Nothing happened all night.

When Wang Tao woke up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already six o'clock in the morning.

As soon as he made a move, Jiang Shixue also woke up, and only Xu Xiaojun was still sleeping.

Xu Xiaojun was seriously injured. Even if Wang Tao used a medical kit for him, he would have to recover for a long time.

Wang Tao woke him up directly.

"I'm going out, so you can rest here first. I haven't locked the door. You can leave by yourself, or you can wait for me to come back."

The underground granary was still dark, and Wang Tao left some nutrient solution and a flashlight for Xu Xiaojun.

"Okay, thank you……"

The dazed Xu Xiaojun quickly thanked him.

Wang Tao patted Xu Xiaojun's shoulder, and then went up with Jiang Shixue.

There were a few ordinary zombies around the grain depot, but Wang Tao easily eliminated them.

He and Jiang Shixue searched the area carefully, but could not find the two bloody zombies from last night. Although I saw some scratch marks, I couldn't tell where the other person had gone.

If the other party is afraid of light, he is probably resting in a dark corner now...

Wang Tao originally planned to leave after getting the map. But now he changed his mind. He was going to wait and see if there was a chance to find the three bloody zombies during the day.

If he really couldn't find it, forget it, he wouldn't lose anything. If you can really find it during the day, you might be able to make some money.

As for night, there is a high probability that you can find them, but the problem is, if you find them, you can't defeat them... After all, these are three third-level zombies!

Returning to the underground granary again, Xu Xiaojun was fully awake and doing stretching exercises.

"Recovering well!"

Wang Tao sighed in admiration.

After Xu Xiaojun heard this, he quickly ran over and said with sincere gratitude:

"Thank you, Brother Wang, for your help. If it weren't for you, I would have died long ago..."

"It's just a piece of cake, you're welcome!" Wang Tao smiled and waved his hand, and then asked, "What are your plans next?"

"I...I'm ready to go back..."

Xu Xiaojun lowered his head and said.

If he hadn't wanted to thank Wang Tao again in person, he might have left after he sobered up.

"Go back? Where?"

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment.

"Go back to Fish Bay Camp..."

Xu Xiaojun's tone was a little low.


Wang Tao frowned a little. The people at Yuwan Camp had treated him like this. Why would he go back?

Wang Tao took a closer look, and he didn't see any anger or desire for revenge in Xu Xiaojun - he really wanted to go back.

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Wang Tao shook his head speechlessly.

This is someone else's choice and he won't care about it.

"Well... Then Brother Wang, I'm leaving. You are my lifesaver, but I have nothing to thank you for now... When I have the chance, I will definitely repay you -"


Wang Tao quickly interrupted Xu Xiaojun's words, then patted Xu Xiaojun's shoulder and said:

"The last person who said this to me is no longer here. I still hope you can live well."


Xu Xiaojun left.

Looking at the lonely back of the other party leaving, Jiang Shixue was a little confused.

"Is she going to take revenge? But I don't feel murderous intent."

"No, he is not seeking revenge, he is just going home."

Wang Tao explained.

"Others harmed him, why didn't he take revenge? Shouldn't he kill all those people?"

Jiang Shixue was a little puzzled.

"... It's not enough to kill them all. After all, many people participated in this operation. Just find the culprit. But everyone's choice is different. We don't have to worry about it. Just respect the fate of others."


I don't know if Jiang Shixue understood it, but she just nodded her head.

"Let's go, let's continue to look for traces of the third-level zombies. By the way, see if there are any first-level elite zombies or second-level zombies. If you see them, don't kill them. Leave it to me to do the finishing touches."

Wang Tao is still 410 blood away from reaching 10,000 blood. He wants to know if there will be any changes when he reaches 10,000 blood.

"Okay brother~"

Xu Xiaojun returned to the outside of Yuwan Base somewhat decadently.

When the people on duty at the intersection saw Xu Xiaojun, they immediately felt like they had seen a ghost.

