Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 161 The zombies are getting stronger again

"Mr. Wang, do you have any other instructions? No matter what instructions you have, I can satisfy you~"

Wang Tao smiled slightly as he watched this pretty middle-aged woman posing in front of him.

"Thank you, no, please come back."

The woman's face froze.

She asked again without giving up, and after confirming that Wang Tao really had no other instructions, she left immediately with a disappointed look on her face.

She looked at Wang Tao's muscular body with envy! It's a pity that people don't like her. Although the girl next to Wang Tao is indeed much prettier than her, she can guarantee that she is more experienced...

After the woman left, Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the first time he met such a warm and hospitable woman, and he was a little unaccustomed to it.

"Brother, I feel like you wanted to keep her, but why did you let her go?"

Jiang Shixue suddenly looked at Wang Tao's words with curiosity on her face.


Wang Tao rubbed Jiang Shixue's hair angrily.

"Children, please don't interfere in adult matters."

Hearing this, Jiang Shixue was a little confused.

"Didn't my brother say yesterday that I'm not a child now?"

"...Well, because she's not as good-looking as Xiaoxue, I don't want her to stay in front of me for too long."

Wang Tao shrugged.

"That's it...thank you brother for the compliment 1"

A sweet smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Shixue's face.

Although she can't remember many common sense things, she is very happy as long as Wang Tao praises her.

Wang Tao is not particular about where he lives, as long as it is clean. Jiang Shixue is even less particular. She still retains some zombie habits and can sleep anywhere...

After a while, Xu Xiaojun came.

He said he was taking Wang Tao for a walk around the camp.

Fish Bay Camp is actually quite large, with a total of more than 150 people. It is like a small society, with everything available.

Food is the hard currency here. As long as you have food, you can make almost everyone serve you. Of course, if you want to do this, you need a lot of food, which few people can do.

Survivors are the foundation of the camp, but at the same time, they are also the cheapest commodity.

Wang Tao followed Xu Xiaojun to the large hall again and saw many survivors renting themselves out. Both men and women, old and young.

As long as someone brings out the food, let them do whatever they want. Of course, that doesn’t include going out to find supplies. After all, if they had the ability to find supplies, they wouldn't rent themselves out here.

To say it is renting out is actually to sell yourself to a capable person. They are not considered slaves. After all, there are rules in the camp, but they are almost like slaves. Apart from the guarantee of their lives, there are no other guarantees.

Fish Bay Campground only provides accommodation, not food. If you want food, you must either do the work assigned by Boss Lu or find a way on your own.

The camp is such a large area, there is definitely not much work, and it is impossible to feed everyone. So the rest is up to them to figure out a way.

As soon as Wang Tao came over, he was immediately targeted by many such people.

After all, with Wang Tao's huge body, even a fool can tell that he has a thick leg!

"Brother, buy me! I can wash, cook, and warm the bed..."

"I only need one meal a day. Brother, I can do whatever you want me to do..."


Looking at these disheveled men and women, Wang Tao sighed in his heart, but he did not soften his heart. After all, he was not the savior.

Without spending much time in these places, Wang Tao came to those stalls.

Xu Xiaojun told Wang Tao that he heard that this stall would also sell good things. But he hasn't been here much, so I don't know for sure.

"Brother, do you want a knife? This is a good knife made abroad! It blows hair and breaks hair, and cuts iron like clay! It is a good helper for killing zombies!"

As soon as he arrived, someone was selling products to Wang Tao.

Looking at the "good knife" with some chips on the blade, Wang Tao took a deep look at the man. The man suddenly felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast, and he almost couldn't breathe.

A second later, the man hurriedly retreated in a cold sweat.

After Wang Tao left, he took a deep breath, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

"Huh - so strong! I feel like he is scarier than those zombies!"

He just saw someone new coming and wanted to test it out

Although Boss Lu is very polite to this person, there are stubborn people everywhere. And their rule here is "buy the deal and leave". After the transaction, you can't go back on it. Everyone, including Mr. Lu, must abide by this rule.

