Wang Tao once thought Xu Xiaojun was a fool.

But after listening to Xu Xiaojun tell his own experience, he realized that Xu Xiaojun was not a fool, but had a pure heart!

Lu's father gave Xu Xiaojun a pancake and saved his life. Xu Xiaojun used his life to repay the entire camp!

Xu Xiaojun does not know how to manage the camp, but he uses his own way and does his best to help the camp.

Even though he was abandoned and slandered, Xu Xiaojun still did not forget his promise to Uncle Lu.

People who don't know about it think Xu Xiaojun is a fool. Only Xu Xiaojun knows that he is just fulfilling his promise.

Wang Tao patted Xu Xiaojun on the shoulder.

"Well done!"

Wang Tao thinks that he cannot do this. Although he must repay kindness, if someone does not know what is good and what is bad, then Wang Tao will not tolerate others.

So Wang Tao admires Xu Xiaojun very much. Xu Xiaojun can still maintain such an innocent heart in the apocalypse... This is so rare.

"Have you decided where to go next?"

Wang Tao asked.

"I, I don't know..."

Xu Xiaojun lowered his head.

His home was gone when the virus broke out, and the camp was his second home, but now the camp is gone too.

"Then you can follow me from now on."

Wang Tao suddenly smiled and said.

Xu Xiaojun suddenly raised his head, and then said with some anxiety:

"...I, I don't know anything. I am too weak and will hold you back..."

In fact, he wanted to follow Wang Tao in his heart. Because Wang Tao is a good person and strong.

But he also knows his own weight. His strength is completely holding him back if he follows Wang Tao.

"Weak strength can be improved. When I make friends with people, I never care whether they are strong or not. They are not as strong as me anyway. What I care about is his character."

Wang Tao had a bright smile on his face. He seemed to be showing off, but he also praised Xu Xiaojun in a roundabout way.


Xu Xiaojun looked a little excited, but still very nervous.

"Then it's settled." Wang Tao patted Xu Xiaojun's shoulder directly, "I'm going to do something big in the next two days, so you can take a good rest."


Xu Xiaojun stood at attention subconsciously.

Wang Tao's big thing is to prepare to hunt down the third-level bloody zombies!

After all, this third-level zombie has a weakness of being afraid of light, and there is currently only one zombie in the lair, and the other two zombies are not available for the time being. Therefore, Wang Tao must act as soon as possible.

He originally planned to study it for a few more days, but decided to do it this afternoon!

If we delay for a few more days and let the two third-level bloody zombies return to their nest, it will be very difficult to deal with them.

As for how to deal with this zombie, Wang Tao thought of three plans.

The first plan is the simplest, which is to seduce it at the entrance of the cave, lure him out, and then see how much its strength will be weakened in the sun.

Of course, it might not come out, after all, Boss Lu had seduced her before.

Then use the second option - attack it.

Wang Tao feels that this kind of zombie should have a little bit of intelligence, after all, they can cooperate in hunting.

Creatures with certain intelligence should be guided by emotions, which means they will be angered.

As long as it is angered, it should be able to seduce it... Wang Tao feels that this plan has the highest probability of success.

The third option is more crude. That means blowing up the granary directly!

Wang Tao still has a lot of self-exploding bombs in his hand, so blowing up a granary is not a big problem. However, the noise caused by this was too great, and no one knew what danger it would cause. So this is a backup plan, and Wang Tao thinks it shouldn't be used.

"Go to Fish Bay Campground!"

Wang Tao took Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun to Yuwan Camp again.

Since you want to seduce this third-level zombie, just relying on movement and human smell may not be enough. Wang Tao thought it would be best to add some blood smell.

When a virus breaks out, not only humans suffer, but animals are also unlucky. Especially those animals kept in captivity are basically eaten by zombies.

As for what the animals are like in the wild, Wang Tao doesn't know, and he hasn't seen one yet.

So fresh meat is hard to find these days.

But it doesn’t matter, if there is no meat, you can also use fish.

