Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 144 What is supposed to come has come.

"The crazy zombies outside haven't left yet..."

At the gate on the third floor, Han Rui felt it close to the gate, and then spoke helplessly.

She had just slept for two hours, but the crazy zombies outside hadn't left yet.

"It should be because of the green-eyed zombie corpse..."

Wang Tao frowned.

The zombie culture fluid in the green-eyed zombies has a huge attraction to the zombies, although the culture fluid was taken away by Wang Tao. But the zombie bodies are still there. Since green-eyed zombies can produce culture fluid, their corpses may also have some differences...

"If these crazy zombies don't leave, we won't be able to get out..."

Han Rui felt a little uncomfortable.

Although there is no danger in this negative three floor, it is not a problem to stay here all the time. Wang Tao will always finish drinking the nutrient solution. What will he do then?

"Now..." Wang Tao looked at his watch, "It's already dark. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. If they don't leave yet, then we will try to see if we can leave from the elevator."

There are only three entrances to the negative third floor, two staircases and one elevator.

One of the two steps was blocked by something, making it impossible to walk. There are crazy zombies outside the other staircase door, so there is no way to go.

So we can only think of a solution from the elevator shaft.

The elevator is broken and cannot be used, and it is locked with a special lock. But it should be possible to pry it open and climb up from the elevator shaft.

It's just that it's dark now, so there's no need to go out at this time even if you can. Let’s wait until daytime.

The two returned to the lounge, and Han Rui had taken the little zombie to the morgue.

There was only one bed here. After Wang Tao lay down on it, Han Rui naturally got into Wang Tao's arms.

Wang Tao hugged her and fell into sleep.


Wang Tao vaguely seemed to hear an explosion.

He sat up instantly, a green light flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Han Rui felt Wang Tao's movement and thought a zombie was coming. She quickly picked up the sniper crossbow beside the bed and released her senses at the same time, but she did not sense any zombies.

"I thought I heard an explosion..."

Wang Tao was a little unsure whether it was an illusion, but he would rather believe it.

He looked at his watch. It was six o'clock in the morning and it was already dawn. So he and Han Rui quickly came to the door leading to the second floor.

"There are a lot less crazy zombies outside! Within the range of my perception, there are at least two-thirds less!"

Han Rui was a little surprised.

But she frowned a little and said:

"But even if there's only one third left, that's still a lot... We may not be able to rush out."

A single crazy zombie is not scary, but if it is entangled by so many crazy zombies, it will definitely be impossible to escape. If you get scratched or something, it will be a big trouble.

"It seems the only option is to take the elevator shaft."

The two came to the elevator shaft and took a lot of effort to pry open the elevator door. After all, he didn't dare to make too much noise to avoid being discovered by the crazy zombies on the second floor.

Then Wang Tao's pupils turned green and he glanced inside.

The elevator seems to be stuck on the third or fourth floor, and I don't know how it got stuck.

Wang Tao observed for a while, and after making sure that it would not fall suddenly, he closed the elevator door on the third floor, and then started to climb up with Han Rui. After all, this is a pretty good place of refuge. If you close the door to prevent zombies from coming in, it can be regarded as leaving a temporary camp.

Both of them are physically very strong, so climbing an elevator shaft is no problem.

Han Rui turned on her senses the whole time. There were many zombies at the elevator entrance on the second floor, and there were also many on the first floor, but there were no zombies at the elevator entrance on the ground floor.

After carefully prying open the elevator door on the first floor, the sunlight from outside shone in, causing both of them to squint their eyes subconsciously.


After confirming that there was no danger, Wang Tao and Han Rui ran outside the hospital together.

"There are many traces of zombie activity..."

There are many abandoned vehicles in the hospital. When a large number of zombies pass by, these vehicles will be moved, and there will be an obvious trace.

Wang Tao originally thought that these marks were caused by the crazy zombies in the outpatient building running towards the inpatient department, but after careful observation, he discovered that. This is the trace of a large number of zombies running outside...

