The nights in the apocalypse are very noisy, and zombies like dark environments. Every night, zombies will start their nightlife.

But now, Shuize Base is very quiet, so quiet that something is wrong.

When Wang Tao attracted a large number of zombies away before, there were still some ordinary zombies that did not leave. They were all outside the Shuize base.

But now, Wang Tao didn't see any zombies or hear any roars. It seemed as quiet as during the day.

Something is obviously wrong!

Could it be that something happened to the base again? Can't be so unlucky?

Wang Tao came downstairs of the complex with an ugly face and knocked on the door.

"Open the door, it's me."

After a while, Lu Gang opened the door, and Wei Zhenguo and the others were behind.

"Wang Tao, are you okay?" Lu Gang asked quickly.

"I'm fine." Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lu Gang and the others were intact. As long as the base is fine, there are only a few people left, and they can’t stand the trouble...

"Hey, what are you doing?"

After Wang Tao came in, everyone was surprised to see that he was carrying a bloody figure on his back.

"Lao Xiang, Xiang Hongbin, he's not dead yet."

Wang Tao gently put Xiang Hongbin down, and everyone saw Xiang Hongbin's pale face.

"Lao Xiang!"

After everyone was stunned, they immediately gathered around with excitement on their faces.

" he really not dead..."

Wei Zhenguo's eyes were red, and he reached out to grab Xiang Hongbin, but he was afraid that it was a dream and never dared to touch him.

"He is still alive, but whether he can survive it depends on him..."

Wang Tao felt that Xiang Hongbin had a high probability of surviving, because after his treatment, Xiang Hongbin's blood volume increased a lot. But as the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Wang Tao didn't dare to speak too fully.

"Is there a doctor? Come and treat Lao Xiang's wounds!"

Wang Tao shouted.


Chen Zhuang quickly raised his hand.

His face and body were all covered in black, and Wang Tao didn't even notice it just now.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

Wang Tao patted Chen Zhuang on the shoulder.

"There is only the last doctor left in the base, Chen Zhuang..."

Lu Gang explained in a low tone.

"Alas..." Wang Tao sighed, and then said, "Everyone, please have a good rest. I have killed those poisonous fog zombies, and everyone is safe."

After hearing this, everyone was excited, but also sad.

Wei Zhenguo and the others went to look after Xiang Hongbin. Ding Yuqin and Han Rui held Wang Tao's hands on the left and right, and Wang Tao could feel their trembling bodies.

"Commissioner Ren Jie, Commissioner Liu He, Commissioner Feng Mingan... they all died heroically... Huo Ziyi is no longer here either. Before she died, she said that she wanted you to see her newly choreographed dance..."

Han Rui lowered her head and said softly.

Wang Tao recalled the looks of each of Ren Jie and the others in his mind, and recalled the expressions of Huo Ziyi and her little sisters begging for praise after dancing in front of him...

Wang Tao held Han Rui's hand tightly.

"They are all heroes!"

"Yeah! They are all heroes!"

Wang Tao asked everyone else to go into the house to rest, and he was going to stay vigil until dawn. Han Rui and Ding Yuqin were going to stay with him for a while. They had just rested for a while and were not very sleepy now.

Looking at the two women, Wang Tao always felt that something was not right, but he couldn't explain it.

At this time, Han Rui suddenly said to Ding Yuqin:

"By the way, where is Li Qiuyu?"

When she said this, Wang Tao suddenly remembered something was wrong - he didn't see Li Qiuyu when he came back!

When he went to attract zombies, he clearly saw Li Qiuyu, Han Rui and the others together!


Ding Yuqin was stunned for a moment. She was resting just now, and Li Qiuyu was always by her side. But when Wang Tao came back just now, everyone came to see Wang Tao. She seemed to have not seen Li Qiuyu at that time...

"Let's go find her!"

The two women looked at each other, both feeling a bad feeling. After all, everyone was together before for safety reasons.

A few minutes later, Wei Zhenguo and others also came, and everyone looked very serious.

Li missing!

The window in one of the rooms showed signs of being dismantled, and it was dismantled from the outside!

Someone or something came in and took Li Qiuyu away! Li Qiuyu didn't even have the chance to protest.

And so many of them didn’t even notice it!

This is so scary!

If the other party's target is them, are they dead?

