"Big, big! Damn! Why are you still so small!"

"Ahaha, I win again!"


"Old Chen, I heard that you recently bought a beautiful little wife? Ahem, you know..."

"Go away! This wife is not for sale! We are true love!"

"Haha, you said the same thing last time."


"We haven't had enough food lately. Can you lend me some of your food?"

"I don't have enough for myself! You don't have enough food, why don't you go out and find it?"

"Oh, who allowed this heavy rain to stop for so long! I can't stand this poisonous rain, so I can only wait until the weather clears up before going..."


"Let's take a look! I just found the cold medicine in the town today. It's cheap and you can't be fooled!"

"Your uncle, this medicine has melted, and it's still so expensive!"

"Just say whether you want it or not!"

"Yes! Cheaper..."

This is a somewhat dark hall with many survivors inside. Some were playing dice and poker, some were chatting, some were setting up stalls... It looked very chaotic.

Xu Xiaojun and Wang Tao were both very tall. They stood at the door and blocked the light.

The hall instantly became dark. Most people looked over subconsciously.

When they saw Xu Xiaojun, many people were dumbfounded.

It’s not that Big Fat doesn’t like coming to places like this. Why are you here today? Changed your temper?

After seeing Wang Tao, everyone's eyes lit up.

Four words instantly appeared in their minds: Newcomers, easy to cheat!

And finally, after seeing the beautiful girl with a curious look on her face who came out from behind Wang Tao, almost everyone opened their mouths!

"Fuck! Such a beautiful and clean girl!"

"Did you bring this here for trading? It's in such good condition, how expensive is it! I'm afraid I can't afford it..."

"Don't fight against me, I want to accept her as my goddaughter!"

"Come on, if she is my daughter-in-law, I can guarantee that she will not starve to death. But if I am your daughter, she will be lucky to live for even half a month!"


Many people looked at Jiang Shixue and commented, as if they were appreciating a piece of merchandise.

Hearing these remarks, Wang Tao frowned.

He didn't care what other people said, he was just afraid that Jiang Shixue would be unhappy. The last creature that made Jiang Shixue unhappy is now several meters tall in the entire town.

Fortunately, there was no irritability or unhappiness on Jiang Shixue's face. She was just curious. She was curious about things she had never seen before.

But just when Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue, Jiang Shixue suddenly raised her head and met Wang Tao's eyes, her red lips parted slightly.

"Brother doesn't like them? Then I tell them to shut up?"

"No need!"

Wang Tao quickly tugged on Jiang Shixue's little hand.

When she said shut up, she really meant shut up.


Jiang Shixue said nothing more and continued to observe the situation inside.

"Sir, welcome to Yuwan Camp! I am Lu Qi, the owner of our Yuwan Farmhouse. Now everyone is accustomed to calling me Boss Lu.

A paunchy, bald, middle-aged man walked towards Wang Tao. There was a bit of arrogance in his words. After all, he built this camp with his own hands and he was in charge of so many people. It was normal to be a bit arrogant.

However, his strength is not very strong. Although he is a superpower, he has less than 2,000 HP, and his overall strength may not be as good as Xu Xiaojun's.

But this Boss Lu has a hidden attribute.

[Hidden attribute: Danger perception]

[Danger Perception: Have some early warning of upcoming dangers]

This hidden attribute is good, a good helper for survival in the doomsday!

When Boss Lu walked to Wang Tao's side, his face suddenly became solemn.

When he was far away, he didn't feel anything about Wang Tao. Now when he came to Wang Tao, he felt a huge pressure!

This kind of pressure was much greater than what he felt on Xu Xiaojun!

This man... is so strong!

He felt that if he provoked the other party, he would die!

His sixth sense contributed a lot to Boss Lu's survival, so Boss Lu immediately put away his arrogance and stood up straighter.

"My name is Wang Tao. I would like to know the specific location of this place and what is the surrounding situation. It would be best if I could have a map."

