Orangutan zombies don't seem to have any IQ, at least much worse than green-eyed zombies. They only know how to destroy by pure brute force and don't know how to adapt.

Of course, the orangutan zombie is strong enough to defeat all means with one force, and no one can do anything to him.

However, Wang Tao thought he could give it a try.

"Which one of you is the fastest? Throw this weakening potion on the orangutan zombie later!"

[Weakness Potion (Small): Creatures contaminated with Weakness Potion will have all attributes reduced by 1%-20% (depending on the dose), lasting 10 minutes, and the cooling time on the target is 12 minutes]

Wang Tao doesn't have many of these debilitating potions, but he doesn't use them much, so he still has a few bottles left.

When dealing with hooded zombies before, the opponent was too fast and had no chance to use it. When dealing with green-eyed zombies, the opponent was not as strong as expected, and he was reluctant to use it...

"Me! I'm fast!"

Xiang Hongbin did his part.

This is not only a question of whether it is fast or not, but also whether it is dangerous or not. If you want to throw this debilitating potion on the orangutan zombies, the risk is definitely very high, and you can't do it without some courage.


Wang Tao handed the weakness potion to Xiang Hongbin.

Wang Tao is relatively relieved about Xiang Hongbin. After all, Xiang Hongbin has the ability to charge, and he can advance, attack, retreat or defend.

Then Wang Tao took out a strength potion, defense potion, running potion, vitality potion, etc., and gave everyone a bottle of each.

After all, you are going to risk your life, so you must be well prepared.

Finally, after making sure that everyone's equipment was neatly dressed and weapons were on hand, Wang Tao took a deep breath.


Wang Tao took the lead and started to descend from the roof of the administrative building, followed by others.

The gorilla zombie's attention is still in the complex. It seems to be annoyed by the bullets that hit it from time to time. It wants to eat the humans with guns, but every time it wants to go, the bullets will hit its face. call. After it stopped, the bullet stopped firing. This made it so angry that it had no time to look elsewhere.

But those crazy zombies were different. Many crazy zombies saw Wang Tao and a group of people crawling over from the steel rope. They were all waiting downstairs in the administration building.

Looking at the densely packed crazy zombies downstairs, the two fat guys with high defense and several quagmire superpowers were so scared that their legs became weak.

If you fall into a group of zombies, you will definitely die!

Fortunately, Wang Tao airborne directly, jumped from the third floor, and landed among the crazy zombies.

A circular shock wave centered on Wang Tao and spread to all sides.






The zombies around Wang Tao were cleared instantly!

Others quickly followed, with Wang Tao, Wei Zhenguo, and Xiang Hongbin standing at the front. All three of them can use range attacks like shock waves, which are very good for dealing with these crazy zombies and ordinary zombies.

After some effort, a group of people finally rushed out. Before other crazy zombies chased after him, Wang Tao quickly ordered:

"You go prepare the quagmire, and you two go protect them!"

He asked these quagmire superpowers to prepare the quagmire, and after they finished preparing, they would lure the orangutan zombies to the quagmire. Then let these two fat brothers with strong defense serve as bodyguards for the quagmire superpowers.

As long as this quagmire can reach the size Wang Tao expected, there is still a high probability that the orangutan zombies will be eliminated. It depends on whether it can succeed!


The group of people hurried to the place they had agreed upon before. Wang Tao and Wei Zhenguo stopped the crazy zombies that had just been chasing them.

After killing all these crazy zombies, several people took a breath, and Wang Tao immediately said:

"Let's go and see how big the gap between us and the orangutan zombies is! Charge!"

Several people activated their charge abilities instantly and rushed directly towards the orangutan zombies. Wang Tao asked Han Rui to lead the charge. After all, his charge ability had a cooling time.


The three charges were launched at the same time, instantly smashing the zombies in front of them, only more than 20 meters away from the orangutan zombies.


When the orangutan zombie sensed someone coming, he immediately turned his head and roared angrily at Wang Tao and the others. Then he lifted a large piece of concrete from the ground and threw it towards Xiang Hongbin.


