Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 148 Harvest (ask for monthly votes at the end of the month)

The first thing Wang Tao looked at was what the zombie Wu Fei exploded.

The crystal core in Wu Fei's head is a promotion crystal core!

However, because Wu Fei turned into a zombie not long ago, this crystal core is dark green.

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Rare (55%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

Wang Tao has now discovered a pattern. For example, for second-level zombies with multiple powers, the crystal core in their heads is probably one of the powers they possess plus the promotion crystal core and the all-powerful crystal core.

In other words, if a second-level zombie has four abilities, then the core it drops may be one of these four abilities, or it may be a promotion or all-powerful core.

Only one will be dropped per kill, and the probability of each type of core should be 1 in 6.

Of course, this is just Wang Tao's guess. After all, Wang Tao doesn't know if there are any other special crystal cores besides the promotion crystal core and the all-powerful crystal core.

And Wang Tao is different from others. After Wang Tao kills a second-level zombie, in addition to the crystal cores dropped from the zombie itself, loot packages will also explode. These packages may also contain crystal nuclei.

Therefore, the probability of his being promoted to a crystal core and an all-powerful crystal core should be much higher than that of ordinary people...

Zombie Wu Fei exploded three packages.

The first package contains a crystal core gift package, with a total of four crystal cores.

[Second-order crystal core·Dali]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Strength is directly proportional to body size, if body size is insufficient, strength will increase negatively)]

Wu Fei is very strong, and his strength is expected.

[Second-order crystal core·self-destruction]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

Wang Tao knew before that Wu Fei had the ability to fuse self-destruction, so it was not surprising.

There is a difference between superpowers and zombies who learn the ability to self-destruct later in life, and self-destructors who are born self-destruction zombies.

When killing a self-destructor, if you cannot directly crush it, it will still self-destruct, but with a slight delay of ten seconds.

However, superpowers or zombies who have learned the power of self-destruction will not self-destruct when they die. After all, the self-destruction crystal core has no side effects, and they do not have bodies that can explode at any time like self-destruction zombies.

The third crystal core is the all-powerful crystal core!

[Second-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

This is a good thing, and Wang Tao also has an ordinary second-order all-powerful crystal core. If combined with this crystal core, he can get an epic crystal core. The only pity is that after the two second-order crystal nuclei are synthesized, the purity is only 90% and cannot reach 100%...

The fourth crystal core made Wang Tao raise his eyebrows.

[Second-order crystal core·rib thrust]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: When using supernatural powers, body defense is reduced)]

[Rib Thrust: Ribs grow out of the body and become weapons. If the attack is successful, it can inflict fixed damage to the enemy with a certain health volume (minimum 100, maximum not exceeding your own health volume), and cause the opponent to be paralyzed for a certain period of time, but you will also lose (damage health volume -1) health volume. If the attack fails, neither party loses health]

Seeing the properties of this crystal core, Wang Tao remembered the situation of the zombie Wu Fei at that time. When it becomes a zombie, its full health is 5000, so it can attack with a maximum of 5000 health.

After a successful attack, it will lose 4999 blood, so after attacking the gorilla zombie, it only had one drop of blood left, and was easily killed by Wang Tao...

This ability has many restrictions. If there is only one drop of blood left, it will be very dangerous. And this restriction is the mechanism of the ability itself, not a side effect. Therefore, even if Wang Tao has several identical crystal nuclei, there is no way to eliminate the mechanism of self-loss through synthesis.

But this ability cannot be denied. If Wu Fei had more than 10,000 blood, wouldn't it be able to kill the orangutan zombies instantly?

However, the introduction to this ability says that the attack may not be successful, it will fail. This failure may be related to factors such as luck and the opponent's defense. So this power is not invincible.

But no matter what, this ability is really powerful! Especially when there are teammates, just like Wu Fei and Wang Tao, even if Wu Fei cannot directly kill the orangutan zombie, he can also paralyze him for a period of time and let Wang Tao do the finishing touches!