Previously, Wang Tao heard from Han Rui that the number of crazy zombies on the second floor was reduced by two-thirds. He thought these crazy zombies had returned to the outpatient clinic building. But now it seems that these crazy zombies are out!

Did something big happen outside attract these crazy people away?

Thinking of the faint explosion he heard in the morning, Wang Tao suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Are these crazy zombies going to the base?

After all, it seems that only the base has the ability to create explosions... Of course, it is not ruled out that the orangutan zombies are causing damage!

"Let's go!"

The electric off-road vehicle stops a little far away from the hospital to prevent zombies in the hospital from accidentally damaging the vehicle.

When we returned to the parking lot, we could clearly see that there was a lot of mud on the car, as if it had been stepped on by many feet.

However, the outside of the car is covered with steel plates, so there is no problem.

Wang Tao drove, and Han Rui sat in the passenger seat to help him sense the zombies around him.


The motor of the off-road vehicle made a soft sound and sped towards the base.

The further he walked toward the base, the uglier Wang Tao's face became.

The traces of a large number of zombies passing by on the road are too obvious, and there is a high probability that they are heading towards the base!

Han Rui obviously also discovered this, and her face looked a little anxious.

"I hope nothing happens to the base!"

Soon, the two of them heard some moderate explosions and some gunfire!

"It's indeed a base!"

There is no need to doubt this time, after all, only the base has rifles!

The zombies on the road were probably attracted by the noise. Without these zombie obstacles, Wang Tao could slightly increase the speed of the car. Han Rui used a walkie-talkie to contact the base, but was unable to contact him.


But as they got closer and closer to the base, Wang Tao and Han Rui's expressions changed at the same time!

"This sound... a gorilla zombie? It can't be so unlucky, right?"

A moment later, when they saw the base's courtyard wall, the two of them also saw a huge figure inside the base!


Wang Tao cursed secretly and quickly accelerated again, driving the car directly towards the gate.

I saw that the base gate, which was originally very solid, had disappeared at this time. Countless ordinary zombies and crazy zombies poured in. One of the largest figures was waving his fist, and all kinds of buildings and zombies were knocked away by him! However, it did not continue to move forward, because some bullets hit it from time to time, blocking its progress.

Both Wang Tao and Han Rui looked ugly, but they didn't dare to rush in rashly.

Parking the car not far away, the two continued to communicate using the walkie-talkie. This time Wang Tao's walkie-talkie finally had sound.

"I'm Wang Tao, I'm Wang Tao, what's going on with you guys!"

"Wang Tao? You are finally back!"

Wei Zhenguo's surprised voice sounded from the intercom.

"It's good that you're still alive! What's the situation inside the base now?"

Wei Zhenguo is still alive, so he should be able to organize some resistance.

"Everyone is in the complex! The security forces temporarily blocked the orangutan zombies with their guns, but we probably don't have enough bullets..."

Hearing the gunshots not far away, Wang Tao felt a little relieved.

"Hold on, you guys, wait for me to pass!"

Wang Tao put down the walkie-talkie and looked at Han Rui, the co-pilot.

"I'm going to rush in. Are you going to come with me or leave? If you want to leave, I won't stop you."

Hearing this, Han Rui raised her eyebrows.

"Who do you think I am? I can't escape alone!"

"Haha, very good!"

Wang Tao smiled and patted Han Rui on the shoulder. He saw the right person.

Then Wang Tao asked Wei Zhenguo which direction these zombies were weak in attacking, and he was ready to rush in from the weak point.

Wang Tao is also confident. After all, his strength has improved a lot after fusing an advancement crystal core. Facing the orangutan zombies, it is not impossible to fight. If that doesn't work, he has the ability to charge and can escape.

Wei Zhenguo said that he had left an escape route before.

They are all in the complex now, and there are zombies downstairs. The survivors can't get out, and the zombies can't get in. But there is a steel cable on the roof of the complex building, and the steel cable is connected to the roof of the administrative building! There are no zombies downstairs.

