Wang Tao thinks this is very likely!

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be angry if he hit it, but he would be very angry if he hit the zombie on its lower body? This is unreasonable!

"Have a rest first and try again later..."

Wang Tao took out the nutrient solution and handed two bottles to Han Rui.


After the battle just now, Han Rui was no longer so afraid of this zombie. At least for now, this zombie's combat effectiveness is not as strong as that of the hooded zombies and orangutan zombies.

"After it goes down, don't let it get close, attack its lower body, and see if you can kill all the zombies fused with its lower body..."

Wang Tao felt that blood volume could not appear out of thin air.

Either it consumes energy, or there is something like a blood replenishing pack. But no matter what it is, it will eventually run out.

So Wang Tao wanted to try to see if he could force this green-eyed zombie to run out of energy or blood packs!


After the two rested for a while, they came to the stairs again.

Just like before, Wang Tao picked up a stone and threw it down.

After a moment, the green-eyed zombie was attracted.

Seeing this zombie appear, Wang Tao felt relieved.

If it doesn't appear, then Wang Tao really doesn't dare to go down. If it prepares a sneak attack somewhere, it will be in trouble.


This green-eyed zombie seemed to have a certain memory. When it saw Wang Tao, it immediately roared and looked very angry.

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He felt that this zombie should be much smarter.

Then Wang Tao picked up the lit Molotov cocktail and threw it towards it.


The flames instantly covered the upper body of the green-eyed zombie.






The green-eyed zombie began to retreat slowly.

One of the reasons why Wang Tao threw Molotov cocktails at it was because he wanted it to get out. If it didn't retreat, Wang Tao wouldn't be able to get down. The other one is used as lighting. After all, the second floor below is too dark.

After the green-eyed zombies retreated, Wang Tao and Han Rui immediately followed.

In order to verify his conjecture, Wang Tao didn't say anything this time, and directly slashed the lower body of the green-eyed zombie with a shock wave.


In an instant, several of the zombies whose lower bodies were fused exploded and died. The zombie crystal cores collapsed.


The green-eyed zombie roared angrily, but it really didn't have long-range attack capabilities and couldn't hit Wang Tao at all.

And it was not flexible. When Wang Tao went around in circles with it, it seemed even more sluggish.

However, Wang Tao couldn't quickly kill the zombies under him, because he didn't know whether it was because these zombies were integrated into the green-eyed zombie body, and their defense was very strong.

For ordinary first-level elite zombies, Wang Tao can kill a large area with one shock wave. But for these zombies, he can only kill one or two with one shock wave, and sometimes he can't die.

But this is not a big problem. Wang Tao now has more than 4,000 mana, which is enough for him to use shock waves many times.

While Han Rui was shooting the zombies with a sniper crossbow, she used her senses to explore the surroundings and prevent possible dangers in advance.

When the flames on the zombies gradually extinguished, Han Rui immediately added another Molotov cocktail. She wanted to ensure that the negative second floor had enough brightness for Wang Tao to perform.

Speaking of which, this green-eyed zombie seems to have some fire resistance. The Molotov cocktail can burn other zombies for a long time, but it disappears after a while and causes very little damage to it.

I don't know how long it took, but when half of Wang Tao's mana was consumed, the last few zombies fused with it in the lower body of the green-eyed zombie were finally shattered by the shock wave.


Without their "legs", the green-eyed zombies completely lose their ability to move. The sarcomas under its body do not move. It relies on the hands and feet inside the sarcomas to move.

Looking at the completely lying zombie, Wang Tao grinned, and then threw a flying knife at its head.

call out!




"Huh? How can I still regain blood?"

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the tumors under it.

Isn't it enough to just kill the zombies it fused with? Do we need to smash these sarcomas too?

When Wang Tao attacked before, the shock wave must have hit the sarcoma, but it had no effect...

But now he had no choice. He sent another shock wave, directly hitting one of the sarcomas on the green-eyed zombie's lower body.


The sarcoma that had been unable to be broken before was easily shattered by the shock wave like a balloon this time. Some fishy yellow-green mucus flows from the sarcoma.