But he didn't expect that this person gave him a much scarier feeling than Boss Lu!

At that moment, he almost thought he was going to die...

Many people noticed this direction, and when they saw the knife seller being forced back by Wang Tao, their hearts trembled. This newcomer is indeed not a good person!

Those who wanted to make a fortune or had thoughts about the girls around Wang Tao immediately put away their little Jiujiu.

The reason they have been able to live in Yuwan Camp for so long is because of their sharp eyes - they will never let go of anyone who can deceive them! If you can't afford to offend, you will never offend! This new big guy clearly belongs to the latter group.

Wang Tao felt much more comfortable without the blind people coming over.

He heard from Xu Xiaojun that there were many vendors here, so he wanted to see if there were any weapons suitable for Jiang Shixue.

Maybe it's a habit brought about after becoming a zombie, but Jiang Shixue likes to use her claws when fighting. Although she is not afraid of the zombie virus, her little hands are white and tender, and it would be bad to be injured.

Unfortunately, Wang Tao browsed all these stalls and did not see any suitable weapons.

As for those things like good knives and swords, Wang Tao felt that those things might not be as strong as Jiang Shixue himself. To others, it may be considered a weapon, but to Jiang Shixue, it may be a drag.

But it was not without gain. At the last stall, Wang Tao saw something that surprised him.

"There is actually someone selling crystal cores?"

As if he saw Wang Tao's surprise, the stall owner suddenly smiled and said:

"Brother, let's see if there is anything you like? The price is cheap, and you are innocent! This crystal core represents a superpower! I guarantee that you won't be deceived if you buy it!"

Seeing this man's enthusiastic look, Wang Tao thought it was a fake crystal nucleus, but when he saw the attributes, it clearly said it was a first-order crystal nucleus!

At this time, the person next to him might want to sell Wang Tao a favor, so he immediately said:

"Brother, please think clearly. These are all white crystal nuclei. According to the military, these are the crystal nuclei with the lowest fusion success rate! And this is not the point. The point is that no one knows what powers these crystal nuclei have. ! As we all know, these powers have side effects. Who knows what side effects they have... Even if the fusion is successful, if it is a power with a weak ability but strong side effects, then you will regret it to death... "

"roll roll roll!"

The stall owner selling crystal cores immediately waved his hand with a look of disgust. But I'm not too angry, because this is a well-known thing, and Wang Tao must also know it. It's just that it's very inappropriate to say it like this...

When Wang Tao heard this, he was stunned.

Because he suddenly thought of an issue that he subconsciously ignored - only he could see the properties of the crystal nucleus, but others could not.

When he was at Shuize Base before, he would take a look at the crystal nuclei obtained by everyone in the base to see what properties they had.

The crystal cores used by everyone in the base are also selected by Wang Tao, so they will not have too many side effects or too rubbish abilities.

But without Wang Tao, the result might have been completely different. If they want to know what powers these crystal nuclei will have and what side effects they will have, they have to experiment slowly.

Moreover, the same crystal nucleus has different success rates, which makes it very troublesome to know the specific situation of a crystal nucleus.

This stall owner may be in this situation now.

There are a total of six crystal nuclei placed here, all of which are white crystal nuclei, which have a success rate of 20%.

As long as one of these six crystal cores succeeds, it will be considered a profit, but what if none of them succeed? Blood loss!

This is the reason why no one wants the crystal nuclei he placed - the fusion success rate is too low, and the specific abilities and side effects of the crystal nuclei are unknown.

Of course, there is the most important point - the price he sells is high, and it takes a lot of food to exchange for a crystal core.

If the price is lower, then naturally some people will be willing to take the risk. But with such a high price, it's not worth taking the risk.

"How about it? Brother, do you want to buy two and give it a try? I think you must be a superpower, right? Then you have the experience of successful fusion, and the success rate of fusion will definitely be much higher!"

