"You were abandoned by them.

Jiang Shixue suddenly spoke with some heartache.


Xu Xiaojun nodded with empty eyes.

Jiang Shixue looked up at Wang Tao. She had some vague memories about Wang Tao in her head. She couldn't remember the specific details, but she knew that it was Wang Tao who rescued her.

If it weren't for Wang Tao, she would have died. She was not abandoned.

Wang Tao felt Jiang Shixue's gaze and immediately rubbed her hair, then asked Xu Xiaojun:

"Then how did you survive here?"

Xu Xiaojun closed his eyes and looked a little painful.

"At that time, many people died. The three zombies seemed to be afraid of the light. They did not chase them out, but were eating the corpses of my companions. I took advantage of the chaos and ran away. I had a chance to escape... I was watching After the door was locked, I endured the discomfort and hid among the flesh and blood... I don't know if it was because of the smell of the flesh and blood, but these zombies didn't notice me..."

"But I know this is not a solution. Sooner or later, I will be discovered. Just when I was thinking about it, I found that these zombies seemed to be missing... I boldly went out to take a look and saw that there was a tunnel leading outside. The entrance of the cave..."

"I thought I could escape, and I was about to climb out of the hole. But one of the zombies was outside, and it found me! I had no choice but to use everything available in this granary. The hole is blocked."

"I don't know if the zombies on the flesh and blood will wake up. I know that I am no match for them, so I blocked myself in it. I want to die with dignity... When I wake up again , I saw you, Brother Wang..."

After listening to Xu Xiaojun's explanation, Wang Tao finally understood the whole story.

To put it simply, Boss Lu and the others came to the underground warehouse and encountered zombies bleeding all over their bodies. They were almost wiped out.

If it weren't for Xu Xiaojun's queen and these zombies who only cared about eating... these people would probably have died.

But they abandoned Xu Xiaojun, who could only hide and save himself. When he found out that the zombies had left, he prepared to escape, but the zombies were right outside the cave entrance. He had no choice but to block the cave entrance.

Xu Xiaojun couldn't see the zombie's health bar, and he didn't know that the undeveloped zombie in the flesh had no attack ability. So he was afraid that these zombies would wake up, so he didn't dare to attack. So he blocked everything around him and prepared for a decent death.

But at this time, Wang Tao came...

"You really know people, faces but not hearts!"

Wang Tao sighed with emotion.

He felt that Boss Lu was a smart man and would not do such a thing as abandoning his teammates - not that he was kind-hearted, but that as a boss, if he abandoned his teammates in public, what would happen to others? think?

Even if he was just showing off, he still had to try his best to help Xu Xiaojun.

After Xu Xiaojun heard Wang Tao's emotion, he suddenly said:

"Boss Lu...is dead..."


Okay, then that makes sense...it turns out he is dead!

Wang Tao was a little sad. He had said before that Boss Lu had very good hidden attributes and could warn of danger in advance. But now it seems that this ability is not omnipotent!

Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun some details about the zombies.

"There is another one, three in total... afraid of light... they stay in the nest during the day and go out at night..."

Wang Tao touched his chin. He didn't expect that there was another one. It's a good thing they didn't encounter it, otherwise they might be in trouble.

And Wang Tao didn't expect that this kind of third-level zombie has such an obvious weakness... Its fear of light is even worse than that of the Violent Terror.

It is afraid of light, but only its eyes are afraid of light, but it can move freely outside during the day.

And this bloody zombie never comes out during the day. Even when Boss Lu and the others made some noise outside, the zombies still stayed in the lair... Apparently they are more afraid of light than the Violent Terrorists!

Then can he take advantage of this weakness... After all, this is a third-level zombie!

Wang Tao was a little greedy.

But it was night now, and except for a flashlight, he had no other luminous things. He didn't know if the light of the flashlight would work... It would be nice if he could find where they were during the day.

"Dong dong dong——"

Outside the cave entrance, there were sounds of collisions from time to time.