The second package Wu Fei exploded contained a strength potion.

[Strength Potion (Small)*5]

Five strength potions, not bad.

The contents of the third package surprised Wang Tao.

[Deactivating agent (experimental type)*5]

[Deactivation agent (experimental type): It can reduce the activity of the zombie virus in the infected person's body for 3-10 days. After the zombie virus activity is reduced, it will not mutate into zombies]

Is it because Wu Fei used too many inhibitors that he released this "anti-activation agent (experimental type)"?

This thing is a bit similar to an inhibitor, both are used to suppress the onset of zombie viruses, but it is also very different.

I hope that the inhibitor produced by the Institute does not clearly indicate how long it will last. It may last for a day, or it may last for a month... The inhibitor can be used before the zombies are completely mutated. And when fusing the zombie crystal core, you can also use inhibitors, which will reduce the impurities in the body.

However, this inhibitor has serious side effects. It is very painful when used. If used too much, it may even lead to death.

And this activity-lowering potion is very simple. It is said that it can reduce the activity of zombie viruses for 3-10 days. When the activity of the zombie virus decreases, it will not mutate into zombies.

I don’t know what factors this decrease in time is related to. It may be related to the length and severity of the virus infection.

But no matter what, as far as 3 days are concerned, there is absolutely no need to worry about turning into a zombie within 3 days at least.

Moreover, this deactivation agent has no side effects and will not cause death.

Wang Tao feels that under normal circumstances, ordinary inhibitors may be more effective, but in some severely infected patients, this "activation-lowering agent (experimental type)" may be more useful.

However, this period of 3-10 days is still too short. It is impossible to expect to use this medicine to extend your life after being infected. It may only be used as an emergency product...

Wang Tao looked at the trophies from killing the orangutan zombies again.

There is also a crystal core and three packages.

Whether it's the orangutan zombie or the zombie Wu Fei, they don't have anything like the eyes of a green-eyed zombie.

The crystal core in the head of the orangutan zombie is of purple quality.

[Second-order crystal core·War cry]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Bad Temper)]

[Battle cry: Consume energy to make a mind-shaking roar, which can stun the enemy and cause him to lose blood]

This is the ability that the orangutan zombies used before. It is a group attack ability with a wider range than the shock wave, which has brought huge trouble to Wang Tao and others.

You may not know how powerful it is just by looking at the introduction, but Wang Tao has seen how powerful the orangutan zombies are!

As long as you can hear this sound, you will probably be affected to some extent. And this war cry can not only make people dizzy, but also cause them to lose blood! No wonder so many survivors and zombies were killed at once...

Another sound-related power is scream. But the scream ability is almost useless. At most, it can attract zombies.

And the battle cry is so powerful, it can directly kill zombies!

Then Wang Tao looked at the first package exploded by the orangutan zombie. There are five crystal nuclei in it!

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

Another promotion core! And it is also a crystal core of excellent quality!

Wang Tao was still hesitating before whether to fuse the promotion core exploded by the zombie Wu Fei. After all, the success rate of that core was only 55%... Now after seeing this core, Wang Tao decided decisively that he would fuse it. Excellent quality crystal core!

Without saying a word, Wang Tao directly put the crystal core in his mouth.

In an instant, a warm energy filled his limbs.


Wang Tao quickly looked at his attributes. The blood volume has not changed, and the upper limit of mana volume has become 4800!

The impurities in the body have naturally changed, and are now 2%. After his calculations, the accurate figure should be 2.2%...

Then there is his precision shooting icon. There used to be a "+10" number in the upper right corner, but now the "+10" is gone. A "two" appears in the lower left corner of the icon. His precision shooting has also become a second-level superpower!

Now, Wang Tao's shock wave, copper-skinned iron bones, precision shooting, and self-healing abilities are all second-level abilities!

