Hearing the girl's crisp voice, Yu Wei and the others felt their hearts melt!

Here, give it to her!

But they soon saw that the thing the girl was pointing to was actually the crystal core that would allow them to become superpowers!

Ah, this...can't be given!

"Big fat!"

Yu Wei immediately called Xu Xiaojun.

Xu Xiaojun turned back with some doubts.

"Ahem, um... Fatty, come here, I have something to tell you!"

Yu Wei looked at the crystal core in Big Fat's hand, and his saliva almost flowed out!

This is something that can become a superpower, how can you give it to others!


Xu Xiaojun said oh, but did not go over immediately. He wiped the stains on the crystal core, then bent slightly and placed the crystal core in front of the girl, with a simple and honest smile on his face.


The girl didn't answer, but looked at Wang Tao, looking very educated.

When Wang Tao nodded, she happily took the crystal core away and thanked her very politely.


"No, don't thank me, this is yours..."

Xu Xiaojun waved his hand quickly.

This charging zombie was obviously killed by this strong man, so the crystal core was his trophy, and it was right to give it to them.


Yu Wei and the three people next to him were a little dumbfounded.

No, are you a fool? Did you give this crystal core to someone? Just give it to people if they want it?

Wang Tao also casually took over the steel bar, which he had just picked up on the road.

After Xu Xiaojun returned the two things that belonged to him, he smiled honestly, and then quickly returned to Yu Wei.

"You, what are you calling me for..."


Yu Wei wanted to scold him, but now he had to rely on Xu Xiaojun to take him back, so he could only show a smile that was uglier than crying, and whispered with some complaint:

"Hey, that big fat guy, how can you give the crystal core to someone else? This is your trophy. You can't give it just because a beautiful woman asks for it..."

Tian Peng and Li Yi also looked resentful.

Is this a crystal core? This is an opportunity to become a superpower!

Especially this is a red crystal core! I heard that the success rate of this color is very high, and it is the kind that is stable when combined.

Giving away this opportunity to become a superpower, isn't this a fool's errand?

"Ah?" Xu Xiaojun was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "But, this, this is originally theirs..."

Hearing this, the faces of Yu Wei and the others became even darker.

Was it originally theirs? This fat guy must be stupid!

Li Yi remembered some rumors in the camp before, saying that there was something wrong with this big fat man's brain. He didn't believe it at the time. After all, this was a superpower. Can a person with a brain problem become a superpower? But now I see...the rumors are true!

The three of them all wanted to have a good talk with Xu Xiaojun, but they also knew that now was not the time to talk about this. If another elite zombie came, they might not be so lucky.

"Let's go back quickly!"

Yu Wei said with a dark face.

"Yes!" Xu Xiaojun nodded first, and then asked with concern, "Can you still leave?"


Yu Wei gritted his teeth and said. He was the strongest among the three, and his injuries were relatively minor.

Next is Li Yi. Although Li Yi is the youngest and looks very thin, he is not weak in strength.

The most seriously injured person was Tian Peng. He felt that his whole body was exhausted and he could no longer walk.

So Xu Xiaojun took the initiative to carry him on his back.

Tian Peng had a dark face the whole time and didn't even say a word of thanks. He was still worried about the crystal core. It would be great if the crystal core was given to him!

At this time, Xu Xiaojun came to Wang Tao again and invited:

"Well, you, do you have a place to live? How about coming to our camp?"

Regarding Xu Xiaojun's invitation, Yu Wei and the others didn't say anything. After all, their camp was short of people. If they met survivors, they would naturally invite them.


Wang Tao nodded.

"Then, big brother, you, you follow me..."

Xu Xiaojun realized that he didn't know Wang Tao's name, so he called him "big brother" directly.

"My name is Wang Tao."

Wang Tao introduced himself to his family, but as for the girl next to him, he had no intention of introducing her.

After Yu Wei and Tian Peng's eyes stayed on Wang Tao for a moment, they couldn't help but focus on the girl.

After all, such a beautiful and clean girl is almost extinct in the last days. If this went to their camp, there would probably be a lot of people fighting over it...

Of course, Wang Tao's body type doesn't look like a good person here, so there may be something good to see when he goes back...

The two of them were a little gloating.

But they soon stopped thinking about these things that had nothing to do with them. They were all thinking about how to get the crystal core in the hands of this beautiful girl back!

Especially when they saw that the girl did not fuse the crystal core after getting it, but simply played with it... The two of them were even more angry. This was a waste of natural resources!

steal? Rob? cheat? It doesn’t seem impossible…

When young Li Yi saw this girl, he felt like he was in love! If this is his girlfriend, then why not give him the crystal core to play with! It's a pity that there is a big guy next to her who is not easy to mess with at first glance...