Xu Xiaojun was a little nervous, but Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue were relatively calm. Xu Xiaojun blocked the entrance of the cave very tightly, making it impossible for zombies to enter.

Wang Tao took out a few bottles of nutrient solution, handed them to Xu Xiaojun and said:

"Eat something and take a rest. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow day."

"Okay, thank you!"

Xu Xiaojun took it gratefully.

He didn't know what it was, but Wang Tao would definitely not harm him, so he just poured it into his mouth.

Sweet and sour, quite delicious.

After a while, Xu Xiaojun felt that his body had regained strength. He was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions. After confirming again that Wang Tao did not need him to work the night shift, he lay down directly on the ground. After a while, a slight snoring sound could be heard.

Wang Tao thinks Xu Xiaojun is quite interesting. After experiencing this incident, he seems to stop stuttering?

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue.

"Xiaoxue, you should also take a rest."

Jiang Shixue was also injured in the previous battle with the bloody zombies. Although Wang Tao used a medical kit for her, there were still some injuries that needed to be recovered slowly.


Jiang Shixue leaned directly on Wang Tao's shoulder. After a moment, she seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, so she raised Wang Tao's hand and put it on her shoulder, and then she closed her eyes with satisfaction.

Wang Tao smiled and gently hugged Jiang Shixue's shoulders, but his mind was already in the space backpack.

It was a dangerous night, but it was also very rewarding.

The first is the reward for killing that green pustule zombie.

It was a second-level lord zombie, so for Wang Tao, it was considered a leapfrog kill.

Wang Tao's upper limit of blood volume was directly increased by 2760! Now it has reached 9590, which is still more than 400 short of 10,000.

After being promoted to the second level, and also when gaining one thousand full health, the physical fitness will be slightly improved.

However, at the first level, you need to sleep to improve, but after the second level, you don't need to. The blood volume will increase after a moment, which is much more convenient than before. I just don’t know if I will be forced to sleep again when I have 10,000 blood...

Besides, this pustule zombie, since it was a leapfrog kill, naturally has special energy. The increased special energy is the same as the amount of blood, which is increased by 2760!

Wang Tao's current special energy is 3240!

If you can kill another pustule zombie, you can collect 5,000 special energy and synthesize another second-level power!

Continue to look at the other trophies of this pustular zombie——

100 copies of zombie culture fluid, one crystal core and three packages.

Wang Tao didn't expect that this pustule zombie actually had zombie culture fluid on it!

Then Wang Tao remembered that when he was about to kill the pustule zombie, a bloody zombie suddenly came out and stopped him.

Is it possible to suspect that this pustule zombie is also the target of the bloody zombie? Or is it a cooperative relationship between the two of them?

After all, the zombie culture solution is for cultivating zombies, and new zombies are being bred in these bloody zombie lairs...Wang Tao thinks this is very possible!

The pustule zombies released a total of 100 copies of zombie culture fluid, which was much less than the 1,000 copies of the green-eyed zombies they encountered before.

Wang Tao naturally can't use these culture fluids, but Jiang Shixue can still use them now.

After rescuing Jiang Shixue last time, Wang Tao tried Jiang Shixue's attitude towards zombie cultivation again. Wang Tao thought the zombie culture fluid smelled bad, but Jiang Shixue thought it smelled good... and she said she felt it could enhance her strength!

However, she cannot use it indefinitely. After using it once, she has to rest for a while.

Now Jiang Shixue can continue to use it, but Wang Tao and she have been on the road, and they only rested for one day at Yuwan Camp, so there is no time to use it.

Wang Tao planned to go back and find some time to train Jiang Shixue. After all, the last time I used zombie culture fluid, I directly added 1,000 blood to Jiang Shixue, and her physical fitness was also strengthened in all aspects...

Wang Tao looked at the crystal core exploded by the pustule zombie.

