
When Jiang Shixue smashed the pustule zombie against the wall again, there was only a roar.

A hole was smashed into this wall, exposing the street outside.

"not good!"

Wang Tao immediately went to stop it, but it was still a step too late. The green pustule zombie ran directly from the entrance of the cave.


Wang Tao didn't want to let it go. After all, although this zombie has high defense, it doesn't attack very well, and it doesn't seem to have the ability to recover blood. As long as it takes a little more time, it can always be killed. Wang Tao was very curious about what kind of crystal nuclei there were in this zombie's body.

The two chased after him. Jiang Shixue had a very good nose. As long as she was within a certain range of the pustule zombie, she could roughly find its location.

In addition, Jiang Shixue was very fast, so the two of them never lost track of her.

However, neither of them caused any harm to the pustule zombie. Until the sun set in the afternoon, the zombie still had 17,000 blood!

"No, let's take a rest!"

Although Wang Tao didn't want to let this zombie go, he really had no choice.

He is not Jiang Shixue, he is still a human body. After running for such a long time, he has no strength.

Although the state can be restored by replacing the vitality potion, this potion will weaken the body for a day. And even if you use this potion, it may not be able to kill the pustule zombie... so you can only give up first.

Jiang Shixue, on the other hand, didn't blush or breath, which made Wang Tao very envious.

"Brother, I can chase it myself!"

Jiang Shixue volunteered.

"No, it will get dark later. It's too dangerous outside. I don't trust you to go alone."

Wang Tao grabbed Jiang Shixue's little hand.

Although Jiang Shixue is very strong, she is a little dull. Wang Tao finally saved her, but he didn't want anything to happen to her again.


Jiang Shixue is also very obedient. She won't go unless Wang Tao lets her go. Obediently, Wang Tao held his little hand.

The two found an abandoned small house and prepared to rest here for the night.

As for the food that Boss Lu left for him, Wang Tao planned to go there tomorrow. He believed that Boss Lu would not play tricks after seeing his strength.


Wang Tao lay casually on the bed, and Jiang Shixue lay beside him, holding one of his arms tightly.

I don’t know if her previous experience has affected Jiang Shixue, or if she has always regarded Wang Tao as a father figure... Although she is very strong now, she seems to be very insecure. Every time he sleeps and rests, he likes to stick to Wang Tao's body.

Of course, the relationship between the two was innocent and there was no other intimate behavior. After all, both of them were still wearing their clothes.

Wang Tao took a look at the trophies from killing the three second-level elite zombies today.

The three zombies are all of the same type, and the things they explode are similar.

The first is the crystal nucleus.

One of them is a powerful crystal core, which I have seen before. The other two are "spit nails", one is fine and the other is excellent.

[Second-order crystal core·spit nail]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Increased food intake several times)]

[Spit Nail: Can store one-tenth of the food eaten in the stomach, and then spit it out as a weapon]

This ability is a bit interesting. Spit out the food you eat and use it as a long-range attack!

Wang Tao recalled the attack of the three zombies, those black particles - wait, couldn't that be rice?

Wang Tao suddenly frowned.

They mainly eat rice here, so it is estimated that all the rice stored in these granaries is rice.

If it is really rice, then this means one problem - these zombies have entered the granary!

Then there is a problem! Boss Lu thought that no one had touched the granary, but what if it had been touched by zombies? And maybe there are zombies inside...

However, Boss Lu has a hidden ability to sense danger. If there is real danger, he should be able to detect it...

Wang Tao stopped thinking about it and looked at the loot again.

These three zombies burst out three packages, and the contents inside were all the same.

Wang Tao has now figured out clearly that he can only kill zombies above the second-level lord level or third-level to be considered a leapfrog kill. And the rewards he gets for leapfrog kills are tripled!

Including the upper limit of blood volume and the number of packages should have been increased three times.

So when he kills toad zombies, he can explode three packages, but when he kills this second-level elite zombie, he only has one package.

Of course, Wang Tao doesn't mind it, just one. And this thing that broke out is quite interesting.

【Magic stomach pouch*3】

[Miracle stomach pouch: There is a compressed low-temperature space inside, which can store a certain amount of food, but one-tenth of the food will be lost each time it is stored]

Wang Tao took this magical stomach pouch in his hands.

This is called a stomach pouch, but it doesn't look scary. It looks like a leather water bag. There is also a movable opening at the top. When opened, it is dark inside and nothing can be seen.

Wang Tao tried it, but only food could be put in, and nothing else could be put in. Even small things would be spit out if they were forced into it.

I don’t know what this is based on, but Wang Tao feels very magical anyway.

This is somewhat similar to his storage backpack. However, his storage backpack can only put items with names on them, not items whose names cannot be seen.

But when you put it in, it's like time is suspended. As long as he doesn't move, nothing will change inside. And the space inside his storage backpack is unlimited.

But this magical stomach pouch can only hold food. Time is not suspended inside, but is kept cold like a refrigerator, and the space is limited.

Wang Tao cannot test the specific size of the space for the time being, but it seems to be related to the size of the stomach. The sizes of the three "magic stomach pouches" in his hand are slightly different.

