"You guys stay here for now, I'll go out and take a look!"

"be safe!"

Wang Tao walked out of the complex building again.

After just listening to what Wei Zhenguo and the others said, combined with his own observations, Wang Tao felt that something was not quite right.

First of all, these zombies did not rush over in a swarm, which is unreasonable. After all, zombies don’t teach you about martial arts, how can they give you a fair chance to fight?

Then, although the toad zombie outside has a maximum health of 12,000, it is not full health, but only has more than 9,000, which is not quite right!

After all, generally speaking, zombies do not fight each other, and there are no other survivors in Shuizawa County except the Shuize Base. How does the toad zombie's blood volume decrease? Could there be other survivors? Or are there other zombies, such as violent zombies like gorilla zombies?

So Wang Tao has to know what is going on... If there is really a powerful zombie, or a survivor hiding in the dark, then it must be careful!

Outside the complex, Wang Tao's eyes glowed with a faint green light.

He could clearly see that the group of zombies in the darkness did not attack the complex. The toad zombies roared at them. They were milling around there, looking very confused. It's like... the soldiers can't understand the general's instructions!

Wang Tao didn't know the reason for this, but he knew this was his chance!


Wang Tao rushed directly towards the toad zombie.

After being promoted to the second level, Wang Tao's physical fitness has been enhanced in all aspects, and his speed is naturally not to mention. In the blink of an eye, he arrived near the toad zombie.

The toad zombie immediately turned its head, then kicked off its hind legs, jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Wang Tao.


Wang Tao directly kicked the opponent in the stomach to stop his attack. At the same time, Wang Tao gave his head a severe chop with an axe.



"Oh, the damage is so low?"

This is Wang Tao's first serious attack after becoming the second level. The damage is not even 1,000?


The toad zombie roared angrily, opened its mouth, and struck Wang Tao with a long tongue.

Wang Tao raised his right arm, and the toad zombie's tongue hit the charging arm guard.





Seeing that he had only lost 6 points of blood and was fully restored immediately, Wang Tao suddenly felt balanced.

Although my damage feels low, my defense is high!

The defense of his second-level superpower, plus the defense of the charge arm guard, plus the defense and blood recovery ability of the barrier ability... the addition of these three is no joke!

After confirming that he could withstand the attack of the toad zombies, Wang Tao's fighting style became much more unrestrained.

Anyway, he is wearing a full set of equipment. As long as he protects his head, the rest of his body can resist the opponent's attack!

Wang Tao ignored the attacks of many ordinary poisonous fog zombies around him, and struck the toad zombie's head with another axe.


The toad zombie failed to escape and suffered more than 600 injuries, but a sarcoma suddenly broke out on its body.


A disgusting yellow-green liquid spurted out. Wang Tao didn't know what it was, so he gave up the attack for the time being and retreated immediately.

The liquid sprayed on the ground, making a sizzling sound, and at the same time, a burst of green mist emitted from the liquid.

The green mist dispersed quickly, and Wang Tao accidentally inhaled some of it. Then Wang Tao saw a negative status appearing below his health bar——

[Weakness 10%, immunity reduced by 10%, cough, intermittent bleeding. Duration: 3 seconds]

"Is this the poisonous fog?"

When Wang Tao woke up, most of the poisonous mist had been blown away by Liu He, so he didn't know the specific effect of the poisonous mist.

Now that he saw the specific effects of the poisonous mist, Wang Tao was a little surprised. This poisonous mist has quite a few functions!

He immediately moved away from the poisonous mist, and after three seconds, the negative state completely disappeared.

This made Wang Tao feel relieved. As long as it was not a permanent or long-term negative state, it would be easy to say.

However, considering that the toad zombies may continue to create this kind of poisonous mist, if the poisonous mist is everywhere and there is no place to hide, it will still have an impact on him, so Wang Tao is prepared to make a quick decision.

He immediately used a running potion and a strength potion.

Feeling the more abundant energy in his body, another slime grenade appeared in Wang Tao's hand.