Fish Bay Campground is on the edge of a lake, and there are many fish in the lake. Moreover, these fish may have mutated. Not only are they exaggeratedly large, but they can also eat humans.

According to Xu Xiaojun, although these fish have become larger, they still look like fish and have not turned into zombie fish. Therefore, Wang Tao felt that these fresh flesh and blood should be able to attract zombies.

The current Fish Bay Camp is a charred ruin, and the surrounding barbed wire fence has also been destroyed.

Wang Tao found a relatively thick steel pipe and tied it to the head of the steel pipe with a hemp rope. A mineral water bottle was tied in the middle of the hemp rope to serve as a float. A huge iron hook was used on the other end of the hemp rope. Hanging on the iron hook was a burnt bone. The bone was picked up from the ruins. It was not known whether it belonged to a human or a zombie. Anyway, it was used as waste.

After getting ready, Wang Tao directly raised his homemade fishing rod with both hands and threw it into the lake.


The fishhook with the big bone on it fell into the lake.

Wang Tao actually doesn't know much about fishing, but he likes fishing very much. Before the end of the world, he often watched live broadcasts or short videos of fishing.

As for why he doesn't go fishing by himself, it's naturally because he doesn't have time...

Now his wish is fulfilled. As long as he fishes here, no one will ask him to go to work...

However, after waiting for a long time, no fish took the bait, and his hands were a little sore. After all, it’s quite tiring to hold this thick steel pipe all the time.

"Do I have to make a nest first..."

After thinking about it, Wang Tao took out a bottle of nutrient solution, opened the lid, and threw it near the fish float.

After a while, Wang Tao felt something tugging on his pole. He waited for a moment, and then Wang Tao suddenly lifted it.


The water splashed everywhere, and a huge grass carp was pulled out of the water by him.


Wang Tao cursed subconsciously.

He had heard before that the fish in this lake were very big, but he didn't expect it to be so big - this grass carp felt like it was at least the size of an ordinary human being!


The grass carp was thrown to the shore by Wang Tao, and Xu Xiaojun quickly went over to suppress it.

If they were in the water, it would still be very troublesome to subdue these fish, and even Xu Xiaojun might not be able to hold them down. But now on the shore, this big fish was easily handled by Xu Xiaojun.

Wang Tao originally thought that just using a fish to seduce him would be enough. But looking at this big fish, he suddenly became greedy.

"Catch another one! Satisfy your craving!"

I have been taking nutrient solution every day recently, and my mouth feels very tasteless, making me want to eat fish.

As for whether the fish had eaten people, Wang Tao didn't care. Even if the fish had eaten people, they would have been digested by it. This does not mean that Wang Tao cannibalized people. And just don’t eat offal.

This big grass carp has a very strong vitality. Even on the shore, it is still full of vitality.

After Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to take a fancy to it, he continued fishing.

After a while, another one was caught.

It's also a big grass carp, bigger than the one just now.

Wang Tao handed the fish to Jiang Shixue.

"This is our dinner!"


Jiang Shixue is petite and the fish is much bigger than her.

Big fish were jumping around her, as if they were going to eat her.

Jiang Shixue punched the fish directly, knocking it out instantly. Then he picked up the fish and left.

When Xu Xiaojun, who was holding the big fish tightly next to him, saw it, he secretly cursed himself for being stupid, and then Bang Bang knocked out the big fish under his crotch with two punches.

Wang Tao returned to the granary and asked Jiang Shixue to deliver the fish to the place where he stayed last night. Wang Tao made many cuts on the big fish in Xu Xiaojun's hand.

Suddenly, the big fish woke up and struggled wildly. A lot of blood was shed.

Wang Tao tied the big fish tightly and threw it directly into the hole of the underground granary.

Snap, snap——

The big fish covered in blood jumped wildly at the entrance of the hole, but it was tied by a rope and couldn't escape at all.

Wang Tao and three others were lurking on one side, staring closely at the entrance of the cave.

At a certain moment, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue's eyes flashed with light at the same time!

"It's coming!"

Both of them felt a terrifying aura.