As for whether Li Qiuyu left on his own initiative, everyone thought it was impossible. After all, it was the middle of the night, and all fools knew they couldn't go out at this time!

"You guys should rest first. We'll talk about Li Qiuyu tomorrow. I'll keep watch, so don't worry."

Wang Tao looked at the claw marks beside the window, turned his head and said to everyone.


It was night after all, so even if they went out to look for someone, they wouldn't be able to find him.

Wang Tao asked Han Rui and Ding Yuqin to rest while he sat alone in the hall. Wei Zhenguo came over and talked with Wang Tao about some things after being promoted to the second level. Then Wei Zhenguo couldn't bear it anymore and went to bed. Nothing happened to Wang Tao until dawn.

Seeing the sun the next day, all the survivors cried with joy.

"Everyone collect all the materials that can be used..."

Wei Zhenguo immediately began to take command. Unfortunately, there were only twenty or thirty people now, and the efficiency of rebuilding the base was much lower.

Wang Tao came to the top of the building. It was still raining lightly, but it did not affect his sight. He observed his surroundings carefully.

The disappearance of Li Qiuyu yesterday made him a little uneasy.

After being promoted to the second level, not only the five senses have improved a lot, but even the sixth sense seems to have been enhanced.

What made him feel uneasy was that the toad zombie last night was not enough. It had to be at least the orangutan zombie level!

But there should be no other second-level zombies in Shuize County this time. What is this uneasiness... exactly?

Suddenly, Wang Tao saw a sneaky figure climbing in from the damaged base wall. When she raised her head, Wang Tao was stunned.

"Li Qiuyu?"

At the wall on the east side of the base.

Li Qiuyu spent some effort and finally rolled in.


She took a deep breath, and then looked at her clothes that were soaked by the rain. She had a headache. How to explain it later... After making sure that no one was around, she immediately walked quickly towards the complex.

"where have you been?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind her.


Li Qiuyu was startled. She quickly turned around and saw Wang Tao appearing not far behind her.

"I...I went to the administration building! Yes, I was too scared last night and accidentally ran into the administration building..."

Li Qiuyu looked at the administrative building next to her and explained quickly.

Wang Tao said nothing and walked toward her step by step with an expressionless face.

After being promoted to the second level, Wang Tao's size has increased a lot. He was only 1.8 meters before, but now he is 1.9 meters. Coupled with the muscles all over his body, standing there gives people a great sense of oppression.

Seeing Wang Tao getting closer and closer to him, Li Qiuyu subconsciously took a step back.

"I ask you again, where did you go last night?"

Wang Tao's tone was a little cold.

Li Qiuyu had never seen Wang Tao like this before. She was a little scared and did not dare to look directly into Wang Tao's eyes.

"I, I'm really in the administration building..."

"Hey, you disappoint me." Wang Tao sighed suddenly, then suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Li Qiuyu's neck.


Li Qiuyu's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Wang Tao in disbelief. Seeing that Wang Tao's face was too cold to be a joke, she quickly pulled on Wang Tao's arm, trying to break away.

But with her strength, how could she be Wang Tao's opponent. Suddenly she looked at Wang Tao with a pleading expression, but Wang Tao showed no mercy.

At this moment, Wang Tao suddenly felt that an eye that seemed to contain irritability, murderous intent and resentment was staring at his back!

Wang Tao was wary, but his face remained unmoved. He let go of Li Qiuyu slightly, and then said softly:

"Can we talk now?"

"Ahem..." Li Qiuyu quickly covered her neck and coughed. Then she looked at Wang Tao with an aggrieved look, "I said...ahem..."

Wang Tao didn't actually use much force just now, it just looked scary. With his current strength, Li Qiuyu would get cold if he exerted even a little force.

But after all, Li Qiuyu had thin skin and tender flesh. After a little tossing, she couldn't bear it. There were still some red marks on her neck, as if she had been tortured by Wang Tao.

Wang Tao took Li Qiuyu to an office in the administration building. It was not until he entered the room that the feeling of being watched disappeared. Wang Tao was slightly disappointed.

Wang Tao was sitting on the sofa, and Li Qiuyu was standing at the door. She was a little afraid of Wang Tao and didn't dare to come over.


Wang Tao pointed to his side.

Recalling the feeling of being threatened just now, Li Qiuyu did not dare to resist and sat obediently on the sofa, but far away from Wang Tao.