"You, you're not dead!"

One of them spoke subconsciously.

These words made Xu Xiaojun frown a little. Why did it feel like he was cursing him to death?

But Xu Xiaojun didn't care about this. He spoke very politely:

"I'm not dead, I'm back. Please open the door, thank you."

Xu Xiaojun is two meters tall and has a burly physique, far exceeding that of ordinary people. Most people are like dwarfs in front of Xu Xiaojun.

However, Xu Xiaojun's stuttering speech and his honest smile made everyone not afraid of him.

Many people would even make fun of him in person. After all, Big Fat's good temper was recognized by everyone in the camp.

But now, Xu Xiaojun no longer stutters, the honest smile on his face is gone, there are some wounds on his arms, and an ax stained with black blood hangs on his waist...

This puts a lot of pressure on the two people on duty!

Xu Xiaojun's sense of oppression is too strong now. Whoever sees it is afraid!

"You, wait, I, I will inform you first!"

Xu Xiaojun stopped stuttering, but this man stuttered a little.


Xu Xiaojun didn't ask why. He was not a person who liked to ask why. After he responded, he stood here quietly and waited.

The guard on duty ran towards the camp and fell down on the way, appearing to be in a panic and not choosing the right path.

Another officer on duty looked at Xu Xiaojun with vigilance and defensiveness, and even put his hand on the homemade spear next to him.

It was as if the person standing in front of him was not the patron saint of their camp, but a terrifying zombie.

Xu Xiaojun was a little confused. He didn't understand why this man was so wary of him. He wasn't infected with the zombie virus either?

But Xu Xiaojun didn't say much. He wasn't very talkative to begin with, and after experiencing this incident, he became even less talkative.

The less he spoke, the greater the pressure on the guard became, and he even broke into cold sweat on his head.

I don't know if it was one minute, ten minutes, or more... Someone finally came out of the camp, and it was a large group of people. It seemed like the entire camp was here.

Seeing so many people, Xu Xiaojun had a rare smile on his face. These people were all here to greet him... right?

"You're not dead? You still have the nerve to come back!"

"Why don't you die! It's not enough that you killed so many of us. Are you coming back to kill us all?"

"My husband is dead, but you are still alive? Why aren't you dead?"

"Boss Lu was killed by you! Even if you are alive, you will have to live in an ignoble way! How dare you come back openly!"

"Are you trying to kill everyone in our base?"


Listening to everyone's chatter, Xu Xiaojun was a little confused. His head couldn't turn around.

At this time, Yu Wei, who was walking at the front, said with a look of hatred on his face:

"Xu Xiaojun, I didn't expect you to be alive. But even if you are alive, why do you have the nerve to come back? If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have died so many people, and neither would Boss Lu! You said, Why do you have the nerve to come back!"

"Because I killed so many people?"

Xu Xiaojun understood this time, but he still looked confused.

The death of so many people has nothing to do with him, right?

If you really want to say it is related to someone, it is only related to Boss Lu.

Because this order was given by Boss Lu, the first two people who went down obviously lost their voices, but Boss Lu thought it was okay, and everyone believed in Boss Lu's sixth sense. The result was huge casualties...

What does this have to do with him, Xu Xiaojun? If he hadn't risked his death in the end, no one would have come back alive...


Seeing that Xu Xiaojun seemed to be about to say something, Tian Peng next to him immediately interrupted loudly.

"Xu Xiaojun, do you want to argue that this has nothing to do with you? It's all Boss Lu's fault? Haha, you are too naive. Do you think we will believe you? You think that since Boss Lu died, you can die without any evidence, right? But you Unexpectedly, we are all still alive! You want to feed us to the zombies so that you can escape? Unfortunately, we are lucky enough to survive!"


No, use them to feed zombies to keep yourself alive?

Xu Xiaojun's CPU was almost burning. It was obviously because he kept his teammates alive with the belief that he would die, right?

