Two days later, after Wei Zhenguo and others basically recovered, Wang Tao took them to the No. 1 Hospital.

Now that the hooded zombies have been dealt with, you can feel a little more at ease to attract the zombies in the hospital.

Of course, you can't be too unrestrained. After all, there are many crazy zombies in the hospital, and there are probably second-level zombies...

When everyone arrived at the hospital, they saw not a single zombie in the hospital yard.

"Are you sure there are zombies in here?"

On the roof of the dilapidated apartment, Xiang Hongbin looked at the hospital with some confusion.

"There should be, wait a moment..."

Wang Tao went to put the remote control speaker in place. This thing is really easy to use. The previous speakers were destroyed by hooded zombies, so Liu He helped him make them again.

After setting up, Wang Tao returned to the roof of the apartment and pressed the remote control.

A moment later, it seemed as if a riot had begun in the hospital. Countless crazy zombies crawled out of the second-floor windows of the outpatient building and rushed toward the speaker.

Some elite zombies also appeared from the inpatient building and followed the crazy zombies out.

"It's really coming!"

Looking at those elite zombies, Xiang Hongbin was a little excited.

These are all walking crystal nuclei!

After Wang Tao saw some elite zombies coming over, he stopped and immediately turned off the loudspeaker.

Without the noise, these crazy zombies instantly lost their target. Some ran around, some went back, and some came downstairs in the apartment.

This time the horn didn't sound for long, and it didn't attract too many zombies, so Wang Tao and the others went downstairs directly to deal with the crazy zombies that accidentally bumped into them.

Then everyone started hunting those elite zombies.

Wang Tao and Han Rui did not take action. They lay on the roof and looked in the direction of the hospital.

Wang Tao whispered:

"Do you think there are second-level zombies in this hospital?"

"There should be some..."

Han Rui was a little unsure.

The main reason is that there are too few second-level zombies. In such a long time, everyone only saw three, including Shao Yong who suddenly mutated.

So even if there are many elite zombies in the hospital, Han Rui is not sure if there are any second-level zombies.

"How about? Let's go in and have a look?"

Wang Tao said suddenly.

After using two promotion crystal cores, Wang Tao's strength was greatly enhanced. He felt that he might have the strength to explore the inpatient department.

This is not because he has expanded, but because he really needs the crystal core of the second-level zombie.

If he can't reach the second level, he still won't be able to fight the orangutan zombies. So some risks must be taken!


Han Rui didn't refuse. She was also very curious about what was going on in the inpatient department. Now that Wang Tao's strength has improved so much, he should have the strength to find out.

"Let's go! As long as we don't disturb too many crazy zombies, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

Wang Tao told Wei Zhenguo about the situation on the intercom, and then climbed over the hospital wall with Han Rui and entered the hospital.

After killing two elite zombies without eyes on the road, the two came to the downstairs of the inpatient department.

The big hole made by the orangutan zombie is still there, and it's dark inside. I don't know what the situation is.

Wang Tao would definitely not go here, he would go through the gate.

The gate was empty, not a single zombie.

After Han Rui confirmed that there were no zombies inside, Wang Tao took Han Rui in with him.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Tao smelled a mixture of rot and disinfectant, which was very pungent.

Wang Tao stopped immediately. He waited for a while to make sure that he had not lost any blood before continuing to walk inside.

The corridor in the inpatient department was a bit long, with black blood stains everywhere on the walls. It was pitch black at the end of the corridor, which looked very scary.

Wang Tao planned to take a look at the first floor first. If there was no danger, he would go to the second and third floors...

But until the two of them walked around the first floor, there were no first-level zombies, let alone second-level zombies.

"Aren't there any zombies?"

Wang Tao was a little confused. Could it be that all the zombies were attracted out?

But he felt that there weren’t many zombies outside! At least not as many zombies as he had seen before. Although he has hunted down many elite zombies in the hospital, there should be many more here...

"There's nothing on the second floor either..."

Han Rui said again.

The hospital has a relatively high floor, and her powers can only penetrate one floor.

Then the two came to the third floor. The third floor is similar to the first floor. It looks very scary, but there is also not a single zombie. Not even on the fourth floor.

