Night falls.

Xu Xiaojun looked at Wang Tao.

"Brother Wang, let me go with you, my injury has healed!"

"No, you are too weak."

Wang Tao shook his head.


Xu Xiaojun was a little embarrassed.

In fact, it's not that Xu Xiaojun is too weak, it's mainly that he can't see at night and can't keep up with Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue. Otherwise, it is okay to let him carry a bag.

Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to rest here, and he and Jiang Shixue climbed to the top of the building together.

From evening to night today, there was still no change near the granary.

Wang Tao felt that those bloody zombies should only appear when night really comes.

The cool breeze at night was very refreshing, and Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue were waiting quietly on the roof.

At some point, dark clouds covered the few stars, and the night grew darker.

Jiang Shixue tugged at Wang Tao's clothes.


Wang Tao followed the sound and saw a red figure slowly appearing from the dark night. That familiar figure was the third-level zombie I had seen before!

The bloody zombie did not notice Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue on the roof. It circled around the granary, as if searching for something.

Soon, the bloody zombies found the cave entrance.

Seeing the entrance of the cave, it seemed a little excited, but it didn't go in, but went elsewhere.

It is indeed "walking", just like an ordinary zombie, wandering outside. If you don't pay attention, you might mistake it for an ordinary zombie.

"Why does it feel like it's fishing..."

Wang Tao complained a little.

If someone alerts it without paying attention, it will definitely burst out with amazing speed in an instant and knock the target down!

Wang Tao and the other two waited for a while and saw the bloody zombie still wandering nearby. Apart from it, no other bloody zombies appeared.

"Let's go look elsewhere first."

Wang Tao said to Jiang Shixue beside him.


Wang Tao came out tonight not only to see if the third-level zombies were there, but also to look for the green pustule zombies.

After all, the pustule zombies at night have very low defense and they have no attack power. If they can be encountered, it will be a good experience package for Wang Tao.

Although they may encounter third-level bloody zombies when attacking pustular zombies, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue can definitely run away as long as they are not besieged.

During the day today, Wang Tao had already tested his pair of boots. He could only say that they were very strong!

Originally, his speed was not as fast as Jiang Shixue, but now after wearing these shoes, Wang Tao's speed is equal to Jiang Shixue's.

He doesn't even have 10,000 blood now, while Jiang Shixue has nearly 20,000 blood. It’s enough to show how powerful this pair of shoes is.

With this kind of life-saving equipment, although Wang Tao still can't compete with the third-level zombies, escaping is still not a big problem.

The two of them carefully searched around, but did not see the green pustule zombie. But I saw a second-level zombie.

"Second-level violent terror!"

Seeing the big man holding a giant axe, Wang Tao suddenly became excited.

He has seen a lot of first-level violent terrors, but he has never seen a second-level violent terror.

Strictly speaking, except for the orangutan zombies, Wang Tao seems to have never seen any other zombies promoted from the first level to the second level.

Wang Tao has never seen any second-level ones such as violent terrorists, chargers, and self-destructors.

The second-level zombies Wang Tao saw seemed to be second-level zombies, such as toad zombies, pustule zombies, etc.

Wang Tao is a little worried. If these zombies cannot advance to the second level, what will happen to his crystal core?

After all, his shock waves and precise shooting were originally the abilities of first-level zombies.

Fortunately, now he saw a second-level violent terror, which made Wang Tao feel relieved. It should be that there are relatively few second-level zombies for the time being, so he hasn't encountered them yet.

Wang Tao was going to hunt down this second-level violent terror, but for safety reasons, he and Jiang Shixue took care of all the other ordinary zombies around them.

After all, there are third-level zombies outside now. If other zombies cause noise, attracting third-level zombies will be very troublesome.

Wang Tao looked at this second-level violent terror.

[HP: 10000/10000]

[Blue amount: 2000/2000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

The size of the second-level violent terror is much larger than that of the first-level one. He is estimated to be two and a half meters tall. His upper body is naked and his muscles are all tangled. However, what he held in his hand was not a reinforced concrete sledgehammer, nor a street lamp, but a metal-colored two-handed giant ax that looked a bit plain and worn-out, with a full sense of oppression!