As for Xu Xiaojun, he didn't have many ideas in his mind. While looking at the road warily, he thought that he would become a strong man like Wang Tao in the future!

After all, Wang Tao just threw a steel bar and killed a charging zombie. This kind of strength is much stronger than him!

Wang Tao held an umbrella in one hand and held the girl in the other, following slowly behind a few people.

Feeling the cold temperature in his hands, Wang Tao turned his head and looked at this beautiful jk girl, with some helplessness in his eyes.

This girl is none other than Jiang Shixue.

Half a month ago, Jiang Shixue, who was in a very unstable state, saved Wang Tao's life from the black fog monster.

Fortunately, an airdrop plane suddenly passed by at that time, attracting the attention of the black fog monster, and Jiang Shixue took the opportunity to escape through the waterway.

When Wang Tao saw her again, Jiang Shixue was already a dying zombie.

Wang Tao has a bottle of purification potion in his hand, which has a certain probability of reviving Jiang Shixue and a certain probability of causing Jiang Shixue to self-immolate.

He had no choice but to let Jiang Shixue take a gamble.

And before using the purification potion, Wang Tao also used some zombie culture fluid on Jiang Shixue, which brought Jiang Shixue's condition to its peak.


Wang Tao doesn’t know whether this purification potion is considered a success——

Jiang Shixue is alive, but her state and attributes... are very different from humans!

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue's attributes again.

[HP: 19200/19200]

[Blue amount: 16000/16000]

[Level: Second Level·Lord]

[Impurities in the body: 100%]

[Hidden attribute: Eye of Contract]

This attribute is a completely non-human attribute!

It's not that her attribute value is exaggerated - of course, this value is indeed exaggerated. It is three times that of Wang Tao. It is the kind that can press Wang Tao to the ground and rub it!

Not talking about numerical values, just saying that some of her attributes are not what humans should have——

First of all, the level of human beings will only show the level, not the elites, lords, etc. Those are attributes that are only available to non-human beings!

But Jiang Shixue showed herself to be a "second-order lord"...

The second is the impurities in the body. If there are 100% impurities in the body, it can basically be said that the person is a zombie. He will definitely turn into a zombie in three or two days at most!

But Jiang Shixue did not turn into a zombie. Even though she had 100% impurities in her body, her condition was still normal because her blood bar never flashed and was always a healthy green! She doesn't have the characteristics of a zombie, she looks like an ordinary human girl.

But Jiang Shixue's body is different from humans, her body temperature is very low. It's the end of July and it's hot. It's muggy even if it rains heavily. And Jiang Shixue is like a small air conditioner, she can directly cool down Wang Tao when she is next to him. So Wang Tao especially likes to hold her little hand, for no other reason than to feel cooler.

Finally, there is the issue of Jiang Shixue's memory. She... seems to have lost her memory!

Wang Tao still clearly remembers the scene when Jiang Shixue woke up and shouted "Dad" when she saw Wang Tao for the first time...

Jiang Shixue lost many memories, including her family and relatives, some common sense of life, etc.

Her current life experience is like that of a child, and she doesn't understand many things. I don’t know if my IQ has dropped, but I’m often silly and cute.

The destructive power brought by a person with super strength but little life experience is extremely terrifying!

In those first days, Wang Tao was tortured quite a lot——

Give her water, and she can squeeze a flat steel kettle in an instant; let her eat, and she can chew up a stainless steel bowl and eat it; hold her little hand and drive, and she can overtake Wang Tao in an instant and drag Wang Tao on the ground. A few kilometers; asked her to see if there were any zombies in the village, she tied up all the zombies in the village and brought them to Wang Tao...

Wang Tao sheds tears every time he thinks of these things!

But fortunately, Jiang Shixue was very obedient.

As long as Wang Tao tells her what she did wrong and tells her what is right, she will change. Wang Tao asked him to call him brother, otherwise he would attract the Harmony Beast...

After half a month of teaching, Wang Tao finally cultivated Jiang Shixue into a little lady - of course, this was only on the surface.

In fact, this little girl's temper is not very good!

I met a second-level zombie on the road that could hide and was very fast. After Wang Tao was attacked, he took Jiang Shixue to fight back. This zombie seemed to have some wisdom and ran away when he saw that he couldn't win.

Wang Tao didn't intend to chase him. After all, the opponent was too fast. He was unfamiliar with the place and there was no need to take risks.

But the red-eyed Jiang Shixue was unwilling to let it go, so she chased it for a day and a night. After catching up, she not only killed this zombie, but also killed all the zombies in the ruined town!