Xiang Hongbin's face darkened when he saw that he had become the first target of attack.

He was looking for an opportunity to throw the weakening potion, so he deliberately walked one step behind everyone, but ended up being the first target to be attacked!

Seeing the flying stones, Xiang Hongbin rolled on the spot, letting the stones fly past his body.


The rocks hit the zombies behind, killing and injuring them instantly.

Xiang Hongbin was so delayed that he suddenly separated from everyone's team. He had no choice but to grit his teeth and start charging again, and finally caught up with the team again.

At this time, Wang Tao and others had already rushed to the feet of the orangutan zombie.

At such a close distance, the orangutan zombies naturally stopped throwing stones, and instead directly hammered at everyone with two huge fists.

Wang Tao nimbly dodged the fist of the orangutan zombie, and then struck it directly into the void with an axe.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly hit the head of the orangutan zombie.


A number of more than two hundred floated from the head of the orangutan zombie.

Seeing this number, Wang Tao perked up.

"This damage can be beaten!"

He was most afraid that he would not be able to break through the defense of the orangutan zombies. But as long as you can break the defense, you can grind it to death!

The orangutan zombie has a total of 10,000 HP, and he can hit more than 200 at a time, which is not low! If you do it fifty times, this orangutan zombie will die suddenly!

But obviously, it is not that easy for Wang Tao to successfully send fifty shock waves to the orangutan zombies.

The orangutan zombie was beaten here for so long before it lost more than 200 blood. In the end, Wang Tao lost more than 200 blood with one blow, which made the orangutan zombie completely angry.

So the orangutan zombie directly gave up other attack targets, and hit Wang Tao with both fists in a flurry of blows!


Wang Tao had just raised his ax halfway. After seeing the movements of the orangutan zombie, he immediately gave up the attack, turned around and ran away.

If he didn't run away, he would most likely be able to kill the orangutan zombie for more than 200 HP with this strike, but the orangutan zombie would definitely hammer him into a meat pie.


The orangutan zombie ran towards Wang Tao in large strides. All the zombies on the road were trampled to death by it. It didn't care about the same kind or different kind. It just wanted to kill Wang Tao. Even Wei Zhenguo's attacks were ignored by it.

Of course, Wei Zhenguo's shock wave hitting the orangutan zombie could only cause twenty or thirty damage, which was indeed too low.

Although Wang Tao is not slow, he definitely can't outrun the gorilla zombies. After all, one step of the gorilla is many steps ahead of him.

So he could only turn left and right, using his flexible posture to circle around the orangutan zombies. He even took the time to turn around and send another shock wave to the gorilla zombie head.




The orangutan zombie became even more angry. It stopped, then raised its head and roared.


People around the orangutan zombie, including Wang Tao, suddenly felt a loud noise ringing in their ears, making them dizzy.

Even the zombies were staggering around.


"Sun! Sonic attack?"

Wang Tao was the strongest and was the first to recover.

He lost more than a hundred blood, but this blood loss is not the point. The point is that when he was dizzy just now, he was a little unable to control his body. Fortunately, the gorilla zombie was still some distance away from him, otherwise he might not have been directly killed by the gorilla zombie. Hammered to death. And it seems that his copper skin and iron bones can't resist this kind of attack.

After Wang Tao cleared the surrounding zombies with an axe, he quickly looked at the others and saw Wei Zhenguo and the others staggering around, feeling dizzy, as if they had lost the ability to resist.

Wang Tao was shocked.

He endured the stinging pain in his mind and immediately used his shock wave ability to strike several people with axes.

More than a dozen crazy zombies who wanted to attack them were instantly crushed by Wang Tao.

After a few seconds, several people came back to their senses. Their faces were all pale, and they felt a little nauseous.

"It actually has a wide range of control abilities..."

Wei Zhenguo forcibly took a breath, his face looked ugly.

The roar of the orangutan zombie stunned everyone for at least several seconds. If Wang Tao hadn't just attacked the zombie that attacked them, they would have been crushed by a large number of zombies!

"When you see the orangutan zombies raising their heads and roaring, cover your ears quickly!"

