The strength of zombies at the same level also varies. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

Generally speaking, the more health and mana, the stronger the player is. At the same time, ordinary zombies are weaker than elite zombies, and elite zombies are weaker than lord zombies.

With Wang Tao's current strength, it might be more difficult to deal with the second-level lord zombies with a lot of health, but it would be much easier to deal with the second-level elite zombies.

Although these three second-level elite zombies have a combined health of 30,000, Wang Tao doesn't think it's a big problem.

"How do you feel? Those three zombies seem to be very powerful..."

Boss Lu's hidden ability "Danger Sense" came into play, and he murmured to himself somewhat suspiciously.

When Wang Tao saw this, he said directly:

"These three are all second-level zombies."

"Are they all second-level zombies?!"

After everyone heard it, they suddenly took a breath of air.

They had previously guessed that the zombie in the granary was probably a second-level zombie, so they came with so many people.

But they expected it to be a second-level zombie! Let alone three, even two second-level zombies are not something they can deal with!

Even if it is a second-level zombie, they will most likely suffer casualties. However, because there were so many of them, everyone felt that the casualty would not be them, so they dared to come out together...

"What? Are you scared?"

Wang Tao looked at Boss Lu with a smile.

Boss Lu's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Wang Tao looking very relaxed.

He leaned close to Wang Tao and whispered:

"Mr. Wang, have you ever killed a second-level zombie?"

Boss Lu used to talk to Wang Tao as "you", but now it becomes "you".


Wang Tao nodded.

"Then do you think we can deal with these three second-level zombies?"

Boss Lu asked again.

"You can't, but I can."

Wang Tao doesn't mince words.


Boss Lu had tried his best to overestimate Wang Tao, but he found that he still underestimated him!

This Wang Tao is stronger than he imagined!

He actually killed a second-level zombie! And he was so sure that he could kill these three zombies!

"Mr. Wang, are you sure? It's not that I don't believe you, but you said it yourself, these are three second-level zombies..."

Boss Lu quickly asked again.

"It's not a big problem."

Wang Tao nodded again.

"Okay! I'll leave everything to Mr. Wang! Please tell me what Mr. Wang needs us to do, we will listen to you!"

Boss Lu felt a strong dangerous aura from these three zombies, but as he approached Wang Tao, the dangerous aura became smaller and smaller!

Boss Lu believed in his sixth sense. He felt that Wang Tao was not telling lies. He can really deal with these three second-level zombies!

Judging from Wang Tao's request for the map, there is a high probability that Wang Tao will not stay in their camp, so he has to seize this opportunity. If Wang Tao leaves, then they will have no one to deal with these three second-level zombies!

After all, behind these three zombies is the granary of their county!

"Okay, you guys help me attract the attention of two of the second-level zombies, and I'll deal with the other one first."


Boss Lu gritted his teeth and agreed.

Although it is dangerous to face two second-level zombies, after passing this village, there will be no such store!

Of these three zombies, two are together and the other is slightly further away.

Boss Lu immediately ordered everyone to get into position and prepare to attack the two second-level zombies together.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue came to the second-level zombie.

These three second-level zombies are slightly larger than ordinary zombies, and they are all slightly fatter. I don't know if they are fat originally or because they have mutated after becoming zombies.

Wang Tao didn't let Jiang Shixue take action. He took a fire ax and walked out.

"Ho ho..."

As soon as Wang Tao appeared and before he walked out, he immediately attracted the attention of this zombie. It twisted its body and walked quickly towards Wang Tao.

"The perception is quite keen...but the speed seems not very fast..."

Just as Wang Tao said in his mind that it was not fast, he saw the zombie suddenly opened its mouth.


A black mass came out of its mouth.

Wang Tao was still some distance away from it and dodged it instantly. He looked back and saw that what the zombie spit out was a ball of black granular objects. After it landed, the weeds on the ground immediately made a sizzling sound.

"Corrosive ranged attack?"

Wang Tao frowned and looked at Boss Lu. He didn't say that the zombie had long-range attacks.

Boss Lu had already personally led people to attract the attention of the two second-level zombies. They had just been spat on by the two zombies.

However, their luck didn't seem to be very good, and one person was unfortunately tricked. The entire left leg was contaminated by these black particles, and then quickly began to corrode. The teammate next to him quickly tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes and stuffed it into the opponent's mouth to stop him from screaming. It would be even more troublesome if crazy zombies were attracted.

Boss Lu felt Wang Tao's gaze and shook his head repeatedly.

"These zombies didn't have the ability to attack from a distance before, they were just very powerful!"

When Wang Tao saw this, he didn't say much.

There should be no need for Boss Lu to lie to him, after all, it would not do any good to Boss Lu.

So this means that either Boss Lu was lucky and the zombies did not use this ability. Either these zombies evolved a new ability after the heavy rain. Wang Tao feels that it is most likely the latter.

But now is not the time to think about this. After confirming that this zombie has long-range attack capabilities, Wang Tao became more cautious.

After several snake-skin moves, Wang Tao finally approached the zombie.


Without saying a word, Wang Tao struck the zombie on the head with an axe.



