
Wang Tao swung his ax and killed the last chasing zombie.

"Fortunately, not many zombies are chasing me..."

The noise of the explosion just now was too loud, so Wang deliberately threw a few self-explosion bombs to distract the zombies. In addition, the two of them ran fast, so there were not many zombies chasing them. Just a small group of zombies, easily dispatched.

But Wang Tao's face was a little serious.

The zombies that are catching up include crazy zombies. In the past, the blood of crazy zombies was 2,000, but now, the blood of crazy zombies has reached 4,000!

To him, the crazy zombie with 4,000 blood is naturally not a threat. But what if the crazy zombie’s health exceeds 5,000 and reaches the second level? With the number of crazy zombies, it would be very troublesome!

"Let's go."

Shaking his head, Wang Tao stopped thinking about it and arrived at the Yuwan Camp with Jiang Shixue.

Xu Xiaojun has built a simple cabin and built some fences outside. Although it doesn't feel like it has much defense, at least it makes it invisible to zombies.

Zombies also have vision, especially some powerful zombies that can see very far. Some blocking is still necessary.

"Brother Wang!"

Xu Xiaojun finally felt relieved when he saw that Wang Tao and Wang Tao were fine.

The previous explosion scene scared him badly. He didn't know where Wang Tao got so many bombs, and he was afraid that Wang Tao and Wang Tao would be killed. Fortunately, Wang Tao and the two came back safely.

"It will get dark soon. Let's make do here at night and take turns keeping watch."

Wang Tao looked at the sky and said.


"Eh? Did you bring that fish too?"

Wang Tao saw another big fish in the house, which seemed to be the one he had caught before.

Wang Tao thought that he could lure out the bloody zombies, so he took this fish over for dinner. But who knew that the bloody zombies could not survive and could only use bombs. After frying, you have to run away, and the fish will just be wasted. But Wang Tao didn't expect that Xu Xiaojun was quite attentive when looking at the five big and three thick people...

"Hey, I was afraid of wasting it, so I brought it."

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head.

"Okay, let's be a fish to eat while it's still dark!"

Wang Tao said with a smile.

Although Fish Bay Camp is in ruins, some pots, pans and other things can still be found.

Wang Tao found a large pot, put the fish meat prepared by Xu Xiaojun into the pot, and then added the purified water in his space backpack.

Seeing a pot of water suddenly appear in Wang Tao's hand, Xu Xiaojun was stunned.

But he didn't ask any more questions. This was the end of the world, and it was reasonable to have powers similar to storage spaces.

Wang Tao didn't have a lighter on him, so he chipped some sawdust, took a stick and started drilling wood to make fire. With his super fast hand speed, the flames ignited in a moment.

This fish is very big, even though a lot of things have been disposed of, there is still a lot of fish meat left.

Wang Tao made part of the fish into fish soup and part of the fish into grilled fish.

If it's safe these two days, Wang Tao plans to catch a few more big fish and turn them into nutrient solution.

The grain left in the underground granary has been made into nutrient solution by Wang Tao. There are a lot of nutrient solutions in his space backpack, but they are all rice-flavored and relatively simple. He needs other flavors to spice things up...

Xu Xiaojun quickly built a simple barbecue grill, and Wang Tao asked him to grill the fish.

Jiang Shixue looked at Wang Tao eagerly.

"You can also help grill the fish."

Wang Tao immediately shrugged.


Jiang Shixue's little face was full of happiness.

There is no seasoning on Wang Tao, only salt and chili. But that’s enough. This is the end of the world, so there’s no need to pay too much attention to it, as long as you can eat it.

After the sun went down, the fish was cooked and grilled.

Wang Tao quickly extinguished the flames to avoid attracting zombies - a large amount of flames will make the zombies retreat, but a small amount of flames may attract the attention of the zombies. So it's better to be cautious. After all, there are still two third-level zombies outside.

"smell good!"

Jiang Shixue took a big sip of fish soup and immediately praised it.