Xu Xiaojun is a person who is not good at words. He is organizing words and thinking about how to explain.

But his silence made everyone think that he admitted it.

In fact, some people don't quite believe that Xu Xiaojun would do such a thing. After all, he is their patron saint and a good old man. When everyone is in trouble, they turn to Xu Xiaojun. When they run out of food, they ask Xu Xiaojun to borrow it. Xu Xiaojun never refuses. How could such a good person do such a thing?

But when I saw Xu Xiaojun, I "acquiesced". Everyone immediately felt that they had gone too far!

“You know people, you know faces, but you don’t know hearts!”

"Xu Xiaojun used to be a disguise! In fact, he has a very dark heart! He usually gives you some small favors and looks like a good old man, but at the critical moment he betrays his teammates!"

“Everyone was almost deceived by Xu Xiaojun!”


For a time, all kinds of abuses were heard.

Xu Xiaojun raised his head and watched these familiar people become more and more unfamiliar. He finally organized the language.

"Please believe me. I didn't kill anyone. I gave you the throne. If it weren't for me, the rest of you wouldn't have survived..."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Wei and Tian Peng were instantly shocked.

Why does this fat man suddenly speak so clearly?

Several people quickly thought about how to refute Xu Xiaojun's words.

At this time, an ordinary survivor suddenly spoke:

"Haha, you said it wasn't you! Look, you don't even stutter when you speak now! It means that your stuttering before was all disguised! If you even pretend to stutter, let alone other things! You kind of Those who are scheming, get out of our camp!”

When others heard this, they felt it made sense. So, everyone shouted at the same time:

"Get out of our camp!"

"Get out of our camp!"

"I didn't, please listen to my explanation..."

"Stop explaining! Get out of our camp!"


Xu Xiaojun originally wanted to continue explaining, but when he saw these people who had received help from him telling him to get out with a look of hatred on his face... Xu Xiaojun instantly lost his desire to speak.

"Ho ho..."

Suddenly, the roars of several zombies were heard.

The noisy crowd instantly shut up.

"There are zombies!"

A few ordinary zombies seemed to have heard the noise and wandered towards the entrance to the Fish Bay Camp.

There are many obstacles between these people and Xu Xiaojun. If the door is not opened, the zombies cannot get in. But many people were still frightened and backed away.

Xu Xiaojun saw that these people were unwilling to give him a chance to explain, but were frightened into silence by the roars of a few ordinary zombies... He suddenly felt so ironic.

Xu Xiaojun turned his head and took the fire ax directly, one by one, to kill all the zombies. Then he looked back at everyone, said nothing, and left a little lonely.

Seeing Xu Xiaojun's leaving figure, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew - I finally left. I was afraid he was going to fight us to the death!"

"Hmph, even though he is so big, he looks scary. But he is also afraid of so many of us. If he dares to attack, we will beat him to death in minutes!"

"It's best for this kind of scum to go away. It's bad luck to look at him!"

Everyone cursed.

"Hey, go back. We will have to rely on Boss Yu Wei more in the future!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Wei suddenly smiled and said:

"Don't worry, everyone, since I have become the new boss of our camp, I will do my duty as a boss, and I will definitely lead everyone to live in the apocalypse! Everyone, please go back, you can't ruin everyone because of a piece of mouse droppings Mood……"

Among the crowd, Li Yi, who had just arrived at the camp not long ago, had a complicated look on his face, but in the end he sighed helplessly and followed the others back.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue found no trace of a bloody zombie near the granary from early morning to dusk.

But Wang Tao is not disappointed, because the more this happens, the more it proves a problem - this kind of zombie is very afraid of the sun!

If this weakness can be exploited, Wang Tao feels that he and Jiang Shixue will definitely have a chance to hunt down a third-level zombie!

"They should probably come out at night..."

Wang Tao touched his chin and thought.

He was wondering, if the zombies really came out at night, could he follow them to see where their new lairs were... and then kill them during the day!