Wang Tao went straight to the point.

When he fled for his life, everything he carried was destroyed. Not to mention the map, even his security uniform was ruined. Fortunately, he also has a set of clothes with attributes, otherwise he would be dressed up like these survivors. Jiang Shixue is also wearing a set of clothes with attributes. This type of clothing has no other function than durability.

"No problem! Come on, please come inside! Xiaojun, please come too!"

Boss Lu enthusiastically led Wang Tao and Xu Xiaojun inside. As for Jiang Shixue beside Wang Tao, he didn't ask or even take a second look.


Wang Tao followed. This boss Lu seemed to be a smart man, so he could save a lot of words.

The others were stunned when they saw Boss Lu suddenly being so polite.

There is only one kind of person who can make Boss Lu be so polite - an absolute strong man!

In an instant, the voices of some people communicating became much quieter.

They are not stupid either. If he is really a strong person, it is better not to offend him, even verbally.

Boss Lu took Wang Tao to an office, which was decorated in a splendid way, but looked very rustic.

After inviting Wang Tao to sit down, he took out tea and made it for Wang Tao, which made Wang Tao raise his eyebrows.

With Boss Lu's hidden ability, does he feel that he is in danger? Otherwise, you wouldn't be so polite, right?

But regardless of whether he was polite or not, Wang Tao would not drink water from strangers or eat food from strangers.

So Wang Tao declined.

Boss Lu was not unhappy at all when he saw this, but his expression became more serious.

Being so cautious, he is indeed a strong man with rich experience in surviving the apocalypse!

Boss Lu poured himself and Xu Xiaojun a cup of hot tea, and then began to explain:

"The reason why we call it Yuwan Farmhouse is because our place is called Yuwan. Yuwan is located at the bottom of Jinbi County..."

Wang Tao finally understood when he heard about Jinbi County.

He knew that Jinbi County was the westernmost county in Huangfeng City, and walking west would lead to Zijing City next door. Further west from Zijing City, we reach Wuyang City, the capital of Wuyang Province.

At that time, Wei Zhenguo and the others were walking east, and the black fog monster was chasing Wang Tao. Wang Tao was afraid that he would lead the black fog monster to Wei Zhenguo and the others, so he ran in the opposite direction on purpose.

"As for the map..."

Boss Lu had a troubled look on his face.

"Mr. Wang, you know that there is no way to print it now. There are very few paper maps, especially more detailed maps. We don't have many maps in hand..."

Boss Lu said it was difficult to handle.

If it is difficult to do, it means it can be done. It depends on whether the benefits are sufficient.

"You give me a price."

Wang Tao spoke directly.

"This..." Mr. Lu pretended to be coy, and then asked tentatively, "I think Mr. Wang is quite strong, right?"


Wang Tao nodded.

"Then I would like to ask Mr. Wang to help us kill a zombie. I wonder if Mr. Wang is willing?"

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows when he heard Boss Lu's words.

"Kill zombies? Tell me."

He thought that Mr. Lu would ask for some food, crystal nuclei, etc. Naturally, Wang Tao had these things. As long as they were not too excessive, Wang Tao would give them to him.

But he didn't expect that he wanted Wang Tao to help him kill zombies? This is a bit interesting...

"It's like this. We are relatively close to the county town. There is a very powerful zombie blocking our way in the county town. We want to kill this zombie, but we have always failed before. We are going to organize another hunting operation. , I think Mr. Wang is very powerful, so I want to ask Mr. Wang to do us a favor..."

Boss Lu explained.

After finally finding a strong man, he couldn't waste this opportunity!

"Huh? The county is so big. You can go around somewhere else, but you have to go here?"

Wang Tao felt that Boss Lu was not telling the truth. Unless there are lord zombies like gorilla zombies that love to run around.


Seeing that Wang Tao was more attentive, Mr. Lu coughed twice, and he was a little hesitant to tell Wang Tao.