Wang Tao immediately spoke to everyone. He didn't know if it would be useful, but he had to try. By the way, he also reminded Ren Jie and others in the building and asked them to block their ears.


Everyone nodded.

When the orangutan zombie roared, it did not make any attack movements, and its entire head was exposed. This roar should be one of his abilities. Unfortunately, Wang Tao was also stunned at the time and could not attack, otherwise it would be a good time to attack.

Not to mention Wang Tao, even the people in the complex not far away seemed to be shocked, and the gunshots stopped for a while.

After the orangutan zombie roared, it saw that Wang Tao had been stunned by it, and it immediately strode towards Wang Tao.

Fortunately, Wang Tao was physically strong and recovered early. After seeing all the orangutan zombies coming to his side, Wang Tao ran away in the opposite direction and made a sliding shovel towards the legs of the orangutan zombies.

At the same time, Wang Tao also used a shock wave.

But this time the blow was deflected and hit the orangutan zombie on the chest. It only lost a few drops of blood.

The orangutan zombie stretched out its huge and rotten hands, trying to catch Wang Tao. But it didn't expect Wang Tao to run towards it. It subconsciously continued to grab, and as a result, it suddenly reached its hand to its crotch.

Then there was a "plop" sound, and the orangutan zombie lost its balance and fell directly to the ground.


Wang Tao's eyes lit up. He raised the ax with both hands and was about to hit the orangutan on the back of the head.

But there is someone who moves faster than him!

I saw a flash of white light, and Xiang Hongbin charged directly to the fallen orangutan zombie. Then he took the weakening potion and smashed it directly into the face of the orangutan zombie.


The potion bottle shattered, and a piece of colorless potion instantly covered the face of the orangutan zombie. Wang Tao clearly saw that a negative state appeared below the health bar of the orangutan zombie.

[Weakness: All attributes are reduced by 20%, remaining time: 9 minutes and 59 seconds]

Even if you are weak, you will still be 20% weaker than the maximum effect!

"Well done!"

Wang Tao was overjoyed, and his ax finally struck down.


The damage has indeed increased!

Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui also greeted their attacks.



But even if the orangutan zombies are weakened, the damage caused by their attacks is still not high. The gap between the first level and the second level is still too big!


The orangutan zombie roared angrily, then quickly got up and hammered the surroundings.

Wang Tao and others had already retreated, and a dozen crazy zombies were directly beaten into pulp by the orangutan zombies.

"It's so difficult!"

Wang Tao looked at the barely moving blood bar on the head of the orangutan zombie. He took a deep breath, and then six scalpels appeared in his hand.

At a certain moment, Wang Tao's eyes glowed with green light.

call out--

These six scalpels flew towards the face of the orangutan zombie at the same time.

The orangutan zombie clearly didn't see Wang Tao's attack, but he still subconsciously raised his hand.







All five scalpels were blocked, but one of them was inserted into the mouth of the orangutan zombie.

Wang Tao was under the gorilla zombie, and the flying knife he threw from his angle happened to fly upward diagonally.

Therefore, this knife probably penetrated deeper, and directly cut off one-tenth of the health bar of the orangutan zombie!

Before Wang Tao could be surprised, the orangutan zombie roared again.


But this time it wasn't dizziness, but its health bar suddenly started to rise.





"Oh, is this a self-healing power?"

Seeing the orangutan zombie gaining 30 HP every second, Wang Tao wanted to curse.

Orangutan zombies will also regain their health! How to fight this?

After finally beating the orangutan zombie's health by more than 20%, he estimated that it would be full in less than two minutes!

But if it really is a self-healing ability, it can be interrupted! Wang Tao has tried it before. If he is suddenly attacked, the self-healing will be easily interrupted. Of course, you can still open it after interrupting it, but zombies may not be very smart...

So Wang Tao suddenly became cruel, and something like a heart suddenly appeared in his hand, and he threw it at the feet of the orangutan zombie!

While throwing it out, he immediately grabbed two crazy zombies and blocked them in front of him.


With a deafening bang, several crazy zombies were blown to pieces.