The stall owner was obviously talking nonsense, and Wang Tao didn't care. He asked curiously:

"Why do you have so many crystal nuclei in your hand?"

This person is not a superpower, and he doesn't seem to be able to collect so many crystal nuclei.

"Hi! Boss Lu is my cousin!"

The man scratched his head in embarrassment.

Wang Tao suddenly realized that this makes sense.

"I want these six crystal cores."

"Ah?" Hearing Wang Tao's words, the man was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Brother, with all due respect, do you have so much food? I don't think you brought so much food!"

"It's true that I don't have food, but I do have this. Is this enough?"

Wang Tao took it out and killed the charging zombie today to get the red crystal core.

This time, not only the cousin Lu was stunned, but also everyone else around him.

"...No, buddy, are you kidding me? Are you sure you want to exchange this red charge crystal core for my six white crystal cores?"

The stall owner was in disbelief.

This is a red crystal core, and a red crystal core whose function he knows! Because there are people in their base who can charge!

The value of this crystal core far exceeds that of other crystal nuclei!

"Just tell me whether you want to change it or not?"


After confirming that Wang Tao was not joking, the stall owner nodded instantly.

So, Wang Tao used one red charge crystal core in exchange for six junk white crystal cores.

This exchange immediately attracted the attention of many people, and many people envied and congratulated the stall owner in advance for becoming a superpower. Wang Tao didn't stay long. After making sure there was nothing worthy of his attention, he left.

The reason why he replaced these six crystal cores was because they were two "all-powerful" crystal cores, two "self-healing" crystal cores and two "precision shooting" crystal cores!

Almighty, self-healing and precise shooting are relatively rare, which is a huge gain for him, after all, he can synthesize.

And this incident also reminded Wang Tao that if he had the opportunity to go to a crowded survivor base in the future and encounter those unfamiliar crystal nuclei, maybe he could catch them?

Of course, it's too far to think about these things now. Along the way, Wang Tao has found that the Yuwan Camp is the largest gathering place of survivors he has encountered so far. It is still difficult to encounter a large survivor base...

After temporarily settling down at Yuwan Base, Wang Tao originally planned to go see the second-level zombies in the granary the next day.

If the opponent is not very strong, he can solve it directly. After all, Wang Tao still lacks second-order crystal nuclei.

As a result, when I woke up, the sky was sunny.

Boss Lu had been preparing to go to the granary for a long time, but he was delayed because it had been raining. He originally thought that since Wang Tao joined him, he could go there in the rain.

But I didn’t expect that the weather would turn out to be fine!

That's just right. It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. Let's go today!

Anyway, it has been raining heavily these past few days, and many survivors have not gone out. The camp's combat effectiveness is at its peak.

So Boss Lu immediately invited Wang Tao and said he would go directly to the granary today. Of course Wang Tao has no objection.

Soon, a large crowd gathered in the camp. Xu Xiaojun and Yu Wei are also there.

However, Yu Wei and the others were a little afraid to look directly at Wang Tao, and they didn't know what was going on.

Boss Lu stood in the middle of the hall, said some inspiring words, and then briefly introduced Wang Tao.

It is said that Wang Tao is their foreign aid, Wang Tao and Xu Xiaojun are the main forces in this battle, and everyone should try their best to cooperate with them.

No one was surprised by this.

After all, Boss Lu had warned everyone last night that Wang Tao was a strong man and must not be offended.

So even if some people were dissatisfied, they would not show it and instead applauded fiercely.

After the mobilization meeting, Boss Lu came to Wang Tao again and said apologetically:

"Mr. Wang, yesterday I discovered that someone might not have a very good attitude toward you, so I taught them a lesson yesterday. I hope you don't mind..."


To be honest, Wang Tao didn't know who Boss Lu was talking about. After all, not everyone is qualified to be remembered by Wang Tao.

