Wang Tao came to the First Hospital again.

This time it was just him and Han Rui.

After all, Wang Tao just wanted to test the reality of the zombie underground in the hospital, and had no intention of fighting it head-on. If you need to run away, it will be more convenient with fewer people.

"Are we really going in..."

Outside the hospital, Han Rui was a little nervous.

The main reason is that Wang Tao said before that there is a zombie here that is stronger than the orangutan zombie!

He has already seen how strong the orangutan zombies are. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be stronger than an orangutan.

So she is still a little panicked now.

Instead, it was Wang Tao. The fastest runner before was Wang Tao, but now it was Wang Tao who was eager to try.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Wang Tao shook Han Rui's little hand, then looked at the empty hospital and waved.


Entering the hospital, there are still no zombies in the hospital compound.

The two of them groped their way into the negative level, and that cold feeling came again.

Han Rui still walked ahead to explore the way.

"There are no zombies..."

There were no zombies at the two stairwells where Wang Tao had previously eliminated a large number of zombies.

However, at the entrance of the third step, the shining crystal core is still there.

Wang Tao hurried over and picked up these crystal nuclei. They couldn't waste them.

Zombies don't seem to need crystal nuclei. At present, only humans can fuse crystal nuclei.

"Are we going down?"

Han Rui asked, looking at the dark staircase leading to the second floor.

"No, we attract it!"

Wang Tao shook his head.

Their purpose this time was to test the zombie's strength. No one knows what's going on down there. If it's dangerous, going down rashly will be troublesome. It's better to be up there.

"Let's see if there are any zombies on this floor. If there are zombies, let's continue to kill these zombies and try to lure them over as much as possible..."


Wang Tao and Han Rui searched here together and soon discovered a group of zombies.

Still the same as before, a group of zombies were standing staggeringly at the entrance of the stairs, as if they were asleep.

Wang Tao went directly over and received two shock waves.


All the zombies were turned into minced meat, and the crystal cores were scattered on the ground.

With a thought, Wang Tao collected all the surrounding packages and did not rush to pick up the crystal cores. Instead, he let Han Rui feel it for herself. After making sure that the zombie was not coming, he and Han Rui picked up the crystal cores together. Walk.

"There is no danger for now, go to the next step..."

Under Han Rui's perception, the two quickly found another group of zombies.

Wang Tao cautiously walked behind the group of zombies, and then used the shock wave instantly.


A large number of zombies fell to the ground.

And at this moment, Han Rui suddenly exclaimed.

"It's coming!"

Wang Tao ran back immediately without saying a word.

He took the opportunity to look back and saw a pair of green eyes shining in the darkness. And the 15,000 red health bar above its head!


When Wang Tao ran, he was already prepared to be attacked by this zombie, but what was surprising was that after the pair of green eyes appeared, although they kept staring at Wang Tao, they showed no sign of approaching.

"It doesn't seem to be chasing me?"

Wang Tao felt a little strange.

He and Han Rui ran to the entrance of the cave destroyed by the orangutan zombie and waited cautiously for a while. Then he discovered that the zombie did not chase after him!

"It's true that we didn't sense it...what should we do now?"

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao touched his chin and pondered.

There is something very wrong with this zombie. The zombies he has seen before will definitely chase people if they see them! I don’t say whether I can catch up with him or not, but I will definitely catch up.

Could it be that this zombie is intelligent?

Wang Tao carefully thought about the feeling this zombie gave him. Although he could not see the whole picture, he did not feel too much oppression.

It is completely incomparable to the orangutan zombies and the black shadows in the wild before!

"Let's go! Go over and have a look!"

Wang Tao decided to take another risk.


Han Rui naturally had nothing to say.

The two of them carefully came to the stairs where the green-eyed zombie appeared, but it was no longer here.

Wang Tao first put away all the crystal cores that he had not picked up just now, then took out a scalpel and threw it directly at the stairs.

call out--

Dang clang——

The scalpel fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

After a moment, Han Rui said nervously:

"Here it comes again!"

