"Is this the Mizusawa Base? It feels so safe!"

Looking at the tall walls and heavy gates, Li Qiuyu in the car was a little amazed.

Han Rui had told her a lot about the Shuize Base before, but the feeling was still different from what she heard about it and what she saw with her own eyes.

"We are a family here at Shuize Base. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can always come to me."

Han Rui turned around and smiled.


Li Qiuyu thanked him again.

It was already evening when he returned to the base. Wang Tao asked Han Rui to arrange accommodation for Li Qiuyu and stay with her.

Wang Tao came to the complex building.

Seeing that several committee members were there, Wang Tao smiled and asked:

"How has everyone gained these days?"

Several people took out their harvests, and various shiny crystal nuclei were placed on the table.

The harvest was mixed, but overall it was pretty good.

"It feels like the number of elite zombies is slowly increasing, otherwise it would be very troublesome to collect so many crystal cores in a short period of time..."

Wei Zhenguo frowned.

Although collecting so many crystal cores is a good thing, the increasing number of elite zombies is not necessarily a good thing...

Wang Tao took a glance at these crystal nuclei, and there happened to be one he could use! He asked again:

"Where are the second-level zombies? Have you encountered them?"


Everyone shook their heads.

Wang Tao was a little disappointed. He couldn't find the second-level zombies, so he couldn't reach the second level!

It seems that he has to prepare to hunt down the hooded zombie...

"I selected these crystal nuclei for you. Take a look and take away the ones that suit you..."

Wang Tao took out some synthesized crystal nuclei, all of which were of excellent and outstanding quality, and a few of which were of orange epic quality.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw these crystal nuclei.

Wang Tao had previously told them not to fuse crystal nuclei for the time being. After all, impurities and side effects in the body were a problem. Wang Tao came to think of a solution to the problem of crystal nuclei. They just gave Wang Tao all the crystal nuclei.

They naturally trust Wang Tao, so they only fuse the crystal nuclei given by Wang Tao. The current level of superpowers is not very high.

The batch of crystal cores Wang Tao has taken out now is quite a lot. After they are all fused, it is estimated that at least one or two skills will be able to reach the full level!

"Let's hunt the first-level zombies for a few more days, and then we can prepare to hunt the second-level zombies!"

Now that we can't find any other second-level zombies, we can only attack the hooded zombie.

Although it has 6,000 health, it is at least much easier to deal with than the orangutan zombie with 10,000 health.

And if it doesn't take action, its strength may still increase, but Wang Tao's strength has already reached its upper limit. The gap may get bigger and bigger in the future, so you have to take action as soon as possible!

"Are we finally going to deal with second-level zombies..."

Everyone was a little nervous and had some expectations.

Wang Tao has already told them about the hooded zombie. They know that this may be a zombie stronger than the zombie Shao Yong!

Of course, it may not be as good as zombie Shao Yong.

But no matter what, this is a genuine second-level zombie with full blood, which is much stronger than first-level superpowers like them!

But we always believe that there is strength in numbers. Against this second-level zombie, there is still a chance of winning!

"Come on, everybody!"

"come on!"

Wang Tao returned home with the crystal cores Wei Zhenguo and the others had harvested in the past few days.

On the way, Wang Tao had already taken a closer look.

Although the overall number of crystal nuclei of Wei Zhenguo and the others is not as good as Wang Tao's own harvest in the past few days, there are quite a few useful crystal nuclei for him.

Especially the precision shooting crystal cores, there are exactly four, which allows Wang Tao to combine one red and one orange crystal core!

As for the self-healing crystal core, they have one here, and Wang Tao also has one in his hand, which can also be synthesized into a red crystal core.

The probability of 80% fusion success rate in red is quite high. So far, there has been no failure. If Wang Tao had a chance, he would definitely synthesize orange with a 100% success rate. But now that there is a shortage of crystal nuclei, red can also be used. Unless he is very unlucky, there should be no problem.

When he returned home, Wang Tao synthesized these three crystal nuclei without side effects or impurities. After saying hello to Ding Yuqin, Wang Tao directly put the crystal core in his mouth.

After a while, the three crystal nuclei were successfully fused, and there were no problems with the two red crystal nuclei.