Wang Tao was also knocked over by the shock wave of the explosion.

The environment at the venue was too noisy! His original intention was to throw the self-explosion bomb at the feet of the orangutan zombies. But the moment he took the self-explosion bomb out of the space, the bomb began to expand and exploded before it was thrown at the feet of the orangutan zombie!

Fortunately, Wang Tao had the foresight to catch two zombies as a shield for himself, otherwise he might have been injured.

But what makes Wang Tao happy is that although the self-explosion bomb did not cause any damage to the orangutan zombie, it caused the orangutan zombie to shake a bit and its health recovery effect disappeared!

"It is indeed a self-healing power!"

In just this moment, the orangutan zombie's health returned to nine thousand. Fortunately, others can't see the health bar, otherwise I might not be all confident.

After the orangutan zombie was blown up, he saw the culprit Wang Tao at a glance. It ran towards Wang Tao again, as if anger could be seen on its face.

And this time, it is obvious that the speed of the orangutan zombies seems to be faster. This put Wang Tao under great pressure.

But suddenly, just when the orangutan zombie raised its fist again and wanted to hit Wang Tao, a huge gunshot rang out.




The orangutan zombie took a step back.


When Wang Tao saw this damage figure pop up from the head of the orangutan zombie, he immediately exclaimed.

He quickly turned around and saw the black barrel of a gun exposed on the roof of the complex.

"It's Lu Gang! He used a 12.7-caliber anti-material sniper rifle!"

Wei Zhenguo's voice sounded on the intercom.

"Hey...you guys still have this good thing? Why don't you take it out sooner!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

"We didn't have a chance before! This thing is too noisy and can easily attract crazy zombies, but now...the crazy zombies and orangutan zombies have been attracted, so it doesn't matter anymore!"

Wei Zhenguo's voice was a little helpless. He would rather never have to use this kind of gun.

The orangutan zombie was severely beaten. Wang Tao could clearly see that half of its face was gone!

"We attract the zombies' attention and create opportunities for Lu Gang!"

Wang Tao said immediately.

He originally thought he was the main offensive force, but he didn't expect it to be Lu Gang.

But this is a good thing, after all, he can only hit the orangutan zombies for more than 300 HP at most, while Lu Gang can hit more than 3,000 HP with one shot! Then if Lu Gang fires a few more shots accurately, wouldn't he be able to eliminate the orangutan zombies!

But imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Just when Wang Tao was thinking whether Lu Gang could take away the orangutan zombie with a few more shots, the orangutan zombie suddenly raised his arms to block his head, and then rushed towards the complex!

Neither the attacks from Wang Tao and others nor the shooting from other security forces could stop the orangutan zombies at all.


Wang Tao secretly thought it was not good.

Seeing the orangutan rushing towards the complex building as if it was going to collapse the building, Wang Tao and others outside shouted at the same time:

"Quick, stop the orangutan zombies!"


Xiang Hongbin, Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui launched a charge from the side at the same time, aiming directly at the orangutan zombies!


Since the orangutan zombie ignored the three of them this time, the three charged and hit the orangutan zombie from the left side at the same time.

Facing the charge of the three men, the orangutan zombie was knocked away without any special resistance!

But before falling to the ground, it suddenly raised its head to the sky and opened its mouth.


This was a louder sound than before, and there was even a ripple visible to the naked eye spreading in all directions!

Even though Wang Tao subconsciously covered his ears when he saw the orangutan zombie raising its head, he was still shocked and dizzy, and his blood volume dropped by nearly a thousand!

Wei Zhenguo and the others fell to the ground with blood oozing from their ears.

But the most serious thing was the people inside the building. This roar made all the gunshots and supernatural attacks in the building disappear.

As for Lu Gang...

Wang Tao raised his head with difficulty, and Lu Gang's painful voice came from his intercom.

"Ahem, I feel like... I'm going to die..."

Then there was silence.


Looking at the soundless complex, Wang Tao cursed secretly and hurried to Wei Zhenguo and the others.

They all have residual blood and may die if they are not treated in time!

Brother Meng, it’s the end of the month, please give me some monthly tickets!

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