Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 138 Second level copper skin and iron bones


An abandoned car fell from the sky and hit the front of the first car in the convoy.


The screeching brakes sounded, almost hitting the useless car.

In the car, Xiang Hongbin quickly reversed the car, then turned the steering wheel sharply to bypass the obstacle.

But then more abandoned cars, concrete blocks, and even zombies flew towards the convoy!


Wang Tao cursed secretly when he saw the orangutan zombies knocking away a group of crazy zombies from the rearview mirror, causing the zombies to land near the convoy.

Was this orangutan zombie intentional or accidental?

Seeing that there were more and more obstacles around him and the car could not move at all, Wang Tao said loudly:

"You drive, Lao Wei, Han Rui and I come down to clear the obstacles!"

Wang Tao first injected himself with a defensive potion - he had not used a defensive potion when dealing with hooded zombies before, so he had not entered the cool-down period now.

Then he immediately opened the door and jumped out, followed by Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui.

Wang Tao took the ax and slashed into the air, sending out a shock wave in front of him.





The group of crazy zombies with residual blood that were smashed by the orangutan zombies all exploded, their limbs and broken arms fell to the ground, and the area was cleared instantly.

Wei Zhenguo also used shock waves to kill some zombies. Han Rui moved the gravel and cleared the route.

Soon, the obstruction was partially cleared.

"The car goes first, we stop behind!"

Four cars just got out through the gap that was cleared. Another abandoned vehicle fell from the sky and blocked the road again.

Orangutan zombies and a large number of crazy zombies are also chasing us!


The orangutan zombie roared, and punched Wang Tao who was closest to it with its huge fist!

The orangutan zombie looks bulky, but its speed is not slow at all. The rotten fist was in front of Wang Tao in an instant!

In this case, Wang Tao can use the charge ability to avoid it, but there are obstacles behind him, so he can't use charge. Wang Tao could only cross his arms and receive the punch forcefully.




Wang Tao felt like he was hit by a dump truck! My whole body felt like it was falling apart and it hurt so bad!


He hit the abandoned car behind him heavily. The car moved a lot, and Wang Tao was embedded directly into the car!



Wang Tao no longer felt any pain on his body, he only felt a little dizzy.

He struggled to get out of the car, and then he realized that the car he had hit had shifted, vacating the road.

Seeing the orangutan zombies setting their sights on Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui, Wang Tao roared.

"Reverse charge!"

Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui immediately turned back. After seeing that the obstacles behind them had been cleared, they launched a charge.

Suddenly, three faint white lights were more than thirty meters away from the orangutan zombie, temporarily out of its attack range.

The four cars that had just left were waiting for them here with their doors open.


The three of them got into the car.


The engine roared and the car accelerated instantly.

Four off-road vehicles were speeding ahead, and a giant two-story zombie was chasing after them. Behind the giant zombies were a mass of black crazy zombies... The whole county seemed to be shaking.

"Wang Tao, are you okay?"

In the first off-road vehicle, Xiang Hongbin and Han Rui looked at Wang Tao with concern. They saw that Wang Tao had just received a punch from the orangutan zombie!

"I'm fine..."

Wang Tao used a medical kit for himself. It hurt, but it was not life-threatening.

Seeing that Wang Tao seemed to be fine, both of them felt relieved.

Xiang Hongbin quickly glanced at the rearview mirror and then cursed.

"You're so damn girl, I can't get rid of you!"

According to the original plan, they should have escaped pursuit by this time. After all, this retreat route was carefully selected by everyone, and the road was specially cleaned to make it smooth and allow the vehicle to speed up. No matter how fast the crazy zombie runs, it can't outrun a car running at full speed.

But who knows, the orangutan zombies are still attracted.

Although it is big, it is not slow! In particular, from time to time it would move abandoned cars, stones on the roadside, and zombies under its feet to hit Wang Tao and his party.

This greatly affected the speed of the convoy, making it impossible to get away from them, and more and more zombies were chasing after them!

Even Wang Tao wondered if all the crazy zombies in the county were catching up!

"What should we do? The zombies are getting closer and closer to us!"

Han Rui said worriedly.

