Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 151 Poisonous Fog Zombies (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

Seeing more and more zombies downstairs and the green poisonous fog getting thicker and thicker, Xiang Hongbin and the others had no choice but to rush out!

Some of the committee members had gas masks, but others did not. If everyone else is poisoned, what's the use of just a few of them alive? And they may not survive...

If we don't rush out while there are many people now and everyone has not completely lost their combat effectiveness, then they will have no choice but to wait to die after most of them have lost their combat effectiveness!

"Wang Tao and Lao Xiang are fine, right?"

Xiang Hongbin asked while hanging several fire axes on his body.

"In their sleeping state, they seem to be somewhat immune to the poisonous mist... But for safety reasons, I still put on gas masks for them..."

Ren Jie replied.

"Okay, then I'm relieved!"

He nodded to Hongbin, then came downstairs. Looking at the group of people who blocked their mouths and noses with cloth, he sighed in his heart, and then said firmly:

"Everyone, I won't say any more. I just want to tell you that this is the end of the world! If you want to be safe, you have to risk your life! If we don't kill these poisonous zombies outside, then we are doomed. But if we rush out to deal with them now, there is still a chance of survival! So, rush with me!"


Neither Wang Tao nor Wei Zhenguo woke up. Xiang Hongbin is the strongest combatant in the base, and he must set an example.


The iron door downstairs opened, making some sharp friction sounds.

"Ho ho..."

These zombies who were very sensitive to sound noticed the movement and immediately ran towards the door crazily.



A faint white light flashed, and Xiang Hongbin charged directly from inside the building and rushed outside.

More than a dozen zombies were knocked away by him, but those zombies did not die!

"He's not even dead!"

Xiang Hongbin was a little dumbfounded. If he charged alone, he could instantly kill the crazy zombies and some elite zombies with low health! In the end, these poisonous fog zombies were not dead?


Soon, several more charges appeared - there were also many superpowers who had learned the charge power.

However, like Xiang Hongbin, most of them cannot kill these poisonous fog zombies instantly.

Although there were instant kills, it was when several people charged at the same zombie at the same time...

Xiang Hongbin's face turned ugly when he saw this situation. Even without the poisonous fog, these zombies themselves were stronger than the crazy zombies! They are probably no worse than elite zombies, but I don’t know if these zombies are elite zombies...

But they have already rushed out, and now it is useless to say anything else, we can only fight!


Xiang Hongbin used a shock wave on the poisonous fog zombies that he knocked to the ground. These zombies were instantly knocked around by the shock wave, but none of them died. It wasn't until Xiang Hongbin sent out a second shock wave that the poisonous fog zombie finally died in his hands.

"It takes at least two or three hits to kill these zombies!"

With his current strength, if he were to sneak attack elite zombies, it would only take two or three hits. In other words, in terms of defense alone, these zombies are basically equivalent to elite zombies!

Although Xiang Hongbin can kill these zombies in a few strokes, there are too many of them, there may be tens of thousands of them! If they were all in front of him, he wouldn't be able to kill them all even if he chopped them with an ax or curled blade!

And what makes Xiang Hongbin uncomfortable is that even if these zombies are killed, their corpses will still release green poisonous mist!

"Damn it, there's not even a crystal core! Sure enough, it's not an elite zombie..."

Xiang Hongbin took the time to pry open the head of a poisonous fog zombie and found that there was no crystal core inside.

But it's not without good news. Xiang Hongbin discovered that these zombies have no other attack capabilities, but they will release poison if their blood is high and their defense is high.

Compared to many elite zombies, this poisonous fog zombie is relatively easy to deal with in a head-on battle.

Of course, this is easier than Xiang Hongbin. For others, these poisonous fog zombies are not easy to deal with.

Especially after many people inhaled the poisonous mist, their strength became much weaker. It's not easy to fight in the first place, but as a result, its strength is reduced, which makes it even harder to fight.


A person with supernatural powers was suddenly bitten on the neck by a zombie behind him. He let out a painful roar and twisted his body wildly to try to break free, but more and more zombies surrounded him, and he soon became silent. There is no time to even use inhibitors...


Xiang Hongbin cursed secretly, and then hit the zombie in the head with an ax.

He saw this scene from a distance, but there were zombies around him. He was entangled and couldn't support him. He could only vent his anger on these zombies.

And this casualty is just the beginning.

Soon, casualties appeared one after another.