Boss Lu was relieved when he saw that Wang Tao was indeed not angry.

The mentality of the strong is different!

Last night, he discovered that Yu Wei actually spread the news in the camp that Wang Tao had a red crystal core. And that red crystal core was traded to his cousin by Wang Tao. Overnight, his cousin had become a superpower!

This doesn't mean Wang Tao gave him the crystal core!

Boss Lu immediately asked Yu Wei to investigate, fearing that there would be some conflict between them and Wang Tao.

Fortunately, Wang Tao may not care about a small role like Yu Wei. This made Boss Lu feel relieved, as long as it wasn't a big conflict.

Soon, everyone was ready to finish. Not counting Wang Tao, there were a total of 30 people who went out this time. These were basically the 30 strongest people in the base.

If they can't take down that zombie, then there's really nothing they can do...

"Mr. Wang, do you want to take your sister with you?"

Seeing Wang Tao holding Jiang Shixue, Boss Lu was a little confused. Is it really appropriate to take a helpless girl through such a dangerous matter?


Wang Tao didn't explain much.

You can't say that the sum of you people is not enough for Jiang Shixue to fight alone, right?


Since there is nothing wrong with Wang Tao, Boss Lu won't say any more. Maybe Wang Tao's sister is also a person with powers... although it doesn't look like it at all.

Boss Lu personally took everyone out of the camp.

They didn't have a car and walked there. Even if you have a car, you don't dare to drive it. After all, now that the rain has stopped, the zombies' weakened senses have returned.

Wang Tao held Jiang Shixue's little hand and walked in the middle of the team. Their painting styles were completely different from the others, as if they were on an outing. This caused other people to look here frequently.

Not long after leaving the camp, I saw several ordinary zombies appearing.

Naturally, such a small character does not need special powers, and those ordinary people with 1,000 blood will immediately take action.

But what people didn't expect was that it should have been easy for them to deal with these ordinary zombies, but it took them a while to deal with them.

Boss Lu's face suddenly looked a little unpleasant. He felt that he was a little embarrassed in front of Wang Tao.

Wang Tao frowned.

Because these zombies have more blood again!

Before, these ordinary zombies had 1,000 health, but now, they have 2,000 health!

And the reason why I say "there are more" is because the blood volume of these zombies has already increased once.

When the virus breaks out, the minimum HP for ordinary zombies is 500.

Afterwards, there was a heavy rain, and the minimum health volume of ordinary zombies became 1,000.

And now, after another heavy rain, the blood volume of ordinary zombies has become 2,000!

Is it possible that every time it rains heavily, the blood volume of zombies doubles?

If this is the case, can other humans keep up with this rate of evolution...

After killing these ordinary zombies, the team continued to move forward.

I haven't encountered any zombies since. After all, this place is remote and there are not many people. When we almost reached the granary, we finally encountered a group of ordinary zombies, about a dozen of them.

But this time there are not only zombies with 2,000 health, but also ordinary zombies with 2,500 or even 3,000 health!

The team's speed was suddenly slowed down.

Boss Lu finally felt something was wrong. He went to fight these ordinary zombies himself, and then he found that these zombies suddenly became very difficult to fight!

He was a person with superpowers, but he wasted a lot of time killing an ordinary zombie...

This made him look ugly. This time, he suddenly felt unsure about hunting the zombies in the granary.

But we have already come this far, it would be a shame to go back...

"You're already here, let's go take a look first!"

After making up his mind, Boss Lu continued to lead the team forward.

Soon, everyone arrived near the granary.

Wang Tao didn't see where the granary was at the first time. After all, it was surrounded by buildings, but he saw the second-level zombies at a glance, and it wasn't just one zombie as Boss Lu said, but three!

They were all wearing work clothes, as if they were originally workers in the granary.

[HP: 10000/10000]

[Blue amount: 4000/4000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

All three zombies have 10,000 health!

Wang Tao grinned, he was lucky today!

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