"It's so weird!"

Wang Tao was a little confused, was there really no zombie left?

He continued to go upstairs without believing anything, until he reached the top 12th floor. There was also not a single zombie!

"Forget it, let's get down."

Wang Tao was a little helpless.

Could it be that he and Han Rui had really killed all the elite zombies here? Or they were killed a lot the last time the gorilla zombies came in - wait, gorilla zombies!

Wang Tao was suddenly stunned, then he looked at Han Rui and said:

"It seems like the orangutan zombies haven't come here yet?"

"Huh?" Han Rui didn't understand what Wang Tao meant for a moment, and she subconsciously replied, "It has indeed never come up before, otherwise with its size, the buildings up here will definitely be destroyed..."

Wang Tao spoke again:

"But the orangutan zombie came in! It came in, but didn't come up. There seems to be no trace of its activity on the first floor..."

Han Rui's eyes lit up.

"Then there is only one possibility. The orangutan zombies have gone underground! There is a basement here!"

"That's right! Let's go and take a look!"

When Wang Tao just thought about the orangutan zombies, he suddenly thought of a detail - the orangutan zombies knocked a big hole out of the inpatient department, but the upstairs was very flat, without any trace of the orangutan zombies staying.

It's impossible for a gorilla zombie to come in through a big hole, sit on the first floor for a while and then go out, right?

It's definitely on to something!

Since you didn’t go upstairs, it’s most likely downstairs!

When the two of them entered the inpatient department just now, they were afraid of danger, so they deliberately avoided the big hole made by the orangutan zombie. After entering, the two of them did not go there to check because the big cave was in ruins.

Now that I think about it, the orangutan zombies probably went to the basement! Most hospitals have basements.

Wang Tao and the two quickly ran to the first floor and came to the big hole knocked out by the orangutan zombie.

After climbing over the ruins at the cave entrance, I found that it was a downward cave entrance!

"It's indeed the basement!"

After confirming his guess, Wang Tao did not go in from here. Instead, he and Han Rui went to the stairs of the inpatient department again.

The staircase they just went upstairs did not lead to the basement, but there must be other staircases.

After searching for a while, the two finally found a staircase leading to the basement.

The hospital has three basement levels.

The negative two and negative three floors are locked with password locks. Wang Tao cannot unlock them unless they are violently broken. But the first floor was unlocked and the door was open.

The negative level is a bit like a large warehouse. Although it is dark inside, there are some yellow emergency sensor lights flashing, so you can see some things clearly.

After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Wang Tao and Han Rui walked in together.

“Hiss—it’s so cold!”

The moment she entered the negative level, Han Rui shuddered.

The temperature is so low here!

Wang Tao frowned.

Although the basement is relatively cool, it is June now, and the equipment he wears is thick, so he can actually feel the cold...

Something is wrong, very wrong!

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Wang Tao immediately said cautiously:

"You have your sensory abilities turned on the whole time, so be careful!"


Wang Tao asked Han Rui to walk in front, and he was one step behind Han Rui. If something happens, he can respond promptly.

Suddenly, Han Rui stopped.

She pointed forward with a shocked expression.

"Zombies! So many zombies!"

"Don't panic. Go slowly..."

Wang Tao reached out and gently put his hand on Han Rui's shoulder. The two of them slowly moved forward.

"Right there!"

Han Rui pointed at a place, and Wang Tao looked in the direction she pointed.

I saw a group of zombies wearing white coats and hospital gowns, standing there with their backs to Wang Tao. Their bodies swayed slightly, but did not move. Like... sleeping standing up?

Wang Tao was a little unsure. Ordinary zombies have this kind of sleeping-like situation. For example, they lie on the ground as if they are dead. If someone passes by, they will slowly get up.

But those were ordinary zombies, and Wang Tao had never seen anything like this among elite zombies.

After thinking about it, Wang Tao took out his hand crossbow and, using the dim light, shot an arrow at the zombie at the back.

call out--



The zombie suddenly staggered.

"Ho ho..."

It turned its head and looked, as if it found nothing, then turned its head again and continued to stand there.


Wang Tao was a little surprised.