When Wang Tao found her, he found that she was lost...

This is also the reason why Wang Tao appeared in front of several people and followed Xu Xiaojun to their camp. He wanted to know the situation nearby, see if there were any second-level zombies, and then ask where he was now, and see if there was a map...

Wang Tao also doesn't understand what Jiang Shixue's condition is now. Is she a bit like half human and half corpse? Jiang Shixue will be attacked by zombies now, but she is not afraid of zombie viruses!

But Wang Tao is not a scientist either. He gives up on things he doesn’t understand. Anyway, as long as people are alive and there is no danger to their lives.

Wang Tao planned to teach Jiang Shixue some common sense of life and principles of life in order to teach her to be a real lady. Try not to let her fight. If she gets jealous, Wang Tao's strength won't be able to stop her...

"Wang, Brother Wang, we'll be there in two or three minutes..."

Xu Xiaojun suddenly turned back to Wang Tao and said.


Wang Tao nodded.

The road Xu Xiaojun chose was quite safe. Several ordinary zombies appeared along the way, and Xu Xiaojun even shot him in the head.

Yu Wei and the other three were obviously relieved. They were all seriously injured. Even with Xu Xiaojun around, they still felt very insecure. Only when they enter the camp will they feel completely relieved.

Wang Tao feels that these people are quite interesting.

Yu Wei, Tian Peng and Li Yi were all non-superpowers and had no impurities in their bodies, which meant they had not fused crystal nuclei. However, they all had 1,000 health and had killed many ordinary zombies, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But even if it is the ceiling, it is still within the scope of ordinary people. It is still difficult to face elite zombies with a lot of blood.

But these three people obviously lacked self-awareness. They dared to fight the 3000-health charger zombie... I can only say that their courage was commendable.

If Wang Tao had asked Jiang Shixue to throw a stone, these three people would have died long ago...

Then there is this Xu Xiaojun.

Xu Xiaojun is broad-shouldered and round-waisted. He is two meters tall and is a bit obese. Of course, he can also be said to be strong.

He is different from Wang Tao. Although Wang Tao is also tall, most of Wang Tao's body is made of muscles. His figure is very coordinated and has a special sense of beauty.

Xu Xiaojun, on the other hand, has a lot of fat on his body and a big belly. Looks like a fat man.

But Wang Tao knows that the more such a person is, the stronger the strength and the higher the defense. If Wang Tao is as strong as him, if the two of them fight, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose...

Xu Xiaojun has a health volume of 1995, which is close to reaching 2000 health. He has killed at least a dozen elite zombies, and his strength is still good.

And he also has a hidden attribute.

[Stick to your true heart: not easily confused by external things]

This hidden attribute looks quite impressive, but I don’t know what the specific effect is.

This Xu Xiaojun's speech was a bit stuttering, like a social fear. He gave Wang Tao the impression that he was a bit naive and a bit lacking in strength.

However, he is a very good person. Not only did he help his teammates block fatal injuries, he also personally delivered the crystal core after Wang Tao killed the elite zombies.

You know, this is the crystal core that can make ordinary people become awakened ones!

And let alone ordinary people, Xu Xiaojun himself might be able to use it. He probably didn't learn too many superpowers, but he still gave the crystal core to Wang Tao without hesitation.

So Wang Tao had a very good first impression of him.

"Here we are, this is our camp!"

At this time, Xu Xiaojun turned around and showed a relatively honest smile to Wang Tao.

The location of this survivor camp is not in the center of the town, but in a place called "Fish Bay Farmhouse".

The farmhouse is located by a large lake, surrounded by water on three sides, with only one road in and out. As long as you defend this road well, you don't have to worry about zombies.

I have to say, this place is quite nice, with great scenery, plenty of water, and very safe.

I just don’t know if there are any fish in the water. Can I fish?

When Wang Tao was walking along the Shuize River before, he occasionally caught some fish. Those fish must have mutated and become very large. With his appetite, he can't even finish one meal... Of course, before eating, Wang Tao will also research whether it is poisonous.

While Wang Tao was thinking, several people came outside the Yuwan Farmhouse.

Because there is only one road in and out of this base, they put a lot of effort into this road to create various obstacles and so on. Even if zombies break in, it will take a long time to get past these obstacles.

At the intersection, two people holding homemade spears and wearing homemade armor were on duty in a pavilion. After they saw Xu Xiaojun and the others, they immediately opened the door and checked whether there was anything wrong with their eyes.

This is the same as the previous tests at the Shuizhe base. The eyes of people infected with the zombie virus are somewhat different, but it is still relatively easy to distinguish.