Wang Tao looked at the zombies behind him, then looked at the map in his hand, and he felt cruel.

"Take the outer ring!"

Wang Tao had already told Wei Zhenguo and others about the monster outside Shuize County. When they went out to search for supplies, they were determined not to go outside. After all, Wang Tao said, that thing might be scarier than a gorilla zombie!

But there is really no other way now. As long as the zombies catch up, everyone will most likely be wiped out - even if there are no gorilla zombies, so many crazy zombies cannot be dealt with.

So I can only take a gamble!

“Everyone to the outer ring road!”

Xiang Hongbin immediately turned the steering wheel and drove towards the outer ring road. The three cars behind also followed suit.

Seeing the zombies behind them getting closer and closer, and almost catching up with the last car, the convoy finally entered the outer ring road.

There were basically no cars on the outer ring road, and the road was smooth. Four cars started to speed up.


Soon, the convoy distanced itself from the zombies behind it.

Not only because the speed of the car has increased, but also because the zombies no longer chase!

After seeing the orangutan zombie stop and the crazy zombies also stop one after another, Wang Tao not only did not relax, but became even more vigilant.

"Quick, quick, quick! Speed ​​up! Quickly cross the outer ring road and turn back to the county town from the intersection in front!"

The speed of the four vehicles soon exceeded 120KM.

Wang Tao was very nervous, he was afraid that the black shadow with ten thousand blood was still there.

Fortunately, luck cannot always be bad, and the team did not encounter any problems on the outer ring road.

Seeing the intersection ahead, the four cars slowed down and drifted, successfully entering the road back to the city.

The orangutan zombies and most of the crazy zombies were probably still at the previous intersection. The roar of the car engine only attracted a dozen crazy zombies.

After confirming that the surrounding area was temporarily safe, Wang Tao immediately got out of the car and killed the dozen or so crazy zombies.

"Let's go! Go back to base!"

When the four cars finally arrived at the gate of the base, it was already evening.

The group finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is Lu Gang okay?"

Wang Tao picked up the walkie-talkie and asked.

"It's okay, I just fell asleep."

Wei Zhenguo's voice came from the intercom. They were in another car.

"That's good."

The convoy entered the base and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the base. These survivors were all anxiously outside, including Ding Yuqin and Li Qiuyu.

Wang Tao got out of the car and nodded to the two of them, indicating that nothing was wrong. Then the soldier on duty came over and asked softly:

"Commissioner Wang, we should be fine, right? There was too much noise outside, and everyone was worried..."

"It's okay, let everyone rest assured."

After hearing Wang Tao's words, the soldier breathed a sigh of relief. Then he immediately said to the other survivors:

"It's okay. Everyone is safe. Let's go back."


After hearing that everything was alright and seeing that all the committee members had returned safely, the survivors felt relieved.

Xiang Hongbin and the soldiers learned about the situation and said that they had made too much noise while fighting outside, and the explosions could be heard clearly inside the base. Especially after seeing the zombies outside starting to riot, the survivors couldn't sit still...

Wei Zhenguo and Wang Tao carried the stretcher together and carried Lu Gang to Chen Zhuang.

"He's seriously injured!"

Chen Zhuang and the other two doctors did not do any work today. They were just waiting for Wang Tao and others. Although they did not want anything to happen to the team, they must be prepared in advance.

"Let me take a look... Fortunately, I only have one broken rib, and it's not life-threatening!"

After hearing the doctor's confirmation, everyone was completely relieved. After all, they couldn't see the blood bar and didn't know what Lu Gang's current condition was.

After handing Lu Gang to Chen Zhuang and the others, the injured among Wang Tao's group also briefly treated their wounds, and then came to the conference room upstairs in the complex.

"Is everything okay with everyone?"

Wang Tao looked at everyone.

He himself was actually the second most seriously injured person, but he had self-healing powers and a medical kit. He recovered a small amount along the way, and his injuries were finally stopped.

But it was still impossible to restore full blood, so Ding Yuqin needed help.

Everyone else was also more or less injured.

"We're all fine, minor injuries!"

Xiang Hongbin shook his head. As long as it's not missing arms or legs or getting infected, it's just a minor injury.

