Ding dong——

After the mobile phone is charged, it will automatically turn on.

The screen saver on the phone is a picture of a young father taking a selfie while holding his cute daughter.

Wang Tao looked at this photo and fell into silence for a while.

Han Rui also sighed after reading the contents of the diary.

Obviously, the second-level zombie that Wang Tao just killed should be the protagonist of this diary. The little zombie in the house is his daughter.

Wang Tao looked at the neat pile of paper documents next to him again. This is the result of this expert's research on these zombie viruses.

There is another sentence above -

"They are all useless things. If you think they are useful, then you can take them and treat them as... I thank you for your reward."

Wang Tao collected all these documents. He certainly couldn't understand or use them, but maybe someone else could.

As for this little girl zombie...it has reached this level and is completely hopeless.

Wang Tao picked up the hand crossbow and shot an arrow between its eyebrows.

call out--



For zombies, this is the most honorable way to die.

Wang Tao shook his head.


The package dropped by this little zombie was a set of clothes.

[Get: Red and white JK uniform set*1]


Needless to say, this dress is indeed pretty. But it is no longer useful for the time being.

Wang Tao didn't pay much attention. He said to Han Rui:

"There doesn't seem to be a direct passage to the outside. Let's wait and have a good rest. I guess those crazy zombies won't stay here long..."

The two of them have already searched the third floor, and it is safe here.


Han Rui nodded tiredly. Just now, she blocked so many zombies by herself and turned on her perception with all her strength. It took a lot of energy and mana.

Wang Tao sat casually on the ground and took out a few bottles of nutrient solution and handed them to Han Rui. After Han Rui took it, she sat directly next to Wang Tao, rested her head on Wang Tao's shoulder, closed her eyes and took a nap.

Wang Tao was also tired, but not sleepy. After all, he hadn’t had time to take a closer look at the loot.

He took out a red crystal core, which was taken from the head of a green-eyed zombie.

[Second-order crystal core·Healing light]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: The first fusion will reduce the blood volume by 5000, and the second and subsequent fusions will reduce the blood volume by 1000)]

[Healing Light: Consumes energy to form a healing energy field. Within its range, blood volume will be restored every second]

When Wang Tao saw the green-eyed zombie releasing the green halo, he thought it was some kind of attack power and was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a healing ability, and it was also a range-wide healing ability! What a magical skill!

No wonder neither he nor Han Rui was harmed. No wonder he felt that this zombie was not very powerful. It turned out to be a daddy zombie...

However, this ability has great side effects. The first fusion directly reduces the blood volume by 5,000!

The highest they have is 4999 blood. If they are fused, they may not die immediately, and they may even owe a drop of blood.

Of course, they can't fuse now, after all, this is a second-order crystal nucleus. But even if the blood volume increases after becoming the second level, the side effects of reducing the blood volume by 5,000 are too great. Blood volume is related to life. To a certain extent, what is reduced is life!

But generally speaking, the greater the side effects, the greater the ability. With such major side effects, it is conceivable that the healing effect should be very strong!

Unfortunately, Wang Tao currently only has this crystal core, and there is no way to eliminate the side effects through synthesis...

Wang Tao put away the crystal core and took out a pair of green eyeballs.

After putting it into the space backpack, the blood stains on it disappeared. These green eyes are not as terrifying as real eyeballs. It is as crystal clear as jade, and quite beautiful.

[Night vision eyes: This is a pair of eyes with a certain night vision ability that can be integrated with humans. Obtained after fusion: Night vision ability +1, eyesight +1 (note: fusion alone has no effect)]

Fusion? Is it possible to put it directly into the mouth like a fused zombie crystal core?

Wang Tao frowned a little and was a little eager to try.

This eyeball is very clean, without any blood or debris... After thinking about it, Wang Tao directly put it in his mouth.

He gives it a try and forgets it if it doesn't work.

After putting these eyeballs into your mouth, it immediately felt like the fusion of crystal nuclei. The eyeballs seemed to have turned into gas. But this is not like the crystal core energy that goes to the limbs and bones, but goes straight to the eyes.


Wang Tao suddenly shivered. His eyes felt extremely cool, his fatigue was gone, and he felt very comfortable. And the eyesight is better, and you can see some scratch details on the wooden table legs!

As for his night vision ability, now that the lights are on in the room, it's pretty bright, so he can't tell for the time being.


Han Rui had just fallen asleep leaning on Wang Tao's shoulder. Wang Tao's body shook, waking her up instantly.


Han Rui turned her head to look at Wang Tao in a daze. After seeing clearly, she suddenly jumped up and then leaned directly against the door with a look of horror on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Tao touched his face a little strangely.

Han Rui was temporarily relieved when she saw that Wang Tao could still speak. Then she pointed tremblingly at Wang Tao's eyes and said:

"伱, your eyes... are green!"


Wang Tao was a little confused. He took the mobile phone from the table and looked at the dark screen.


Seeing those eyes that looked like green LED lights in the reflection of the screen, Wang Tao's heart felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past.

Where are his big black eyes? Why did he become like that green-eyed zombie! How will he meet people in the future? He won't be attacked by survivors as zombies, right?