However, this refers to people who have been bitten by zombies or contracted the virus through contact with blood. If you are the kind of person with too many impurities in your body, you will not be able to see it directly and you will need a detector.

These two people were very surprised when they saw Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue. A big man held an umbrella and held a beautiful girl who looked like a student... They had never seen this scene before, but they found it very harmonious.

Especially when the girl blinked her big eyes and looked at them curiously, they both instantly felt like "Ah, I'm dead."

"May I ask you are……"

One of them quickly came to Wang Tao and asked.

He felt that Wang Tao was not simple at first glance. Even if he was not as strong as Big Fatty, he would probably not be too weak. So he was very polite.

"Wang Tao."

Wang Tao nodded slightly.

"Mr. Wang Tao, welcome to our Yuwan Camp! I believe that as long as you know a little about our base, you will be willing to stay!"

This man is very enthusiastic.

In the apocalypse, survivors themselves are a resource. Whether it is a small camp or a large base, if you want to develop, you cannot do without survivors.

So if you encounter survivors, you will naturally want to keep them as much as possible. After all, there are a small number of strong survivors who don't like restraint and prefer to wander outside.

After most humans were infected and mutated, they left a lot of supplies behind. As long as they were strong enough, they would not die of hunger outside.

Just like their Yuwan survivor camp, they have been searching this town for three or four months, and they can still find all kinds of supplies...

After bypassing these obstacles, you can see the whole picture of Yuwan Farmhouse.

To put it simply, this is an ordinary building that is neither foreign nor earthy, but the area is not small and can accommodate many people.

Because it was still raining, the survivors were all inside the house, and there was no one outside. The arrival of Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue did not attract much attention.

Wang Tao noticed that the lakeside around the farmhouse was blocked by barbed wire, which made him a little curious.

"What's happening here?"

There is water all around the lake, and zombies can't get through. Why use barbed wire to block it?

"Hey! Because the fish in this lake are big and very aggressive! Someone was fishing by the lake before, but they were dragged down by the fish and eaten! Since then, we have put up a barbed wire fence..."

Yu Wei explained.

Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he heard this. How big is this fish that can eat everyone!

He had the urge to take a shot.

But this is someone else's place after all, and Wang Tao just thought about it.

After Xu Xiaojun and the others came in, they were required to hand over a certain proportion of supplies - the regulations of their camp, so anyone who went out to search for supplies needed to hand over supplies.

After all, they are the only ones who have the ability to go out. If they don't make some contribution to the camp, other people in the camp will not be able to survive.

Of course, those who contribute will naturally be rewarded. Those who have the ability to go out are superior to others in the camp, and ordinary people serve them.

As for the specific proportion of submissions, this is based on the team, because every time we go out, it is basically a team composed of several people.

The base stipulates that each team must hand over a minimum of 10%, and there is no upper limit on the maximum. If you have love, you can hand them all over.

For Yu Wei's small team, the submission ratio is 10%, which Wang Tao expected.

But what surprised him was that Xu Xiaojun handed over almost all the supplies!

"Why did the fat guy turn in so many!"

Li Yi next to him was also a little surprised.

Yu Wei and Tian Peng raised their eyebrows at Li Yi, and Tian Peng whispered:

"You know why we don't go out with him this time - as long as you go out with Big Fat, you are a member of Big Fat's team, and the people in Big Fat's pushing team have to hand over 90% of the supplies!"

“Hiss—why is this?”

Li Yi was a little surprised.

Although he felt that the fat man was a bit naive, he was not a fool either! It's okay for them to defraud you of some supplies. How can the camp ask for so much from others! Aren't you afraid that Big Fatty won't want to do it?

As if he knew what he was thinking, Yu Wei explained:

"The ratio of handing over is all voluntary. No one of us forces him, and no one dares to force him. This is Big Fat's own choice..."


Wang Tao thinks this Xu Xiaojun is a bit interesting. It’s the end of the world now. Are there really people who just want to give without asking for anything in return?

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue naturally do not need to hand over supplies unless they become permanent residents of this Yuwan camp.

After sorting out the supplies, Yu Wei and the others went to find a doctor to treat their injuries. There is a doctor in the Fish Bay Camp, but each treatment requires certain supplies first, and there is no guarantee of cure.

When the three people left, Wang Tao heard them whispering about the red crystal core.

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows, hoping that these people would not be blind. Although he does not lack this crystal core, it does not mean that he is willing to give it away casually.

"Brother Wang, I, I will take you in, go in! He, they are all inside..."

Xu Xiaojun pointed to a gate in this building.


Wang Tao nodded and followed Xu Xiaojun in.


As soon as the door was opened, all kinds of noises came over, accompanied by an unpleasant smell of sweat.

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