Wang Tao didn't run this time, but he was ready to charge in the opposite direction.

Soon, a pair of green eyes appeared from the darkness under the stairs.

These were obviously a pair of human eyes, but they were not as white as those of ordinary zombies. If it weren't for the black bloodshot eyes that seemed to have an aura of violence on its face, would its eyes actually be pretty?

Wang Tao stared closely at the zombie, and the zombie kept looking at Wang Tao. Neither of them made any move.

This made Wang Tao more courageous. He took out his flashlight and shined it at the entrance of the stairs.

This dazzling white light made the zombies subconsciously squint their eyes and even retreat a little.

When Wang Tao and Han Rui saw what was happening below, they immediately gasped!

"What the hell is this!"

This zombie has short, sparse hair and is wearing a white coat on its upper body. Its body is thin and shriveled, but its lower body is very fat, has no legs, and has many disgusting sarcomas!

It seems to be stuck at the entrance of the steps due to these sarcomas and can't get up!


After roughly figuring out the situation of this zombie, Wang Tao's eyes lit up.

A scalpel appeared in his hand again, and then he activated his precision shooting ability and threw it at the green-eyed zombie.

call out--

Wang Tao aimed at the zombie's eyes, but it evaded the attack with a flick of its head.


Wang Tao was a little surprised. This was the first time he saw a zombie avoid his attack!

He did not believe in evil, and several scalpels appeared in his hands again, and he threw them at the zombies quickly and accurately.

But only one of these flying knives was hit, and all the others were dodged by it and inserted into the fleshy tumor under its body. These knives inserted into the sarcoma did not cause any harm.

And the only flying knife that hit, although it hit its head, only caused "9" damage!

For its 15,000 HP, this amount of damage is almost equivalent to nothing - just when Wang Tao thought that this damage can be ignored, he saw a "+9" suddenly appear on the zombie's head.

Its health is full again!


Wang Tao cried out in his heart: Damn it.

Even if the defense is high, it still brings back blood? Does it still have the ability to heal itself?

But the only good news is that this zombie doesn't seem to have long-range attack capabilities. Wang Tao attacked it so many times, but it had no other actions except roaring.

Seeing this situation, Wang Tao became more courageous.

He took a few steps forward with the fire ax, and then struck the ax directly into the void.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye hit the zombie instantly.



This time it caused more than 300 damage. Although it was still not high, it was still much better than the damage of that figure.

If this zombie stood still while he attacked it, wouldn't he be able to kill it with dozens of shock waves?

Even if it can restore blood, can it still restore hundreds of blood at a time?

Then Wang Tao saw the word "+324" appearing on the zombie's head. The zombies are full of blood instantly!


Wang Tao wanted to scold his mother.

What the hell is this ability to restore blood, which can restore more than 300 in an instant? How can we fight this!

Shock wave is the highest damage he can currently cause!

"What's wrong?"

Han Rui next to her asked nervously.

She couldn't see the health bar, but she could tell that Wang Tao didn't look good.

"This zombie has healing ability. Even if I use the strongest shock wave, it will have no effect on it!"

After Wang Tao gave a brief explanation, he immediately threw several more shock waves at it.








This is unplayable!

No matter how much health Wang Tao knocks it out, it can instantly recover to full health!

Looking at this situation, unless Wang Tao can kill it at once, but this is obviously impossible...

"Ho ho..."

The zombie seemed to be glaring at Wang Tao angrily. It wanted to come over, but its body was stuck and it couldn't come up at all. Wang Tao also stared at it, and sent several shock waves to it as if to vent his anger, but was instantly restored to full strength by it.

Both want to kill the other, but neither can do anything to the other.

"Fuck, I still don't believe it!"

Wang Tao took out a military rifle from his backpack!

This was what he specifically asked for from Wei Zhenguo when he came out today.

"Do you really want to use this?"

Han Rui was a little worried.

Although this is on the negative floor, no one can guarantee whether it will attract crazy zombies.