Wang Tao can rush to the administrative building, and then go to the complex building from the steel cable on the roof of the administrative building!

The administrative building is located in the northeast of the site. Wang Tao immediately drove the car here, and then got off the car with Han Rui.

The two of them are relatively strong, and in this case, driving is definitely not as convenient as going there by yourself.

"If there are many zombies inside later, then you can lead me with a charge."

Wang Tao's charge is a set ability with a 1-hour cooldown limit, so it's best to save it until the critical moment. Anyway, Han Rui is by your side, so just let Han Rui take him.


Han Ru nodded.

The two climbed over the wall from here and entered the base.

Sure enough, as Wei Zhenguo said, there are not many zombies in this place, and the downstairs of the complex is simply a mountain of corpses!

Wang Tao didn't want to waste time with these zombies, otherwise it would be bad if he attracted other zombies.

He asked Han Rui to lead him in a charge, sprinting more than thirty meters in an instant.

All the zombies on the road were smashed to pieces!

The appearance of the two people slowly attracted the attention of some zombies around them. These zombies began to move towards the two of them, and several crazy zombies ran over crazily.

Wang Tao took out his fire ax and slashed into the air.

A shock wave passed by, instantly killing all the zombies and clearing out a large open space.

The two rushed directly into the administration building and quickly climbed to the top.

There was a thick steel cable on the roof of the building, and the two of them climbed directly along the steel cable to the complex building.

Some zombies saw Wang Tao and Han Rui in the air and roared "ho ho", but they couldn't reach them and could only worry.

The two quickly climbed to the complex building. They could see that the bottom of the complex was surrounded by zombies, but there were steel plates, spikes and barbed wire outside the building. These obstacles blocked the way of the zombies. In addition, there are some superpowers attacking the zombies... For a while, even the crazy zombies can't rush in.

The orangutan zombies may be able to destroy these defenses, but the firepower of the security forces suppresses them, making it temporarily impossible for the orangutan zombies to get through.

Soon, the two landed on the roof of the complex.

"Wang Tao!"

As soon as Wang Tao landed, he saw Ding Yuqin throwing herself into his arms.

"Sister-in-law, just be fine."

Wang Tao hugged Ding Yuqin, patted her back, then let go of her and nodded with Li Qiuyu beside her.

Wei Zhenguo and others also came over. There was some blood on their faces and their health bars were not full.

"Wang Tao, Han Rui, you are finally back!"

Seeing that Wei Zhenguo and others were there, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the strongest combat forces in the base are there, there will still be a chance to counterattack.

"What is the specific situation?"

"Last night, the orangutan zombie suddenly passed by the base, and then it discovered us... Fortunately, we have been on guard against it recently and made a lot of preparations to prevent it from being attacked at once, but even so, we also lost some manpower..."

Wei Zhenguo sighed.

"And we can't stop the orangutan zombies. We can only use guns, but this attracts a lot of crazy zombies. And we don't have many bullets, so we probably won't be able to hold on for long..."

Several people went downstairs while talking.

On the fourth floor, a dozen security forces armed with rifles shot at the orangutan zombies intermittently.

As soon as the orangutan zombie comes over, bullets will hit its face.

But the orangutan zombie is too big and its defense is very hard. These bullets are useless if it hits it. It will only bleed if it hits its head, but its thick arms are like shields to block the head. Make it impossible for bullets to hit!

The orangutan zombie still has [9772/10000] health, which barely causes any damage!

The only good thing now is that this orangutan zombie is very stupid, or has no intelligence. It only knows how to violently destroy and smash things. Otherwise, if it had carried the bullet and walked downstairs to the complex to dismantle these defenses, that would be big trouble.

However, with the current inventory of ammunition, it cannot last long. As long as the firepower stops, no one can stop the orangutan zombies!

"How much fighting power do we still have?"

Wang Tao asked.