He didn't expect the slime grenade to stick to the opponent for long. He just wanted to see if he could freeze the liquid when the toad zombie's sarcoma ruptured.


Wang Tao held his breath and rushed into the green poisonous smoke.

The toad zombie immediately waved his arm and grabbed Wang Tao's chest.

Wang Tao did not dodge, and a thick reinforced concrete sledgehammer suddenly appeared in his hand.

Against such zombies with high defense, blunt weapons are more effective than sharp weapons.




The toad zombie's slap hit Wang Tao firmly on the chest. Wang Tao lost more than fifty blood.


But Wang Tao's barrier ability +10 blood per second, instantly restored 10 drops of blood.

At the same time, Wang Tao's sledgehammer also hit the toad zombie on the head.




This blow directly knocked out more than 800 of the toad zombie's blood, which was much higher than the damage of an axe.


The toad zombie roared angrily, and some of the tumors on its body began to swell. Before the sarcoma exploded, Wang Tao directly threw the slime grenade.


A large ball of mucus instantly enveloped the entire toad. Although it only took two or three seconds for the toad zombie to break free from its control, the liquid from the exploding sarcoma on its body merged with the white mucus.

Zi La La——

The white mucus was instantly corroded, but the yellow-green liquid no longer emitted green poisonous mist.

Seeing the effect, Wang Tao immediately grinned.

Then he swung the hammer again.




Nearly 900 damage occurred, and the toad zombie still had half of its health left!

The toad zombie seemed to be completely angry, and it immediately let out a roar that was different from just now.

Immediately, the zombies still circling around them roared, looked at Wang Tao, and then rushed towards Wang Tao.

If it was before he was promoted to the second level, Wang Tao would definitely have retreated. After all, no matter how strong he was, he could not stop the attacks of so many zombies.

But he is at level two now!

Wang Tao raised the reinforced concrete sledgehammer high, and then like a violent zombie, he hit the ground hard under his feet.


With a muffled sound, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions with Wang Tao himself as the center!






In an instant, all the poisonous fog zombies around were crushed!

"Sure enough, the toad zombie's defense is too high!"

Just now, Wang Tao almost wondered if his attack power had been reduced.

Without the interference of these zombies, Wang Tao looked at the toad zombies again.

The toad zombie roared again, the sound was louder than before, and the poisonous fog zombies around the entire base began to run towards Wang Tao!

"The ability to control other poisonous fog zombies?"

Wang Tao can be sure this time, these poisonous fog zombies are indeed under control!

But why didn't this toad zombie let the zombies attack before? Could it be that it has some other conspiracy?

Seeing so many zombies rushing towards him, Wang Tao did not drag them away this time, so he retreated first. After all, his night vision was very clear. There were eight thousand, if not ten thousand, poisonous fog zombies around him. There was no need for him to waste time with so many poisonous fog zombies.

Wang Tao was going to lure them outside, and then throw a few self-explosion bombs to see if he could kill them!

But just as Wang Tao ran out, he suddenly saw a corpse on the ground missing both legs and a right arm - no, it was not a corpse, he was still alive!

"Lao Xiang!"

Seeing Xiang Hongbin with only half of his body left, Wang Tao was shocked and felt very uncomfortable at the same time.

Wei Zhenguo had told him before that Xiang Hongbin and the others died heroically.

But unexpectedly, Xiang Hongbin is still alive. Although he is in a miserable state and is on the verge of death, he is indeed still alive, and he has not turned into a zombie yet!

Maybe it was because these zombies were in a state of confusion just now and did not attack him.

Without saying a word, Wang Tao grabbed Xiang Hongbin and ran away. Then he took out a bottle of deactivating potion from his space backpack and plunged it into Xiang Hongbin.

[Deactivation agent (experimental type): It can reduce the activity of the zombie virus in the infected person's body for 3-10 days. After the zombie virus activity is reduced, it will not mutate into zombies]


After the medicine entered his body, Xiang Hongbin twitched, but he still didn't wake up.

With the deactivation potion, Xiang Hongbin will not turn into a zombie for at least three days. Then you have to use inhibitors.

