
Wang Tao hugged Jiang Shixue and activated the charge that came with the equipment. 6̾̾ sprinted more than thirty meters in an instant, getting away from the bloody zombie.


The bloody zombie roared and ran towards Wang Tao quickly.

"It's so fast!"

After the charge, Wang Tao looked back at the zombie. Its speed is very fast, but it will not catch up with Wang Tao. Wang Tao's full power burst is not slow.

"Brother, I can walk by myself."

Jiang Shixue in her arms shouted.

Wang Tao immediately put her down after hearing this. After all, Jiang Shixue was faster than Wang Tao. Although she was covered in blood at this time, her injuries were not too serious, so it was no problem to escape.

The third-level zombie behind him shouldn't have speed powers, especially when Wang Tao took a running potion, and it was slowly thrown away by Wang Tao.

Just as he was about to escape, another bloody figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

It saw the opportunity and pounced on Wang Tao!

Wang Tao couldn't dodge and was knocked down directly.

"What a strength!"

Wang Tao felt like he was being pressed down by a mountain and couldn't move at all!


The bloody zombie grabbed Wang Tao tightly, then opened its three-petal mouth, revealing rows of ferocious teeth, trying to gnaw on Wang Tao's face.


Jiang Shixue suddenly appeared from the side and kicked the bloody zombie away. Then he took Wang Tao and ran away.

After this delay, the bloody zombie from behind also came after him.


Wang Tao cursed secretly. He was chased by a bloody zombie before and almost ran away, but now another one came!

Being chased by two third-level zombies, Wang Tao felt like Alexander. Although he was not seriously injured, it was not an option to continue like this.

"You have to find a place to hide!"

Wang Tao looked around, but didn't see any place to hide. After all, with the strength of these two zombies, ordinary houses would never be able to stop them.

After being dragged away by Jiang Shixue for a while, Wang Tao saw a warehouse-like place in front of him.

"Huh? Granary?"

Unknowingly, Wang Tao and the others had fled near the granary.

At this time, the door of the granary was open, no one was around, and there were some scattered rice on the ground.

Boss Lu and the others should have successfully moved the food, but there are still a lot of blood stains and traces of battle here.

Obviously, something happened when they were transferring food - maybe there were zombies in the granary!

But since they were able to move the food away, it is estimated that they are out of danger. Even if there are zombies in the granary, they should be similar to the second-level zombies before, and Wang Tao can deal with them.

Looking at the heavy iron door and reinforced concrete walls, Wang Tao said directly to Jiang Shixue:

"Go inside the granary!"


The two of them entered the granary directly, and then one of them pushed a heavy iron door, closed it, and fastened the iron chains and bolts behind the door.


Two bloody zombies had already caught up. When they saw Wang Tao and the others entering the granary and locking the door, they seemed to be even more angry. They roared outside and knocked on the door frantically.

But the door is strong and they can't get in.

After the two bloody zombies made a fuss outside the door for a while, their voices gradually disappeared. It was unclear whether they left or hid.

After Wang Tao confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the door, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at the layout of the granary.

This granary has two floors, one above ground and one underground.

The ground is already empty. I wonder if they were all moved away by Boss Lu and the others. Wang Tao felt that this granary was quite big. Boss Lu probably couldn't transfer it so fast. It was probably because the grain here didn't fill the entire granary.

There is also a large iron gate on the way to the underground granary. The big iron door was locked with an iron chain, and I didn't know what was going on inside.

Wang Tao was not in a hurry. He used some medical kits for himself and Jiang Shixue, and then took out nutrient solution to replenish energy.

"Does it hurt?"

Looking at some wounds on Jiang Shixue's white and tender skin, Wang Tao expressed concern. Fortunately, Jiang Shixue is not afraid of the zombie virus, otherwise she would have been infected.

"It doesn't hurt."

Jiang Shixue shook her head.

Just after fighting this third-level zombie for a while, Jiang Shixue's blood volume had already dropped by one-third!

If it were placed on a normal human being, it would probably be difficult to bear. But it was nothing to Jiang Shixue.

Wang Tao helped her wipe the blood and treat the wound. Jiang Shixue also let Wang Tao deal with it obediently, her glowing red eyes staring at Wang Tao all the time.


After a simple bandage, Wang Tao was ready to go to the underground granary to take a look.

He wanted to know whether Mr. Lu had kept his share of the food as agreed.

Although he couldn't take away the food, he could use a food compressor to make nutrient solution from the food and take it with him.

Wang Tao took away the iron chain and opened the large iron door leading to the underground. The underground was not as empty as the ground, but was divided into six areas.

In the first area, there was a pile of sacks. Wang Tao took a look and found that these sacks were filled with rice.


Wang Tao had a satisfied smile on his face. This boss Lu was quite sensible.

But Wang Tao smelled a smell of blood... not in the first area, but in the back!

At this time, Jiang Shixue tugged at the corner of Wang Tao's clothes, and the red light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

"I...smelled the smell of bloody zombies!"


Wang Tao instantly became alert.

Are there level three zombies in this underground granary?

Did those two third-level zombies just come in from somewhere else? Or is there a third bloody zombie here? !