"Yeah, not bad."

Wang Tao also thought it tasted pretty good.

He saw Xu Xiaojun holding the bowl in a daze, and asked:

"Xiaojun, don't you want to eat?"

"Oh, eat..." Xu Xiaojun came to his senses and quickly took a sip of soup and a bite of fish. "It's delicious!"

"Haha, if it tastes good, eat more."

Wang Tao laughed. This is also a recognition of him as a chef.


Xu Xiaojun nodded heavily.

He ate it hungrily, and before he knew it, a tear fell into the bowl.

If he remembered correctly, besides Uncle Lu, Wang Tao was the first person to invite him to dinner since the end of the world...

After dinner, Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue to rest while he kept vigil first.

All the defensive measures in the Yuwan camp were gone, and there was such a big explosion in the granary. Wang Tao had to be more cautious to prevent zombies from coming.

During the vigil, Wang Tao took a look at the gains from killing this third-level zombie today.

The fact that this third-level bloody zombie had no crystal core was a bit beyond Wang Tao's expectations.

It also has blue content. Theoretically speaking, if it has blue content, it will have superpowers, and if it has superpowers, it will have a crystal core.

But it may be a special situation. After all, Wang Tao did not see it using any special abilities. It relied solely on physical power...

If there is no crystal core, there will be no crystal core. There are many other gains.

Wang Tao looked at his health bar.

His blood volume increased by 4500! Now it has reached [14450/14450]!

This increase in the upper limit of blood volume is quite a lot, but this is a case where a leapfrog kill has been tripled. Normally it should be 1500...but no matter what, this increase in blood volume is great!

30,000 blood is the third level, and Wang Tao is not far away from the third level now.

When he reached 10,000 blood, no sleep mechanism was triggered. He could feel that his strength was directly improved, and it improved a lot. This is great, you don’t have to worry as much as before.

And since it is a leapfrog kill, it naturally has special energy. Wang Tao's special energy has also been increased by 4500, now it is 7740!

Fusion of second-level powers requires 5,000 special energy, and he can fuse it again! However, we need to carefully study which abilities to fuse...

Finally, there were packages. This bloody zombie exploded three packages.

The first package contained a crystal core gift package.

This left Wang Tao a little speechless. It didn't explode the crystal core itself, but there was a crystal core in the package... This was a bit interesting.

There are a total of 4 crystal cores in the package.

After seeing the specific properties of the first crystal core, Wang Tao's face lit up.

[Level 3 Crystal Core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

This is a crystal nucleus that is even larger than the second-order crystal nucleus.

"It turned out to be a third-level promotion crystal core..."

Although he can't use it now, he will have to use it when he reaches the third level in the future. With this crystal core, it can save him a lot of time.

Moreover, just like Wang Tao’s guess, the purity of the third-order crystal core has dropped by 5%, to only 40%...

[Third-order crystal core·Energy boost]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

[Energy boost: Increase the upper limit of blue energy by 1000]

The second crystal core was an energy-boosting crystal core. Wang Tao frowned when he saw the introduction of this crystal core.

This is a crystal core that directly increases the blue limit.

1000 mana is a lot, equivalent to the mana added by 10 first-order crystal nuclei or 5 second-order crystal nuclei. But just adding mana is useless, it must be used in conjunction with other abilities.

This crystal core may be said to be good, but it is also tasteless—wait a minute!

Wang Tao suddenly thought of a question!

He can fuse his own abilities. If he fuses this ability with other abilities, then it seems useless?

And he also has the ability to extract. If he fuses this crystal core and obtains the upper limit of 1,000 blue energy, and then uses the extraction ability to extract the crystal nucleus, will his upper limit of 1,000 blue energy still exist?

If the upper limit of mana is still there, wouldn't it be equivalent to a bug?

It's a pity that Wang Tao has not reached the third level now and cannot fuse. Otherwise, he has to try it no matter what!

"Keep the crystal core first and try it again later to see if it works!"

