Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 146 I will repay you (please vote for me at the end of the month)

The roar of the orangutan zombie is not only powerful, but also has a wide range!

Wang Tao didn't know if anyone in the building would be directly shocked to death by the roar...

But this was an indiscriminate attack. All the other zombies around the orangutan zombie fell to the ground, and many of them were even shocked to death!

No one in the complex attacked the zombies outside, but there were no zombies attacking the complex. The scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

After the orangutan zombie roared, it seemed that its anger had disappeared. It turned around and walked step by step towards Wang Tao, the only one still standing in the audience.

Wang Tao had already run to the vicinity of Wei Zhenguo and the others.


The three of them were still conscious, but their ears and noses were bleeding from the sound waves, and they were confused and unable to move. After recognizing that it was Wang Tao, several people wanted to say something, but when they opened their mouths, nothing came out except coughing.

Wang Tao didn't care to say more. He took out the medical kit and treated the three of them respectively.

Then he picked up Han Rui on his back, held Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin between his hands, and ran directly away!

Since the orangutan zombies roared down a large area of ​​other zombies, Wang Tao ran out smoothly.

The orangutan zombie watched Wang Tao run away, and it immediately got down on all fours, stepping on the corpses of the surrounding zombies and chasing Wang Tao.

Wang Tao takes three people with him, which will naturally affect the speed. Seeing that the orangutan zombies were about to catch up, he looked at the open space ahead and directly activated the charge ability on his suit.

His charge ability has a one-hour cooldown and can only be used at critical moments.


Wang Tao and the three of them moved more than thirty meters in an instant, instantly increasing the distance between them and the orangutan zombies.

"Wake up!"

Wang Tao shouted to the three people on him as he ran.

The appearance of these three people did not show any serious injuries, but they were all knocked out of more than 2,000 blood by the roar of the orangutan zombies just now. The internal injuries were probably serious.

Wang Tao ran for a while, and when he was about to be overtaken by the orangutan zombies, Xiang Hongbin finally took the lead to recover.

"Put, let me go..."

Wang Tao put Xiang Hongbin down without saying a word.

"Can I use charge?"


Xiang Hongbin took a deep breath, and then grabbed Wang Tao.


Several people charged more than thirty meters in an instant.

"Pfft -" Xiang Hongbin spat out a mouthful of blood. "It feels uncomfortable. It's like a bomb exploding in my ear..."

At this time, Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui also woke up.

Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief and said immediately:

"Quick, run to where we planned before!"

Wang Tao's previous plan was to lure the orangutan zombies into the quagmire.

Although there were many surprises in the process, the result will be the same.


Everyone gritted their teeth and drank a bottle of rejuvenating potion. Then take turns leading people to use charge.

The rejuvenating potion can instantly restore a person's mental and physical strength to full strength, with the side effect of being weak for a day. But it's already this time. If we don't deal with the orangutan zombies, we probably won't be able to see the sun tomorrow, and we don't care whether they are weak or not.

Finally, after using three charges, the two finally arrived at the agreed upon place.

This is a park with a large artificial lake.

But at this time, the water in the artificial lake had disappeared and was replaced by turbid mud!

Several quagmire psychics who had almost run out of mana were standing in the mud, and silt was still oozing from their bodies. There were two fat men wearing heavy armor next to them, helping them block the zombie attacks.

Where there is water, the ability of quagmire will be greatly enhanced. For the sake of safety, Wang Tao specially asked them to come to this place.

Now it seems that this effect is really good. I just don’t know if I can trap the orangutan zombies...

Dong dong dong——

The orangutan zombies are coming, and the ground is shaking slightly!

Wang Tao immediately said to Wei Zhenguo and the others:

"You hide first, its target is me!"


The three of them didn't hesitate and immediately hid behind some flower beds in the park.

"You guys hide too!"

Wang Tao shouted to the two fat brothers, and then sent several shock waves over to eliminate all the zombies around them.


Soon, Wang Tao and a few quagmire psychics were the only ones left on the scene.

"Take me to the middle of the quagmire!"


Under normal circumstances, as long as mud oozes from the body of a person with quagmire powers, they will not be trapped in the quagmire. It’s not that you can come and go freely in the quagmire, but at least you can move.