[Second-order crystal core·Scavenging]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: The body will undergo some kind of distortion)]

[Scavenging: The digestive system is strengthened. Saliva can digest the zombie virus with reduced activity in the corpse. The esophagus will not be infected by the zombie virus. The stomach pouch can absorb the energy of the corpse]

Wang Tao feels that the ability to eat scavengers... is a magical skill!

After all, in the end of the world, resources are scarce, so you have to go to the city to search for them or plant them yourself. If you have this scavenging ability, you don't have to worry about starving to death.

Because after learning this ability, you are no longer afraid of the zombie virus inside the rotting corpse! After all, zombies are everywhere. If you kill an ordinary zombie at random, you will probably be able to eat it for a long time.

But the question is, can humans accept eating carrion themselves?

If it's the carrion of an animal, it's okay, but it's disgusting. I'm really hungry, and I can't eat it even if I hold my nose.

But zombies are transformed from people... This is not only an impact on the five senses, but also a psychological impact. How many people can accept eating zombies?

Wang Tao's evaluation of this crystal core is: It is a magical skill, but he doesn't want it.

From now on, go to the large survivor base and see if you can't trade with others. Wang Tao believes that there must be people who like this ability.

Anyway, he can't accept eating zombies, even if he won't be infected with the zombie virus.

Then the pustule zombie exploded three packages.

The first package contained a long-lost crystal core gift package, with a total of five crystal cores!

[Second-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

The first one is a second-order all-powerful crystal core, and it is of excellent quality!

Wang Tao previously had three second-order all-powerful crystal cores in his hand, namely ordinary (20%), fine (40%), and excellent (60%). If you add this, you can synthesize two epic crystal cores!

Of course, since this is a second-order crystal nucleus, the purity is only 45%. If only two crystal nuclei are used for synthesis, 10% of impurities will remain. But Wang Tao is not afraid now. After all, he still has five useless bottles of cleaning potions that can reduce impurities in the body.

[Second-order crystal core·Running]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Double physical consumption)]

[Running: Passive ability, increased running speed]

The second crystal core is a running crystal core that Wang Tao has never seen before. This crystal core, like the powerful crystal core, is a passive ability.

Wang Tao thinks that this crystal core is not bad. If it is integrated with this power, it can improve its strong life-saving ability.

[Second-level crystal core·Timed defense]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Defense is greatly reduced at night)]

[Timed defense: Passive ability, defense increases during the day and remains unchanged at night]

The third crystal core is also a passive ability.

This timed defense ability made Wang Tao's eyes light up. After all, Wang Tao has seen how strong this pustule zombie's defense is.

If he knows this timed defense and combines it with the barrier ability, I don't know if his defense power can reach the level of a pustule zombie.

However, the side effects of the greatly reduced defense this night are a bit big.

The timed defense itself does not add defense at night, and coupled with this side effect of lowering defense at night, night becomes a weakness.

No wonder Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue's damage increased so much when they attacked this pustified zombie after night.

If Wang Tao wants to fuse this power, he can only get three crystal cores to get rid of this side effect.

[Second-order crystal core·Perception]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (side effects: non-female fusion, perception weakened by 50%)]

[Perception: Consume energy and sense surrounding life forms]

The fourth crystal core turned out to be a perception crystal core!

In the past few months since the end of the world, Wang Tao has seen Han Rui alone with the ability to sense, and her ability to sense is only +1. In the future, she may have to rely on omnipotent crystal cores to increase her level, because there are too few zombies to sense. , Wang Tao has never seen it before.

I didn’t expect that pustule zombie to have sentience!

But Wang Tao feels that the perception ability of the pustule zombies is not strong? He and Jiang Shixue launched a sudden attack, but it didn't even react...

Wang Tao looked at this side effect again. Only when a woman fuses this crystal core can she exert her full strength. When a man fuses it, it will be weakened by 50%!

So, this pustule zombie might be a male zombie?

Wang Tao feels that he has been discriminated against. Why should he be weakened by 50% if he wants to integrate?