Fortunately, he was rescued by his companions and quickly drank a bottle of inhibitor. Unlucky enough, he was bitten to death by zombies on the spot, without any time to use inhibitors.

Xiang Hongbin watched the survivors die one after another with his own eyes. Regardless of the danger, he rushed into the zombie group alone and hacked to death more than a dozen zombies in a few strokes. His fighting power seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

But he alone is not enough, there are too many zombies!

At a certain moment, when Xiang Hongbin struck a poisonous fog zombie with an axe, the opponent suddenly tilted his head, dodged Xiang Hongbin's blow, and then slapped Xiang Hongbin on the chest.


Xiang Hongbin was shot away and fell into the zombies!


A flash of light flashed, and Han Rui appeared in time and snatched Xiang Hongbin's corpse from his mouth.

"Damn it! Why is it so strong? Ahem -"

Blood spilled from the corner of Xiang Hongbin's mouth after being dragged away by Han Rui.

Han Rui turned around and looked at the zombie that was obviously larger than the other poisonous fog zombies. Feeling that there was obviously more power in its body, Han Rui said with a serious face:

"This is a second-level zombie!"

"What? Second-level zombies!"

Xiang Hongbin's expression suddenly changed.

If it is an elite zombie, it may be stronger or have other characteristics. It can still be solved.

But if it is a second-level zombie, it will be enhanced in all directions! Even the weakest second-level zombies are difficult to deal with first-level zombies, especially since Wang Tao and Wei Zhenguo are not there yet...

"probably not……"

Before Xiang Hongbin finished speaking, he saw the zombie that had just attacked him running directly into the crowd at a relatively fast speed. Then its green smoking palm slapped over.


In an instant, several survivors were blown away and spit out a mouthful of blood in the air. But they were lucky. Those unfortunate people were shot directly in the head, and their heads exploded like watermelons!

"Fuck, it's really a second-level zombie!"

Seeing this scene, Xiang Hongbin had no luck anymore. This kind of combat power that can directly kill a first-level superpower must be a second-level zombie or above!

But why, there are second-level zombies!

Those ordinary poisonous fog zombies couldn't be dealt with, and as a result, there were still second-level zombies, which left no one alive!

Xiang Hongbin himself is not afraid. He is most likely to die. He feels that he has made a lot of money by surviving for so long in the apocalypse. He just felt heartbroken when he saw these survivors dying. After all, these were the people he was protecting!

"Let's try to deal with this second-level zombie?"

After taking a breath, Xiang Hongbin looked at Han Rui and said.


Han Rui's face was determined.

If this second-level zombie is allowed to wreak havoc among the crowd, more survivors will die. They must get on!

"And I!"

Feng Ming'an rushed over with a homemade spear. He only had the ability to vomit mucus, but this ability was a good control skill. If someone cooperates, it should be able to achieve good results.

"I'm coming too!"

Lu Gang's voice sounded on the intercom.

Everyone looked up and saw an arrow sticking out of one of the windows of the complex.

"Okay, then let's... rush!"

Xiang Hongbin briefly explained his plan, and then Han Rui rushed over first.


Han Rui charged, killed several ordinary poisonous fog zombies, and came directly not far from the second-level poisonous fog zombie.

The appearance of Han Rui immediately attracted the attention of the zombie, which roared and ran quickly towards Han Rui.

But just when it rushed in front of Han Rui, there was a sudden flash of white light, and Xiang Hongbin and Feng Mingan appeared behind the second-level poisonous fog zombie.

Then Feng Mingan was seen vomiting against the zombies.


A large ball of white mucus spurted out, all falling on the second-level poisonous fog zombie!

The zombie began to slow down and its body became stiff.


Feng Ming'an was immediately overjoyed.

His ability to vomit mucus has never been used against second-level zombies, and when used against gorilla zombies, it has no effect at all. The hooded zombie was too fast and he couldn't reach it. This caused Feng Ming'an to become a little autistic.

Fortunately, I finally used it on this second-level zombie, and it worked.


At this time, a fine steel arrow suddenly flew out from the complex building and arrived in front of the second-level poisonous fog zombie in the blink of an eye.


The arrow was inserted directly from the poisonous fog zombie's ear and into its head.

The body of the poisonous fog zombie froze.

"Huh? Dead?"

Before everyone could be happy, they saw the second-level poisonous fog zombie suddenly raised its head and roared, and then the solidified white mucus on its body suddenly burst open.