"But...the breath is a little different, much weaker..."

Jiang Shixue frowned again.

"A lot weaker?"

Wang Tao was originally going to take Jiang Shixue and leave, but when he heard that he was much weaker, Wang Tao suddenly had another idea.

Both of them have already come down. If it were the two zombies from before, they would definitely attack them, but there are no zombies coming out now. Moreover, Jiang Shixue also said that she felt that the other party was weak...

"Let's take a look!"

Wang Tao spoke decisively.

He had just observed the ground floor. The ground floor had a wide view. The walls and roof were very tight, and there was no hole through which to enter.

There is another big iron gate between the ground and the underground. If they really encounter any danger, they can escape to the ground and close the big iron gate.


Jiang Shixue naturally listened to Wang Tao.

The two of them walked inside cautiously.

There is no food in the second area, it is empty.

In the third area, there are some bones with blood stains remaining. Judging from the shape, they are human bones!

Wang Tao became more cautious.

Then the two came to the fourth area.


Seeing the situation in the fourth area, Wang Tao suddenly took a breath of cold air.

This area is full of dark red flesh and blood!

Some black fascia is like a spider web, connecting these flesh and blood. And these flesh and blood seem to be beating slightly...as if they are alive!

No, it’s not like, it’s actually alive! Because Wang Tao can see the health bar!


One hundred thousand blood!

This is the creature with the most HP that Wang Tao has ever seen so far! Much more than the two zombies with 30,000 health just now!

However, in addition to displaying one hundred thousand blood, this thing does not display other things, such as mana amount and level.

This made Wang Tao very confused, does this thing have no level? And this thing didn't seem to notice him. It didn't make any movement in response to the arrival of Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue.

Wang Tao asked Jiang Shixue. She couldn't tell what it was, but like Wang Tao, she could feel that it seemed to be alive.

So Wang Tao took out a scalpel.

call out--



The flying knife did more than two thousand damage, which was not low, but it had almost no impact on the health bar of one hundred thousand blood.

After Wang Tao threw the flying knife, he immediately prepared for the thing's counterattack, but the strange thing was that it didn't even react, let alone a counterattack.

"Is it because the damage is too low? Or...this thing has no intelligence?"

Wang Tao did not attack again for the time being, but led Jiang Shixue to the fifth area.

This mass of flesh and blood is not just in the fourth area, it also connects to the fifth area.

When he saw the situation in the fifth area, Wang Tao suddenly felt a little numb!

"This is the breath!"

Jiang Shixue pointed at several figures in the fifth area.

The fifth area is also covered with this kind of flesh and blood, but among the flesh and blood, there are three kneeling figures!

The lower bodies of these three figures are covered in flesh and blood, and the upper bodies still retain some human appearance, but they are slowly transforming into the form of bloody zombies!

"This is...cultivating those kind of third-level zombies!"

Wang Tao's face looked ugly.

There are already a lot of zombies in the world. If these zombies can breed new zombies, then the situation of mankind will be even more difficult!

"Kill them!"

These three figures all have health bars, but they are similar to the blood bars of the flesh and blood beneath them and have no other attributes.




The health bars of the three figures are all different. Wang Tao suspects that they may turn into bloody zombies when they reach 30,000 health. Is it now equivalent to a zombie larvae?

Without hesitation, Wang Tao picked up the hammer and sent several shock waves through it.





After a moment, these three figures were all shattered. When they did not turn into bloody zombies, their defenses were very low.

There were no crystal nuclei in their heads, and they did not add blood to Wang Tao, but three packages exploded.

Wang Tao put the package away in the air, and before he had time to look at it, he sent a shock wave directly to the mass of flesh and blood.

When he just attacked these three figures, the shock wave also affected the flesh and blood under them. The flesh and blood lost 20,000 blood, and there were still 80,000 left.

Wang Tao asked Jiang Shixue to attack together. It didn't take long for the health bar to be cleared.

The flesh and blood twitched for a moment, then stopped moving, and the color of the flesh and blood began to slowly turn black.

This flesh and blood did not bring any increase in Wang Tao's health, but it did explode a package.

When Wang Tao was putting away the trophies, before he had time to relax, a sudden "bang bang bang" sound came!

It's the sound coming from the sixth area!

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue immediately ran over to check.

But the sixth area is full of debris, and the entire area is almost obscured. I don't know what's going on inside.

However, after Wang Tao observed it for a while, he was suddenly stunned.

There's someone inside!

Through some gaps, he could see the green blood bars inside, but he couldn't see clearly who was inside.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Tao said to Jiang Shixue:

"Xiaoxue, let's take this thing apart!"


After spending some time, Wang Tao finally opened up some of the debris in the sixth area and finally saw the people inside.

"Xu Xiaojun?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. The person inside turned out to be Xu Xiaojun!

But at this time, Xu Xiaojun's whole body was covered with injuries, and he was dying and fell into a coma.

He only had over a hundred blood and was in a state of near death.

"Dong dong dong——"

Suddenly, Wang Tao heard the sound again, and he and Jiang Shixue quickly looked for the sound. The sound was heard coming from the pile of debris behind Xu Xiaojun!

