Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 149 Promotion (ask for monthly votes at the end of the month)

Wang Tao looked helpless at his weak state below his health bar. Only then did he remember that he had used the rejuvenating potion yesterday and would be in a negative state of weakness today.

"Then are you going to hunt elite zombies today?"

Ding Yuqin looked at Wang Tao.


Wang Tao nodded.

Now that his strength has increased, even if he falls into a weak state, he can still hunt down first-level elite zombies.

Of course, this is also related to the death of the orangutan zombie. There are no such second-level zombies in the county now, otherwise Wang Tao would definitely be more cautious.

"Then you have to be careful. Is your injury really okay?..."

Ding Yuqin grabbed Wang Tao's arm and asked worriedly.

"Haha, I already replenished your blood last night. I'm in great health now!"

Wang Tao said with a smile.

"It's annoying~ It's not in shape!"

Ding Yuqin gently hammered Wang Tao on the chest.

Wang Tao shrugged. These days, to be honest, no one believes it.

"Do you need me to come with you?"

Han Rui came over at this time.

Although she was also in a weak state today, she had a good sleep last night and was in good spirits.

"Well, let's go together. Just in case the sleep state is triggered again, it's good to have a companion."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

He only has one drop of blood left now. He can just hunt down a first-level elite zombie. Logically speaking, he can solve it by himself. But if he still falls into sleep every 1,000 blood levels as before, then he still needs someone to assist him.

"Okay! Let me prepare..."

Han Rui immediately started to put on the equipment. But while putting on the equipment, she suddenly asked curiously:

"What happened to Li Qiuyu today? After I got up in the morning, I felt something strange about her..."

"Ah?" After Ding Yuqin heard this, she didn't know what she thought of. Suddenly her face turned red. She lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it possible that she didn't sleep last night..."

Wang Tao: "..."

If that's the case, it seems a bit embarrassing. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't suffer anyway.

"Okay, sister-in-law, please have a good rest at home, we are going out."


Ding Yuqin nodded.

When Wang Tao went downstairs, he happened to bump into Li Qiuyu at the corner of the stairs.


Li Qiuyu almost fell down, but fortunately Wang Tao supported her.

"What's wrong with you? You're so distracted..."

"Ahem, it's okay, thank you..."

Li Qiuyu quickly broke away from Wang Tao's arms. She looked at Wang Tao and then at Han Rui, her expression a little unnatural.

"It's okay."

Wang Tao nodded and went downstairs.

Han Rui took half a step behind, then turned back and winked at Li Qiuyu mischievously. She thought Li Qiuyu was deliberately creating opportunities.

Li Qiuyu thought that Han Rui didn't fall asleep last night and knew that she didn't fall asleep, so she instantly became blushing.

After Wang Tao and Wang Tao disappeared, Li Qiuyu sighed feebly.

"Do you really need to find a man to rely on... Yesterday was really terrifying..."

Downstairs, Wei Zhenguo and others are all there, and they are all in a weak state today.

"Wang Tao, leave the base to us to rebuild. You can feel free to advance to the second level!"

When Wei Zhenguo saw Wang Tao, he patted Wang Tao's shoulder solemnly.

"Okay, then you have to work hard."

Except for the complex building, which is still intact, other parts of the Shuize Base have been damaged to varying degrees.

Especially some of the walls and gates around the base were smashed by the orangutan zombies. The main task now is to repair these places, otherwise there will be no way to stop the zombies.

Of course, you must first clean up all the zombie corpses in the base. Yesterday, the roar of the orangutan zombies directly killed many ordinary zombies and crazy zombies. There were far more dead than survivors. There were rotting corpses everywhere downstairs.

Wang Tao and Han Rui came outside the base and found their off-road vehicles. The car was dirty and had a lot of impact marks on it, but overall there was nothing wrong with it and it could still start.


The car's motor made a buzzing sound, and Wang Tao drove away from the Shuize base.

The car drove for a while without encountering a few zombies.

"It feels like something is different outside..."

Han Rui spoke strangely.

"It should be that all the zombies nearby came to our base before, and many of them were killed by the orangutan zombies indiscriminately... Let's go to a farther place and have a look."


The more something is missing, the harder it is to appear.

The elite zombies that we often saw in the past are now gone. There are only some ordinary zombies and crazy zombies on the street...

Wang Tao set out in the morning and kept looking until evening. Finally, he found a violent terrorist zombie holding a sledgehammer near the hospital.

"It's not easy!"

Wang Tao sighed, then immediately got out of the car, and when he was still about ten meters away from the zombie, he threw an ax out.




Those who were violently killed died instantly.

Wang Tao quickly looked at his health bar.


He only gained 1 drop of blood when he killed this zombie, but it was 5,000!

Wang Tao felt something appear in his mind... He closed his eyes and meditated.

"Wang Tao, how are you?"

Han Rui asked with some concern.

Wang Tao opened his eyes with a strange expression on his face.

"I'm fine, let's go first!"