Seeing this damage figure, Wang Tao was very satisfied. With his current fighting power, he would die with 5 axes.

After being attacked, the zombie opened its mouth again.

Wang Tao deliberately stood to the side of the zombie. When he saw the zombie turn its head and open its mouth, Wang Tao easily dodged the attack, and then another axe.



The zombie seemed to be completely angry. It suddenly raised its arms and slapped Wang Tao.


The zombie slapped Wang Tao, but the damage was blocked by the stubborn armor and his own high defense. However, Wang Tao was still taken several steps back by the force of the shot.

"So much strength! This zombie should have the ability to be 'strong'..."

While Wang Tao retreated, he instantly threw his axe.

The ax hit the zombie firmly on the head.



This ax hit the wound caused by Wang Tao before, and the damage increased a lot. The zombies only have 3,000 health left!

Wang Tao didn't give the zombie a chance to continue attacking. An ax appeared in his hand again, and he rushed forward, knocking the zombie down at once, and then he hit the zombie's head with two axes.




The zombie health bar is cleared.

Wang Tao easily eliminated this second-level zombie without even using a shock wave.

Although this zombie has a high blood volume, its overall strength is not high. It is considered one of the weakest second-level zombies Wang Tao has encountered so far.

After killing this zombie, Wang Tao's upper limit of blood volume increased by 260, reaching 6310!

After Wang Tao escaped from Shuize County, he didn't encounter any second-level zombies on the road. He only had more than 5,000 HP before, and these 6,000 HP were basically obtained by killing first-level elite zombies. However, after reaching the second level, if he kills the first level elite zombies, the blood volume gained will be halved. For example, I could get 50 blood, but now I only get 25 blood...

Wang Tao looked at the special energy again, but there was no increase. This zombie was too easy for him to kill.

After putting away the loot package and asking Jiang Shixue to dig out the crystal core, Wang Tao immediately ran towards Boss Lu. Half of their thirty men were already wounded.

The second-level elite zombies with ten thousand blood are still too difficult for them!

When he was some distance away from the opponent, Wang Tao struck the void with an axe.


A shock wave visible to the naked eye flew towards the two zombies instantly.



Although these two shock waves did not hit the zombies' heads, they made the two zombies somersault.

Boss Lu and others were instantly relieved.

"Mr. Wang Tao, these two zombies are very powerful, be careful!"

Seeing Wang Tao rushing over, Boss Lu gave a thoughtful reminder.

But he reacted quickly.

"No, didn't Mr. Wang deal with another zombie? Is it solved?"

He quickly turned around and found that there were no second-level zombies where Wang Tao had just been.

"Really, really solved? So strong?!"

Boss Lu knew that Wang Tao could deal with the second-level zombies, but he didn't know that he could deal with them so quickly!

Others were also surprised, this newcomer is too strong!

After Wang Tao knew how this zombie fought, the next step was to make a quick decision.

It took him less than two minutes to kill both zombies by himself.

Everyone, including Boss Lu and Xu Xiaojun, were in a state of confusion.

Jiang Shixue trotted over and immediately started digging out the crystal nuclei in the brains of the two zombies. She likes this shiny thing very much.

"Okay, the zombies have been dealt with, let's go see the food."

Wang Tao turned to Boss Lu and spoke.


Boss Lu responded subconsciously, as if Wang Tao was the boss. And no one else thought there was anything wrong with it.

The granary is locked, but now that there are no second-level zombies around, the lock can be picked quickly.

This kind of lock is more complicated. Since they can pick it, Wang Tao is too lazy to open it.

But at this moment, Jiang Shixue, who had collected the crystal cores, suddenly looked up and looked somewhere. A few seconds later, Wang Tao also looked there.

After seeing the flashing red blood bar, Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Jiang Shixue.

"Brother, there is a big zombie."

Jiang Shixue tilted her head and said.

"It doesn't look like I'm dazzled. Let's catch up later and take a look!"


Jiang Shixue's eyes glowed slightly red.

Wang Tao walked over and faced Mr. Lu:

"I won't go back with you."

"Ah? Mr. Wang, we haven't thanked you yet!"

After hearing Wang Tao's words, Boss Lu spoke quickly.

He also wanted to keep Wang Tao in the camp. Although he knew the probability was very small, he had to give it a try. He is even willing to let Wang Tao be the boss. After all, Wang Tao is too strong and a nice person!

"No need to thank you. Just keep some of the food that belongs to me. I have to leave first."

"...Okay! Mr. Wang, please rest assured that these grains will definitely be left for you!"

Boss Lu immediately promised.

As for how Wang Tao would take away the food if there was too much, he did not consider it. Anyway, he promised to share food with Wang Tao, so he will definitely not break his promise.


Wang Tao nodded, and then left directly with Jiang Shixue.

Others were a little baffled, wondering why the big boss left so suddenly.

"Don't be in a daze, pick the lock quickly! Whether our camp can be stable depends on how much food is here!"

"oh oh!"

"Did you see where it was?"

After Wang Tao chased for a while, he lost track of the zombie.

"It seems... there!"

Jiang Shixue pointed to a factory building and spoke.

"Let's go, keep chasing!"