Wang Tao moved his buttocks and sat next to Li Qiuyu. Looking at Li Qiuyu who was very nervous, Wang Tao stretched out his hand, and Li Qiuyu subconsciously shrank his neck.

Wang Tao put his hand on the red mark on Li Qiuyu's neck and said softly:

"Sorry, does it hurt you?"

Li Qiuyu raised his head, wondering what Wang Tao meant. However, Wang Tao had always had a good impression on her before. As long as Wang Tao didn't have a cold face, she didn't think it was that scary.


Li Qiuyu spoke a little aggrievedly.

"So how is your daughter?"

Wang Tao asked again.


With a flick of the brush, Li Qiuyu stood up suddenly. She looked at Wang Tao in shock.


Seeing Li Qiuyu's reaction, Wang Tao suddenly understood.

Sure enough, he guessed it right!

Yesterday's poisonous fog zombies all came from Shuize Mountain. Most of them were students from Shuize University. Li Qiuyu's daughter was in Shuize Mountain. Li Qiuyu disappeared suddenly last night and came back secretly today. Li Qiuyu lied to Wang Tao, her trusted savior. Coupled with that gleaming gaze...

All these signs gave Wang Tao reason to suspect that Li Qiuyu had seen her daughter! Moreover, his daughter's condition may not be very good...

"What are you talking about, I, I don't understand..."

Li Qiuyu quickly denied it.

And her denial further confirmed Wang Tao's suspicion.

"Could your daughter have turned into a zombie? That's not right. If she turns into a zombie, she should be unconscious. Or... she is like Wu Fei and Shao Yong. She has too many impurities in her body and is about to turn into a zombie?"

"You, stop talking...wuwu..."

Wang Tao's words completely broke Li Qiuyu's guard. She squatted on the ground covering her face and crying.

Wang Tao forcibly pulled her up, asked her to sit next to him, and then wiped her tears.

"Stop crying, you can tell me now, what is going on? You know, maybe I am the only one who can help you."


Li Qiuyu lay on Wang Tao's shoulder and cried for a while, then lowered her head and said:

"Last night... when I was resting with my eyes closed, I suddenly felt someone looking at me. When I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of blood-red eyes, and then I discovered... she, she turned out to be Xiaoxue!"

"Xiaoxue covered my mouth and took me out. Then Xiaoxue said it would be dangerous here and asked me to run out of the county..."

"I don't want to run away alone. Of course I can't go far alone. I just want to come back and tell you the news... Wuwu, I told you the news with good intentions, but you still treat me like this..."

Wang Tao automatically ignored Li Qiuyu's complaints and touched his chin in deep thought.

What kind of danger does "very dangerous" mean?

"How is Jiang Shixue exactly?"

Wang Tao asked again.

Li Qiuyu was silent for a moment, then she looked at Wang Tao and said pleadingly:

"Can you please stop killing her? No matter what she becomes, she will still be my daughter..."

Seeing Li Qiuyu like this, Wang Tao frowned.

"Did Jiang Shixue turn into a zombie?"

"No! She's not a zombie! She's not!"

Li Qiuyu immediately denied it.

"Then what does she look like? If you don't explain clearly, then don't blame me. No powerful zombies are allowed around the base!"

Li Qiuyu struggled for a while, but finally said it.

"...Xiaoxue, she feels like a zombie to me, but she has her own thoughts! She recognizes me, and she can talk! She is not a zombie!"

Seeing that Li Qiuyu kept emphasizing that her daughter was not a zombie, Wang Tao felt that this Xiaoxue should be similar to Wu Fei, who was about to become a zombie, but felt like he was hanging on for a breath.

Wu Fei's tone meant that he wanted to repay Wang Tao. And Xiaoxue's tone may be because she saw that her mother Li Qiuyu was safe.

If you think about it this way, Xiaoxue will probably turn into a zombie soon...

After all, Li Qiuyu just said that Xiaoxue said he wanted her to run alone, but he didn't say he wanted to protect her and run together. Normal people obviously wouldn't say that...

"Bring her here, I have something to ask her."

Wang Tao said to Li Qiuyu.

He wanted to know what this "very dangerous" thing was. If you don’t know what the specific danger is, it’s hard to run away! What if you happen to run into a dangerous place!