Wang Tao's self-healing ability has reached "+7", and his precision shooting ability has finally reached "+10"!

The amount of mana has also increased by 300, and it is now 3900.

"Only the last three self-healing crystal cores are left... I hope they can be completed quickly in the next few days!"

After Ding Yuqin cooked the last soup, she looked at Wang Tao with some resentment and said:

"Why hasn't Han Rui come yet?"

"I urged her."

Wang Tao took out his walkie-talkie and contacted Han Rui.

"We're here for dinner. By the way, bring Li Qiuyu with you."


Han Rui on the intercom let out a dull sigh, knowing that she couldn't run away.

Ding Yuqin's heart suddenly skipped a beat when she heard an unfamiliar name. She tentatively asked in a low voice:

"That...who is Li Qiuyu?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

Wang Tao frowned. He couldn't remember whether he said it before.

"Ah? Did you say that?"

Ding Yuqin looked confused.

"It was a friend I met before who helped me. I happened to see her when I went out this time, so I brought her back to the base."

Wang Tao explained simply.


Ding Yuqin didn't ask any more questions. She knew that many men hated women who asked for details. Sometimes, if you know how to remain silent, you are more likely to be welcomed by men.

But Ding Yuqin has decided to take a closer look later to see if she has another sister...

Wang Tao looked at Ding Yuqin and suddenly asked:

"Sister-in-law, have you killed elite zombies these days?"

When he left, Ding Yuqin's health bar was in the thousands and tens, but now it's 1,220.

"Hehe, of course! I just killed it with everyone!"

Wang Tao originally wanted to tell her not to take risks as much as possible. After all, it was still very dangerous to kill elite zombies with more than 1,000 health points and no superpowers.

But seeing Ding Yuqin looking very happy, Wang Tao didn't say anything.

After all, it's a good thing to be willing to become stronger. You can't stop becoming stronger just because it's dangerous.

So Wang Tao encouraged:

"Awesome! I thought you were still training with ordinary zombies, but unexpectedly you started killing elite zombies!"

"Hey hehe~"

Ding Yuqin had almost no ability to resist Wang Tao's encouragement. She had a silly smile on her face.

"In the next few days, I will take you to kill zombies."

Wang Tao said again.

His self-healing power is short of three crystal cores, so he has to get this crystal core quickly in the next few days. After integrating self-healing to +10, start preparing to deal with the second-level hooded zombies.

When collecting crystal nuclei these days, I can take Ding Yuqin and the others to refresh their health bars.


Ding Yuqin was overjoyed when she finally got the chance to go out with Wang Tao.

She wants to be with Wang Tao, not only because Wang Tao is strong, but also because she will be very happy when they are together.

Ding Yuqin sat on Wang Tao's lap, looking at Wang Tao lovingly, and squirming in Wang Tao's arms from time to time.

When Wang Tao saw this, he slapped her hard on the butt.

"Don't have a fever, Han Rui and the others will be here later."


Ding Yuqin snorted. She almost forgot that someone else was coming today. She quickly went to the kitchen to see if the soup she had stewed was ready.

Not long after, Han Rui came over with Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu was still very curious about everything here. When she heard that Wang Tao invited her to dinner, she was very happy and grateful.

But when she saw Ding Yuqin, she was suddenly confused. Her eyes were quietly looking at Ding Yuqin and Han Rui. She didn't know who was Wang Tao's wife, or both.

But when she heard Wang Tao calling Ding Yuqin's sister-in-law, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out it’s not what I thought!

She just said that Wang Tao seemed to be a very upright gentleman. He always behaved himself when he was at her house. It was impossible—

Before Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he saw Ding Yuqin secretly kissing Wang Tao after placing the last stew on the dining table.


Li Qiuyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered his head.

She felt as if she had discovered something extraordinary. Wang Tao and his sister-in-law... I don't know if Han Rui knew about it. If Han Rui didn't know, it would be too pitiful, right?

Li Qiuyu looked at Han Rui subconsciously, and saw that Han Rui looked a little embarrassed.

She saw it too! So...their relationship?

Li Qiuyu was having random thoughts, and Han Rui was also having random thoughts.

She was reluctant to move to Wang Tao because she felt like she was dependent on someone else. Especially the relationship between the three of them is quite complicated...