But its attributes are average, with only 10,000 health and 2,000 mana.

Of course, this is generally compared to Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue. If it is an ordinary superpower like Xu Xiaojun with about 2,000 health, this zombie is still very scary.

Wang Tao rushed towards the violent terrorist.

He was moving very fast now, and was only discovered when he got close to the violent terrorist.

The Violent Terrorist roared, raised his giant ax with both hands, and was about to attack Wang Tao.


Wang Tao struck the zombie directly on the head with an axe.




The Violent Terrorist's defense was relatively high, and Wang Tao only managed to cut off 2,000 HP with one full-strength axe.

Wang Tao retreated after cutting. Just when the violent ax was about to fall, a ball of white mucus suddenly appeared and instantly stuck the violent terrorist. The giant ax in the violent terror's hand failed to hit the ground.

The Terrorist attack made too much noise, and Wang Tao was afraid of attracting level 3 zombies, so he used a slime grenade.

The slime grenade only sticks to the Terrorist for a few seconds, but that's enough time. Jiang Shixue took action, and Wang Tao made a last-ditch attack. After the effect of the slime wore off, the Violent Terror fell to the ground.

Wang Tao quickly put away the loot and then took a look at his health bar.


When Wang Tao was looking for traces of third-level zombies today, he encountered several first-level elite zombies. After killing them, his health volume increased somewhat.

This violent terror provided him with a maximum health limit of 260, which was just shy of reaching 10,000 health!

Wang Tao looked at the loot again.

A crystal core, a package.

[Second-order crystal core·shock wave]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Eyes are afraid of light)]

Finally, we have a second-order shock wave crystal core. Unfortunately, the purity of the second-order crystal core is 5% lower than that of the first-order crystal core. After the two crystal nuclei are synthesized, there are still 10% impurities. If there are impurities, there will be side effects. Impurities don't matter, but Wang Tao definitely doesn't want this side effect.

I can only continue to save until I have enough three shock wave crystal cores to synthesize them.

Wang Tao looked at the violent terrorist package, and what was inside the package surprised him.

[Improved dilapidated giant ax manufacturing drawings*1]

[Improved dilapidated giant ax manufacturing drawings: A two-handed giant ax can be made. Materials required: two-handed ax*1 (the quality of the core material will affect the quality of the final molding), second-order crystal core*1, iron block *10, steel wire*10, gear*10, sharp edge*10, nail*10, screw*10]

[Improved dilapidated giant ax: unknown attributes]

It turned out to be a weapon manufacturing blueprint!

For so long, Wang Tao has seen a weapon manufacturing blueprint, which is the previous precision hand crossbow manufacturing blueprint. This drawing is the second one he has seen.

However, the blueprint for making this giant ax weapon requires a lot of materials, and it actually requires a second-level zombie crystal core! Among the things he had made using blueprints before, apart from potions and grenade bombs, only the food compressor required crystal nuclei.

Moreover, this drawing also contains a thoughtful reminder that the quality of core materials will affect the finished product. And this core material is the two-handed axe.

Wang Tao doesn't have a weapon like a two-handed ax in his hand - no, it seems he does!

He looked at the Terrorist corpse and saw a huge ax falling next to it. He almost forgot about this!

[Old Giant Ax*1]

This ax is also the same as other weapons dropped by zombies. It only displays the name and does not display specific attributes.

Wang Tao has a lot of materials on his body, including crystal cores. Now he also has the core material axe. Wang Tao looked at the manufacturing drawings again, and a "can be made" prompt appeared on it.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue walked around the area and found no other second-level zombies, not even first-level elite zombies.

Wang Tao found a relatively closed room and the two of them walked in together.

There were only a few ordinary zombies in the room, and Wang Tao easily eliminated them.

Then Wang Tao took out the giant ax and other materials and prepared to start manufacturing.

As for the zombie crystal core, Wang Tao chose a weak poisonous mist crystal core of ordinary quality.