Of course, you can now use inhibitors and save a bottle of deactivation potion. But it was so painful when using inhibitors. Either you have a strong body or a strong will, otherwise you won't be able to get through it.

Xiang Hongbin's body is now like this, and he has fallen into a coma again... Wang Tao thinks it is safer to use deactivation medicine.

Wang Tao put Xiang Hongbin on his back and continued running towards the outside of the base.

The poisonous fog zombies also abandoned their base and pursued Wang Tao under the leadership of the toad zombies. As for the crazy zombies that were previously stopped by the poisonous fog zombies, they also pursued Wang Tao.

Looking at the tide of zombies behind him and listening to the terrifying roar, Wang Tao felt a little numb.

The total number of zombies behind him must have exceeded 10,000! If he was besieged, he didn't know if he could survive.

Fortunately, Wang Tao has night vision, so he is like a fish in water in the dark and does not give these zombies a chance to besiege him.

Wang Tao had been running for a long time. When he felt that he was some distance away from the base, he found the right opportunity and climbed to the roof of a five-story building. Then he took out several self-explosion bombs from his space backpack and threw them downstairs.

When the heart-shaped self-exploding bomb appeared in Wang Tao's hand, it started beating. When Wang Tao threw it before it hit the ground, it exploded in the air!


Several violent sounds shook the building. There was even more blood mist downstairs.

Seeing that there were still many zombies downstairs, Wang Tao was not polite and took out the self-exploding bomb again.




Wang Tao didn't know how many self-exploding bombs he had thrown. When he felt that the building under his feet was about to collapse, he quickly stopped.



The five-story building collapsed completely, and Wang Tao emerged from the ruins in disgrace.

After coming out, Wang Tao saw the toad zombie not far away and a few defeated soldiers beside it.

The toad zombies were not drained of blood by the explosion, and they still have 5,500 left. After all, Wang Tao's main target was other zombies, and he could easily avoid them.

As for the other poisonous fog zombies and crazy zombies, they were either killed by the explosion or suppressed by the collapsed building. There are less than ten people still standing in front of Wang Tao.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that among these ten zombies, there were actually two second-level zombies!

[HP: 1239/5000]

[Blue amount: 768/1000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

The first level two zombie still had a thousand and two blood left.

[HP: 1004/5000]

[Blue amount: 806/1000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

The second level two zombie still had a thousand health left.

"These two zombies should be the weaker second-level zombies that Wei Zhenguo mentioned..."

5,000 blood is the threshold for the second level. Obviously, it has only been promoted to the second level not long ago, and these two zombies have very little blue. Wang Tao personally feels that Lando zombies will be stronger.

Of course, the biggest difference is level. The level of the toad zombie is [Level 2 Lord], while the level of these two second-level zombies is [Level 2 Elite], which is obviously one level lower.

Wang Tao looked at one of the ordinary zombies again.

[HP: 2983/4000]

[Mana amount: 0/0]

[Level: First level·Normal]

This zombie is even weaker. It has no blue content, which means it has no crystal nucleus. As for the green poisonous mist it carries, it shouldn't be a superpower, it might be a talent or hidden ability or something...


The toad zombie stared at Wang Tao angrily. Then he roared and rushed towards Wang Tao.

Wang Tao was not ready to fight it yet, but ran to the two second-level zombies.


Wang Tao smashed down with his hammer and instantly hit the head of a second-level zombie.



They are indeed much weaker!

"Ho ho..."

Another second-level zombie rushed towards Wang Tao. Wang Tao raised his sledgehammer and used a shock wave.







This second-level zombie was also headshot, and also killed other zombies around it.

Wang Tao quickly put away the loot, and then took a quick glance at his health bar.

Killing ordinary zombies still adds no blood, but killing these two second-level zombies adds 80 each, for a total of 160 - wait, only 80 blood? Isn’t this too little?

Wang Tao clearly remembered that when he killed the zombie Shao Yong before, he added 960 blood...