But what disappointed Wang Tao was that it seemed to take a glance inside the cave entrance and then left.

"Can you bear this?"

Looking at the ordinary zombies that were gradually attracted around him, Wang Tao complained a little. These ordinary zombies are here, but this bloody zombie hasn’t come out yet?

Xu Xiaojun went to deal with the ordinary zombies, while Wang Tao continued to wait for a while. But it still had no effect, and the bloody zombies still didn't come out.

"In that case, don't blame me!"

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue came to the entrance of the underground granary together. Xu Xiaojun was too weak to let him come over.

Opening the door, it was dark inside, revealing an eerie atmosphere.

However, Wang Tao and the two have night vision, so there is no need to fear sneak attacks.

Without hesitation, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue walked straight away.

The entrance was safe and there was no attack. However, after the two of them went deeper, a terrifying and ferocious figure suddenly appeared behind Wang Tao!


The bloody zombie rushed directly towards Wang Tao, but was knocked away by Jiang Shixue with a punch.

Although the punch did not cause any damage, the bloody zombie was obviously angry. It roared and rushed directly towards Jiang Shixue.

In such a relatively small space, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue did not perform very well. After a few moves with the bloody zombies, the two immediately retreated.

The bloody zombies were unwilling to let Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue go.

Fortunately, the two of them were strong. After resisting the claws of the bloody zombie, Wang Tao ran back to the ground.

"Whew—what a high attack!"

Wang Tao rubbed his numb back.

Just now, he resisted a blow from the bloody zombie with his back. Although he had stubborn armor and barrier abilities, he still knocked out more than 300 health points from Wang Tao.

It is estimated that if Xu Xiaojun came here, he would not be able to withstand this blow.

The two of them stared at the entrance warily, and saw the bloody zombie roaring at Wang Tao below, and then dived into the darkness. Even if Wang Tao shines a flashlight on it, it won't come out.

"No... can you bear this?"

Wang Tao frowned.

Doesn't this zombie have any intelligence? not going to be mad?

Unwilling to give up, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue took the risk again.

But he could clearly feel that the zombie was still a little angry, and the zombie seemed to remember him... But even so, the zombie still didn't chase him out.

Wang Tao thought this was the plan with the highest success rate before, but he didn't expect it to fail like the first plan.

"Are you going to do a third option?"

Jiang Shixue tilted her head and looked at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao looked at the sky and saw that the sun was already setting.

After just a slight hesitation, Wang Tao nodded firmly.

"Let's do it! Otherwise, if we wait until tomorrow and the other two zombies come back, it may be even more troublesome! It's still some time before it gets completely dark, so it should be enough!"

The third plan is to destroy the granary and blow up the bloody zombies!

Although this plan is very dangerous, Wang Tao doesn't want to wait any longer.

"Xu Xiaojun, go to Yuwan Camp. Clean up all the zombies around, and then build some simple defense facilities..."

Wang Tao ordered Xu Xiaojun.

The explosion of the granary will make a lot of noise and will definitely attract a lot of zombies. Wang Tao has to leave a way out for himself.

The protection ability of Yuwan Camp is average, but the location is relatively remote, there are few zombies around, and there is only one way into the camp. If there is any danger, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue can stop it.


Xu Xiaojun immediately returned to Yuwan camp again.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue worked together to clean up all the ordinary zombies around the granary.

After confirming that there were no zombies here, Wang Tao took out the self-exploding bomb.

At the slightest movement, these self-exploding bombs will detonate. So he had to make sure it was quiet.

The daytime of the apocalypse is very quiet. As long as there are no zombies, these self-exploding bombs are relatively stable.

Wang Tao carefully placed these self-explosion bombs in the granary.

After all the dozen bombs were released, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to be very alert when placing these bombs. If his hands shook, it would not be a matter of one bomb and two bombs. Instead, these more than twenty bombs exploded at the same time! Wang Tao didn't know how powerful it was, but he knew that he would definitely not be able to bear it.

Of course, Wang Tao also has a solution, which is to store the space backpack when the bomb is about to explode but has not yet exploded. This way an explosion can be avoided.