He has a lot of second-order crystal cores in his hand, the most numerous of which are weak poisonous mist crystal cores, with a total of 14.

These were obtained when the toad zombies attacked the Shuizhe base with more than a dozen second-level weak poisonous fog zombies.

When Wang Tao and Han Rui separated, they left many first-order crystal nuclei to them, but Wang Tao took the second-order crystal nuclei for himself. These weak poisonous mist crystal cores are also in Wang Tao's hands.

After all the materials were prepared, Wang Tao thought, and a burst of colorful light flashed through.

All the materials disappeared, and a two-handed giant ax appeared that looked similar to the giant ax dropped by the violent terror.

The ax is two meters long and has a relatively plain appearance. It even has several gaps, which really corresponds to the word "shabby" in its name.

[Improved worn-out giant axe]

[Level 2 (Excellent)]

[Attack power +30, durability +30, attack speed - (5%~50%)]

The properties of this ax are beyond Wang Tao's expectations. It actually has levels!

The weapons Wang Tao used to make using blueprints had no level.

Is it because second-order crystal nuclei were added during the production of this weapon?

Wang Tao thinks this is the reason.

However, he added a second-level ordinary quality crystal core, but this weapon is of excellent quality. In addition, the manufacturing diagram does not indicate that the quality of the crystal core is related to the finished weapon... Wang Tao guessed that the quality of the crystal core should have nothing to do with the finished weapon. , this should all depend on luck.

The attack power of this giant ax was increased by 30 points. There was no attack power on Wang Tao's attribute panel, so he was not sure what the 30-point level was.

But the precision hand crossbow Wang Tao made before had an attack power of +10. That hand crossbow could no longer keep up with his strength, so he gave the hand crossbow to Ding Yuqin.

This giant ax has an added attack power of 30, so it should be stronger than the previous precision hand crossbow, right?

The second attribute is +30 durability. Wang Tao knows this is awesome.

Because Wang Tao has only worn out one piece of equipment so far. It was the previous security uniform that was destroyed while fighting the black fog monster and escaping for his life. And the durability of that security uniform is +1... You can imagine how durable this 30 durability attribute is.

As for the final reduction in attack speed, the reason why there is a floating range, Wang Tao guessed, is that it varies from person to person. People with strong strength will lose less attack speed, people with weak strength will lose more attack speed, and people with even smaller strength may not be able to lift it.

Wang Tao tried it and found that the ax was very heavy. The previous reinforced concrete sledgehammers, street lamps, etc. are incomparable.

He was able to swing it, but it became a bit difficult to use it for a long time.

"What a big ax!"

Jiang Shixue said from the side.

"Xiaoxue, come and try?"

Wang Tao suddenly thought that there was a very strong person beside him.


Jiang Shixue took it, imitated Wang Tao's movements, and waved it a few times. It feels like she is more relaxed than Wang Tao.

But Jiang Shixue frowned.

"I don't like this ax affecting my speed."

Jiang Shixue does not have a special speed ability, but her speed is not slow. She often relies on her speed to launch attacks. If she uses this ax, it might be weakened.

"Well, I'll find you a better weapon in the future."

Wang Tao rubbed Jiang Shixue's hair.

This ax also affects his mobility, but he has a space backpack, which he can put in when not in use and take out when in use. So there is no problem with portability.

Of course, when actually fighting, this weapon is indeed too heavy, which affects his performance a bit. It is best to use it as a special move.

Wang Tao put away his weapon and walked around the area with Jiang Shixue, looking for a zombie to try out the new weapon.

Unfortunately, they were not lucky enough. The two of them wandered outside until midnight. Not to mention the second-level zombies, they could not even touch the first-level elite zombies.

Wang Tao was a little helpless.

"Forget it, let's go back and see if the third-level zombie has returned to its nest."


Before the two came to the vicinity of the granary, they suddenly saw fire appearing in the distance.

In the dark night, the fire was very obvious.

"That over there... Fish Bay Camp? Did something happen to them?"

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows, that was the direction of Yuwan Camp.

However, Wang Tao doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, especially because there are only two people in the entire Yuwan camp who have a good impression on him. One is Boss Lu, who is dead, and one is Xu Xiaojun by his side...