"She was gone... When I woke up in the morning, she was gone..."

Li Qiuyu spoke with a somewhat painful expression.

"Gone? No, she didn't leave, she has been watching you from the dark!"

Wang Tao felt that the look that was staring at him just now was definitely Li Qiuyu's daughter.


Li Qiuyu was a little disbelieving, but also a little surprised.

If possible, she certainly doesn't want her daughter to leave her. Even if others think her daughter is a monster, she just doesn't think so, let alone that her daughter is still conscious and recognizes her as her mother!

"Let's go, without further ado, I'll go with you!"

Wang Tao took Li Qiuyu directly to the place where she had just turned in.

As soon as he arrived here, Wang Tao felt that he was being spied on.

Not only him, but also Li Qiuyu felt this way.

"Xiaoxue! Is it you Xiaoxue! Come out, I need your help!"

Li Qiuyu shouted excitedly.

After calling for a while, her daughter still didn't come, but a few ordinary zombies were called.

Wang Tao took two steps forward, stood in front of Li Qiuyu, and threw two shock waves to deal with the zombies.

At this moment, Wang Tao suddenly turned around as if he felt something.

I saw a petite figure wearing a dirty sweatshirt with a hood covering his face standing behind Li Qiuyu!

She raised her head, revealing a pair of glowing red eyes.

Li Qiuyu saw Wang Tao's movements, turned her head subconsciously, and then saw this petite figure.

"Xiao Xue!"

She was so excited that she quickly wanted to hug the other person, but was easily dodged by the other person.


There was no embarrassment on Li Qiuyu's face, only pain.

Wang Tao looked at the petite figure in front of him, wary and surprised.

He guessed right. This Jiang Shixue was indeed in a similar state to Wu Fei at that time, but she was much stronger than Wu Fei!

[HP: 9000/9000]

[Blue amount: 8000/8000]

[Level: Level 2]

[Impurities in the body: 100%]

[Hidden attribute: Eye of Contract]

[Eye of Contract: Night vision, controlling other people’s thinking to a certain extent]

Nine thousand blood, eight thousand blue!

Looking at this attribute alone, this is the strongest human survivor Wang Tao has ever seen - if she is considered a human.

After all, her health bar is flashing red and green. As soon as it turns red, she will be a complete zombie!

Then after seeing Jiang Shixue’s hidden attributes, some of Wang Tao’s doubts were instantly solved——

Why did the zombies that besieged the base suddenly stop attacking? They were most likely influenced or even controlled by Jiang Shixue! The injuries on the toad zombie were probably caused by Jiang Shixue!

Her state will most likely affect her character. She probably didn't take action before and was very indifferent. After discovering that Li Qiuyu was in the base, he took action...

"Hello Jiang Shixue! Let me meet you. My name is Wang Tao."

Wang Tao extended his hand politely, but Jiang Shixue had no intention of shaking hands. Wang Tao was not embarrassed, and even breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually on guard with all his heart!

Wang Tao continued to ask:

"I heard from your mother that you said this place will be very dangerous next? Can you tell me what the specific danger is?"

Jiang Shixue still didn't answer.

Her entire face was in the hood, and she was still wearing a mask. Wang Tao couldn't see her expression clearly, only her red eyes.

Wang Tao looked at her, and suddenly his eyes lit up - green light appeared!

He could clearly feel that Jiang Shixue's eyes seemed to be wider, and the red light in her eyes was even brighter!

However, Jiang Shixue remained silent.

Wang Tao had no choice but to move Li Qiuyu out.

"If we don't know the specific danger, then I can't escape with your mother! If we hit the danger, we will all die..."

Hearing this, the red light in Jiang Shixue's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and then she spoke, her voice hoarse and sharp, as if she was scratching glass.

"The must die..."

When the word monster was mentioned, Jiang Shixue's body seemed to tremble slightly. She didn't know whether it was because she was afraid of this monster, or because she felt that she had become a monster.

"Monster? What monster?"

Wang Tao asked quickly.

Jiang Shixue was silent for a moment, as if trying to organize her words.

" eyes..."

She spoke very abstractly, and most people might not understand it, but a shadow suddenly appeared in Wang Tao's mind!

That black shadow that had 10,000 blood at the beginning of the apocalypse, almost scared him to the point of being unable to walk!

"That's it!"

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