Wang Tao first ran over to collect all the loot from the violent terrorists, and then quickly drove Han Rui back.

"Wang Tao, aren't you sleepy?"

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao strangely.

In the past, every time I killed some zombies, that is, when I gained a thousand health points, I would feel sleepy. My body was like "automatically upgrading". After sleeping, my strength improved a bit.

But now that Wang Tao has killed an elite zombie, he should be promoted to the second level. Why is he still very energetic?

Seeing the confusion in Han Rui's eyes, Wang Tao laughed.

"I discovered something interesting - you can choose the time when you want to upgrade to the second level! You no longer just go to bed as soon as you say it before!"

"Huh? That's great!"

Hearing this, Han Rui was immediately very happy.

She had gone to kill zombies before, and every time she reached a critical moment, she would uncontrollably want to sleep. This was very uncomfortable. After all, it's outside, and there are dangers everywhere! If you fall asleep, there is a high probability that you will never get up again!

But there's no way to control it... So it's best to form a team, at least two people or more, to hunt zombies. In this way, even if one person is about to fall asleep, the other person can quickly bring this person back to the base.

Wang Tao has been going out with Han Rui before, and the two can take care of each other.

But after all, it still has great limitations and can easily cause trouble.

If you can control this time independently, it would be much better if you wait until you return to the base or go to a safer place to sleep!

"So how do you feel?"

Han Rui asked again.

She has also reached the upper limit of the first level and yearns for the second level.

"How do I put this? It feels like you can feel that you can fuse several kinds of crystal nuclei. I feel now that if I choose to sleep at any time within three days, I can I have become a second-level superpower! If I had not chosen it, three days later, I would have automatically fallen asleep. When I woke up, I would have been a second-level superpower... As for how long I have to sleep, I think it should be 24 hours……"

Wang Tao described what he felt.

"Then this is really good!"

Han Rui also had a smile on her face.

Although there are restrictions, you must choose a time within three days, and you must sleep for 24 hours. But three days is already a long time. If you haven't found a safe place within three days, it can only mean that your fate is bad...


Han Rui was very happy for Wang Tao.

"Haha, but there is still a small situation with this promotion. I have to go back and study it..."

Soon, the two returned to the base, and the sun had completely set.

Although many people died in the base during this crisis, there were only 300 people who survived, and they were all strong people. So in terms of building the base, the work is quite fast.

It was only daytime, and all the zombie corpses in the base had been thrown out, and some damaged walls and barbed wires had been repaired.

Except for the gate, the rest of the base has been restored to pre-disaster defense levels.

The gate was directly attacked by the orangutan zombies and was directly smashed. After Wei Zhenguo and others discussed it, they decided to make two pure metal doors!

The previous gate was said to be a large iron gate, but in fact it was just an iron sheet on the outside and wood on the inside. There is no problem with this kind of gate blocking ordinary zombies, but it is still impossible to block monsters like orangutan zombies.

If it were a pure metal door, even the orangutan zombies probably wouldn't be able to break it open.

Of course, not only the gate but also the surrounding walls must be reinforced, preferably made of metal. Anyway, there are a lot of abandoned vehicles outside, so there is no need to worry about metal materials.

However, this cannot be accomplished overnight. For the time being, we can only take out the big iron gate first.

As for the current door, the seams of the old door that had been smashed were patched up to make it work temporarily. It's no problem to stop some ordinary zombies.

"Wang Tao, you're back. How was your harvest?"

Seeing Wang Tao coming back, Wei Zhenguo and others ran over quickly.

"It's basically stable. I can be promoted to a second-level superpower in three days at the latest and one day at the shortest!"

Wang Tao said with a smile.

"Very good!"

Several people were very excited when they heard this.

All the second-level zombies in Shuize County should be dead, at least they should not appear again in a short period of time, and Wang Tao is about to become a second-level superpower user. Not to mention crossing Shuize County, at least he no longer has to be as scared as before. !

Even if second-level zombies continue to appear later, Wang Tao's strength will definitely become stronger, and it should be no problem to kill the second-level zombies. At that time, they can also get the promotion core and be promoted to the second level!

It is said that if you cannot destroy, you cannot establish. If the ancients are sincere, you will not be deceived. Good times may be coming for the base!

Wang Tao told them about the promotion to the second level again. They were all as happy as Han Rui. It would be great if they could freely choose the promotion time!

"Then when are you going to choose to be promoted?"

Wei Zhenguo asked.

Wang Tao thought for a while and said:

"Just tonight, I will go home and prepare for promotion. It may take 24 hours. At this time tomorrow, I will be a second-level superpower!"


Everyone nodded.

"By the way, these crystal nuclei are for you."

Wang Tao took out some synthesized first-order crystal cores and an promotion crystal core that the zombie Wu Fei exploded.

"Promoted to crystal core?"

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the green crystal core.

"Well, I can no longer use this promotion core. Let's see who uses it. This core only has a 55% success rate, so I suggest you choose one with good luck, haha!"

"Okay! Thank you! We will discuss it later!"