"Except for us committee members, there are only twelve security forces and more than thirty superpowers left. Ordinary hunters can't help much in this kind of battle..."

Wei Zhenguo shook his head in pain.

"Ah? Are there so many casualties?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He knew that many people were killed and injured, but he thought they were ordinary people. He didn't expect that there were also casualties among people with super powers and security forces!

"Oh, I can't help it. The orangutan zombies came too suddenly. They came in the middle of the night..."

Ren Jie's face looked very sad.

"Damn it! Wang Tao, what do you want to do? Should we attack the orangutan zombies directly or what? No matter what we do, I, Xiang, will definitely frown!"

Xiang Hongbin blushed and spoke roughly.

Wang Tao looked at the sad, anxious and even desperate expressions of several people, and comforted him:

"Don't worry, everyone. Let me tell you some good news. Han Rui and I have already eliminated the second-level zombie in the hospital! In other words, the orangutan zombie is the most powerful zombie here. As long as we solve it, we The base is completely safe!"

Sure enough, as soon as this news came out, everyone's spirits were lifted.

"Great! If there is only one second-level gorilla zombie left, then we have nothing to worry about and can give it a try!"

Xing Hongbin clenched his fists fiercely.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that if he dies, the base will be destroyed!

Although the others didn't speak, their expressions were similar to Xiang Hongbin's. If only the orangutan zombie was the only second-level zombie left, they wouldn't have to worry so much and attack with all their strength!

Everyone looked at Wang Tao. Wang Tao was the strongest. If he was not sure, it would be really difficult for everyone...

Wang Tao looked at the wildly roaring orangutan zombie outside and felt very troubled.

Although he has successfully advanced three abilities now, he himself is still at the first level after all. Looking at this orangutan zombie that could withstand bullets, he was really unsure.

If he prepared in advance like he did when he hunted the hooded zombies before, he thought it would still be possible to kill the orangutan zombies. After all, the power of self-exploding bombs was quite powerful.

But with the current level of noise, he felt that if he dared to take out the self-explosion bomb, he might not be the first to be bombed!

Without self-exploding bombs, we can only fight hard!

"Let's try it. At least try to see if we can cause harm to it..."

Wang Tao's current shock wave, copper-skinned iron bones, and self-healing are all second-level abilities. Even if he loses to the orangutan zombies, he should still have the capital to fight. As long as he protects himself well and doesn't get infected, that's fine.

After a few people discussed it for a while, they decided to take the initiative!

Wang Tao didn't come back before, so everyone was a little unsure. Now that Wang Tao is back, everyone feels confident as if they have a backbone!

"Han Rui, Lao Wei, and Lao Xiang are the main attack force! Lu Gang, stay here and snipe! Then call up those two fat brothers with high defense and the quagmire superpower..."

Since there are people with super powers in the base, it is natural to use them.

Soon, several superpowers selected by Wang Tao were brought over by Ren Jie.

"Everyone, we have no escape route. We must kill this gorilla zombie! Now, I need your help..."

Wang Tao looked at this group of superpowers and spoke with a heavy expression.

Those who can become superpowers are those with good character specially selected by Ren Jie. They will definitely be scared, but at critical moments, they will most likely be able to stand up.


Several people looked at each other, with some fear in their eyes, but they still said loudly at the same time:

"For the sake of the base and our compatriots, we will never retreat!"

"very good!"

Wang Tao nodded with satisfaction.

As long as he's not a white-eyed wolf, Ren Jie's eyesight doesn't matter.

"Next, you have to cooperate with us. We don't need you to fight head-on. We only need you to coordinate..."

Wang Tao briefly explained the plan to them, and then asked them to say goodbye to their relatives and friends.

After all, if you go out this time... you will probably die.

But there was no time for everyone to feel sad, after everyone was ready. Wang Tao took the initiative and climbed from the steel cable on the roof of the complex building to the administration building, and the others immediately followed.

After everyone arrived at the administration building, Wang Tao took a deep breath.


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