"It's okay if you want me to help you kill zombies, but I need to know all the information. After all, I am risking my life. If you hide it, I will definitely not agree."

Wang Tao said again.

Seeing Wang Tao say this, Boss Lu also gritted his teeth.

"Okay, there's nothing we can't say. The place where the zombie is is the granary of our county! Our target is that granary..."


Wang Tao suddenly understood, and he asked why Boss Lu had to kill the zombie blocking the road. It turned out to be because there was a granary!

Storing grain to prepare for shortages has been a habit of the Qian Kingdom since ancient times. Wang Tao didn't know exactly how many large and small granaries there were in the country, but he knew that every county would have at least one granary!

There was also one in Shuize County where Wang Tao was located, but all the food in the granary in Shuize County was taken away by the army.

"I previously thought about hunting that zombie after the overall strength of our camp improved. But before the heavy rain, I saw that the zombie seemed to have some ideas about the granary and always wanted to go in... So I’m worried that if that zombie goes in first and ruins the food, it will be a big loss!”

Boss Lu's face looked a little unsightly.

According to the storage conditions of these granaries, they should be able to be stored for a long time, provided there is no outside interference. If there are zombies wreaking havoc, it's hard to say how long the food will last.

So Boss Lu has a sense of urgency. If they can get this food, they won't have to worry about food for a long time! Moreover, these grains can be grown, although they are definitely not as good as specialized seeds, but even if the yield is smaller, as long as they can be grown, it will be a victory!

"Of course, we have different things to do. If Mr. Wang helps our camp, the map I give you will be a personal gift from me. In addition, you will also receive the food. Mr. Wang’s share!”

Seeing that Wang Tao didn't speak, Boss Lu hurriedly asked again.

He didn't know how strong Wang Tao was, but he felt that Wang Tao might be stronger than Xu Xiaojun! And Xu Xiaojun is already the strongest person in their camp!

Therefore, after he sensed the dangerous aura on Wang Tao's body, his first reaction was not to hide, but to recruit Wang Tao to join him!

"It's not impossible, but I need to know how strong this zombie is. If it's too strong, then I'm sorry, but I can't die. If it's average, then that's easy."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

Although the strength of this Yuwan camp is not strong, after all, there are several superpowers and so many people. If they are all present, there should be no problem in dealing with ordinary first-level elite zombies.

So Wang Tao suspected that this might be a second-level zombie.

If it was really a second-level zombie, then even if Boss Lu wouldn't let him go, he would still have to take a look. After all, there are many benefits to killing second-level zombies. Wang Tao has been looking for second-level zombies along the way...

"Don't worry, we have tested it before. This zombie is strong, but not ridiculously strong. With so many people in our camp, plus you, Mr. Wang, it will definitely be able to deal with it! After all, we can't take it. Play with your own life."

Boss Lu immediately promised.

"That's good, I agree."

Wang Tao nodded.

Seeing that Wang Tao agreed, Mr. Lu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, okay! But let's agree on how to distribute the food first! What I mean is that we will distribute it according to the contribution of killing this zombie. Those who contribute more will get more, and those who contribute less will get more. , then naturally you will get less..."

Seeing that Wang Tao didn't speak, Boss Lu continued:

"Of course, the amount of effort is actually a very subjective matter. After all, we can't count who caused how much damage... So in order to avoid wrangling, what I mean is that as long as you take action, then it will be allocated to Wang in the end. The minimum for Mr. Grain is 5%!”

It’s hard to say how much grain a county-level granary contains, but it’s certainly not small. If all the grain is still edible, 5% is definitely a lot.

This Boss Lu is quite courageous. He has determined that Wang Tao is very strong. Having such a strong person join can increase their success rate a lot. To put it bluntly, even if Wang Tao didn't help, it would still be very profitable to exchange 5% of the food for a favor!

Of course, he didn't know how strong Wang Tao was. If he knew, he would definitely not say such a thing as a 5% guarantee.

