t give it a try...

"Stop the car, there's an elite zombie on the road!"

On the way back, Wang Tao's sharp eyes saw a police zombie holding a gun in a dilapidated restaurant.

Han Rui immediately parked the car in a corner.

Wang Tao got out of the car, quietly touched the police zombie, and a shock wave was thrown out.




This police zombie had less than 3,000 HP in total and was instantly killed by Wang Tao without any suspense.

For police zombies or zombies that pose a certain threat like self-destructing zombies, Wang Tao always uses shock waves as much as possible. Because his shock wave is now the second level, it can easily kill these zombies instantly and prevent accidents.

The crystal core of this police zombie turned out to be an orange precision shot, which made Wang Tao a little happy.

Good luck today!

He happened to still have an ordinary precision shooting core in his hand, and he could synthesize an epic core without impurities and side effects!

In fact, Wang Tao wanted to go to the police station. He felt that there should be a lot of police zombies in the police station.

However, Han Rui and Feng Mingan both told him that there was no one at the Shuize County police station. Because when the disaster happened, the police went out to deal with the problem.

Then another army passed by and they took away a lot of police and equipment. People like Wei Zhenguo and Feng Ming'an were among those who failed to follow the train and were left behind...

So now the police station is empty, with no one and no equipment. It's useless to go.

Feng Ming'an went to the police station once before without giving up, but there was nothing there except some ordinary zombies...

"No, let's go."

Wang Tao searched around and after confirming that there were no other elites, he was ready to leave.

But then he suddenly thought that this location seemed not far from Li Qiuyu's community?

So he said to Han Rui:

"How about going to Li Qiuyu's community to take a look?"

When he saw the orangutan zombies walking towards her community before, Wang Tao felt that Li Qiuyu was in danger. But what if she is lucky enough to survive? Anyway, there are no gorilla zombies now, so it wouldn't hurt to go there.


Han Rui didn't have any objections. After all, Li Qiuyu had helped the two of them and was unable to save Li Qiuyu. Han Rui still felt very regretful.

The two got in the car again, with Han Rui still driving. They turned a corner at the intersection and headed towards Li Qiuyu's community.

Wang Tao synthesized the precision shooting crystal core. Although it is an epic crystal core, it has side effects and impurities after all, so it is better to synthesize it without impurities.

After a while, Wang Tao fused this precision shooting core, and his precision shooting ability also reached "+8".

"There are still 6 first-order crystal cores left. I don't know how Wei Zhenguo and the others will harvest. I hope they can get them together..."

Soon, the off-road vehicle arrived at Li Qiuyu's community.

At this time, the community has completely changed - the courtyard wall has collapsed, all the landscape has been destroyed, the villa area in the community is in ruins, and only the high-rise commercial buildings are still standing.

"This...should be gone, right?"

Looking at the situation here, even Han Rui, who is relatively optimistic, feels that the possibility of Li Qiuyu surviving is almost zero.

"Go over and have a look."

Wang Tao also felt that there was no hope, but since he was here, he must look for it.

The two came to the villa area. Although some villas were dilapidated, the main building was still intact. The three villas in row 1, 2, and 3 were directly razed to the ground.

There are no people here, not even a zombie.

It feels like the orangutan zombies stayed here intentionally for a long time, otherwise it would not have been damaged to this extent.

Han Rui sighed, but still used her powers to investigate.

There was no movement in the ruins of Villa No. 1.

What's going on in the ruins of Villa No. 2 - huh?

"There seems to be someone underground!"

Han Rui suddenly spoke in surprise.

"Huh? Exact location!"

Wang Tao suddenly became energetic.

"It'!" Han Rui searched for a moment and pointed to a place. "But it's too messy here and it's underground. It affects my perception a little, and I'm not sure..."

"Then open it and take a look!"

With Wang Tao's current physical fitness, it is easy to do some emergency rescue and disaster relief work. In addition, Han Rui also has 4999 blood, and her physical fitness is also very strong. The two of them worked together and quickly cleared part of the ruins of Villa No. 2.

"Here it is! Alive, but weak!"

Han Rui pointed to a place and spoke.

Wang Tao discovered that this was a basement entrance.

"She went to hide in the basement?"

Wang Tao spent a lot of effort and finally cleaned the basement door.

She discovered that this basement was specially designed, with a large iron door lying flat and an electronic lock on it.

He couldn't break the lock... Fortunately, I don't know if Li Qiuyu did it on purpose or if he forgot, the door was not locked.


Wang Tao struggled to open the door, and the sunlight outside instantly shone into the dark hole. At a glance, Wang Tao saw a woman in pajamas lying on the ground in the basement.

