Wei Zhenguo rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

"One, two, three...eleven second-level zombies! Are they real or fake? Aren't all the second-level zombies in Shuize County gone? Where did these come from?"

When he woke up, he found that there were zombies outside the base. After briefly understanding the situation, he rushed out immediately. He still didn't know where these zombies came from.

Of course, now we are not obsessed with the origin of zombies, but what to do with so many second-level zombies!


These are eleven second-level zombies! Damn it if he can beat him!


Wei Zhenguo looked back at those hopeful eyes, he couldn't run away! He is not the kind of person who abandons his base and runs for his life alone!

And to be honest, it's not certain whether he can run away...

"No matter what, let's try their strength first!"

Wei Zhenguo targeted the second-level zombie that he had knocked away before, and then launched a charge.



He hit the zombie accurately again.

"Ho ho..."

This second-level poisonous fog zombie was a little dizzy after being hit, but it was not knocked down this time.

Wei Zhenguo took the opportunity to pick up the ax and chopped off the head of the poisonous fog zombie.


Wei Zhenguo seemed to have heard the sound of cracking bones, but the poisonous fog zombie was not a vegetarian. It stretched out its arms and hugged Wei Zhenguo at once, then opened its mouth and was about to attack Wei Zhenguo's neck. Upper bite.

Wei Zhenguo felt that the poisonous fog zombie's arms were like iron hoops, binding him.

"Ah! Open it for me!"

Wei Zhenguo used all his strength to finally break free from the zombie's arms before it bit him, and then kicked the zombie suddenly.


The zombies were kicked away directly.

Wei Zhenguo took advantage of the victory and pursued it. The moment the zombie landed, he ran to the zombie's side, then raised his ax and chopped off the zombie's head.


Another sound of bone cracking came.

Wei Zhenguo knew that with one more axe, this zombie would die!

But at this time, other second-level zombies had also arrived.

If he strikes with an ax again, he will definitely be beaten by a group of people!

In the flash of lightning, Wei Zhenguo struck down with his third axe.


This zombie was shot in the head and stopped struggling instantly.

At this time, several other second-level zombies had already surrounded Wei Zhenguo. They waved their arms at the same time, clawing at Wei Zhenguo with their pitch-black claws.

Wei Zhenguo didn't even have time to dig for crystal cores. He managed to avoid the attacks of several zombies by relying on his superb positioning. But there was still a zombie attack that hit him on the chest.


Wei Zhenguo was directly pushed back dozens of meters.

He looked down at the deformed steel plate on his chest, and his expression suddenly turned ugly.

Although he didn't seem to be injured, only he knew that the zombie's slap was not light!

Wei Zhenguo felt that the strength of these second-level zombies was not as strong as he imagined, and was much worse than the hooded zombies.

But this is a second-level zombie after all, not a first-level zombie! Not to mention the amount is terrifying!

He basically has no chance of winning!

"Ho ho..."

Seeing that there are more and more crazy zombies outside, some even have fights with these poisonous fog zombies... Wei Zhenguo knows that there is only one way to defeat these zombies - wait until Wang Tao wakes up !

"There are too many second-level zombies for me to defeat. Hold on until Wang Tao wakes up!"

Wei Zhenguo turned back to Xiang Hongbin and others.

Xiang Hongbin and others were also numb. They originally thought that Wei Zhenguo would be able to turn the tide of the battle when he woke up, but they didn't expect that there were so many second-level zombies!

Even if Wei Zhenguo managed to get rid of one second-level zombie despite his own injuries, there were still 10 second-level zombies!

"It's not easy to delay. The poisonous mist emitted by these zombies will make us weak and cough. Many people even coughed up blood!"

Feng Ming'an spoke helplessly.


Wei Zhenguo really didn't pay much attention to this matter, because the poisonous mist of these first-level zombies did not have much impact on him as a second-level zombie. He could feel that his strength was slightly weakened, but the extent was very small and it did not affect his fighting. Only the poisonous mist on these second-level zombies made him feel a little uncomfortable...