Soon, these quagmire superpowers dragged Wang Tao to the middle of the quagmire.

At this time, the orangutan zombie finally came!


When it saw Wang Tao in the quagmire, it roared and walked directly towards Wang Tao without looking at the road.


The orangutan zombie stepped on the mud with one foot and staggered, but it quickly stepped down with the other foot and stabilized its body.

"very good……"

Wang Tao watched all this without making any movement and continued to wait for the arrival of the orangutan zombies.

In order to prevent another sonic attack from the orangutan zombies, he asked these quagmire superpowers to plug their ears.

Blocking ears is not a big problem for those with mire powers. After all, mud is constantly flowing out of their ears.

"Ho ho..."

The orangutan zombie was in the quagmire, walking towards Wang Tao step by step. But it can also be clearly felt that its speed is getting slower and slower, and the resistance in the quagmire is getting bigger and bigger!

When it was only more than ten meters away from Wang Tao, it finally couldn't walk anymore.


Seeing this situation, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Orangutan zombies are trapped!

"Everyone come out and kill!"

Wang Tao roared, and then threw a shock wave at the orangutan zombie.


The orangutan zombie directly blocked Wang Tao's attack with both arms. Wang Tao's attack failed to cause any damage.

At this time, the attack from Wei Zhenguo and the others also arrived.

Two shock waves and a crossbow arrow flew directly to the head of the orangutan zombie from the side.





The damage of the shock wave was quite satisfactory, but the position of the crossbow arrow was tricky, and it hit the ear of the orangutan zombie directly.

"Half of the blood is left!"

Wang Tao was excited. According to the current situation, grinding it would kill it!

Of course, Wang Tao did not relax his vigilance. After all, the orangutan zombies have the ability to heal themselves. He had to keep an eye on the opponent and interrupt him in time when he saw the opponent using his self-healing ability!

His self-exploding bombs are ready and ready to be thrown out at any time.

However, what surprised Wang Tao was that the orangutan zombie did not use its self-healing ability. Instead, it used several sonic attacks. However, the power of these sonic attacks was much smaller. Except for the quagmire superpower and the two fat brothers, Wang Tao None of them felt dizzy again.

"No more blue?"

Wang Tao suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Generally speaking, the more powerful an ability is, the more energy it consumes.

The large-scale, indiscriminate sonic attack of the orangutan zombie definitely consumes a lot of energy. Coupled with its other attacks, it might actually consume almost all the mana.

Of course, even if the orangutan zombie has no mana. Wang Tao can't take it lightly, he has to prevent the orangutan zombies from counterattacking.

After a few minutes of scraping, the blood volume of the orangutan zombie had dropped to more than 3,000!

It is already at the end of its tether!

Of course, not only the zombies, but also Wang Tao and the others were having a hard time - they were almost out of mana!

They had killed so many zombies before and fought against the orangutan zombies, which consumed too much mana, and now several of them were feeling dizzy.

While the gorilla zombie raised his arms to block the shock waves from Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin, Wang Tao decisively threw the shock wave over.




The health of the orangutan zombie dropped directly below 3,000!

But before Wang Tao had time to be happy, he suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis.

"No, retreat first!"

Wang Tao immediately roared and activated the copper skin and iron bones at the same time. He trusts his instinct for danger!

The few quagmire superpowers who were dragging him immediately began to retreat with Wang Tao.

None of the three Wei Zhenguo knew why, but they still obeyed Wang Tao's order and retreated immediately.

Then the muscles of the orangutan zombie began to swell, its size slowly increased, its rotten skin burst, and the mud beneath it began to boil!


A moment later, an even bigger and more ferocious orangutan zombie appeared in front of everyone with all its muscles exposed!

"Fuck! What the hell is this!"

When Xiang Hongbin saw this scene, he immediately cursed.

The orangutan zombie was originally about six meters tall, equivalent to the height of two floors. Coupled with its huge size, it felt full of oppression wherever it stood.

And now, the orangutan zombie has directly expanded to nearly ten meters high! This is already three stories high!

The size also became larger, but the rotten skin on the body was gone, leaving only black and red muscle tissue. This looks even scarier!

"Is it really possible that there is a second stage? How to fight this?!"

Seeing the orangutan zombie regaining its full health of [10000/10000], Wang Tao was dumbfounded.