Wang Tao didn't say anything more, he nodded.

"Okay. Just call me whenever you want to set off. But the ugly thing is ahead. I will definitely go and take a look at this zombie. If I feel that I can't deal with it, I can quit at any time."

"Haha, of course no problem!"

Mr. Lu laughed, and then took out a book-like thing from the cabinet next to him.

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows when he saw it. This was a map.

"This is a map I bought before. I was thinking of going on a self-driving trip in the future, but the end came... I won't use it anyway, so I'll give it to Mr. Wang!"

Boss Lu's eyes were a little shaken.

He originally planned to find a professional to manage the resort, so he went on a self-driving tour across the country with his family. He now has money and time.

Unfortunately, self-driving travel was never possible, and he was left alone.

"Thank you very much!"

Looking at the latest version of the map, Wang Tao smiled on his face.

This is an entire map, not just one. It records the situation of each city in great detail. With this map, as long as you don't go into the deep mountains and old forests, you basically won't get lost again.

"Haha, let's help each other!" Mr. Lu laughed cheerfully, and then said, "We have a lot of rooms here. Should I ask someone to prepare one for Mr. Wang? When I go to hunt this zombie, I will I went to call you, probably only in the past few days..."

Boss Lu originally planned to wait for the weather to clear up before hunting this zombie, but the rain keeps falling and he doesn't know when it will stop. Now that Wang Tao has joined him, he thinks he can hunt this zombie despite the poisonous rain. . Anyway, with their strength, they can still sustain this poisonous rain for half a day. If they can't get rid of the zombie for half a day, it only means that the zombie is too strong and they have to run away...


Wang Tao nodded.

Then Boss Lu called a middle-aged woman dressed in a flashy dress to arrange a place for Wang Tao.

Xu Xiaojun, who had been silent, wanted to follow Wang Tao, but he was stopped by Boss Lu.

After Wang Tao left, Boss Lu quickly asked Xu Xiaojun:

"Big Fatty, is this Wang Tao very strong?"


Xu Xiaojun nodded.

"Sure enough, I knew it!"

Boss Lu was immediately overjoyed.

Xu Xiaojun is a very honest person and he never tells lies. If someone says that someone is stronger, it may be a compliment. But if these words come from Xu Xiaojun’s mouth, then it is the truth! It's even possible that Xu Xiaojun crossed paths with the other party!

Boss Lu then asked about Wang Tao.

Xu Xiaojun didn't hide anything and told everything he knew.

After hearing Xu Xiaojun say that Wang Tao killed an elite zombie with a steel bar, Mr. Lu opened his mouth wide.

"Is it a person with superpowers who can attack from a distance? That's a great feeling! We lack serious long-range attacks! This can just make up for our shortcomings!"

I also heard Xu Xiaojun say that he gave the red crystal core to Wang Taohou. Boss Lu suddenly looked at Xu Xiaojun as if he were a fool.

He knew that, strictly speaking, this was Wang Tao's trophy. But Xu Xiaojun also suffered a few attacks from charging zombies. There is hard work without credit, right? Can't you be thicker-skinned?

And since Wang Tao gave this crystal core to his little girlfriend to play with, it means that he does not lack this crystal core!

"He is not in need, but you are! Our camp is in need! At worst, we can exchange it for other supplies!"

Seeing the expression of hatred on Boss Lu's face, Xu Xiaojun scratched his head. He actually wanted that crystal core very much, and he felt that he could fuse it. But he held back, after all, this thing was not his.

"Oh, forget it, take him to get familiar with our camp later. It would be perfect if he could stay... I have to think of something to use to replace the crystal core in his hand! If I had known that he had an unused crystal core in his hand, I would have had the shamelessness to ask for it just now! By the way, I have to warn the people in the camp not to cause trouble for a 'newcomer' like him..."

Two updates will be resumed today, the second update will be at 6pm

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