Wang Tao really wanted to fuse this crystal core. After all, it was equivalent to installing a radar for himself.

But this side effect is too uncomfortable, weakening it by 50%!

There was no way around it. He could only save it in the future to see if he could get three crystal nuclei together, and then fuse them after removing this side effect.

The last one is the promotion core.

[Second-order crystal core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Impurities: 45% (no side effects)]

I'm pretty lucky, it's an ascension crystal core of excellent quality. Wang Tao probably has no use for it, but this thing is very precious and can be exchanged with others in the future.

The crystal cores in the crystal core gift package are all good, and it is not in vain that Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue took the risk to solve them.

Then Wang Tao looked at the other two packages.

The second package contains potions.

[Running Potion (Small)*5]

[Defense Potion (Small)*5]

"5 running potions and 5 defense potions, not bad."

Although Wang Tao has the formulas for these potions, he lacks key materials and cannot make them. He can only use zombie explosions to produce them. These 10 potions are enough for a while.

What was inside the last package surprised Wang Tao. It turned out to be the manufacturing drawings of a pair of shoes!

[Running Boots Manufacturing Drawing*1]

[Running Boots Manufacturing Drawing: A pair of running boots can be made. Materials required: iron block*5, steel wire*5, screws*5, rope*5, nails*5, rubber*5, plastic*5, cable*5, electronic components*5, battery*5]

[Running boots: durability +10, defense +10, running speed +10]

These shoes actually increase running speed!

This makes Wang Tao very happy. Running speed is still very important to him. After all, he does not have a special ability to increase speed.

There are not many materials needed to make shoes. Wang Tao took out all these materials with a thought.

In the darkness, a burst of colorful light flashed, and a pair of black shoes similar to military boots appeared in front of Wang Tao.

Jiang Shixue had already opened her eyes and looked at the shoes with some curiosity. She was sleeping very lightly, and the movement of the colorful light just now was obviously seen by her.

Wang Tao put on the new shoes directly, and immediately felt that these running boots were much more comfortable than the previous shoes!

The speed cannot be tested for the time being, but Wang Tao feels that it should be able to improve a lot. Even if there is no increase in speed, the durability and comfort alone are worth it.

Wang Tao saw Jiang Shixue's curious look and briefly explained to her that this was his new equipment.

Jiang Shixue didn't ask any questions and continued to sleep on Wang Tao's shoulder.

Wang Tao put his arm around Jiang Shixue's shoulders and looked at the space backpack again. He had finished looking at the spoils of the pustule zombie, but he had not yet looked at the three unfinished zombies he had killed in the zombie lair and the package of flesh and blood.

There are four packages in total.

The packages exploded by the three unformed zombies all contained the same thing, which were three second-order all-powerful crystal cores!

One is excellent, one is excellent, and one is outstanding!

This surprised Wang Tao. With these three, he could synthesize an epic all-powerful crystal core!

The all-powerful crystal core itself has no side effects, only impurities. After using two all-purpose crystal cores to synthesize an epic all-purpose crystal core, one crystal core will only have 0.1% impurities.

He calculated that his body now contained 1.1% impurities. If he could fuse nine all-powerful crystal nuclei with 0.1% impurity, which would be exactly 2% impurity, he could directly use two bottles of cleaning potion to remove the impurities without any waste!

There are only 3 epic all-powerful crystal cores now, keep saving!

As for the huge mass of flesh and blood that exploded, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

[Second-order crystal nucleus·peeling]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effects: None)]

[Split: After fusion, you can freely choose to strip yourself of a second-level ability. The stripped superpower will form a new core without side effects】

This stripping...isn't it similar to his extraction ability!

It seems that in addition to the inheritance during promotion, superpowers can also be replaced by peeling off crystal cores! Although he himself does not need it, others will. Wang Tao can already imagine the value of this crystal core!

I just don’t know what kind of zombies other people have to kill to get this stripped crystal core...

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