"Are you okay?"

Han Rui approached Wang Tao cautiously and poked his arm.

"I...should be fine..."

Wang Tao scratched his head.

But when he thought about his eyes, he saw the green in his eyes slowly disappearing and turning back to normal black.


Wang Tao felt amazing.

He tried a few more times and saw that his eyes were like light bulbs, turning black and green.

After Han Rui was sure that Wang Tao was really fine, she was completely relieved. Then she came to the opposite side of Wang Tao and stared into Wang Tao's eyes curiously.

"Why did your eyes become like this? They are still... strangely beautiful..."


Wang Tao was speechless.

He briefly talked about the zombie eyes.

"Ah? This can also be fused..."

Han Rui was surprised.

"By the way, turn off the lights and I'll try to see if you have night vision."

Han Rui quickly turned off all the lights in the lounge.

Wang Tao felt his eyes darken, but he could still see the surrounding situation and Han Rui clearly.

"Your eyes are a bit scary in the dark..."

Han Rui spoke weakly.

"Haha, you really have night vision!"

Wang Tao laughed loudly. It didn't matter whether it was scary or not. Anyway, it was scaring others, not him.

Then he studied it carefully and found that he could see more clearly and had night vision only when his eyes turned green. After his eyes turned black, they became his normal eyes.

And when his eyes turn green, he can adjust them. The brighter the eyes, the clearer he can see and the stronger his night vision. If your eyes are just a touch of green, like when you wear green contact lenses, you will be able to see a little more clearly than ordinary eyes, and your night vision will be much reduced, but you will still have night vision.

This is pretty good, as you don’t have to worry about being chased and beaten like a zombie.

And opening this green eye does not consume mana. Wang Tao guessed that it may consume mental or physical energy? However, after fusing these eyes, his mental and physical strength are now very good, so there is no way to test them.

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao's eyes with a little envy. If Wang Tao only activated this ability a little, his eyes would be pretty good-looking... Of course, the point is not whether they look good or not, but the improvement of eyesight and night vision. This ability is very powerful in the apocalypse!

"Stop staring at me and get some rest."

Wang Tao glanced at Han Rui.


Han Rui blushed with embarrassment, then continued to lean on Wang Tao's shoulder.

After Wang Tao became familiar with the operation of this green eye, he looked at his attributes.

There is no change in blood volume and mana volume, and there are not many impurities and skills in the body. But he has one more hidden attribute!

[Hidden attributes: physical fitness, night vision]

"Hidden attribute? There is actually one more..."

If we use the analogy of playing games, abilities are equivalent to learned skills, and hidden attributes are equivalent to one's own talents.

He thought that hidden attributes couldn't be increased later in life, but he didn't expect that they could be increased...

Although he doesn't quite understand it, this is a good thing. Anyway, this night vision ability does not consume mana, it is equivalent to his own talent. very nice!

Moreover, these green eyes are just one of Wang Tao's gains from killing green-eyed zombies!

The trophies dropped by the green-eyed zombies themselves are healing light crystal cores and green eyeballs - oh yes, there is also a zombie culture fluid that can be stored in a space backpack!

[Zombie culture fluid: can enhance the strength of zombies]

Seeing this thing, Wang Tao frowned deeply.

He has a total of 1,000 zombie culture fluids, but...how to use this thing? By increasing the strength of zombies, isn't this looking for trouble for humans?

And how much is this enhancement? Will ordinary zombies become elite zombies, or can first-level zombies become second-level zombies? Wang Tao thinks it is most likely the former, because there are indeed many elite zombies in the hospital, but there is only one second-level zombie...

If this effect really exists, then it seems that zombies can be raised like pigs? Kill at the right moment?

But the risk is too great!

As we all know, in various literary and artistic works, anyone who has the behavior of "raising monsters" will eventually be backlashed!

So Wang Tao doesn't plan to use this thing anymore. Maybe he can try it when he gets stronger in the future, but it definitely won't work now. Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

Wang Tao probably also knows why the zombies are standing blankly at the door of the stairs, why there are so many zombies under the green-eyed zombies, and why there are so many elite zombies in the hospital!

It’s all because of the zombie culture fluid in the green-eyed zombies!

Wang Tao was a little lucky. Fortunately, he had collected all the zombie culture fluid. Otherwise, if the crazy zombies outside got it, who knows what kind of monster would be raised!

Wang Tao continued to check the loot in the space backpack.

The green-eyed zombies burst out two packages in total.

The first one is the crystal core package, which contains a total of 3 second-order crystal nuclei.

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (no side effects)]

[Promotion: After fusion, one of the fused abilities can be randomly promoted to the second level]

The first step is to promote the crystal core. This is the crystal core that Wang Tao needs most!

It's just that this crystal core is of excellent quality. Although the probability of fusion is more than 50%, it is still slightly lower, only 60%...

But Wang Tao feels that he should be very lucky today, so he won't fail, right?

Without much hesitation, Wang Tao directly put the promotion crystal core in his mouth.

Instantly, a warm feeling filled my whole body.