Wang Tao feels stronger than ever before!

Of course, if he were asked to fight the orangutan zombies now, he would still not be able to win. After all, he himself did not have the second level yet.

After relieving his excitement, Wang Tao continued to examine the crystal core.

The second crystal core in the package is a red self-healing crystal core.

[Second-order crystal core·Self-healing]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 45% (side effect: weakened tactile sense)]

[Self-healing: Within the duration, you can slowly recover a certain amount of injuries]

When Wang Tao saw this self-healing crystal core, he suddenly felt the urge to fuse it.

But he calmed down quickly, even though he had 5 bottles of [Purge Elixir] in his hand, which could remove 5% of impurities. But this crystal nucleus has side effects! Wang Tao doesn’t want to have side effects on his body!

Of course, there is another point - he is still at the first level now, and apart from the promotion of the crystal core, he cannot fuse any second-level crystal cores...

[Second-order crystal core·Dali]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Strength is directly proportional to body size, if body size is insufficient, strength will increase negatively)]

[Dali: Passive ability, strength greatly increased]

The third crystal core is Dali, which Wang Tao expected. After all, the orangutan zombies are so strong that they can throw cars and rocks at them at every turn. It makes sense to have powerful abilities.

Wang Tao also likes the powerful ability, but unfortunately he has no chance to fuse other crystal cores. After going back to the second level, see if there is any way to continue to fuse other types of crystal nuclei...

The fourth crystal core in the package is another all-powerful crystal core, also of the second level!

[Second-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

Although this is a fine-quality crystal core, the zombie Wu Fei exploded an excellent-quality all-purpose crystal core, which can be synthesized into an epic all-purpose crystal core!

Of course, again, the epic crystal core synthesized from two second-order crystal nuclei also has 10% impurities and side effects. The all-powerful crystal core is okay, it has no side effects, so Wang Tao can use it. Other crystal nuclei will not work and will still have side effects.

Wang Tao looked at the last crystal core, which made Wang Tao's eyes widen.

[Second-order crystal core·violent]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 45% (side effect: blood volume reduced by 10,000 after fusion)]

[Rage: When the blood volume is less than 30%, berserk is automatically triggered and can only be triggered once a day. After the rage is triggered, the blood volume, mana volume, physical strength, and spirit are fully restored, the size is increased, all negative statuses are removed, the attack power is greatly increased, the speed is increased to a certain extent, and the defense power is reduced to a certain extent. The rage lasts for 1 hour and returns to normal after 1 hour]

Isn't this the ability that the orangutan zombie has used before?

Wang Tao thought this might be the unique ability of the lord zombies, but he didn't expect that this was also a superpower!

This ability is so powerful! Although the defense will be reduced, other aspects will be enhanced in all aspects, and it will be restored to a state of full blood and mana!

Wang Tao has not forgotten the feeling of despair he felt when he saw the orangutan zombie's blood volume suddenly returned to full...

If he learns this ability... wouldn't he be like a gorilla zombie, equivalent to having two lives?

Although this power is strong, the side effects are also outrageous!

There is nothing wrong with reducing defense. This is an extra life, so reducing defense is naturally acceptable.

But fusing this crystal core requires deducting 10,000 blood...

He originally thought that the side effects of Healing Light were very abnormal. The first fusion would reduce the blood volume by 5,000, and each subsequent fusion would reduce the blood volume by 1,000. If 10 pieces were fused, wouldn't the blood volume be reduced by 14,000?

But the healing light pales in comparison to the rage. This side effect is that after fusion, the blood will be reduced by 10,000. Since there is no special label, it means that each time the fusion is performed, the blood will be reduced by 10,000! 10 crystal nuclei equals 100,000 blood!

Who has so much blood to lose?

And if Wang Tao wants to fuse, he won't be able to fuse even if he reaches the second level. After all, he only has a few thousand health, which is not enough...

This crystal core is really eye-catching!