Apart from adding blood, Wang Tao's special energy bar did not change. Killing these two zombies did not add any special energy. This was within Wang Tao's expectation. After all, it was said that leapfrog kills had special abilities. These two second-level zombies were so weak that they obviously did not meet Wang Tao's qualifications for leapfrogging.


The toad zombie jumped high again and rushed towards Wang Tao.

Wang Tao swung the sledgehammer as if he were playing baseball. When the toad zombie jumped on him, Wang Tao hit the opponent's head hard with the hammer.


The toad zombie flew back faster than when it just pounced.



But when it flew back, it suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a thick and big tongue flew towards Wang Tao's chest.

Because the speed of his tongue was too fast, and Wang Tao had just knocked the toad zombie away, he didn't react immediately.


His tongue hit Wang Tao's chest directly.


Wang Tao felt that his chest felt tight at first, and then there was a heartbreaking pain, and he almost couldn't breathe.


The toad zombie's tongue attack this time is obviously much stronger than the last time, and even its tongue is much bigger. Even though Wang Tao opened the barrier and still had stubborn armor on his body, he still lost more than 400 blood!

If Wang Tao had no defensive powers or equipment, would he be beaten to death right now?

Wang Tao, who was a little inflated after fighting the toad zombies, quickly became cautious.

Although he is very strong, the second-level lord zombie is not weak! Maybe it will be overturned!

To be on the safe side, Wang Tao used a bottle of defensive potion.

After all, he is not a zombie. Even if the zombies cannot hit his head, he will still lose blood if he hits other places. Human beings have many more weaknesses than zombies! If he received an attack of this magnitude just now, he might not be able to withstand it if he received a few more blows.

The defensive potion took effect immediately. After feeling that there seemed to be a very heavy power in his body, Wang Tao immediately rushed towards the toad zombie with a sledgehammer in his hand!

After a while, the toad zombie's health bar reached "3566", and Wang Tao looked at it nervously and expectantly.

The toad zombie has a total of 12,000 health, and 30% is 3,600 health. Wang Tao wants to know if it has the violent power of the orangutan zombie. The triggering condition for the berserk ability is when the health volume is lower than 30%.

Although Wang Tao felt that there was a high probability that it didn't exist, because Wang Tao also roughly guessed what the toad zombie's abilities were. But if there is a violent power, then Wang Tao can synthesize it!

Unfortunately, when the toad zombie's health dropped below 30%, nothing happened except it became even more angry.

"Damn it, what's the use of it!"

Wang Tao suddenly became angry, then he picked up the sledgehammer and began to attack crazily.

A few minutes later, Wang Tao resisted several attacks from the toad zombie, and finally hit its head with a hammer.




The toad zombie's health bar was cleared, and a pile of loot exploded.

Wang Tao quickly put away the loot, and then looked at his health bar while picking up the crystal core.

"Only 600 blood added..."

Wang Tao frowned. Although he felt that this toad zombie was not as powerful as the orangutan zombie, it was definitely much more powerful than the zombie Shao Yong. After all, it still had 12,000 health, but the amount of blood it gained was not as much as the one obtained by killing the zombie Shao Yong before.

Could it be because he was at level one when he killed the zombie Shao Yong, and now he is at level two, so there was a bonus before?

Wang Tao, who usually likes to play games when he has nothing to do, can only find this explanation.

Then Wang Tao took another look at his special energy.

"Huh? It's actually increased!"

Special energy increased by 320! Adding in the previous 160, there are now 480!

Wang Tao previously thought that the ability to obtain special energy by leapfrogging a higher level meant "killing a second-level person at the first level", but now it seems that if he kills a second-level lord zombie at the second level, he will also obtain special energy!

This is good news, otherwise with his current ability, it would be a dream to kill third-level zombies. And it’s not certain whether there are level 3 zombies now…

"Go back first..."

Wang Tao found Xiang Hongbin, who had been hidden by him in advance, and carried him on his back, then ran to the base.

However, when he arrived outside the base, Wang Tao suddenly frowned.

"Something's wrong..."

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