But this requires hand speed and a certain amount of luck. If it is not necessary, it cannot be so extreme...

"Let's go farther away..."

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue left the granary and looked at the entrance of the underground granary. He took a deep breath.

Wang Tao has never learned professional blasting. He doesn't know how much bombs are needed to blow up the granary, and where the bombs need to be placed...but he knows that bricks will fly with great force. As long as there are enough bombs and the power is strong enough, no matter what they are, they will all be blown up!

"Aren't there going to be bombs in this cave?"

Jiang Shixue asked in a low voice with some curiosity.

Because there are self-exploding bombs in the entire granary, but only the hole leading to the outside of the underground granary has not been placed.

"If a bomb is placed here, then the zombie will really be buried inside after the explosion. What we want is not to bury it, but to force it out. So we have to leave a hole for it to come out..."

Wang Tao explained.


Jiang Shixue nodded. It seems that I have learned a new knowledge.

After making sure everything was okay, Wang Tao took out the alloy recurve bow in his space backpack.

There are very few opportunities for him to use his bow and arrow.

Under normal circumstances, he uses melee weapons such as axes and hammers at close range, and throwing weapons such as throwing knives and axes at mid-range.

As for long distance... Wang Tao hasn't fought at a distance for a long time. It's not that he was unwilling, but because either the view was blocked by buildings during the battle, or the battle happened suddenly and there was no chance of long-range sniping.

Of course, just because Wang Tao uses it less does not mean that his skills are not good. He has practiced archery for a long time before, and now even if he doesn't need to shoot accurately, there is no problem with his accuracy.

Wang Tao drew his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at one of the self-exploding bombs.

call out--

The arrow flew out in a parabola, and then accurately hit a self-exploding bomb.

Boom, boom...

The self-explosive bomb immediately began to expand.


There was a loud noise and the self-explosion bomb exploded!

Then, the movement caused by this self-exploding bomb set off other bombs.


In an instant, a series of explosions sounded from the granary.

Wang Tao had already stuffed his ears with cotton in advance. Seeing that Jiang Shixue was still watching stupidly, he quickly covered Jiang Shixue's ears.


The noise of so many bombs exploding at the same time was so great that the whole county seemed to be boiling. The granary was filled with smoke and dust. Wang Tao clearly watched the granary collapse and then slowly sink into the ground!

At this moment, a bloody figure suddenly emerged from the hole that Wang Tao had left unexploded.


Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue had been prepared for a long time. The moment they saw the zombie figure, they rushed towards it.

"Wait! What's going on!"

But suddenly, Wang Tao's eyes widened.

Because he found that the moment the zombie came out, its body began to crack and smoke as if it was burned by fire. It let out a painful roar!

And its health bar is decreasing crazily! In just a few seconds, it had only a trace of blood left!


Wang Tao knew that sunlight was its weakness, but Wang Tao didn't expect that this weakness would be so terrifying - this was no longer a weakness, this was its Achilles' heel! If you touch it, you will die!

Without any time to think, Wang Tao swung the ax directly, and a shock wave was sent out, hitting it on the head.




The bloody zombie fell to the ground, and then its entire body turned into ashes.

"Is this... gone?"

Wang Tao walked over with Jiang Shixue in a daze.

At this time, the explosion attracted other zombies around, including a large group of crazy zombies!

"Ho ho..."

Wang Tao didn't care to think and hurried to pick up the loot.

"Huh? No crystal core?"

Only then did Wang Tao discover that after the bloody zombie died, there was no crystal core!

Although it was evaporated by the sun, the crystal core was not afraid of the sun. Maybe it really doesn't have a crystal nucleus...

However, although there was no crystal core, three loot packages exploded, and Wang Tao was satisfied.

Wang Tao threw several self-exploding bombs again. The sound of bomb explosions distracted the attention of many zombies. Wang Tao hugged Jiang Shixue and charged for more than thirty meters in an instant, away from the battlefield.


The two of them ran towards the location of Yuwan Base.

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