Her health bar is [10/100]

With only 10 drops of blood, he was on the verge of death.

After Han Rui confirmed that there were no zombies inside, Wang Tao asked Han Rui to be on guard outside, and he went down directly.

"Hey, wake up!"

Wang Tao looked pale, and Li Qiuyu, who had lost a lot of weight, helped Li Qiuyu up, and then patted her little face.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Wang Tao took out some pure water from his space backpack and sprinkled it on his face and lips.

After a while, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes.

"You...Wang Tao..."

She still looked a little dazed.

When Wang Tao saw that she woke up, he took her away without saying anything more.


Han Rui hurried to drive, and Wang Tao carried Li Qiuyu into the back seat. The car started instantly and headed towards the Mizusawa base.

In the car, Wang Tao had no intention of letting men and women kiss each other, so he quickly checked Li Qiuyu's body.

There are many wounds on the body, but they are basically scrapes, falls, etc., and there are no traces of viral infection. Wang Tao opened her eyelids again and looked at them, but they were not white. At the same time, there are no impurities in her body...

Seeing this, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that Li Qiuyu's residual health state should be due to some skin trauma and hunger.

Wang Tao took out a bottle of nutrient solution and poured a little bit into Li Qiuyu's mouth. This bottle of nutrient solution is enough for an average adult to consume for a day. If you feed her too much, she may not be able to bear it.

Then Wang Tao took out the medical kit, injected her with medicine, and briefly bandaged her body.

Not long after, Li Qiuyu's blood volume began to increase.

When the blood level reached 30, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes.

" I dead..."

Li Qiuyu was a little uncomfortable with the light. She covered her eyes with one hand and scratched randomly with the other.

But suddenly, a warm and rough hand grasped her small hand. Li Qiuyu subconsciously wanted to break free, but failed.

She slowly came back to her senses and looked at Wang Tao with eyes slightly adapted to the bright light.

"Wang Tao? Are you...are you dead too?"


Can you speak?

Wang Tao patted her face angrily, and then said helplessly:

"I'm not dead, and neither are you."


After Li Qiuyu was stunned for a moment, she realized that she was actually in Wang Tao's arms, and they were in a car, with Han Rui driving in front.

Li Qiuyu quickly sat up, and then looked at Wang Tao with some embarrassment.

"What the hell is going I dead?"

"We found you in the basement and took you out when we saw you were still alive."

Wang Tao shrugged.

"The basement...I remembered!"

Li Qiuyu's eyes suddenly widened, as if she remembered something terrible, and she said weakly:

"I was still sleeping at the time, and suddenly I heard some noises. When I opened my eyes, I saw a huge zombie in my yard... I was startled and subconsciously screamed to attract its attention, and then it The demolition of my house started... I finally climbed from the second floor to the basement. As soon as I hid in, I heard a loud noise, and the house seemed to collapse..."

Thinking of the previous situation, Li Qiuyu still has lingering fears.

"Fortunately, my husband's basement used to store some important things and was reinforced. There is also a thick electric iron door, but there is no food in my basement... After the zombie came, the big The iron gate seemed to be broken and I couldn't get out. I thought I was going to starve to death inside..."

Speaking of this, Li Qiuyu looked at Wang Tao and Han Rui with gratitude.

"How do you..."

"A week ago, we saw a huge orangutan-like zombie heading in your direction. We were no match for it, so we didn't go there. We thought you were dead... This time we came out and passed by your house. I thought about going over there and taking a look, just in case you weren’t dead, and you turned out to be alive..."

Wang Tao did not hide anything, nor did he add any exaggeration. He directly told the process and results of what happened.

Although he said it simply, as if he did it casually, Li Qiuyu still looked grateful. After all, she remembered that her home was in ruins. No matter how smooth Wang Tao was, it was impossible to rescue her from the basement... …

"Thank you Wang Tao, and Han Rui, thank you!"

Li Qiuyu clasped his hands together with a grateful look on his face.

"Oh? Didn't you want to die before? Now you don't want to die anymore?"

Wang Tao suddenly asked.

He could feel that Li Qiuyu still had a strong desire to survive, otherwise he might have died long ago.

Li Qiuyu tugged her hair, her face looked a little embarrassed and a little self-deprecating.

"Alas! I thought I was used to seeing death. I thought I was no longer afraid of death... But when my life was really threatened, I found that I was still afraid of death..."

One thing she didn't say was that she still wanted to see her daughter. Although she saw most of her important relatives die before her own eyes, her daughter was still alive before and told her that she would come to her... her daughter is her only belief in surviving now!

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