Of course, even if it is not as good as a space backpack, this is definitely a good thing!

Wang Tao put some food and nutrient solution into one of the largest stomach pouches, and then hung it on Jiang Shixue's waist, treating it as her snack bag. He can hang one on himself to hide it from others in the future.

Jiang Shixue suddenly opened her eyes.

"Woke you up?"

Jiang Shixue looked at the magical stomach pouch on her waist with curiosity, but she shook her head.

"The green zombie showed up today. I smelled it!"


Wang Tao immediately sat up.

Wang Tao was a little worried about not being able to kill the zombie during the day. Unexpectedly, this guy appeared again at night, and he was still near him!

Do you want to continue doing it?

Wang Tao was a little confused. Now is a good opportunity. If he misses it again, he doesn't know where this zombie will go.'s night!

Night and day in the apocalypse are almost two different worlds.

During the day, many zombies are actually in a dormant state and do not appear in sight. If the survivors do not go near the zombies or cause any big noise, they will not wake up.

But at night, all the zombies will come out.

The danger level at night is definitely more than 10 times higher than during the day!

Of course, Wang Tao wouldn't be afraid if it was before the heavy rain.

When he was at Shuize Base before, he went out at night to kill toad zombies, and also killed many other zombies.

But now it’s raining heavily again, and the zombies’ blood volume has doubled. Now the night will definitely be more dangerous...

"Brother, I can kill it."

Jiang Shixue looked at Wang Tao's hesitant look and said.

"That won't work! It's too dangerous..."

Wang Tao subconsciously refused at first, and then thought that although the zombies' strength has improved now, he still has Jiang Shixue!

Isn't it just night? It's not like he has never been active at night. If there is any danger, he will run away... With the strength of his and Jiang Shixue's feet, it is estimated that not many zombies can catch up!

So Wang Tao immediately said:

"Let's go together!"

This was the first time Wang Tao had seen this kind of zombie that was not very aggressive. He wanted to know what was going on with this zombie.


Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue left the room after making some preparations.

As soon as he went out, all kinds of horrifying roars came over him, and many of them seemed to be ringing in his ears, making people feel numb.

Wang Tao's eyes gradually glowed with green light, and the dark night gradually became like day. He glanced back and met Jiang Shixue's blood-red eyes.

It can be seen that Jiang Shixue's little face is very happy. She would be very happy every time Wang Tao's eyes sparkled like hers.

"Xiaoxue, please lead the way."

"Okay~" Jiang Shixue sniffed, then pointed in a direction and said, "It's in this direction!"

"let's go!"

Let Jiang Shixue lead the way, and Wang Tao followed her.

There were a lot of zombies at night, so Wang Tao didn't let Jiang Shixue walk too fast. If too many zombies were disturbed, not only might he be in danger, but he might also be able to scare off the snake.

It's a pity that the concealment potion that can avoid zombies is not effective at night, otherwise Wang Tao would definitely have given himself a shot.

As for Jiang Shixue, I don't know if it's because she has transformed into a zombie. She has some concealment effects. As long as she doesn't get too close to the zombies, the zombies can't sense her.

The two of them walked for about twenty minutes before Jiang Shixue stopped.

"Right there!"

Following Jiang Shixue's gaze, Wang Tao immediately saw the green pustule zombie during the day. At this time, its blood has been restored to full.

"Huh? What is it doing?"

Wang Tao was a little confused.

I saw the pustule zombie lying on the ground, munching on a corpse.

Wang Tao saw clearly that the corpse was not a human being, but a zombie!

This pustule zombie eats other zombies?

There were several ordinary zombies around. They passed by as if they didn't look at the pustule zombies. The pustule zombies didn't look at them either and continued to concentrate on eating their own food.

Seeing this, Wang Tao frowned.

If this pustule zombie eats other zombies, then other zombies won't attack it? And the pustule zombies don’t attack ordinary zombies?

Looking at the rotting corpse that the pustular zombies were eating, Wang Tao suddenly frowned.

"Is this guy a scavenger?"

The zombie body on the ground looked like it had been dead for a while. It was probably not killed by a pustule zombie...

But no matter what it eats, its health bar is red, which means it is hostile to humans. Wang Tao can't let it go!

"Prepare to sneak attack on it!"

After failing to kill the zombie during the day, Wang Tao also reflected on it. He felt that he should find a way to trap the zombie first and then deal with it. Although this thing has high defense, it has no power to fight back. As long as it can trap it, it can be worn to death!

Wang Tao doesn't have iron chains or iron nets for the time being, but you don't necessarily have to use these to trap it - when he was fighting a pustule zombie before, Wang Tao found that he could knock it out!

Therefore, Wang Tao felt that as long as he could keep this pustular zombie dazed, it would be equivalent to trapping it.

And the way to make it dizzy is to start it all the time!

Wang Tao did not take a fire ax this time, but a claw hammer. He felt that it was more suitable to use a hammer to deal with creatures with high defense.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue slowly moved toward the pustular zombie, and after getting as close as possible, they hid behind a ruin.

Wang Tao took a deep breath.