But it's different for others. People with powers like Xiang Hongbin have been weakened, and others may even be in danger of their lives!

While Wei Zhenguo was thinking, two second-level zombies attacked again, and the remaining second-level zombies rushed towards the others.

He quickly blocked a few moves, then turned back and asked:

"When did Wang Tao start to advance to the second level yesterday?"

"It was probably around eight o'clock in the evening..."

Han Rui thought for a while and replied.

It's past six o'clock now, still two hours to go!

After Wei Zhenguo temporarily repeled the two second-level zombies in front of him, he turned around and loudly said to everyone:

"Everyone, let's hold on for two more hours! As long as we hold on for two more hours, we will be saved! We have to hold on for two hours even if we risk our lives!"

The most fearful thing about "persistence" is that there is no exact time.

It's useless to just say persistence, because no one can see hope, so they naturally have no motivation to persist. But as long as you say a specific time, for example, if you persist for two hours and you will be rescued, then you will naturally have motivation.

Even though some people were at the end of their rope, they still managed to cheer up and fight to the death against these zombies.

After all, they have no way out!

"Use all available weapons, call out all the people who can participate in the battle, and just hope that we can hold on for two hours! If we can't hold on for even two hours, then we will only die!"

Wei Zhenguo immediately spoke into the intercom.

"Ahem, okay!"

Ren Jie's voice came from inside.

This is a life-and-death moment for the Shuize Base. No one can escape. They can't hold anything back and can only fight with their backs against the wall!

Soon, a group of people walked out of the complex.

There were men and women, old and young. They were holding their own homemade weapons, and their fearful expressions revealed a kind of perseverance.

Ren Jie walked in the front holding a pistol, followed by Liu He carrying a backpack.

Gao Hua held two axes in his hands and was one step behind Ding Yuqin. There was a trace of cruelty on his face and he said:

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, my life was given to me by my eldest brother. Even if I die, I will protect you!"


Ding Yuqin was a little nervous, but she didn't flinch.

Li Qiuyu, Huo Ziyi and other women followed Ding Yuqin with fearful expressions on their faces.

Ren Jie asked these women to obey Ding Yuqin's orders.

They are not the main force in the battle, but help prepare ammunition, medical supplies, inhibitors, etc. If they have the ability to kill zombies, they can also kill them. If you don't have the ability, just do the logistics honestly.

Wei Zhenguo had already taken out everything from the bottom of the base. If he couldn't hold on for less than two hours, there would be nothing he could do.

As for whether he could be rescued after holding on for two hours. Wei Zhenguo didn't think about it because he also needed to give himself hope.

After the survivors came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the zombies downstairs. These poisonous fog zombies and crazy zombies were running towards everyone.

"Da da da--"

However, a group of security forces rushed out of the building and instantly stopped the zombies with bullets.

The green poisonous mist is getting bigger and darker now, and the poisonous mist is slowly drifting upward, so it seriously affects the visibility of the security forces. They can no longer see the zombies clearly upstairs. If they don't come down, the bullets will definitely hurt their teammates.

There were many sandbags downstairs in the complex. More than a dozen security forces immediately used the sandbags as cover and hid behind them to face the zombie attacks.

The survivors took their weapons and crouched behind the sandbags. If zombies rushed over, they were responsible for killing them.

During the last orangutan zombie crisis, most of the people in Shuizhe Base died. Except for a few people, those who remain now are basically all with more than one thousand health. His physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people.

Although they couldn't kill these zombies instantly, at least they wouldn't be able to defeat their defenses. As long as there are enough people and the attack position is accurate enough, a group of several of them can kill poisonous fog zombies and crazy zombies.

With the addition of these remaining people, the superpowers who had come out to fight suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved.

But they had no time to rest, because the second-level zombies found them!