The enlarged orangutan zombie ignored the quagmire and strode towards Wang Tao.

"You guys retreat!"

Wang Tao shouted to the several quagmire superpowers under him, and then he jumped directly to the shore.

After all, the depth of the quagmire is limited, and it is no longer effective against so many orangutan zombies that have grown in size.

Wang Tao didn't want those quagmire superpowers to be implicated, so he said on the walkie-talkie as he ran:

"The orangutan zombies have returned to their full state again. We can't defeat them, so run away first! Then we'll find a way!"

Several people were a little dumbfounded, seeing that the orangutan zombies were being beaten to death by everyone, why did they suddenly reach full status!

Everyone was unwilling, but they knew they had to give up at this time.

But... it may be a little late to run now!

The orangutan zombie opened its mouth wide and roared again.


A huge and terrifying noise sounded directly in everyone's ears! Even if you cover your ears, it doesn't work!

At that moment, the whole world seemed to have lost its voice.

Wang Tao knelt down on the spot, gritting his teeth and grabbing his hair. He felt like his head was going to explode!

Vaguely, Wang Tao saw the orangutan zombie walking towards him step by step, and its huge fist was already placed on top of his head! But Wang Tao can't do anything at this time...

Suddenly, Wang Tao felt something hit his abdomen and flew directly into a flower bed.


The orangutan zombie dropped his fist, but it was empty.


Wang Tao climbed up from the ground with difficulty, forced himself to stabilize his body, and quickly started self-healing. At the same time, his eyes glowed with green light, and he observed the surrounding environment.

"What's going on...Am I being rescued..."

Wang Tao rubbed his dizzy head, but there was nothing around him.

However, after looking around, Wang Tao saw that the heads of the quagmire superpowers had all exploded, and their bodies were still standing upright in the mud. Not far away, the two fat brothers whose defense was second only to his also had their heads exploded, and their fat bodies fell into the flower bed on the roadside.

"Damn it!"

Wang Tao cursed secretly, and he didn't care to think about how he escaped the attack of the orangutan zombies. He quickly went to see Wei Zhenguo and the other three, but from his position, he couldn't see where the three of them were.

Wang Tao shouted into the intercom again:

"Are you still alive? Speak!"

No one answered.

Boom, boom——

At this time, Wang Tao felt some vibrations on the ground.

He quickly turned around and saw a huge figure covered in mud walking towards Wang Tao.


Wang Tao quickly took a bottle of rejuvenating potion and used several medical kits. He instantly regained his energy and vitality as if he had come back to his senses. But the blood is not full yet.

Then another weakness potion appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly at the face of the orangutan zombie.


The weak potion bottle shattered, and the orangutan zombies refused to dodge.

Wang Tao saw an attribute that was 20% weaker appeared again under its health bar, and the orangutan zombie paused slightly.

But this is a more powerful full-blooded gorilla zombie! Even if he is 20% weak, he can't beat him!

Wang Tao wanted to retreat, but he had to find a way to get around the orangutan zombies and see if Wei Zhenguo and the others were dead. If not, see if they could be rescued.


Wang Tao sent a shock wave to the head of the orangutan zombie.





Wang Tao unexpectedly discovered that his attack seemed to be much higher than before - no, it was not that his attack had increased, but that the opponent's defense had decreased!'s no use!

Even if his defense is low, Wang Tao still can't beat him!


The orangutan zombie roared after being attacked, and grabbed all the things it could grab around, such as trees and rocks, and threw them at Wang Tao's head, and even threw them in front of Wang Tao predicatively.

Wang Tao's charge ability is still cooling down, so he can't use it and can only dodge left and right.

After a while, although he dodged most of the attacks and was not injured, the orangutan zombies had already come closer.

"I can't run away..."

Wang Tao sighed.

He really didn't want to fight with the orangutan zombies, because there was a high probability that he would die. But there is nothing we can do now!

Wang Tao immediately injected defensive potions, running potions, strength potions, and eyesight-improving potions into his arms.

These potions have a short duration but a long cooldown. Wang Tao has never used it before, but now it is no longer possible.

In an instant, Wang Tao felt a power filling his whole body. This was a power he had never experienced before!