"Huh? So easy?"

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment.


Although the green-eyed zombie didn't lose any blood, it suddenly trembled like a madman.

Wang Tao thinks this should be the weakness of zombies!


Wang Tao just counted and found that this green-eyed zombie had a total of ten sarcomas on its lower body. I guess they all have to be broken.


Wang Tao sent another shock wave, just like before, easily shattering its second sarcoma.

The green-eyed zombie continued to go crazy, but it couldn't move, and Wang Tao was far away from it, so it couldn't do anything to Wang Tao.

But at this moment, Han Rui, who had been paying attention to the movements around him, suddenly said:

"Wang Tao, the zombies on the first floor are coming!"


Wang Tao sent another shock wave and crushed the third sarcoma.

"They're like crazy!"

Han Rui said quickly.

Wang Tao turned around and saw a group of elite zombies sprinting towards the second floor from the stairs on the first floor!

"I go!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw this scene, because these elite zombies ran as fast as the crazy zombies!

What happened? He went crazy?

Wang Tao didn't care about dealing with the green-eyed zombies anymore, he quickly turned around to deal with these elite zombies.

These elite zombies no longer looked as dull as before. After they rushed down, some of them rushed directly towards Wang Tao and Han Rui when they saw them, while the rest rushed towards the green-eyed zombies.

"Could the lower body of a green-eyed zombie be able to fuse with these zombies?"

Wang Tao quickly killed the zombies rushing towards him, and then hurried to the green-eyed zombies.

As a result, Wang Tao and Han Rui were a little confused at this sight.

These elite zombies did not merge with the green zombies, but fell directly into the yellow-green slime!

"What's going on?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. Then he looked carefully at the yellow-green mucus and was suddenly shocked.

He hadn't paid much attention just now, but now he realized that he could actually see the name of the liquid!

[Zombie Culture Solution*300]

This name doesn't seem like a good thing, but as long as you see the name, it means that he can put it in the space backpack!

As long as it can be packed into the space backpack, it doesn't matter whether it is useful or not, he can just pack it in. After all, his space backpack is infinitely large!

So, Wang Tao directly threw out another shock wave, killing all the zombies lying in the slime.

This is his trophy, and zombies can’t touch it!

At this time, Han Rui said hurriedly:

"There are elite zombies coming down from upstairs!"

This zombie culture solution seems to be very attractive to zombies!

Wang Tao immediately said to Han Rui:

"You go and stop them, and I'll see if I can get rid of this green-eyed zombie as soon as possible!"


Han Rui immediately took the ax and ran to the stairs. To deal with a large number of zombies, axes are obviously more suitable than crossbows.

Wang Tao came to the side of the slime, and with a thought, he immediately put all the slime into the space backpack, and also collected all the zombie crystal cores on the ground.

Then he stopped inking and swung his ax crazily at the green-eyed zombies.

Shock waves hit the opponent one after another.


In a moment, all the remaining seven sarcomas were crushed, and yellow-green fishy mucus flowed all over the floor.

Not to mention Wang Tao, even Han Rui at the stairs couldn't stand the smell and almost vomited it out.

Wang Tao suppressed his nausea and quickly put all the mucus into his backpack.

[Obtain: Zombie Culture Fluid*700]


The green-eyed zombie with all ten sarcomas on his lower body ruptured, twisted his body, and then slowly crawled out of the sarcomas.

His upper body and lower body were separated, and he was crawling on the ground with his hands on his hands. Under his body was something similar to intestines dragging on the ground.

But suddenly, the green-eyed zombie used its arms and flew directly into the air, rushing towards Wang Tao.


Wang Tao has been on guard against green-eyed zombies, after all, her 15,000 blood is still full.

So even if the green-eyed zombie "flyed" directly, Wang Tao didn't panic.

He activated his copper-skinned iron bones and precise shooting abilities, and then while watching the green-eyed zombies fly in front of him, Wang Tao suddenly raised his fire ax with both hands. Then he slashed hard.


The ax hit the green-eyed zombie directly on the forehead, and the huge force sent it flying back.