The eyes of Wei Zhenguo and others were a little bright. After all, this was an advancement crystal core. If it succeeded, then one of their abilities would be upgraded to the second level!

When level one versus level two, there is basically no chance of winning. But if there is a second-level superpower, the chance of winning is much higher. And against a first-level zombie with a second-level superpower, it is almost an instant kill...

At this time, Ren Jie suddenly said:

"Then shall our celebration party continue?"

Only then did Wang Tao remember that he had previously said that he would hold a celebration party to celebrate the three months since the Shuize Base was established.

The purpose of the party is to let the survivors relax. They are too tense every day. If they stay in this state for a long time, something may happen.

After the news of the party was announced, it won the approval of all survivors. The time set at that time was these days, but the specific date has not yet been determined. But no one expected that the orangutan zombies suddenly came...

Wei Zhenguo and others discussed for a while and then said:

"Let's continue holding it. Anyway, the survivors don't have to work at night, so these two hours won't waste much time. However, the content should be slightly modified. Let's treat it as a memorial party for the sacrificed people and a commendation party for the meritorious people... …”

"For people like Wu Fei who indirectly saved our base and Wang Tao who directly saved the entire base, their achievements must be made known to the survivors! These meritorious people must also be rewarded, even verbally. of……"

"Then bring out more food and let everyone eat. We lost a lot of people this time, but there was no loss of food, so now there is plenty of food..."

Wei Zhenguo said a lot.

"Okay! Then I'll go and make some preparations. The time will be...the day after tomorrow? It just so happens that Wang Tao will be promoted to the second level tomorrow. The day after tomorrow he can show his appearance in front of everyone and stabilize the morale of the army! Wang Tao, what do you think?"

"no problem!"

Wang Tao naturally had no objection.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Soon, the news spread that the party would be held as scheduled.

A rare smile appeared on the faces of the survivors. It was not that they had to watch the performance, but that Committee Member Ren said that many people would be rewarded at this party - those who performed well and helped when the crisis came. Anyone who becomes a companion will receive a reward. Not only will your name be engraved on the large iron gate that will be manufactured later, but your future welfare benefits will also be improved!

Huo Ziyi was very happy after getting the news. This time she decided to take the initiative! She didn't want to be so frightened anymore, but she knew that the women who had a good relationship with Wang Tao were all superpowers! Even if she becomes Wang Tao's vassal, it is still better than having no background at all...

Wang Tao had returned to his small villa with Han Rui at this time.

Because when the zombies came, Ding Yuqin ran to the complex immediately. There was no one at home and zombies would naturally not be attracted, so there were no changes in the home. Not even a single leaf of the large pothos on the balcony fell off.

After Wang Tao simply drank some nutrient solution, he lay on the bed without Han Rui or Ding Yuqin disturbing him.

After Wang Tao reached 5,000 blood today, he discovered three strange situations. He had been studying them just now, and he probably understood what they meant.

The first one is naturally that he can freely control the time for sleeping or promotion. Within three days, you can be promoted whenever you want.

The second is that Wang Tao secretly felt that if he advanced to the second level, he could choose to delete his second level abilities. After the ability is deleted, the position will be freed up so that he can integrate new abilities!

In other words, although he can't fuse new types of crystal cores now, he can change one power, or even all four!

And this deletion is not a deletion in the literal sense, but can be passed down - the ability he deleted can be passed on to other people! But it will be downgraded.

For example, if Wang Tao no longer wants the shock wave, he can pass his "second-order +1" shock wave to Ding Yuqin. When it reaches Ding Yuqin, the shock wave will become "first-order +10".

Looking at it this way, it's equivalent to losing an upgraded crystal core. It doesn't seem to be too profitable?

But this is not the case!

First of all, except for Wang Tao, everyone else may not necessarily succeed in fusing crystal cores. If you include those who failed, they would have used a lot more crystal cores!

Then, and the most important thing - the inherited ability will inherit half of the impurities of the original body's ability, but there will be no side effects!

To put it simply, if Wang Tao passes the shock wave to Ding Yuqin, then for Ding Yuqin, this is not only a +10 first-level power, but also a power with no impurities and side effects! Of course, Wang Tao's superpower has no side effects.

If it is someone else, such as a superpower whose superpower has been fused with 20 crystal nuclei to reach the second level, then the impurity of this superpower is about 10%. After passing it on to others, he will be left with 5% impurity. Others get a +10 power with 5% impurity but no side effects!

If you want to pass on the superpower to others, it needs to be completed within three days after his promotion. If no one is found after this time, it will simply be deleted.

This mechanism is a bit powerful, and Wang Tao can already predict that if humans can persist, more and more people will accept the inheritance!

However... Wang Tao himself doesn't seem to be able to use this inheritance ability.

This involves the third discovery——

Wang Tao found some changes in his health bar - the upper limit of 5,000 blood remained the same, but between his own health bar and the blue bar, there was an extra gray bar, showing 5,160.

And this gray bar is a new function that can extract and fuse abilities!

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