"No matter, let's take a shot first and then talk about it!"

Wang Tao turned off the safety, loaded the rifle, and aimed at the zombie's head.

Then Wang Tao activated his precision shooting ability, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger!

Da da da--

In an instant, a tongue of fire spurted towards the zombies.










The damage caused by the self-guided rifle is higher than the damage of Wang Tao's second-order shock wave, and the attack speed is far faster than the shock wave.

In less than a second, all thirty bullets in the magazine were dumped on the zombie's head. Except for a few missed shots, the remaining twenty or so shots all hit!

But even with such a terrifying rate of fire, the zombies' ability to recover blood can still keep up!

After each bullet causes damage, it can instantly fill up the blood! After firing these thirty rounds of bullets, the zombies are still full of health!

"Retreat first!"

Wang Tao didn't care to say anything more and quickly took Han Rui away first.

After all, the sound of the shooting just now was too loud, and there might be a lot of crazy zombies coming.

The two hurriedly ran out of the hospital from the stairs. Wang Tao found that about a dozen crazy zombies went to the basement through the hole made by the orangutan zombies.

"It's okay. I only attracted a dozen crazy zombies. The sound insulation in the basement is pretty good..."

This is also good news.

But Wang Tao couldn't laugh because the zombie's blood regeneration was so abnormal!

Wang Tao previously thought that although the zombies' ability to recover blood was very strong, it should be based on the same principle as self-healing, in terms of how much they could recover per second.

So as long as his attack speed is fast enough so that the blood recovery speed cannot keep up with the blood loss speed, wouldn't it be possible to kill it?

Even if Wang Tao's rifle is not fast enough, he can call Wei Zhenguo and the others and have more than a dozen rifles attack at the same time. Then the attack speed will definitely be faster, right?

Unexpectedly, things were not what Wang Tao thought - the green-eyed zombie's ability to recover blood was not based on how much it could recover per second. No matter how fast his rifle fires, the opponent can instantly recover full health!

Is this reasonable?

What kind of power is so powerful?

This gave Wang Tao the feeling that this zombie had a big blood bag on it! As soon as it loses blood, the blood pack will instantly replenish it with full blood!

If this is the case, it will be difficult...

Wang Tao thought again of the sarcomas under the green-eyed zombies. Those things might be the zombies' blood bags. But his bullets hit those tumors, but not a drop of blood fell...

"No, I still have to try!"

Wang Tao returned to his off-road vehicle and took out some Molotov cocktails.

Since his strength increased, he has not used Molotov cocktails much. The main reason is that this thing can't tell the difference between friend and foe, and even after throwing the Molotov cocktail, I can't get over. It's still quite troublesome, so Wang Tao uses it less.

After taking out these incendiary bottles, Wang Tao and Han Rui came to the negative level again.

Several crazy zombies inside found Wang Tao instantly, but were hacked to death by Han Rui in a few blows.

When the two of them arrived at the stairs, the green-eyed zombie had disappeared.

Wang Tao threw a stone at the stairs, and not long after, the green-eyed zombie appeared again.

Without saying a word, Wang Tao lit the Molotov cocktail and threw it towards the zombie.


The Molotov cocktail hit the opponent and burst, and the hot flames instantly swept through the zombie's upper body.

"Ho ho..."

The zombie roared angrily.






Seeing this loss of health, Wang Tao was speechless. This was not as good as his shock wave!

However, after this zombie was burned by gunpowder, it seemed to be in pain, and it began to slowly retreat!

Seeing the zombies with flames on their bodies about to retreat into the darkness, Wang Tao said decisively:

"Come on, follow us and take a look!"

Anyway, both of them have the ability to charge, and if there is any danger, they can escape in time.


Han Rui responded, and then carefully walked down the stairs with Wang Tao.

"Ho ho..."

The zombie let out an unpleasant roar, but the flames on its body became less and less and soon disappeared.

