Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 147 Heavy casualties (please vote for me at the end of the month)


Wang Tao turned over directly and lay on the ground.

His whole body felt sore, his lungs were burning like fire, and his head was about to burst... He really wanted to sleep, but he knew he couldn't sleep at this time, otherwise a random zombie could kill him.

After a while, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief and climbed up with difficulty. First he collected all the trophies of the orangutan zombies, and then he took a look at the corpse of the zombie Wu Fei.


Wang Tao has a bottle of purification potion in his hand, which has a certain probability of turning zombies into humans, but only if the other party is not dead.

The zombie Wu Fei was already dead - his entire head was chopped into pieces by Wang Tao's axe, the crystal core collapsed, and only the lower half of his face was left. The corners of its mouth were slightly raised, as if it were smiling.

When Wang Tao was at the end of his strength, Wu Fei, who had lost his mind, rushed directly towards him. It was impossible for him not to resist. Wang Tao also didn't notice that Wu Fei only had one drop of blood and would die if he touched it.

"Man, thanks a lot!"

Wang Tao patted the zombie Wu Fei on the shoulder, his tone a bit sad.

When he saved Wu Fei, one of them saw that he was pitiful and not dead yet, and the other wanted to test the inhibitor's effect.

Wang Tao didn't expect him to give him anything in return.

After all, this is the end of the world, and maybe that will be the first and last time the two of them meet.

In addition, Wang Tao was much stronger than Wu Fei at that time...Wu Fei said he would repay Wang Tao, but Wang Tao just took it as a joke.

Later, Wang Tao accidentally saw Wu Fei, who had accumulated 30% impurities in his body.

Wu Fei knew that he was hopeless, but he was very open-minded except for Ou Yingying, the woman who had framed him.

Wu Fei said at that time that he would repay Wang Tao, but Wang Tao still didn't take it to heart.

Later, Ou Yingying died. Wang Tao met Wu Fei again. At this time, Wu Fei had changed drastically, with more than 90% of the impurities in his body, and he was in a state where he could turn into a zombie at any time. He was very indifferent and looked at Wang Tao as if he were a stranger.

Wang Tao was not unhappy at all. He just felt that Wu Fei was very pitiful. He knew that Wu Fei's life was already counting down the seconds. Maybe next time you go out, you can see the zombie Wu Fei turned into...

Now, Wang Tao sees Wu Fei for the last time.

The impurities in Wu Fei's body had reached 100%. He said the last words to Wang Tao stiffly: I said, I will repay you.

After saying this, he turned into a zombie and rushed towards the orangutan zombie. His move should be a superpower, which directly deducted a large amount of the gorilla zombie's health bar and locked it so that the gorilla zombie could not move.

The cost of this ability should be quite high. Wu Fei killed the orangutan zombie and lost 5,000 blood, but he himself also lost 4,999 blood.

Then, Wang Tao took the opportunity to kill the orangutan zombie, and also killed Wu Fei, who had become a zombie.

Wang Tao has always felt that his relationship with Wu Fei is that of a stranger, at most a relatively familiar stranger. Regardless of whether the other party repaid him or not, Wang Tao didn't care.

But in Wu Fei's eyes, Wang Tao was his savior, and it was Wang Tao who gave him the chance to take revenge. Wu Fei is a man of his word. Since he promised to repay, he will repay, no matter what method he uses.

Maybe Wu Fei has been following Wang Tao, maybe Wu Fei has been following the orangutan zombies, or maybe Wu Fei just happened to encounter the battle between Wang Tao and the orangutan zombies...

But no matter what, Wu Fei fulfilled his promise-Wang Tao saved his life and allowed him to live for three more months. So he used his own life to save Wang Tao's life.

Wang Tao respects him as a man!

"Ho ho..."

After collecting all the loot, some ordinary zombies came around. Wang Tao didn't even look, and chopped the heads of these zombies into pieces with two axes.

Then Wang Tao staggered towards Wei Zhenguo's position.

It was all mud. Wang Tao rummaged for a while and finally saw the three of them.

Wei Zhenguo, Xiang Hongbin and Han Rui all fainted, and all of them had heavy blood loss. Wang Tao dragged them to a clean place, wiped the mud from their faces, and then used medical kits for them.