"Brother, look!"

Jiang Shixue suddenly tugged on Wang Tao's clothes.

Wang Tao looked where Jiang Shixue pointed and saw a burly figure squatting among the ruins.

He was tall, but huddled tightly. The setting sun shone on him, and he felt inexplicably lonely.

"Huh? Xu Xiaojun? Why is he here?"

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, then led Jiang Shixue and walked over.

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Tao suddenly spoke, startling Xu Xiaojun.

He quickly turned around and saw that it was Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a confused expression:

"I, I don't know, I'm just in a daze..."

Wang Tao knew at a glance that something happened after he returned to the Yuwan camp.

Wang Tao sat next to him and asked curiously:

"Can you tell me?"

Xu Xiaojun hesitated for a moment, but there was nothing he couldn't say. He finally said:

"They said I killed other people..."

After listening to Xu Xiaojun tell what happened, Wang Tao didn't have much surprise on his face.

Because Wang Tao knew very well that after those people locked the door and left Xu Xiaojun in the underground granary to attract zombies, there was no longer any relationship between them.

For them, it would be best if Xu Xiaojun died.

But what Wang Tao didn't expect was that after they returned to the base, they actually accused Xu Xiaojun of killing those people.

Normally, shouldn't we praise Xu Xiaojun for sacrificing his life for everyone and being the hero of their camp, so that Xu Xiaojun's spirit can be passed down in the camp?

Do these people know that Xu Xiaojun is not dead? So are you prepared in advance? But it doesn't look like it. After all, they couldn't have calculated Wang Tao's movements.

After thinking about it, Wang Tao felt that maybe it was because they needed someone to take the blame for this incident.

This kind of thing where the group is almost wiped out is a big pot that not everyone can afford.

If Boss Lu is still alive, then this pot must belong to Boss Lu, and then Boss Lu's prestige will be greatly reduced. But Boss Lu is dead.

Of course, even if Boss Lu dies, he can still take the blame, but in this case, Boss Lu's reputation will be completely ruined.

If some people want to do something, and this matter requires the endorsement of Boss Lu's reputation, then Boss Lu cannot take the blame.

For example... it's like a will like Boss Lu appointing someone as the new boss before he dies!

If Boss Lu can't take the blame, then Xu Xiaojun is the best candidate. After all, he is strong, he is the protector of the camp, and he is qualified to take the blame.

Of course, there may also be some personal grudges involved. For example, they are jealous of Xu Xiaojun's strength, or dislike Xu Xiaojun.

Xu Xiaojun is a good guy in the base, but being a good guy may not be liked by everyone, and he may be scolded behind his back.

To a certain extent, it is much more difficult to make everyone like Xu Xiaojun than to make everyone fear Xu Xiaojun!

If he had the power to intimidate everyone and make everyone afraid of him, how could something like this happen?

As for the fact that Xu Xiaojun returned alive, it should be beyond the expectations of many people. Maybe they were frightened when they saw Xu Xiaojun, and they were always on guard against Xu Xiaojun attacking them.

But looking at Xu Xiaojun's behavior, he probably didn't take action.

Wang Tao told Xu Xiaojun his thoughts.

After hearing this, Xu Xiaojun's expression suddenly became dull, and then he looked pained.

" turns out they don't like me..."

Wang Tao didn't say anything more, he patted Xu Xiaojun on the shoulder.

"I'm going to find a place to rest for the night, what are your plans?"

"I have no idea……"

Xu Xiaojun shook his head blankly.

"Then come with me. I will stay in the county for a few days. You might be able to help me."

Wang Tao invited.


Xu Xiaojun has nowhere to go.

He followed Wang Tao to a three-story building.

This is the place Wang Tao specially chose because he can see the granary from here.

Wang Tao moved away the debris that Xu Xiaojun had blocked the entrance to the underground granary, exposing the entrance. He wanted to see if those bloody zombies would come back. After all, this is their home base.

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