When Wang Tao didn't initiate the charge, Jiang Shixue was faster than Wang Tao, and she rushed to the pustule zombie in an instant.


Then he punched the pustule zombie hard on the head. Before the pustule zombie could react, he fell to the ground in an instant.

When Wang Tao saw the damage caused by Jiang Shixue, his eyes widened immediately. It was not too low, but too high!



Jiang Shixue's punch actually hit it with more than 3,000 damage!

During the day, Jiang Shixue could only hit about fifty with one punch, which was dozens of times worse than the more than three thousand!

Isn't it the same zombie? Or is this zombie's defense a kind of superpower, which is not turned on at the moment? Or, this kind of zombie changes differently during the day and night?

Wang Tao was puzzled, but he didn't stop moving.

When Jiang Shixue knocked the pustule zombie away, Wang Tao had already rushed to the position where the pustule zombie landed in advance.

Wang Tao raised his hammer.




Wang Tao's hammer hit it directly and caused a thousand and eighty points of blood. Compared with the damage he suffered during the day, it was a hundred times higher!

At the same time, the pustule zombie was still in dizziness.

Jiang Shixue rushed over again at this time.




Another damage of more than 3,000!

The pustule zombie still had half of its blood left, and it fell into dizziness again.

Wang Tao was so excited that he could kill it with a few more blows!


Wang Tao hit the pustule zombie again.



Another thousand-plus injuries, and the pustule zombie's health bar dropped below 50% in an instant.

But at this moment, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue seemed to sense something and suddenly turned their heads.

I saw some shaking in the grass not far away.

Then, whoosh—

A red figure suddenly jumped out of the grass. Wang Tao didn't even see the health bar clearly, and the opponent jumped directly into his face!


But just when the bloody figure was about to knock Wang Tao down, Jiang Shixue arrived first and hit the side of the bloody figure with his head, knocking it away.


The figure turned somersaults, roared, and stood up.

Wang Tao finally saw its full picture.

"What the hell!"

Its skin is pale, without any hair, a large amount of red blood is dripping from its body, its abdominal ribs are everted, its nails are long, its mouth is split into three... There is a small black pupil in its white eyes, and it is dying Staring at Wang Tao. Cruel, tyrannical.

Of course, the appearance is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is its attributes——

[HP: 30000/30000]

[Blue amount: 20000/20000]

[Level: Level 3·Elite]

"Fuck! Level 3?!"

Wang Tao didn't expect that this turned out to be a third-level elite zombie!

The gap between levels is huge!

When Wang Tao was at the first level, he killed a second-level zombie and almost lost his life. But when he was in the second level, he was not able to kill the second-level zombies with ease, but it was much easier. Even if he really couldn't defeat him, he could still run away. One on one, even the second-level zombies can't do anything to him.

But now, this is a level three zombie!

The gap between the third level and the second level is already very big. Wang Tao has just reached the second level not long ago and only has more than 6,000 health. The gap between this and the 30,000 health is even greater!

Can't beat it!

Wang Tao instantly judged that he had no chance of winning. Even with Jiang Shixue, who had nearly 20,000 health, they couldn't defeat this zombie!

"This is a third-level zombie, let's go!"

Although this pustule zombie is a pity, it will definitely die after a few more attacks. But now my life is at stake. It would be bad luck if your own life was involved in killing a zombie.

But at this moment, Jiang Shixue suddenly rushed towards the bloody zombie without Wang Tao's consent!

"Xiao Xue!"

Wang Tao shouted subconsciously, he was afraid something might happen to Jiang Shixue.

"Brother, go kill that green zombie, I'll hold it back!"

The pustule zombie had just taken the opportunity to run away, but it was still in Wang Tao's sight.

Seeing that Jiang Shixue was already fighting with the bloody zombie, Wang Tao hesitated for a moment and immediately rushed towards the pustule zombie. If he continues to hesitate, he will be irresponsible for Jiang Shixue's life!

Wang Tao used all his strength to catch up with the pustified zombie. Then several scalpels appeared in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh——

These scalpels all flew towards the head of the pustule zombie, hitting it instantly!


The flying knife that hit the back of the zombie's head didn't cause much damage, but it knocked him down instantly.

Wang Tao took the opportunity to take off, and when he landed, he was riding directly on the opponent. Just like killing a pig, Wang Tao relied on his own weight and legs to suppress the zombie.

Then he raised the hammer and smashed it crazily at the zombie's head.







In the end, there was only a pop, and the head of the pustule zombie was smashed directly by Wang Tao!

The blood bar of the pustule zombie is cleared!

However, when the pustule zombie died, the pustule on his body suddenly burst, and yellow-green liquid flowed out. At the same time, a smell that made Wang Tao disgusting but very familiar appeared!

"Zombie culture fluid?"

Wang Tao ignored his surprise and quickly collected the zombie crystal cores, the explosive loot and the culture fluid, and then returned to the place where Jiang Shixue and the bloody zombies were fighting.

Seeing Jiang Shixue who was covered in blood but still strong, Wang Tao hugged Jiang Shixue's waist without saying a word, and then launched a charge!


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