Not long after, the three of them woke up one after another.

"Am I...dead...Wang Tao? Even you..."

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao next to her with a dazed look.

Wang Tao patted her little face very politely.

"You are still alive, but if you don't leave immediately, you may really die."

"Huh? I'm not dead..."

Han Rui was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing.

"Ahem, Wang Tao, what's going on?"

Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin are relatively calm. They don't believe in ghosts and gods. If they are conscious, they are alive. If they are not conscious, they are dead. It's that simple.

"The orangutan zombie is dead."

A smile appeared on Wang Tao's face.

"The orangutan zombie is dead!"

The three of them were very surprised, and Xiang Hongbin pinched his thigh hard. He knew he was alive, but he was afraid he was dreaming.

"Hiss--it hurts!"

"Wang Tao, you are so awesome!"

Han Rui praised excitedly.

Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin also looked in awe.

The orangutan zombies should be the most powerful zombies in Shuize County. As long as they deal with the orangutan zombies, they will not say they are safe in the future, but at least they will be as worried every day as they are now!

But Wang Tao shook his head.

"This is not my credit alone, this is everyone's credit. And at the moment of my life and death, Wu Fei appeared. He saved my life and helped me kill the orangutan zombies."

"Ah? Wu Fei!"

All three of them exclaimed.

Wang Tao told them about Wu Fei's situation before. Wasn't Wu Fei about to turn into a zombie? Could there have been some unexpected encounter that led to a return to normal?

"What about others?"

Han Rui asked quickly. She still felt very guilty towards Wu Fei and Li Chengdu.

"He died. It turned into a zombie and I killed it."


Everyone opened their mouths, but didn't know what to say.

"I'll tell you the specific situation later. Let's rest for a while and then return to the base."

I don’t know what is going on in the base. It’s possible that they are all still alive; it’s also possible that a large number of crazy zombies have invaded the base and they are all dead...


The four of them were all seriously injured, especially Wang Tao, who only had a few hundred health left. He couldn't leave, let alone fight.

Thanks to Wang Tao's medical kit, he also has the ability to heal himself and regain blood. Otherwise, the four of them would completely lose their fighting ability.

After resting for a while, several people felt much better. Although he still has residual blood, he is at least not unable to walk.


Wang Tao and others supported each other and walked towards the base.

Along the way, no zombies appeared. These zombies may have been attracted to the base. Among the few people, only Han Rui's walkie-talkie was good. She tried to contact them using the walkie-talkie, but there was no news. Everyone's faces were very ugly.

"I hope everyone is still alive..."

Han Rui prayed silently in her heart.

After spending some time, several people arrived on the roof of a three-story building not far from the base.

"There are still many zombies in the base, but I see that the defense of the complex has not been breached. Without the gorilla zombies, it will still be difficult for the crazy zombies to break through the defenses made of steel plates..."

Wei Zhenguo put down the telescope.

Although I didn't hear any movement in the building, as long as it wasn't breached, it would be good news.

"What do you say now? Just rush in?"

Xiang Hongbin looked at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao shook his head.

"No, in our current state, if we are besieged by crazy zombies, we probably won't be able to escape... Since the complex has not been breached, let's restore our condition first and then go there."

These few of them might be the last fighting force of the base. As long as they are still alive, there is still hope for the base. If they died or were trapped, the base might really be hopeless.

"That makes sense!"

Everyone also nodded, and then settled down temporarily in this building.

While recovering, several people took turns using telescopes to monitor what was going on in the base.

Crazy zombies are a type of zombie that are particularly sensitive to sound. If there is any movement, they may always be there to guard you. If there is no movement, they may stay for a while and then leave.

Now that the gorilla zombie is dead, the crazy zombie cannot break through the complex, and there is no movement inside the complex.

So no matter what the situation is in the complex, as long as everyone waits patiently, there is a high probability that these crazy zombies will slowly leave.

Of course, even if they don't leave, they can still rush in after Wang Tao and others recover.

We rested from noon until the afternoon. Although the health bars of several people were not fully restored. After all, some injuries could not be restored with medical kits, their mana levels were almost restored.