Although the damage figure is not high, it is real damage - the green-eyed zombie can no longer recover its health!

Sure enough, it's because of those liquids!

After the green-eyed zombie was knocked away, it continued to crawl on the ground with both arms, and then found the opportunity to pounce on Wang Tao again.


Wang Tao struck again. This ax not only hit the green-eyed zombie's head, but also struck exactly where he struck the first time!



The green-eyed zombie was knocked away again.

But it still pounced on Wang Tao for the third time without mercy.

After using this trick to attack him three times in a row, Wang Tao felt that this green-eyed zombie had no tricks left. So this time he was a little bolder. When the green-eyed zombie pounced, he turned aside, avoided the opponent's attack, and grabbed its neck at once!

Then Wang Tao used all his strength and pressed the ground hard.


The green-eyed zombie was directly pushed to the ground from behind by Wang Tao.

The green-eyed zombie is very strong, but it is stronger than the zombie without the hood. In addition, Wang Tao has extraordinary strength. He kneels on the green-eyed zombie's back to prevent it from escaping.

Then Wang Tao grabbed the green-eyed zombie by the back of the neck with one hand, picked up the ax with the other, and slashed at its head wildly.





Wang Tao's arms were almost turned into afterimages!

Finally, only a puff was heard. The head of the green-eyed zombie was chopped into pieces by Wang Tao.



The green-eyed zombie’s health bar is cleared!


Wang Tao rubbed his sore arms.

The battle with the green-eyed zombies just now was actually very short and not very dangerous, but it was very strenuous. Wang Tao attacked with all his strength every time, and with his physical condition, he had to take a big breath.

Wang Tao looked at the green-eyed zombie, and his mouth suddenly grinned under the mask.

Green-eyed zombies explode!

Wang Tao quickly put the loot package into his space backpack, then endured the disgusting smell of the green-eyed zombie and dug out its crystal core.


When Wang Tao was digging out the crystal core, he found that its green eyes had also fallen off.

[Night Vision Eyeballs*2]

These eyes have names!

Wang Tao didn't care to look further and immediately put it into his space backpack. Then he rummaged through the green-eyed zombie again. Although he didn't find any other items with names, he found a small metal card inside it.

"Is this... a negative three-level access card?"

Wang Tao decisively put it in his pocket.

After making sure that there was nothing else useful, Wang Tao immediately ran towards Han Rui.

Han Rui didn't have a shock wave. It was still a bit troublesome to stop so many elite zombies by one person.

After Wang Tao came over, a few shock waves cleared the area in front of him.

"Have you taken care of that second-level zombie?"

Han Rui was a little surprised. She didn't have time to watch Wang Tao's battle just now, but she just felt that the green-eyed zombie's vital signs disappeared.

"Solved! This zombie is much weaker than the hooded zombie!"

Wang Tao gave a brief explanation, and then ran to the negative floor with Han Rui.

But the moment he arrived at the negative level, Han Rui's face suddenly turned pale.

"No! There are all crazy zombies outside. It seems like all the crazy zombies in the whole hospital are here!"

"Don't be afraid, we-"

Wang Tao was about to rush out with Han Rui when he saw through the dim emergency lights that there were crazy zombies on the ground, walls, and even the ceiling in the distance!

Good guy, can this thing climb the ceiling?

Regardless of complaining, Wang Tao took Han Rui and ran back!

Although Wang Tao can kill crazy zombies instantly, he has already consumed a lot of mana. With so many crazy zombies, he can't kill them all even if he consumes all his mana!

You can’t fight hard at this time!

"where are we going?"

Han Rui was a little nervous. The crazy zombies had already occupied the entire negative floor. There might be more crazy zombies inside the inpatient department or even outside the building! They have no way to escape!

"Go to the third floor!"

Wang Tao said calmly.

The layout of the second floor below was similar to that on the first floor. Wang Tao quickly found the location of the staircase entrance, but this door was locked and required an access card.

Wang Tao immediately took out the metal access card he just got from the green-eyed zombie and swiped the card slot next to the password.