Did Ding Yuqin just have a secret kiss? No, Han Rui felt that Ding Yuqin did this deliberately for her to see!

Did she feel that her position was threatened, so she gave herself a blow? So that you can know who the hostess is?

Han Rui, who used to like watching palace dramas when she had nothing to do, suddenly had a lot of things in her mind.

But Han Rui obviously misunderstood Ding Yuqin. How could Ding Yuqin have such deep intentions? She just kissed Wang Tao suddenly. This was something she and Wang Tao often did at home, and it was a kind of sentiment.

During the meal, Wang Tao and Ding Yuqin sat on one side, and Li Qiuyu and Han Rui sat on the other side.

Li Qiuyu and Han Rui seemed to be eating, but they didn't know where their thoughts were.

Li Qiuyu was thinking about what the world would be like after the apocalypse, whether there was still order, and whether her daughter was still alive... But as she thought about it, her attention was attracted by the delicious food in front of her, and she simply stopped thinking about it.

Han Rui was thinking about how she would get along with Ding Yuqin when she lived here in the future. She was not a person who liked men. If Ding Yuqin had any bad thoughts about her, it was not impossible. After all, Wang Tao only had one... ...She had an inexplicable sense of crisis!

After dinner, Han Rui sent Li Qiuyu back.

After coming out, Li Qiuyu asked curiously:

"What's going on with you, Wang Tao, and Ding Yuqin?"

"...As far as you understand the situation."

Han Rui was a little embarrassed.


Li Qiuyu smoothed his hair.

This kind of thing can't even be said to have any impact on her. After all, she has seen a lot of things before, including all kinds of situations in peacetime. She just felt a little emotional that such a strong woman as Han Rui was working with someone else...

Han Rui thought Li Qiuyu couldn't accept this kind of thing, so she shook her head.

"In the end of the world, only the strong have the right to speak. This kind of thing is normal. And..." Han Rui suddenly looked at Li Qiuyu, "I suggest you find a strong person to rely on."

"Huh? Me? I don't need it..."

Li Qiuyu waved her hands quickly.

Han Rui looked at her deeply and didn't explain much.

"After I return to the base in the afternoon these two days, I will take you around the base."

Although this is a peaceful base, the strong are still respected in the base. Not only those with special powers, but also ordinary survivors - those who are strong enough to earn more food stamps can find multiple partners.

It is too difficult for Li Qiuyu, a weak woman without any ability to survive in the apocalypse, to survive in such an environment. She couldn't bear to see Li Qiuyu like some women.

Of course, she also has a little selfishness... Ding Yuqin put a lot of pressure on her!


Watching Han Rui appear at the door of her house with large and small bags. Although Ding Yuqin greeted him with a smile, her heart was somewhat sour.

Alas, she is no longer Wang Tao alone, Lan Shou Shiitake...

Wang Tao was immediately satisfied when he saw Han Rui coming over obediently.

"It's been a busy day, let's go take a shower. Why are you two standing here, together!"

Wang Tao looked at the two women and said.


The two women's faces turned red.

The bathroom in this villa is very large and there is a large bathtub. It is not crowded at all for three people.

The next day.

Wang Tao went out with Han Rui, Ding Yuqin, Gao Hua, Chen Zhuang and others.

The main task this time is to hunt down the first-level elite zombies, and then take Ding Yuqin and the others to refresh their health bar.

After working outside all day, my luck can only be said to be good or not bad.

Although he encountered many elite zombies and obtained many crystal cores, Wang Tao could not use them.

However, Ding Yuqin and the others added a lot of blood.

On the way back, Wang Tao was thinking about what kind of crystal core they should fuse with... Ding Yuqin and the others have never fused crystal nuclei. Although their blood volume is much more than ordinary people, they are not actually superpowers.

Wang Tao asked their opinions.

During this time, there were more superpowers in the base, and everyone had a better understanding of the crystal core and what superpowers it probably had.

Gao Hua directly stated that he wanted to hide his abilities.

Stealth ability should be the strongest survivability ability Wang Tao has seen so far.

Once the concealment ability is turned on, the effect is the same as the concealment potion. Unless you are very close to the zombies or encounter some special zombies, ordinary zombies will not be able to detect them at all.