Those with blue powers and those without blue powers are basically two species.

"If you're ready, let's go!"

The crazy zombies downstairs in the complex have left part of it, and they can pass now.


After a few people appeared at the door of Shuize Base, they immediately attracted the attention of some crazy zombies.

Seeing these ferocious monsters running towards him, Wang Tao and others didn't hesitate to fight. After using several charges in succession, they successfully arrived at the administration building.

Then according to the previous method, he climbed from the steel cable on the roof of the administrative building to the roof of the complex building.

Before a few people reached the top of the building, they saw Lu Gang lying on the top of the building. Feng Ming'an was lying next to him.

After coming down, Wang Tao and others quickly trotted to the two of them.

"Lu Gang! Feng Mingan! Wake up!"

Wei Zhenguo and Xiang Hongbin slapped their faces and then pinched them.

Wang Tao was not that anxious. He saw that Lu Gang's health bar and Feng Ming'an were only seriously disabled and not dead. He took out the medical kit for the two of them to use.

After a while, Lu Gang finally woke up first.


Looking at the figure in front of him, Lu Gang was in a daze.

"Just wake up! Just wake up!"

Everyone was happy.

Feng Ming'an also woke up at this time.


"It's okay, we are safe!"

Wei Zhenguo comforted them, without saying much to them, and quickly helped Lu Gang and Feng Ming'an downstairs.

In the building, almost everyone fell to the ground. The smarter people blocked their ears with things, and the smarter ones covered their heads with clothes and quilts while covering their ears.

As for the stupid ones... their health bars were all cleared - at a glance, Wang Tao saw that many people had lost their health bars.


Wang Tao sighed silently.

He had anticipated this situation before coming in. And to put it bluntly, this was better than he thought. At least they were not wiped out by the group, and there were still many survivors alive.

Wang Tao found Ren Jie and Liu He.

Although these two people are not very powerful in combat, they have the physiques of superpowers after all, and their physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people. Moreover, Wang Tao had also reminded Ren Jie before to pay attention to the sonic attacks of the orangutan zombies. So they just fainted with residual blood, and their lives were not in danger.

After waking up Ren Jie and Liu He, Wang Tao found Ding Yuqin again.

The fact that Ding Yuqin is still alive is not beyond Wang Tao's expectation. After all, Wang Tao led Ding Yuqin to kill many zombies, and she now has more than 4,000 blood.

To Wang Tao's surprise, Li Qiuyu was still alive. The two of them were hugging each other, huddled under several thick quilts.

However, Li Qiuyu's 100 health bar only had 10 drops of blood left, and she felt that if she came a little later, she might get cold.

Wang Tao woke them up and used a medical kit respectively.

"Wang Tao..."

When Ding Yuqin woke up and saw that she was in Wang Tao's arms, she thought it was a dream. When she realized what she was doing, she immediately buried her head in Wang Tao's arms with tears in her eyes.

"I thought I would never see you again..."

"It's safe, we're fine."

Wang Tao gently patted Ding Yuqin on the back.

Li Qiuyu's face was pale and her whole body was shaking. It was obvious that she had not recovered from the panic.

Han Rui took the initiative to hug Li Qiuyu.

"Okay, we're fine..."


Li Qiuyu burst into tears immediately.

Wang Tao went to wake up others.

"Commissioner Wang..."

Huo Ziyi and her little sisters were lucky enough to survive. Seeing Wang Tao, she subconsciously rushed over and hugged him.

Wang Tao patted her back.

"It's okay, everyone is okay..."


Huo Ziyi once again felt the sadness of being weak. Even if she didn't go to fight, she would almost die just staying at home!

If one little sister hadn't been clever and quickly found something to block their ears after the orangutan zombie roared for the first time, then they would all have died...

"Don't be afraid, take a good rest."

Wang Tao let go of Huo Ziyi and went to check on the other survivors. Gao Hua and Chen Zhuang are not dead either, which is good news for Wang Tao...

After spending some time, everyone finally woke up everyone in the complex who could be woken up. As for those who can't be woken up... they will never wake up.

Looking at the numbers on the statistical list, Wang Tao and the other committee members sighed.