The metal door slowly opened.


Han Rui was a little shocked. When did Wang Tao get the access card here? But she didn't have time to ask, so she hurriedly said:

"The crazy zombies are coming!"

At the entrance of this staircase, a group of crazy zombies were rushing toward Wang Tao and the two of them ferociously.

Wang Tao stood at the door and threw out three shock waves, crushing all these crazy zombies. Before the next batch of crazy zombies attacked, there was only a "bang" sound, and the metal door closed, isolating the crazy zombies from the outside.

"Huh~ It's so dangerous!"

Han Rui was a little frightened. If she was entangled by this large group of crazy zombies, she would definitely die!

"Let's go and see what this third floor is. Is there any place where we can escape..."

The third floor was very dark, and there was no light inside. Fortunately, the two of them had flashlights. But the moment they turned on the flashlight, both of them were startled.

"...This floor is the morgue!"

Looking at the corpse on the shelf in the glass room, Wang Tao suddenly felt gloomy.

However, there are not many corpses here, and there are no signs of turning into zombies.

There is an independent electric switch on the negative three floors, and there is also an independent generator, and there is still some electricity. Wang Tao turned on the light and took Han Rui inside to check it carefully.

There are morgues, anatomy rooms, sample rooms and other places here.

Although some of the human tissue here looks scary, it only looks scary and is not actually dangerous.

"Huh? This door is locked."

Outside the lounge door, Han Rui looked at a big black lock and iron chain on the door and said something strange.

The doors in other places on the negative third floor were open, but this place was locked.

What's in it?

"There is a zombie!" After Han Rui sensed it, she looked at Wang Tao with some surprise, "It's still a very weak ordinary zombie, sitting on the ground motionless..."

Wang Tao immediately took out the lock picking tool and opened the lock.


The sound of the chain moving seemed to disturb the zombie inside. Han Rui told Wang Tao that the zombie stood up.

Wang Tao immediately opened the door and shined a flashlight.

"Ho ho..."

A petite zombie wearing a red and white JK uniform, with long hair shawl, but whose body was badly decomposed and whose appearance could not be seen, rushed towards Wang Tao with bared teeth.

But there was an iron chain on it, which tied it so that it could not move too far.

Wang Tao glanced at this little zombie with only 500 health, and ignored it for the time being, but carefully looked at the lounge.

It's clean and tidy here, without any signs of fighting. There was some uneaten clean food in the corner.

On the table next to it are glass bottles, test tubes, microscopes and other tools and instruments, as well as some paper documents, notepads and a mobile phone.

The phone ran out of battery. Wang Tao found the charger to charge the phone, and then opened Notepad.

April 4th.

I was invited by Shuize County No. 1 Hospital on April 1st to study a rare case. My daughter, who is in high school, is a little tired of studying, so I took my daughter with me.

But I didn’t expect that on April 4th, a new type of virus similar to rabies would suddenly break out on a large scale. Humans infected with the virus would turn into zombies that bite everyone in sight...

April 5th.

Unfortunately, my daughter was bitten by an infected person. Although she has not mutated for the time being, various examples show that she will definitely mutate, and there is no chance.

As an expert with some research on viruses, I don’t want my daughter to die like this. I'm going to try to see if I can develop an antidote.

April 6th.

Unfortunately, one day is too short and there is nothing I can do. My daughter turned into a zombie. But I don’t want to give up, I’m still a normal person and I still have time.

April 8th.

I don’t have any clue about the antidote, but I seem to have made a little discovery about the zombie virus. Maybe this is also a direction?

April 13th.

I'm a waste.

April 18th.

Tools are limited and research progress is slow. But I have some research results. I took the risk to go outside and get some zombie viruses, and I found that these zombie viruses are actually different.

April 20th.

I synthesized the latest zombie virus. I have a hunch that if I am injected with this zombie virus, I may become the antidote. Of course, the greater possibility is that I turned into a terrifying zombie.

April 21st.

I decided to inject myself with the virus.

If you see this diary...that means I failed. Please do me a favor - kill my daughter. I can't do it, thank you.

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