If Wang Tao had around 12,000 health now and still had a chance to fuse, he might fuse without hesitation!

After all, this is a second life, and a life in which most attributes will be enhanced!

"Hey, it's a pity that the conditions are not enough..."

Wang Tao sighed. Reluctantly, he looked away and looked at the other trophies.

The second package exploded by the orangutan zombie, like the zombie Wu Fei, is also a strength potion.

[Strength Potion (Small)*5]

But inside the third package, which was the final trophy, Wang Tao's eyes lit up.

[Strength Growth Potion*5]

[Strength growth potion: After injection, your strength will be permanently increased to a certain extent]

"Strength Growth Potion" and "Strength Potion (Small)" may seem to differ only in a few words, but their effects are completely different.

The effect of strength potion (small) is: after injection, the whole body's strength is increased by 10%-100% (the stronger the constitution, the greater the increase), lasts for 1 minute, and cools down for 12 hours.

The strength potion can actually increase the power greatly. With Wang Tao's physical fitness, the increase is about 40 to 50%. But this is a temporary ability that only lasts for one minute, but has a 12-hour cooldown.

And this strength-increasing potion permanently increases your own strength!

Although the specific increase is not stated, it is probably not as much as the (small) increase of the strength potion, but it is permanent!

Without saying anything, Wang Tao gave himself an injection first.


After the medicine is injected into the body, you will not feel the increase in strength instantly like the strength medicine. Rather, it was a bit like the improvement in physical fitness obtained after killing zombies. Wang Tao slowly felt that his strength had increased!

Although the increase is not much, you can definitely feel the increase!

Wang Tao clenched his fists and felt the power in his body. He immediately used the other four bottles of strength-increasing potions.


After a while, Wang Tao secretly said, "How cool!"

Using five potions at the same time, the feeling of increased strength becomes more obvious, a bit like the feeling of improving physical fitness when you have 1000 blood!

At this time, it was already late at night.

Han Rui had already fallen asleep, and Ding Yuqin and Li Qiuyu also fell asleep slowly. The lights had been extinguished, and only the faint moonlight fell on them.

The reason why Li Qiuyu is here is because she was severely frightened this time. After all, she only had 10 drops of blood left and was in a near-death state. Ding Yuqin has a kind nature, and Han Rui said a few more words, so Ding Yuqin invited Li Qiuyu to come over and sleep with her.

Anyway, everyone is sleeping in their clothes now, even holding weapons and other things in their hands, so there is nothing embarrassing.

Wang Tao saw that the girls were all asleep, and he also thought about falling to the ground and sleeping.

But when he saw that his blood bar had not yet been restored to full, Wang Tao felt a little obsessive-compulsive. Medical kits and self-healing abilities are not omnipotent, and some serious injuries cannot be recovered so quickly and easily. After all, Wang Tao is a living person, not data.

After thinking about it, Wang Tao walked over directly, hugged Ding Yuqin to him, and covered her mouth.


Ding Yuqin, who had just fallen asleep, was startled. She breathed a sigh of relief after seeing through the moonlight that it was Wang Tao.

"You, what do you want to do..."

she whispered.


Wang Tao wanted to fill up his blood.

And he has experienced several life and death crises today, and he needs to vent and relax.


Ding Yuqin glanced at Wang Tao with a red face. In fact, she had thought about it. After all, she was very scared today, but she was too embarrassed to mention it.

"Sister Qiu Yu is still here..."

Ding Yuqin said a little nervously.

"Then it depends on whether you can make a sound or not."

Wang Tao laughed evilly and kissed her.


The next day.

When the survivors woke up, they were surprised to find that all the crazy zombies outside had left!

"Qiu Yu, aren't you happy?"

Han Rui looked at Li Qiuyu, who looked unnatural, and asked a little strangely.

"Ahem, happy, definitely happy..."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Wang Tao secretly, and then quickly lowered his head.

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