Of course, he only knew that this was an illusion, after all, the duration of these potions was basically one minute.


Wang Tao took a deep breath. He knew he couldn't defeat the orangutan zombies, but he had to try and then find a chance to escape!

Wang Tao suddenly kicked off his back foot and rushed directly towards the orangutan zombie. At the same time, six surgical flying knives appeared in his hand.

call out--

The flying knife flew straight into the face of the orangutan zombie.


Four of them were blocked, but two of the flying knives were successfully inserted into the cheeks of the orangutan zombies.




The two flying knives hit more than 500 blood. Compared with before, the damage is definitely not low! The orangutan zombie still has 90% of its health left!

Then, Wang Tao picked up the ax and sent a shock wave towards the orangutan zombie.




This time, the orangutan zombie did not dodge, but directly hit Wang Tao with his fist while taking the blow forcefully.

The speed of the orangutan zombie was much faster than before. Wang Tao had no time to dodge, so he could only cross his arms and resist the attack of the orangutan zombie.

With his second-level copper-skinned iron bones and defensive potions, there should be no problem——




Wang Tao was directly knocked back more than ten meters.


He spit out blood in the air and then landed heavily.

"What the hell is this!"

Wang Tao couldn't believe it. The attack power of the orangutan zombie in this state was too strong!

"I'm really going to die..."

Wang Tao's face looked a little desperate.


The orangutan zombie walked towards Wang Tao step by step. After becoming like this, the orangutan zombie seems to have calmed down a lot, walking in this unhurried state, but this sense of oppression is even stronger!

But at this moment, a thin figure suddenly appeared and bumped directly into the orangutan zombie.

This figure looked thin, but it directly knocked away the orangutan zombie!


Both fell to the ground at the same time.

The thin figure turned around and gave Wang Tao an indifferent look.

Wang Tao was shocked when he saw it.

"Wu Fei!"

The person who knocked down the orangutan zombie was none other than Wu Fei, whom he met outside the base some time ago!

However, Wu Fei's situation was different at this time from the last time we met!

Although his health bar is still flashing, his blood volume has reached [4756/4999]! And more importantly, the impurities in his body are as high as [100%]!

It’s 100% impurities, but it’s still a zombie?

Just when Wang Tao was shocked and confused, he saw a lot of black bloodshot eyes starting to appear on Wu Fei's neck, face, and even his eyeballs! His pupils also began to slowly turn white!

"Gonna turn into a zombie!"

Wang Tao was a little confused for a moment. He originally thought he would have an extra helper, but he didn't expect that he would have an extra opponent?

However, the subsequent development was completely beyond Wang Tao's expectations.

Wu Fei, whose face was stiff, suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, and he spoke with some difficulty:

"I...said...I will...repay you!"

After saying that, Wu Fei turned around, kicked his feet, and flew towards the orangutan zombie that had just gotten up.

As he turned around, his blood volume changed from 4999 to 5000!

Second level... zombies!

And it wasn't just Wu Fei's blood volume that changed, his abdomen suddenly deflated, and his bloody ribs were exposed directly through the skin! These ribs quickly turned outwards, like a big mouth full of sharp teeth!

Wu Fei immediately jumped on the head of the orangutan zombie, hugging the head of the orangutan zombie tightly, and its sharp ribs were directly inserted into the face of the orangutan zombie!




This time, he instantly killed the orangutan zombie with a total of 5,000 HP!

Then the orangutan zombie fell to the ground again, and its body twitched stiffly - it couldn't move!

"This is an opportunity!"

Wang Tao gritted his teeth, suppressed the pain in his body, ran to the gorilla zombie, and then he wildly waved his ax at the gorilla zombie's head!







The head of the orangutan zombie finally exploded!

"Ho ho——"

After the gorilla zombie died, before Wang Tao could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Wu Fei immediately let go of the gorilla zombie's head, and then flew directly towards Wang Tao! The sharp ribs on its abdomen are still squirming, as if they want to swallow Wang Tao whole!

Wang Tao was startled and subconsciously swung an ax at Wu Fei.




Wu Fei's health bar cleared.

On Shuize Mountain.

A group of zombies dressed in colorful clothes and exuding green gas looked a little violent.

Among the zombies, a thin, hooded figure raised his head, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes.

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