"It's the zombie from before!"

Jiang Shixue said suddenly.

"The zombies from before?" Wang Tao checked again carefully, and then suddenly realized, "This is a cave entrance, leading to the entrance of the outside... That's it!"

Wang Tao seemed to understand the general reason——

He just met those two bloody zombies outside, they should be from this granary, this is their lair!

There is a gate blocking the ground and underground, so zombies cannot get up. They enter and exit through the hole behind Xu Xiaojun.

But for some reason, Xu Xiaojun blocked the entrance of the cave, so the two zombies couldn't get in after they went out, so they kept hitting each other outside...

"First wake him up and see what's going on!"

Wang Tao immediately took out the medical kit and added blood to Xu Xiaojun. Then I briefly treated his wound.

When Xu Xiaojun came out this time, he was covered in steel plate armor and wrapped tightly, but he was not infected.

About ten minutes later, Xu Xiaojun slowly woke up.

Then, he shook his body and was about to attack Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue!

"Are you infected?"

Wang Tao easily held Xu Xiaojun's hand, and he was a little confused.

Xu Xiaojun obviously had a green health bar and had no symptoms of infection. Why did he suddenly attack him?

After Xu Xiaojun heard Wang Tao's words, he was stunned.

"W-Brother Wang?"

"It's me. Why did you attack me?"

Wang Tao asked with a frown.

"I-I didn't know it was your...crime eyes..."

Although Xu Xiaojun was confused, he replied immediately.

It was pitch black in the underground granary now. When he woke up in a daze, he saw a pair of green eyes and a pair of red eyes staring at him next to him!

Who wouldn't panic?

At that moment, Xu Xiaojun felt that he was going to die...

"Oh, I almost forgot..."

Wang Tao then remembered that there was no light in the granary. He and Jiang Shixue could see at night, so they ignored the matter. And their eyes would shine, and Xu Xiaojun would be frightened.

Wang Tao took out a flashlight and illuminated the surrounding environment.

Xu Xiaojun narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and after adapting to the light, he saw clearly that it was indeed Wang Tao in front of him, but Wang Tao's eyes glowed faintly green, and the one with red eyes next to him was Wang Tao's sister Jiang Shixue!

These brothers and sisters are so scary!

"What's going on with you? Where are they?"

Wang Tao didn't explain anything to him, but asked directly.


Xu Xiaojun looked at the surrounding environment, and then suddenly his shoulders slumped, his whole person revealed a decadent mood, and his face was also a little confused.

Wang Tao didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

Although Xu Xiaojun said nothing, Wang Tao felt that this might have something to do with the people in Yuwan Camp.

"I...they left, I was left behind..."

Xu Xiaojun's face showed a trace of pain again, and he spoke much more smoothly.

"It's okay. Speak slowly."

Wang Tao didn't mind that the place was dirty and sat directly next to him. Jiang Shixue sat next to Wang Tao. Both of them looked at Xu Xiaojun.

Being stared at by a pair of green eyes and a pair of red eyes, Xu Xiaojun was somewhat stressed. He organized his words, and then slowly said:

"Today, after Brother Wang left..."

This morning, after Wang Tao dealt with the three second-level zombies, he saw the green pustule zombie again, so he took Jiang Shixue and chased after it.

There were only some ordinary zombies left around the granary, and everyone quickly eliminated them. Then naturally they began to enter the granary to transport grain.

However, there was less food in the granary than they imagined. After moving some food, everyone discovered that there was an underground warehouse inside.

The door to the underground warehouse was locked, but it was quickly opened by everyone.

It's very dark down there, and it's divided into areas. It's hard to see what's going on with a flashlight. But you can see there is food inside.

Everyone waited at the door for a while, and even deliberately made some noise, but the underground granary was still quiet, there was no sound, and nothing came out.

This made everyone feel relieved.

So Boss Lu sent someone down to get the food. Boss Lu, Xu Xiaojun and other superpowers didn't go down because they had to be on guard outside to prevent zombies from coming over.

What I didn't expect was that all the people who entered were silent...

Boss Lu quickly ran over and sensed it carefully, but he didn't feel anything due to his ability to predict danger.

Boss Lu believed in his own perception. Since he couldn't sense it, it meant that there was no danger, or that the danger was small.

So Boss Lu asked everyone to go down and move the food. He felt that even if it was dangerous, they could handle it!

After all, there is so much food, it cannot be wasted!

Xu Xiaojun naturally came down as well.

As a result, they discovered that there were three very scary zombies down there!

When they met, several of them died.

This is a zombie stronger than the second-level zombies Wang Tao killed before!

When Boss Lu saw this situation, he immediately retreated without even thinking about it.

But it’s easy to get down, but hard to get up!

At this time, someone needed to break up the rear, and Xu Xiaojun did his part. He is the strongest man in the camp and should be cut off from the rear.

Xu Xiaojun first tried his best to block the zombies and attract their attention. Wait for others to go out before pulling him out.

But what Xu Xiaojun didn't expect was that the survivors did not save him after leaving, but directly locked the door, leaving Xu Xiaojun here alone...

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