No one expected that the roar of the orangutan zombies could have such a wide range and lethality!

The survivors were all still in the building. As a result, some of the unlucky ones were directly shocked to death by the sound, and the others who survived were also stunned.

As of yesterday, there were 712 people in the Shuizhe base. After the orangutan zombies arrived last night, more than 100 people died, and less than 600 people were left. This was because everyone had been on guard against the orangutan zombies and had made some preparations in advance, otherwise more people would have died.

Wei Zhenguo and the others managed to gather the remaining survivors into this complex, and with Wang Tao coming back, they thought that the lives of the remaining survivors should be saved.

But who would have thought that the orangutan zombie has such a terrifying range attack ability.

The first shout made many people faint, and the second shout shocked more than 200 people to death!

Now there are only 303 people on the list in Wang Tao's hand... In other words, 409 survivors died in just one day!

A few days ago, Ren Jie was still saying that the Shuize Base was getting stronger and stronger. As a result, in just a few days, the number of people has returned to the number when the base was first established...

"Damn zombies!"

Wei Zhenguo wiped the corners of his eyes.

When the virus broke out and the apocalypse came, he didn't even shed a tear. Men don't shed tears easily. But now, seeing the survivors that everyone had worked so hard to save lose their lives, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"You have to think about it this way - it's a good thing that Wang Tao killed the orangutan zombie, otherwise the remaining three hundred of us would also be dead..."

Ren Jie sighed.

Speaking of the orangutan zombies, everyone looked at Wang Tao. They all wanted to know how Wang Tao killed the orangutan zombies.

When Wang Tao saw this, he simply told the story of how the orangutan zombie chased them into the mire until the orangutan zombie died.

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard that the orangutan zombie that was about to be killed actually had another form and returned to its full state.

"Fortunately, you attracted it away! Otherwise, if we had fought downstairs... we would all be dead!"

Liu He's face turned a little pale.

After all, as Wang Tao just said, the second form of the orangutan zombie roared, shocking Wei Zhenguo and the others to death! The two fat brothers with super high defense and several quagmire superpowers had their heads shattered!

If he yelled like this below the complex, he might be wiped out by the group!

"Ahem, then how did you kill the orangutan zombie?"

Feng Mingan asked while coughing.

"When I was about to be killed by a gorilla zombie, I met Wu Fei..."

Wang Tao told Wu Fei's story again, this time in more detail.

Although Wu Fei's original intention was only to repay Wang Tao and others had nothing to do with him, he also indirectly saved the entire Shuize Base - Wu Fei is also a hero of the Shuize Base, and his name deserves to be remembered by everyone.

"What a man! It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to meet him..."

Xiang Hongbin clenched his fists with regret in his eyes.

"By the way, when you killed the orangutan zombie, did you explode the promotion core?"

Wei Zhenguo asked quickly.

Speaking of this, Wang Tao barely showed a smile on his face.

"Promoting the crystal core... of course! Once I recover, I feel like I can be promoted to a second-level superpower!"

"Okay, okay! The orangutan zombie is also dead, and you can advance to the second level, then our Shuizhe base is basically safe!"

When everyone heard this, their faces finally became less serious.

Wang Tao was not that excited. After all, the price of being promoted to the second level was too high!

"The top priority is to rebuild the base quickly! The walls must be reinforced..."

Wang Tao said with a serious face.

To be honest, most of the people who died this time were weak, while those who survived were all strong. Therefore, when it comes to base reconstruction, although there are fewer people, the speed should not be too slow...

"Yes! Then you can rest assured and prepare to be promoted to the second level! Leave the task of reconstruction to us!"

Ren Jie spoke immediately.

"That's right, just calm down and prepare for promotion..."

Others echoed.

"Okay! I'll leave it to you then!"

Wang Tao nodded solemnly.

At night, the crazy zombies outside have not left yet.

In an office, sheets and mats are spread on the floor.

Han Rui was already asleep. She was sleepy and tired, so she fell to the floor and fell asleep.

Ding Yuqin and Li Qiuyu were lying together and talking to each other.

Wang Tao sat aside, silently inspecting the trophies he had obtained from killing two second-level zombies.

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