Wang Tao was overjoyed and said he was lucky today!

After a moment, Wang Tao quickly looked at his attributes.

The upper limit of blue content is increased by 200, which becomes 4600, and the impurities in the body are still showing 1% for the time being. And the self-healing ability has been promoted to the second level!

Wang Tao briefly tried it. Similar to Copper Skin and Iron Bone, the self-healing ability increased the mana consumption per second from 1 to 5 points. The consumption suddenly increased five times, but the effect must have also improved a lot. Since Wang Tao is currently at full health, there is no way to test this for the time being.

Wang Tao looked at the other crystal nuclei exploded by the green-eyed zombie.

[Second-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 45% (no side effects)]

[Almighty: After fusion, you can randomly give +1 to a fused ability, the upper limit is +10]

This is a second-order all-powerful crystal core. Although it is of ordinary quality, Wang Tao is still very happy.

Because does this mean that zombies of the same level can also explode the almighty crystal core of the same level?

Wang Tao previously thought that second-level zombies could only explode the first-level all-powerful crystal core.

But then again, even if it can explode, the conditions are probably relatively harsh. After all, 5,000 blood is a second-level zombie, and this green-eyed zombie has 15,000 blood, which is much higher than ordinary second-level zombies...

Then comes the last crystal core.

[Second-order crystal core·Self-purification]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Impurities: 45% (no side effects)]

[Self-purification: You have the opportunity to purify yourself of ordinary zombie viruses once a week]


Seeing this crystal core, Wang Tao almost screamed out in surprise.

Purify yourself of the zombie virus? Although it can only be used once a week, this is definitely a magical skill!

After all, this is a zombie virus that currently has no solution! Even if you use inhibitors, you can only suppress it temporarily, and you will still turn into a zombie sooner or later... Wang Tao feels that the only pity is that this ability can only be used by himself. If it can be used by others, it is a magical skill among magical skills. !

However, Wang Tao took a closer look and found out that the introduction mentioned "ordinary zombie viruses", so what was the scope of "ordinary"? It shouldn't be an ordinary zombie, right? After all, this is also a second-order crystal core. If it can only purify the viruses of ordinary zombies, it will be somewhat useless...

Then comes the second package.

The contents of this package are potions. There are 6 bottles of potions in total, 5 of which are the same.

After seeing the first bottle of potion, Wang Tao's eyes widened.

[Purification agent (experimental type)*1]

[Purification agent (experimental type): Used on zombies that have been infected and mutated for no more than 3 days, there is a certain probability that they will purify the virus in their bodies, and there is a certain probability that they will self-immolate. It is invalid for use on zombies that have been infected and mutated for more than 3 days (note: this medicine is an experimental version and has certain unknown side effects)]

Purifying potion? !

Evolving a zombie virus - no, this is no longer simply purifying the zombie virus. This is directly turning zombies into humans again!

However, this condition is very strict. It must be used on zombies that have been infected and mutated for no more than 3 days, and the probability... is a certain probability? How much is this? I guess the probability is not high, otherwise I wouldn't say so.

It seems that this purification potion can only be used in emergencies, and there is a high probability that it will cause physical purification!

As for this unknown side effect, it doesn't matter. After all, you can transform from a zombie into a human, so what side effects do you care about?

Wang Tao subconsciously looked at the little zombie next to him. If Wang Tao had arrived early, he would have had a chance to try to save her. But it has been almost three months, and even with the purification potion, it has no chance of becoming a human again.

Wang Tao suddenly thought of another question. If he gave this purification potion directly to the zombies to drink, would it kill the zombies?

But the same problem remains. Whether it is rescuing zombies or killing zombies, there is a certain probability. This "certain probability" is very subtle...

Moreover, it will have no effect if used on zombies that have been infected and mutated for more than 3 days. Otherwise, Wang Tao really wants to use it on the orangutan zombie. If he can find a way to feed it to its mouth, then it will be acceptable whether it turns into a human or sets itself on fire. Unfortunately, conditions do not allow...

Then comes the second potion.

[Clearing Potion*5]

[Cleaning medicine: can remove 1% of impurities in the body]

"Remove impurities?!"

Wang Tao was more excited when he saw this potion than when he saw the purification potion.

Although the purification potion is very powerful, it is of no use to him for the time being. But this removal agent is different, it can remove impurities from the body!

There are now more than 1% impurities in Wang Tao's body. After fusing another promotion crystal core today, it should be 1.65% to be precise!

Theoretically, these impurities don't seem to be a big deal to him, but Wang Tao has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he doesn't want the impurity option to appear in his attributes.

And I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but I always feel uncomfortable after there are impurities in my body. It was like something was pressing on him.

So if given the chance, he would definitely find a way to remove this impurity from his body. Now, this opportunity has come!

5 bottles of cleaning agents, each bottle can remove 1% of impurities, which means a total of 5% can be removed!

Wang Tao had the urge to use it immediately.

However, he is still prepared to wait. Now these impurities do not affect his strength, and he still lacks one promotion core. After the core fusion is completed and promoted to the second level, he will see if there are any changes in himself before using it. It’s not too late to remove the potion.

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