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue chased him upstairs to the factory building again

However, the upstairs was empty and there were no zombies.


Jiang Shixue pointed to a piece of garbage downstairs.

This is a garbage treatment plant, and there is still a pile of unprocessed garbage in the factory. And on these garbage heaps, there was a green zombie that was covered with pustules, had a stooped waist, and was about the same size as a human!

"Got you!"

Looking at this zombie, Wang Tao looked a little excited.

Because this is a lord zombie with 20,000 blood!

[HP: 20000/20000]

[Blue amount: 20000/20000]

[Level: Second Level·Lord]

Not only does it have 20,000 blood, but it also has 20,000 mana!

In terms of this attribute, Wang Tao feels that it is at least three times stronger than the orangutan zombie!

Even Jiang Shixue’s attributes are not as high as hers!

If it were in the past, Wang Tao, who only had more than 6,000 health, might not have caught up with zombies of this level. After all, this attribute is too strong.

But it's different now, he has Jiang Shixue by his side!

Jiang Shixue has 19,000 blood, 16,000 blue, and is also a second-level lord, not much worse than this zombie! This is also the capital for Wang Tao to catch up.

Although he didn't know why this zombie ran away after seeing humans like them, but since it was targeted by him, there was no reason to live. Wang Tao would definitely kill this zombie!


Wang Tao directly asked Jiang Shixue to go first.

After all, he only had more than 6,000 HP, so he had to be cautious.

Jiang Shixue jumped down without any hesitation.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that the green pustule zombie ran away immediately, and it was very fast!

But this was a blind spot, and Jiang Shixue blocked the only way. It turned around and ran back to the original place.

"Ho ho..."

The zombie roared at Jiang Shixue, but Wang Tao always felt that it had something evil in it...


Jiang Shixue kicked her legs and rushed towards the pustified zombie. Her speed was not slow either, and she arrived at the pustule zombie in the blink of an eye.


Jiang Shixue punched the pustule zombie directly, and the opponent was directly knocked away by it and hit the wall. A circle of spider web cracks appeared on the wall.

Jiang Shixue's body is similar to that of a zombie, and some ordinary weapons are not as strong as her own. So before Wang Tao found a suitable weapon for her, she fought with her own fists.

But what surprised Wang Tao was that Jiang Shixue only knocked out 50 HP with this punch!

Wang Tao rubbed his eyes. He saw it right. It was indeed 50!

Does this zombie use some kind of defensive ability?

Otherwise, how could there be only 50 blood? This is Jiang Shixue with nearly 20,000 blood!

Although Jiang Shixue couldn't see the specific damage figures, she also frowned. Because she felt that the head of the zombie in front of her was so hard!


Jiang Shixue was not convinced and rushed over again.

But this time the pustule zombie reacted, it directly dodged Jiang Shixue's attack, and then continued to run away.

Just as it was about to rush out of the garbage dump yard, Wang Tao suddenly fell from the sky and struck the pustified zombie on the head with an axe.




Wang Tao, whose hands were numb from the shock, was dumbfounded when he saw the damage figure.

He jumped down from the fourth floor and landed directly on the zombie's head. The result was 15 points of damage?

The pustule zombie seemed to be a little dizzy after being beaten, and its body was swaying a little.

Wang Tao saw this and swung his ax again.

This ax has a shock wave.






Seeing this damage figure, Wang Tao was speechless.


The pustule zombie did not attack Wang Tao, but immediately ran back.


But Jiang Shixue was blocking it from behind, and her delicate fists hit the pustule zombie on the head at the same time.




The pustule zombie was knocked away and landed in the garbage pile again.

Wang Tao came to Jiang Shixue, looked at the zombie warily, and asked in a low voice:

"Xiaoxue, how do you feel?"

"I can't move, it's too hard..."

Jiang Shixue's eyes were a little red.

It wasn't that she was angry, but she felt like she had found a fun object.

She rushed over again.

Wang Tao didn't go this time, but stood guard at the door of the yard to prevent the zombie from escaping - yes, this zombie was escaping!

Wang Tao still didn't believe it before. After all, how could zombies run away when they see humans? But now he was sure that this zombie didn't resist or fight back, it would just run away!

This surprised Wang Tao. This was a second-level lord zombie with 20,000 health! It doesn't have any offensive capabilities? Your first reaction when you see a survivor is to run away?

No matter how he looked at it, it didn't feel real, but it was something that was really before him.

Moreover, the defense of this zombie is so ridiculous that even someone as strong as Jiang Shixue cannot defeat it...

Wang Tao really wants to know what the crystal core of this zombie looks like! Can he learn this defensive ability!

The battle between Jiang Shixue and the pustule zombie was not fierce, because the pustule zombie kept hiding. It would occasionally fight back, but hitting Jiang Shixue was almost like scratching an itch, not even a drop of blood would fall out...

Jiang Shixue fought with it for several minutes, and the pustular zombie lost more than 200 blood, leaving 19,500 blood left!

It has high defense and fast speed, so Jiang Shixue may not be able to hit it every time...

Wang Tao was completely paralyzed. According to this posture, he couldn't be killed even if he was beaten until dark!

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