Normally, if a zombie is attacked, even if it is not noticed, it will be angry or come to the attacker, and will not just stand there stupidly and let others attack.

But this elite zombie just turned its head and looked at it and ignored it...

Wang Tao took the hand crossbow and shot two more arrows at it.




Even though there were three arrows stuck in its head, which was already bleeding, the zombie still didn't come over. It just turned around and roared twice angrily, and then continued to stare blankly ahead.

"Aren't you even here?"

In this case, Wang Tao was not polite and emptied its health bar with the last arrow.




The zombie with four arrows stuck in its head fell to the ground.

Without considering the accuracy, the damage of the hand crossbow has nothing to do with Wang Tao himself, but only the strength of the hand crossbow and the crossbow arrows. Therefore, after Wang Tao's strength improved, the damage of this hand crossbow was a little less impressive. It takes four arrows to kill the elite zombies, which have always had low defenses. If he used an ax to chop it himself, it would definitely not take four...

After this zombie fell to the ground, the other zombies around him seemed to have noticed nothing and still stood there blankly.

"Is this immovable? If so...then I won't be polite to these crystal nuclei!"

Before Wang Tao took action, he asked Ding Yuqin to check carefully. After making sure that there were only these elite zombies here and nothing else, Wang Tao walked over with an axe.

He walked until he was three or four meters behind the zombies. Only then did the zombies seem to feel something and began to turn around one after another.

The moment they turned back, Wang Tao sent a shock wave directly.








When a zombie is hit by the shock wave, its body is shattered and its health bar is instantly cleared. The remaining part is also residual blood.


The second-level shock wave is different. It can basically kill elite zombies with less than 3,000 health in an instant.

The remaining ones that didn't drop instantly were either those with particularly high defense or those with particularly thick health.

Wang Tao took the opportunity to swing the ax again, and another shock wave passed by. The remaining zombies were all crushed by the shock wave!

Wang Tao grinned as he looked at some broken limbs and those shiny crystal cores.

Using second-level abilities to deal with first-level zombies is simply a dimensionality reduction strike!

Wang Tao quickly called Han Rui over to pick up the crystal core.

One good thing about the shock wave power is that most of the zombies killed by the shock wave had their heads and even bodies exploded. So the crystal core fell out directly. There is no need to dig out crystal cores while suppressing nausea.

Soon, the crystal cores on the ground were collected by the two of them. Naturally, Wang Tao also put all the packages dropped by the zombies in the space backpack.

During the search, Wang Tao discovered that the front where these zombies had been looking was actually a stairway!

Going to the second floor?

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

What are these zombies doing stupidly looking at the second floor? Is there something on the second floor below?

Looking at the dark cave entrance and feeling the colder temperature at the entrance of the stairs, Wang Tao hesitated to go down.

Judging from the entrance of the stairs, there seemed to be no lights under the second floor, and he did not have night vision equipment. If he went down rashly, there would be any danger...

"Loot the first floor first!"

Wang Tao thought it was better to finish the first search first.

This basement is very large, and Wang Tao is currently in only one of the areas. There are several stairs leading to the second floor.

Soon, Han Rui discovered another group of zombies.

This group of zombies, like the group of zombies just now, were all standing swaying at the entrance of a staircase, as if they were hypnotized.

Wang Tao didn't test it any more and just went forward with the ax.

But this time it was a little more troublesome. There were many zombies with high HP and thick defense, so Wang Tao used four shock waves.

There was no need to greet Han Rui. The moment the zombie was crushed, Han Rui immediately ran over to pick up the crystal core.

After the two of them had collected all the loot, they were both a little excited.

It’s so cool to kill zombies like this!

The crystal nuclei obtained in these two times alone can probably keep Wei Zhenguo and the others busy for half a month!

"Keep going!"

Han Rui maximized her sensory abilities and continued to look for zombies.

Soon, she discovered the third group of zombies.

Also at the entrance of the stairs, there was the same large group of people, standing still in a daze.

Wang Tao immediately walked behind them with an ax, and then sent a shock wave down, and all the zombies were instantly crushed.

This time there are no zombies with high health and defense, so it is relatively clean and tidy.