The person who was most seriously injured was naturally Lu Gang.

No one expected that Lu Gang, who was supposed to be the safest, was the most seriously injured.

That hooded zombie's senses are too keen!

After it was hit by Lu Gang's arrow, it immediately discovered Lu Gang's location. Then he flew directly towards Lu Gang from the top of the building. If Lu Gang hadn't been wearing a steel plate, Wang Tao had given them defensive potions in advance... and I had saved him, then Lu Gang might have been doomed!

"This second-level zombie is so powerful!"

Xiang Hongbin sighed.

He felt that he had overestimated this second-level zombie as much as possible, but after the battle, he found that he still underestimated.

Fortunately, Wang Tao was well prepared and blew it up with a bomb in advance, otherwise everyone would definitely be reduced in number!

As for some slime and the like, there is no use at all, the hooded zombie is too fast!

"This is the second-level zombie in its prime! And there's also that gorilla zombie, it's so terrifying!"

Wei Zhenguo also sighed.

This hooded zombie is strong, but the orangutan zombie is even stronger! Only Wang Tao could block the attack of the orangutan zombie. If they had faced the orangutan zombie, they might not have been instantly killed!

"Don't be discouraged, everyone! After all, this is the first time we have dealt with second-level zombies head-on. It's pretty good to be able to do this! Sum up the combat experience, and we won't be so embarrassed next time!"

Wang Tao encouraged with a smile.

Although everyone suffered varying degrees of injuries, it was considered a victory if no one died.

Everyone began to summarize the battle. Analyze your own shortcomings and what you can do better.

Wang Tao felt that if there was a next time, he would either use more self-exploding bombs to kill the second-level zombies at once. Either use less self-exploding bombs to avoid attracting gorilla zombies and a large number of crazy zombies.

His bomb was not done well this time. It did not kill the hooded zombies, but also attracted a large number of crazy zombies and orangutan zombies.

If he had known this would happen, he might as well have used thermal weapons, which would have attracted so many zombies anyway... Wang Tao felt that the second-level zombie couldn't hold too many bullets.

After everyone summarized their experiences and lessons, Wei Zhenguo took out the crystal core of the hooded zombie from his body.

"This is the crystal core of that zombie. See if you can use it!"

Wang Tao didn't have time to look at the crystal core in the hooded zombie's brain before, but now he was a little surprised when he saw the crystal core that Wei Zhenguo took out. It turned out to be an epic crystal core, what a blessing!

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

This is a promotion crystal core!

Wang Tao was overjoyed.

"This works for me!"

Everyone's faces also showed joy.

"As long as it's useful! Otherwise, your work will be in vain!"

Wang Tao was thinking before that his luck wouldn't be so bad today, as he didn't explode the promotion crystal core - Wang Tao looked at the package he exploded, and there was no promotion core in it.

But I didn’t expect that the promotion core is in the zombie’s brain!

"I will take the crystal core. After today, my strength should be improved a lot!"

Wang Tao stood up with a smile.

“We’re looking forward to it!”

Everyone sincerely expressed their blessings. After all, as Wang Tao's strength increases, the security of their base will be greater.

Wang Tao and Han Rui returned home together.

Ding Yuqin asked if the two of them were injured. Wang Tao was a little tired, so he went to take a bath.

Lying comfortably in the bathtub, his fatigue instantly disappeared. After taking a long breath, Wang Tao looked at the package that had exploded after killing the second-level hooded zombie.

This zombie exploded two packages in total.

Inside the first package are three crystal nuclei.

[First-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 50% (no side effects)]

[Almighty: After fusion, you can randomly give +1 to a fused ability, the upper limit is +10]

The first one is an all-powerful crystal core, but unfortunately it is of the first level.

"Could it be that only the second-order zombies can explode the first-order all-powerful crystal core?"

If this is the case, then this condition is too harsh... But this is an all-powerful crystal core after all. If someone has fused some particularly rare powers, then this all-powerful crystal core will still be very useful.

The second one is the second-order crystal core.