The second-level poisonous fog zombies escaped instantly!

With this arrow on its head, it was attacking the people around it quite frantically.


The unlucky Xiang Hongbin became the primary target of the attack and was slapped away by the second-level poisonous fog zombie again.

Han Rui and Feng Mingan took the opportunity to attack the second-level poisonous fog zombies several times, but they felt it had no effect.

"Ho ho..."

After being attacked, the second-level poisonous fog zombie suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a green liquid, flying directly towards Feng Ming'an.

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Feng Ming'an opened his mouth and vomited into the green liquid.


The white mucus instantly merged with the green liquid and enveloped the green liquid.

But these green poisonous mist seemed to be corrosive. In the blink of an eye, all of Feng Ming'an's white mucus was corroded!

But at this time, Feng Mingan had been caught by Han Rui and ran away with his charge ability.

"Fuck! It is indeed a second-level zombie, so difficult to defeat!"

Xiang Hongbin said with an ugly face.

If this second-level zombie is not dealt with, the other survivors will be killed by the zombies sooner or later!

"Should we use an anti-materiel sniper rifle?"

Lu Gang's voice came from the intercom.

The anti-equipment sniper rifle is very powerful. If you find the right opportunity, you have a high probability of killing this second-level poisonous fog zombie. But the problem is that this sniper rifle is also very loud. If it is fired, it will most likely attract the crazy zombies around it!

There are already so many poisonous fog zombies here. If we attract crazy zombies again, it will make things worse!

Xiang Hongbin struggled for a moment, then nodded firmly.

"Use! It's no use. If we can get rid of this second-level zombie, it will be worth it even if we attract the crazy zombies!"

"Okay!" Lu Gang responded, then took out his big black and thick sniper and said, "But you have to create opportunities for me..."

"No problem, just wait!"

After Xiang Hongbin discussed with a few others, he launched another attack on the second-level poisonous fog zombie.

We are also planning to let Han Rui attract the attention of the zombies like last time, and then Xiang Hongbin and Feng Ming'an will raid from behind to control the second-level poisonous fog zombies. Even if they can only control them for a second, that is enough for Lu Gang to shoot. .

But something unexpected happened this time. When Han Rui charged forward to attract the attention of the second-level poisonous fog zombie, the poisonous fog zombie seemed to activate a sprint ability and instantly crossed a distance of several meters and came to Han Rui.


Han Rui was slapped away.


Fortunately, Han Rui fell among the survivors and was not surrounded by other zombies, but she also vomited a lot of blood.

Xiang Hongbin ignored Han Rui. He immediately led Feng Ming'an and sprinted behind the second-level poisonous fog zombie. Feng Ming'an spat at the zombie.


A large amount of white mucus stuck the second-level zombie again.

The zombie's body froze, and at the same time, a huge gunshot sounded.


Half of the face of this second-level poisonous fog zombie is gone!

But it didn't die. The solidified mucus on its body exploded instantly, and then it roared and rushed directly towards Feng Ming'an.

This zombie was obviously not as sensitive as the hooded zombies and orangutan zombies. It did not find out who attacked it, and subconsciously mistook Feng Ming'an as the person who attacked it.

However, Feng Ming'an was well prepared. He knew that his attack power was not strong and it was not easy to increase his attack power, so he put more effort into defense. He took out the steel shield on his back and blocked it directly in front of him.

Dang clang——

The zombie attack hit the steel shield, and Feng Ming'an was almost knocked away. Fortunately, there was Xiang Hongbin behind him to withstand it.

"What a strength!"

Feng Ming'an shook his numb arm.

"Give me the shield, and you can spit it out again when you find a chance!"

After asking for a shield from Hong Bin, he charged directly towards the second-level poisonous fog zombie.


The two collided.

The charge ability is still powerful. Xiang Hongbin briefly contended with the second-level poisonous fog zombie. Feng Ming'an took this opportunity to run behind the zombie.


A large ball of white mucus once again stuck the second-level poisonous fog zombie!

After Xiang Hongbin saw Feng Ming'an in place, he immediately retreated to prevent being affected by the vomiting mucus.


There was another violent gunshot.


This time, the head of the second-level poisonous fog zombie exploded like a watermelon. At the same time, a blue crystal core collapsed.


Xiang Hongbin hurried over to pick up the crystal core, and then quickly ran back to the downstairs of the complex with Feng Ming'an.