Although this poisonous fog second-level zombie is not very strong among the second-level zombies, even Xiang Hongbin and the others, coupled with Lu Gang's sniper attack, are still very hard to defeat.

Therefore, when these first-level superpowers faced the second-level poisonous fog zombies, they basically had no power to resist!

In just a few minutes, several people with powers were bitten to death by second-level zombies.


Seeing this scene, Wei Zhenguo's eyes turned red.

He immediately rushed over and took the initiative to attract the attention of the second-level zombies.

Wei Zhenguo's original plan was to let others bear the attack of the second-level zombies first, while he and Xiang Hongbin concentrated their efforts on a certain second-level zombie.

After all, as long as you kill a second-level zombie, everyone's stress will be reduced a lot.

But second-level zombies are at a crushing level against these ordinary first-level superpowers. These people had no ability to resist at all, and they were killed in just a few encounters!

Wei Zhenguo can only change his style of play and become a firefighter. He went wherever there was danger.

Although this did save many people, there was little chance of killing the second-level zombies.

But even so, the casualties are still increasing.

Wei Zhenguo's eyes were red. He unleashed an unprecedented fighting force and actually blocked five second-level zombies by himself!

As for the remaining five, he was really powerless and could only leave them to others.

Injecting a bottle of rejuvenating potion into Hong Bin, it was like a flashback, and he also blocked the progress of a second-level zombie in a short period of time.

Han Rui and Feng Mingan worked together to block a second-level zombie, but they were retreating steadily.

Ren Jie and Liu He led several superpowers to block a second-level zombie. Their strength is not strong. The reason why they were able to block this second-level zombie was purely because Liu He's backpack was full of bombs! He distributed several earth bombs to each of them to stop this second-level zombie.

This second-level zombie is also the one that looks the most miserable so far. The skin and flesh are torn all over, and all the bones on the body are exposed. But its combat effectiveness has not been weakened at all. After all, the soil bombs in everyone's hands cannot be thrown as they wish, and they have to prevent themselves from blowing up, so they are afraid to fight...

The last second-level zombie was fought by more than twenty superpowers.

But these people are still far behind compared to the second-level zombies. Even if they have more people, they will not have much advantage - it is difficult for them to break through the defense of the second-level zombies, but a random strike from the second-level zombies can kill them. Immediately disabled!

"Inhibitor! Inhibitor!"

After someone was scratched by a zombie, he ran back and yelled eagerly. The zombie virus infection and mutation time is from 1 minute to 24 hours. If you are unlucky, you will be dead in 1 minute!

Li Qiuyu quickly took out a bottle of inhibitor and trotted over and handed it to the other party.

"Thank you!"

The other party quickly became bored.


Then he clenched his fists tightly, veins all over his body were furious, and he roared in pain.

Li Qiuyu was scared when he saw this man's painful appearance, fearing that he would turn into a zombie.

Seeing this, Ding Yuqin explained to Li Qiuyu:

"Qiu Yu, don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon. It will be fine if you get through it! They are all real men and can get through it!"


Li Qiuyu didn't dare to look further. She quickly took out a few more bottles of inhibitors and gave them to other people in need.

Suddenly, Li Qiuyu froze - a feeling of being spied on lingered in her heart.

She looked around nervously, but she was surrounded by survivors, with zombies and green smoke in the distance, and she found nothing.

Li Qiuyu shuddered subconsciously and quickly continued to deliver the inhibitor.

Outside the Shuize base, on the roof of a certain building. A figure with glowing red eyes stared closely at Li Qiuyu.

It feels amazing to be promoted.

After Wang Tao fell asleep, he was in a wonderful state of being "conscious and able to feel himself, but unable to feel the outside world."

It's a bit like a lucid dream - he knows you're dreaming, but he can't wake up or change the dream.

Wang Tao can clearly feel that his body is getting stronger bit by bit. This feeling is very obvious and very refreshing! This even made Wang Tao have the idea of ​​never waking up.