[Second-order crystal core·Athletes]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Action consumes double physical strength)]

[Athlete: Passive ability, improved athletic ability]

This core is a passive ability, and its introduction is very simple. But through the performance of the hooded zombies, Wang Tao feels that this ability is very strong!

Hooded zombies are not only faster than humans, but also more agile than humans. All kinds of acrobatic movements are at your fingertips...especially when it is running on the roof, the obstacles can't stop it at all!

If humans integrate this ability, if nothing else, at least their escape ability will be fully maxed out.

Wang Tao was a little excited, but unfortunately, he couldn't fuse other crystal nuclei.

The side effect of this crystal core is that actions consume double the physical strength, which is actually the same as the side effect of hiding the crystal core. It seems that the side effects of crystal nuclei are not the only one...

The last crystal core is also of the second order.

[Second-order crystal core·Jump]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Afraid of Noise)]

[Jump: Consume energy to increase jump height and distance]

This ability is not bad. If it can jump a distance of more than ten meters like a hooded zombie, it will be a very powerful ability for both offense and defense. And if combined with the athlete ability, it will be a replica of the hooded zombie!

As for this side effect... No wonder that zombie is so sensitive to sound. It turns out he is afraid of noise!

Wang Tao suddenly thought that he used five self-exploding bombs to blow up nearly 5,000 blood of the hooded zombie. Was the 5,000 blood caused by the power of the bomb itself, or by the huge noise? It’s really hard to say…

Wang Tao couldn't use the three crystal cores in this package at the moment, and he thought of a question -

Crystal nuclei such as athletes and jumpers are all second-order from the beginning, and no first-order nuclei are seen.

Can a second-level person directly fuse this kind of crystal core? Or do second-level people also need to find first-level crystal nuclei?

Wang Tao is a little confused. He can only wait until he reaches the second level before reading. After all, he is just guessing about the situation at the second level...

Inside the second package was a set of clothes.

[Black sweatshirt: durability +5, tear resistance +5]

[Black sports trousers: durability +5, tear resistance +5]

Is this revealing the hooded zombie's outfit?

He also broke out two pieces of clothing from the zombie, the security uniform he was wearing, the nurse uniform from the space backpack, and this set of sweatshirt and trousers.

These clothes all have durability and tear-proof attributes, but the attributes of the security uniform and nurse uniform are +1, and this suit is +5.

Wang Tao feels that these two attributes are quite practical. For example, her security uniform, even though its attributes are +1, he has never worn it even though it has been worn to this day. And this suit is +5, so it will definitely be more durable.

It's a pity that this zombie didn't reveal any potions, equipment blueprints or anything like that.

But Wang Tao was satisfied, after all, he had a promotion core.

This promotion crystal core was of orange quality, and Wang Tao put it directly into his mouth.

After a moment, Wang Tao felt warm all over his body, and his limbs were full of strength.

He looked at his attributes.

The blood volume has not changed, it is still 4999. The amount of mana has increased by another 200, and is now 4400.

The impurities in the body have also increased. It used to show 0%, but now it shows 1%. According to Wang Tao’s calculations, it should be 1.1% to be precise...

Then came the superpower, his copper skin and iron bones became a second-level superpower!

This surprised Wang Tao. After seeing the attack power of this full-blooded second-level zombie today, he hoped that the copper skin and iron bones could be promoted to the second level.

Now it just so happens that an offensive power, Shock Wave, is level two, and a defensive power, Copper Skin Iron Bone, is also level two, one for offense and one for defense! If we deal with this hooded zombie again, we should be able to withstand its frontal attack, right?

Wang Tao tried the second-level copper-skinned iron bone. The feeling of using it was no different from the first-level one, but the mana consumption increased.

When the first-level copper skin and iron bone is activated, it consumes 1 mana per second, but now it consumes 5 mana per second. The consumption of mana directly increased five times.

I just don’t know how much the defense has been improved... I’ll give it a try again!

In the evening, Wang Tao replenished blood on Ding Yuqin's body.

After his unremitting efforts, the blood was finally filled up!

It’s so convenient to have a blood replenishing pack! Lu Gang, who was also seriously injured, is still lying on the hospital bed, while Wang Tao can go out to hunt zombies!

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