The clothes on its upper body and the few hairs it had were burned away, exposing its rotten and shriveled flesh, which looked a little disgusting.

But the most disgusting thing is not its upper body, but its lower body!

"Oh My God!"

The two finally saw the green-eyed zombie's complete lower body, and Han Rui exclaimed.

The lower body of the green-eyed zombie is covered with sarcomas one after another. All the sarcomas in total are about the size of half a basketball court! No wonder it got stuck at the top of the stairs and couldn't go up.

And these sarcomas turned out to be composed of zombies, with at least hundreds or thousands of ferocious arms, thighs and heads squirming! Even the zombies that are fused together have independent health bars!

Wang Tao felt sick for a while.

This scene directly caused him to lose a few drops of blood, and Han Rui lost dozens of drops of blood.

"Ho ho..."

After the flames on the green-eyed zombie are extinguished, it will walk towards Wang Tao.

But Wang Tao decisively threw another Molotov cocktail.


A ball of flame once again covered the zombie's upper body, causing it to retreat again.

"Although there is no way to cause substantial damage to it, it is afraid of fire... This is good news!"

Wang Tao suddenly thought, if he set the entire hospital on fire, couldn't he burn her to death?

However, this idea only crossed Wang Tao's mind for a moment and was quickly forgotten.

Let’s not talk about whether he can set the hospital on fire. Even if he can, how will he put out the fire? If it really causes a super fire that cannot be extinguished, the base will be in danger!

But then again, even if you can't burn it to death, you may be able to think of other ways to take advantage of its fear of fire...


At this time, the green-eyed zombie suddenly roared, then its mouth opened wide, and a light green ring of light suddenly appeared from its body, and then spread rapidly to the surroundings!


Seeing this ability that was a bit like a shock wave, Wang Tao and Han Rui ran away quickly.

But who knew that the speed of this aperture was too fast, much faster than the shock wave. Wang Tao and Han Rui couldn't escape at all.


The aperture directly hit Wang Tao and Han Rui!

Then the two of them discovered that... nothing seemed to be wrong?

Wang Tao quickly looked at his and Han Rui's health bars.

No blood loss? Nor any negative status?

Wang Tao was a little confused.

However, out of caution, he ran with Han Rui for a while. Although they were always within the aperture, they still didn't lose any health or suffer any negative effects.

"I don't seem to have any hard feelings..."

Han Rui was also a little confused.

"It doesn't seem to have an attack power!"

Wang Tao confirmed several times that this aperture would indeed not cause any harm to him.

And the green-eyed zombie seemed to have realized that its ability was useless, so it took it back.

When Wang Tao saw this, he used a shock wave on the green-eyed zombie.


This time the shock wave did not hit the zombie's upper body, but its lower body.

In an instant, several zombies that were fused with its lower body but not completely fused were shattered by the impact.

And when these zombies died, although this green-eyed zombie didn't lose a drop of blood, it seemed to be even more angry!


It didn't care about the flames on its body, and walked directly towards Wang Tao with its countless hands and feet squirming.

"Fuck, run!"

Wang Tao had no intention of fighting it in close combat, so he immediately pulled Han Rui and ran away.

Although this zombie has many arms and legs, it is too bulky and not very fast. It's far different from the previous hooded zombies.

Wang Tao and the two ran to the negative level easily.

The green-eyed zombie was stuck at the entrance of the stairs again. After roaring twice, it retreated again. The flames on its body also went out, and it quickly disappeared from Wang Tao's sight.

Wang Tao looked at the dark staircase entrance, frowning in thought.

When he used shock waves to attack the zombie's upper body just now, even if it lost hundreds of blood, it didn't react much.

When you use a Molotov cocktail to burn its upper body, although it loses little blood, it feels a little angry.

And when Wang Tao attacked the zombies fused with it under it, it didn't lose a drop of blood, but it was surprisingly angry...

Are the zombies down there important to her?

Wang Tao thought of the blood replenishing pack again.

"Perhaps those zombies below are its blood replenishing packs?"

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