When you come to the granary again, you can see the bloody zombie still wandering around.

Wang Tao did not dare to go any further. After all, he and Jiang Shixue combined could not defeat this third-level zombie.

The two returned to the small building where they were staying before.

"Huh? Where is Xu Xiaojun?"

Wang Tao found that Xu Xiaojun was missing.

There is a line of words carved crookedly on the wall.

"Brother Wang, something happened in the camp, I'm going back."

Wang Tao was speechless.

A normal person would have severed ties with them when they were abandoned by the camp.

As a result, Xu Xiaojun went back.

If you go back, just go back. It's not impossible to endure it for a while. But after Xu Xiaojun returned, he was humiliated and slandered. He was considered a bodhisattva if he didn't take action on the spot. If it were Wang Tao, he would definitely let those people know why the flowers are so red.

As a result, in the middle of the night, when he saw something happened at the camp, Xu Xiaojun ran over again... Could it be that he was a licking dog and thought he was not injured deeply enough?

Wang Tao really couldn't understand it.

But again, let go of helping others and respect the fate of others. Xu Xiaojun really wanted to die, and Wang Tao couldn't stop him.

The two continued to monitor the granary until dawn.

Wang Tao clearly saw that before dawn, the third-level bloody zombie crawled back through the hole!

"very good!"

A smile appeared on Wang Tao's face. Knowing the lair of this third-level zombie, he didn't have to worry anymore. He tried slowly, and there was always a way to force the zombie out!

He wanted to see how much strength this third-level zombie would weaken if it came out during the day! If the strength is reduced too much, then he and Jiang Shixue will be rude!

In the morning, Wang Tao caught up on his sleep.

Although after improving in strength, the requirements for sleep are not so high, and occasionally staying up late will have no impact at all. But Wang Tao's next target is level three zombies, so he must be more cautious.

At noon, Jiang Shixue woke up Wang Tao.

"The big fat guy is here."

Looking at Xu Xiaojun, who was dirty and injured again, Wang Tao was a little funny.

"You must have been kicked out again, right?"

Xu Xiaojun looked a little embarrassed and a little sad.

" dead..."

"Huh? Are they all dead? What's going on?"

Wang Tao's face became serious.

"Last night, in order to celebrate the new boss taking office, they held an induction ceremony... and ended up attracting the two terrifying zombies from the underground granary! The obstacles in the camp couldn't stop these two zombies at all, and there was no one in the camp. If you can resist, then there will be a massacre..."

"When I went there, almost everyone was dead. Only Li Yi jumped into the water and escaped temporarily, but half of his body was eaten by the fish in the lake, leaving only the upper half of his body... These are all Li Yi told me before he died..."

After listening to Xu Xiaojun's words, Wang Tao felt a little sad.

It’s really possible to avoid the first grade of junior high school, but not the fifteenth grade!

Those people who encountered the third-level bloody zombies abandoned Xu Xiaojun and saved their lives. As a result, all the principal and interest are now returned.

After sighing, Wang Tao suddenly looked at Xu Xiaojun and said:

"I'm curious, since they all abandoned you, why did you go back to save them?"

Is it possible that Xu Xiaojun is really a fool and can't tell the difference between good and bad?

Xu Xiaojun looked at Wang Tao, then lowered his head and said:

"... When the virus broke out, my family all sacrificed to protect me. I managed to escape, but I had no food at the time and was about to starve to death. Mr. Lu's father, Uncle Lu, passed by and he gave me a pancake... "

"Then I met Uncle Lu unexpectedly again. After I learned that Uncle Lu's son had a survivor camp, I followed Uncle Lu to the Yuwan camp. Later, Uncle Lu was infected. Before he died, he asked me to help Mr. Lu manage Yuwan. Camp, I promised..."

"I don't know how to manage the camp, I can only do it the way I know how to do it - I want to gain their favor, I try my best to protect them, I give them most of the supplies I collect... I want to be worthy of Uncle Lu The pancake I was given. But...I really tried my best."

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