Wang Tao directly gave Gao Hua an orange hidden crystal core, which naturally had no side effects.

"You fuse this first. After the fusion is completed, you can feel whether you can continue to fuse. If you can, come back to me."

"Thank you, brother!"

Gao Hua looked excited, he was finally going to become a superpower!

"I also want to fuse a hidden crystal core..."

Chen Zhuang scratched his head in embarrassment.

He is a doctor and is always at the base. Naturally, he has no use for his combat abilities. He doesn't like fighting either. The life-saving ability of concealment suits him well.

"Okay! Then, like Gao Hua, you can fuse this crystal core and see if it can continue to fuse, and then come to me."

"Okay! I - thank you so much!"

Chen Zhuang originally wanted to say that if Wang Tao needs help in the future, just ask him. But then he thought, he was a doctor, and when he was needed it was usually not a good thing. So he swallowed his words again.

As for Ding Yuqin, Wang Tao gave her a hidden crystal core, but did not let her fuse it now.

Wang Tao's original intention was to see if there was a crystal core that matched the blood-replenishing pack, but he never found it. He hasn't given up yet, but if he can't find it, he will let Ding Yuqin fuse this hidden crystal core.

Before fusing the crystal nuclei, there was no way to know how many types of crystal nuclei he could fuse, so Wang Tao asked Ding Yuqin to wait a moment.

Finally, there is Han Rui.

Han Rui's shock wave ability has been fused 10 times, reaching the full level of the first level.

But only one of the sensory abilities was fused, after all, I never encountered zombies with that kind of perception again.

Han Rui can also fuse two more crystal nuclei, and Wang Tao asked her to fuse one for precision shooting and one for concealment.

Although Han Rui can charge, most of the time she uses charging as her only skill. Her own melee ability is actually not very strong, and she prefers medium and long-range attacks.

So it's no problem to let her integrate precision shooting. As for concealment, this naturally gives her the ability to protect herself.

For a long-range attack power user, self-protection abilities such as copper skin and iron bones, self-healing, etc. are not suitable for concealment.

As long as she turns on her stealth ability and uses a crossbow to snipe the zombies, the zombies will basically have no chance of discovering her. This ability matches her quite well.

After returning to the base, Han Rui did not rush to synthesize the crystal core. Instead, as agreed, she took Li Qiuyu around the base to see other survivors.

Li Qiuyu was quite happy at first, but after seeing the survivors at the bottom of the base, Li Qiuyu couldn't be happy anymore.

"In the end of the world, people who are not strong enough are like this - and this is better. I have told you before about other survivor bases, especially Shao Yong's base. If you are in it...then the consequences will be on me. I won’t say much more, you understand!”


The next day, continue hunting zombies.

Wang Tao's luck was not very good today, and he still didn't see any self-healing zombies. But there was good news from Wei Zhenguo.

He was passing by the hospital and saw some elite zombies coming out!

So Wang Tao quickly led people to meet with Wei Zhenguo.

Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the elite zombies in the hospital reappearing, especially after there were several self-healing zombies.

The self-healing crystal core is stable!

A group of people stayed until night, and after killing all the zombies outside the hospital, Wang Tao finally got six self-healing crystal cores!

After some synthesis, the final result is two red crystal nuclei and one orange crystal nucleus.

Without any surprise, Wang Tao's "+7" self-healing ability finally became "+10". His mana amount increased by 300 again, reaching 4200!

Wang Tao also has an all-purpose crystal core in his hand. He originally thought that if he couldn't get the self-healing crystal core together, he would use this all-purpose crystal core with impurities instead. Fortunately, he finally had enough self-healing cores!

Wang Tao looked at his attributes.

HP: [4999/4999]

Blue amount: [4200/4200]

[Hidden attribute: physical fitness]

[Impurities in the body: 0%]

Powers: Level 2 Shock Wave, Level 1 Copper Skin and Iron Bone +10, Level 1 Precision Shooting +10, Level 1 Self-Healing +10!

I dare not say anything else, but Wang Tao feels that he should be the strongest first-level superpower user in Shuize County now.

Whether it is blood volume, mana volume or crystal core level, they have all reached the maximum value currently achievable.

Wang Tao grinned.

"It's time to hunt down that second-level zombie!"

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