"The second-level zombies are dead. Don't be afraid. As long as we kill these ordinary zombies, we will be safe!"

Xiang Hongbin encouraged the survivors loudly.

I heard that the second-level zombies inside had been killed. As expected, everyone seemed to have been given a shot of blood. For a while, the attacks became much fiercer.

Xiang Hongbin brought Feng Ming'an to Han Rui.

The three of them were injured to varying degrees, with Han Rui being the most seriously injured. The zombie's slap was so hard that she felt like her internal organs had been displaced.

Next was Xiang Hongbin. There was still blood in his mouth, and he was probably injured internally. However, his defense was higher than that of Han Rui, so his injuries were relatively minor.

Fortunately for Feng Ming'an, he was not seriously injured. Even if he continued to use the ability to vomit mucus, he still vomited the largest amount, which caused his face to turn pale and his stomach to feel very uncomfortable.

"The crazy zombies have been attracted..."

Han Rui looked at the crazy zombies who were attracted by the gunfire and ran towards the base, her face was very ugly.

There is no way around this. There must be a choice between crazy zombies and second-level zombies. In everyone's mind, the second-level zombies are the scariest.

"Let's go, let's continue killing!"

Han Ru struggled to stand up.

She and Xiang Hongbin were both seriously injured, but from time to time survivors were bitten to death by zombies. If they don't take action, more people will die!


Xiang Hongbin also took a deep breath, and then rushed into the zombies again.

Ten minutes later, Xiang Hongbin rescued a survivor and took a breath:

"These zombies seem to be inexhaustible..."

He felt that he had killed many poisonous fog zombies, but now there were so many, and even the poisonous fog was getting thicker and thicker!

This is impossible to fight!

Feng Ming'an next to him suddenly felt pain in his back before he could speak.


Feng Ming'an was instantly knocked away. He felt a sweet sensation in his mouth and his mask was stained red with blood.

When Xiang Hongbin and Han Rui reacted, Feng Mingan fell directly into the zombie group.

"Old Feng!"

Xiang Hongbin shouted subconsciously, but he was directly dragged away by Han Rui.

Then he discovered that where they were just now, there was a poisonous fog zombie that was larger than the second-level zombie he killed before!

"This zombie jumped in from outside suddenly. By the time I discovered it, it was already too late!"

Han Rui explained quickly.

"Second-level zombies! Why are there still second-level zombies!"

Xiang Hongbin was shocked.

"Da da da--"

At this time, there was a burst of fierce gunfire from upstairs, all fired at Feng Ming'an's position. Xiang Hongbin didn't know if he could save Feng Ming'an, because he had no time to think about it - the second-level poisonous fog zombie immediately sprayed a mouthful of green liquid at Xiang Hongbin.


Xiang Hongbin avoided most of the liquid, but a small part still fell on him. He felt his gas mask rustling, and quickly took it off, only to see that the mask had been corroded!


Without the mask, Xiang Hongbin felt very uncomfortable after inhaling the poisonous mist from the outside world. In particular, a lot of rich green mist appeared on the corroded mask and went directly into Xiang Hongbin's nose, which made him feel that his body became heavy instantly. Seeing the zombies attacking him, Xiang Hongbin wanted to hide, but found that he couldn't move forward at all...

"It's over..."

There was despair in Xiang Hongbin's eyes.


Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared next to Xiang Hongbin and directly knocked the second-level zombie away.


The zombie flew more than ten meters directly and hit the zombie group hard.

"Old Wei!"

Seeing the familiar figure in front of him, Xiang Hongbin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became excited.

"Have you successfully promoted to the second level?!"

"Of course!" Wei Zhenguo, who didn't even wear a gas mask, turned to look at everyone and immediately said loudly and confidently, "Everyone, step back and leave it to me!"

Only when you advance to the second level can you realize how powerful this is!

He could sense that the zombie in front of him was a second-level zombie, but it was a second-level zombie that was not particularly strong. It probably looked like he had just reached the second level just like him.

He can deal with such a second-level zombie. He still has this bit of confidence!

So, Wei Zhenguo quickly rushed towards the second-level zombie!

As long as this second-level zombie is eliminated, other first-level zombies will not be a problem for him!

But suddenly, he braked suddenly!

I saw only one, two, three... more than ten poisonous fog zombies of the same size slowly appeared from the group of corpses! Their pale eyes stared at Wei Zhenguo.

Wei Zhenguo: "..."

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