Of course, Wang Tao also knew that this was impossible. He only had 24 hours, and he would definitely wake up at that point. Wang Tao made a discovery. The longer he slept during the promotion process, the more his strength would improve!

The length of sleep is related to how many promotion crystal cores are fused, or how many second-level abilities you have!

When you advance to the second level, you will sleep for 6 hours for every second level power you have, which means you will get 6 hours of time to become stronger.

Wang Tao's four abilities are all level two, so he will sleep for 24 hours!

It was only then that he realized that it was not necessary to upgrade all abilities to the second level in order to be officially promoted.

As for why he had to fuse four promotion cores... he didn't know. He could only say that he was indeed different from others.

But this is fine. Fusion of 4 promotion crystal cores and then promotion to the second level is the promotion method that can increase the strength the most!

It would be a bit of a waste if you rush to advance after only fusing one promotion core...

Wang Tao, who was bored, began to study his attribute panel.

He then discovers that he can now control Graystripe's special energy.

He has 5160 special energy, and his powers are all second-level powers. So whether he extracts or fuses it, he will consume 5000 energy each time.

No need to think about it, it must be fusion.

Extraction is equivalent to him being able to change a power, and the old power can be used by others.

And fusion means that he can merge two powers into one! It's equivalent to him being able to learn one more power!

However, there is a success rate for fusion. Wang Tao needs to see if there is a chance of fusion first. If there is really no chance, forget it.

When Wang Tao was thinking about fusion, a form appeared in front of his eyes.

The table states that there are several ways to fuse his four abilities, and what is the probability of success for each method.

[Shock Wave + Precision Shot (10%)]

[Shock Wave + Copper Skin and Iron Bone (10%)]

[Shock wave + self-healing (15%)]

[Precise shooting + copper skin and iron bones (40%)]

[Precise shooting + self-healing (55%)]

[Copper skin and iron bone + self-healing (95%)]

Seeing this information, Wang Tao directly eliminated the first five choices. After all, the probability was only 55% at most, and it was not worth the risk.

The fusion success rate of "copper skin, iron bones" and "self-healing" is as high as 95%!

Wang Tao feels that his luck has always been good. It should be impossible to fail with this probability, right?

After thinking for a moment, Wang Tao decided to merge these two abilities!

As for the priority, Wang Tao puts "self-healing" in the front and "copper skin and iron bones" in the back.

Because if the fusion fails, the primary ability will not change, but the secondary ability will disappear. The self-healing ability is relatively rare, and he managed to collect it with great difficulty, so to be on the safe side, it is better to put it first.

The moment the fusion was confirmed, Wang Tao saw that Gray Stripe's special energy had been reduced by 5,000, leaving only 160.

His copper-skinned and iron-bone power icon was embedded in the self-healing power icon. After a burst of colorful light flashed, a new prompt appeared.

[The fusion is successful and new abilities are obtained: Level 2 1·Barrier]

[Barrier: During the duration, it can enhance defense and slowly recover certain injuries (side effects: none)]

Wang Tao was pleasantly surprised when he saw this new power "barrier".

It really combines these two abilities into one!

He only has three powers now, and he can still integrate a new one!

Just when Wang Tao was thinking about which new power to integrate, he seemed to slowly feel some movement from the outside world.

"Wake up!"

at some point.

Wang Tao suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he found something pressing on his face, and his vision was blocked to a certain extent.

Wang Tao touched his face.

"Cracked gas mask?"

He quickly sat up and found that he was not in his villa room, but in the complex.

The house was in ruins, with many glass products including windows shattered, as if there had been a violent explosion.

"problem occurs!"

Wang Tao first took a look at his attributes, and there were no negative states. Then he opened the door and heard a sudden "thud" outside the building, which sounded like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Out of the intuition of a second-level superpower, Wang Tao felt that a strong second-level zombie appeared outside!

Wang Tao hurriedly went downstairs and kicked open the door.


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