But just as Wang Tao was putting away the fallen trophies, Han Rui's expression suddenly changed.

"No! There's a big guy coming! It's down there!"

Wang Tao glanced at the steps subconsciously.


He didn't want the crystal core anymore, just put his arm around Han Rui's waist, and charged forward for more than 20 meters!

Then he pulled Han Rui to turn left and right, and when they came to an open road, Wang Tao said anxiously to Han Rui:


Han Rui immediately hugged Wang Tao's waist tightly and activated his charge ability.


The two charged again for more than twenty meters.

Then when he turned a corner, he saw the bright hole ahead that was penetrated by the orangutan zombies. But the first floor below is very high, probably about four meters.

"You go first!"

Wang Tao crossed his hands, palms facing up.

Han Rui immediately stepped on Wang Tao's palm, and Wang Tao raised Han Rui up with both hands.

After Han Rui landed on the ground, she rolled over to relieve her strength, then lay on the ground and stretched out her hand to Wang Tao.

Wang Tao took a slight start, then stepped directly on the wall and sprinted for a short distance, while reaching out and grabbing Han Rui's hand.


Han Rui held Wang Tao's right hand with both hands, and then exerted force suddenly.


Wang Tao was directly pulled out of the pothole by her.

Before she could take a breath, Wang Tao took her hand and ran away. At the same time, Wang Tao was still calling Wei Zhenguo and the others on the walkie-talkie to evacuate immediately!

The two of them ran to the apartment building in one breath, and Wei Zhenguo and the others just returned.

"What happened? The zombies in front of me were almost killed. When I heard you tell me to retreat quickly, I ran away without even caring about killing the zombies... If I had known, I wouldn't have inked!"

Xiang Hongbin was a little annoyed. He just wanted to try his new move, so he wasted some time.

Several other people also looked at Wang Tao, looking at Wang Tao gasping for air, wondering what was going on.


Wang Tao didn't care to speak and hurried to the roof. After seeing that there was no movement in the hospital, he was relieved.

"There is a very scary zombie in the basement of the hospital!"

Wang Tao spoke to the people behind him.

"Level 2 zombies? How scary are they?"

Wei Zhenguo asked cautiously.

"I'm not sure of the specific strength, but based on my experience, it may be stronger than the orangutan zombie!"

When Han Rui reminded him just now, Wang Tao glanced at the entrance to the stairs.

It was so dark down there that he couldn't see the specific situation clearly, he could only see a pair of green eyes!

But at the same time, he also saw the guy’s health bar——[15000/15000]

Fifteen thousand blood!

This is the creature with the most health that Wang Tao has seen since the end of the world!

According to what we know so far, blood volume can basically be equated to combat effectiveness, so the first time Wang Tao saw this blood volume, he ran away without picking up the zombie crystal core!

"Stronger than gorilla zombies!"

Everyone was surprised.

They have all seen the fighting power of orangutan zombies. If it is stronger than the fighting power of orangutan zombies, then what kind of monster is this!

But this is a hospital, and there are a lot of elite zombies here, so it seems reasonable for such a monster to appear...

"Then...shall we continue?"

"Go back first! We were down there and got a lot of crystal nuclei!"


They soldiers really have nothing to say about executing orders.

When Wang Tao said to leave, they left immediately, never dragging their feet, even if there were still zombies with residual blood left to kill.

On the way back, Wang Tao informed everyone about the situation on the negative level, but when he mentioned the zombie with 15,000 blood, Wang Tao suddenly frowned.

He recalled the time when he saw the 10,000-blood monster in the outer ring. At that time, the monster scared his legs to the point of weakness. And this monster with 15,000 health does not have that scary aura.

Could it be that his strength has improved?

But this is wrong. Even now, Wang Tao still feels a lingering fear when he thinks of that 10,000-blood monster!

As for the green eyes just now, Wang Tao was afraid of their health, which was fifteen thousand after all. As for the dangerous aura on the opponent's body, Wang Tao didn't feel much, at least not as much as the black shadow and orangutan zombies!

Wang Tao suddenly had an outrageous idea——

"...Could it be that it's not as strong as I thought? Did I scare myself?"

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