[Level 3 crystal core·increased blood volume]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

[HP increase: Increase the upper limit of HP by 1000]

The third crystal core is a blood volume increasing crystal core, which can increase the upper limit of blood volume by 1000.

It looks like it is similar to the energy-boosting crystal core, but the blood volume and mana volume are different, and the blood volume has an upper limit.

If other abilities fail to advance, the blood volume will be stuck. Then this increase in blood volume is meaningless... and killing zombies will also gain the upper limit of blood volume, which is definitely more cost-effective than fusing crystal cores. After all, Wang Tao gained 4,500 health points by killing a level 3 zombie, but this crystal core only added 1,000 health points.

This blood volume increasing crystal core is a bit useless...

Unless, this increase in blood volume can exceed the upper limit. For example, when the blood is stuck at 4999 and it can be raised to 5999, then this crystal core will be useful.

"I'll try it later when I have a chance to see what this increase in blood volume is all about."

[Third-order crystal core·Physique improvement]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

[Physique improvement: Physical fitness is improved in all aspects]

The last crystal core was a physique-improving crystal core, which also surprised Wang Tao.

He personally feels that this crystal core is better than the blood volume improvement, and is on the same level as the energy improvement crystal core.

However, like the energy-boosting core, it may not be very effective when used alone. But if paired with other abilities, it should be great.

Of course, Wang Tao can fuse and extract powers. Therefore, Wang Tao also included this kind of crystal nucleus in the scope of experiments. If there is a chance later, he will synthesize or extract it. If you could combine blood volume increase, energy increase and physical fitness increase into one ability, that would be awesome!

Wang Tao put away the crystal core, and then looked at the second package exploded by the bloody zombie. This package contains potions.

[Strength Growth Potion*5]

[Agility Growth Potion*5]

[Spiritual Growth Potion*5]

A total of 15 bottles of potions!

And it’s not a potion that increases temporary status, but a potion that increases permanent attributes!

[Strength growth potion: After injection, your strength will be permanently increased to a certain extent]

[Agility Growth Potion: After injection, agility will be permanently increased to a certain extent]

[Spiritual Growth Potion: After injection, your spirit will gain a certain degree of permanent increase]

The orangutan zombie Wang Tao killed before exploded with 5 strength-increasing potions. After the injection, he felt the effect was still very obvious.

So Wang Tao did not hesitate and directly injected these 15 medicines into his body one after another.


After the injection of the medicine was completed, Wang Tao felt comfortable all over. This improvement is obvious!

He felt that his strength was much stronger, his reactions became faster, and he was no longer sleepy instantly!

However, it is difficult to say how much the strength will be improved. This will only be known after testing. It is obviously not suitable now.

Then Wang Tao looked at the last package. There were two things in it. They are [High Power UV Flashlight*1] and [Small UV Flares*20].

[High-power UV flashlight: It can emit ultraviolet light, but due to its high power, it consumes high power and has a relatively short duration. Energy can be restored through the battery]

This is a small square flashlight that looks very ordinary, only about the size of a palm. No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with high power. This flashlight uses a battery, but it is not an ordinary battery, but a battery made of materials that Wang Tao exploded from killing zombies.

Wang Tao took a flashlight and shined it into the dark night.


A large group of intense purple light instantly appeared on the ground in front of him.

"Oh! No wonder it is said to be high-power, so bright!"

Wang Tao quickly turned off the flashlight to avoid attracting zombies.

But Wang Tao was a little confused, why a UV flashlight? This kind of purple light looks very uncomfortable, and I feel it is not suitable for use at night...

But after seeing the second item, Wang Tao knew why it was ultraviolet light.

[Small ultraviolet flare: After ignited, it can emit strong ultraviolet light within a certain range and last for 25 seconds. Ultraviolet light can block or burn some mutated zombies that are afraid of ultraviolet rays]

"So these bloody zombies are not afraid of ordinary light, but are afraid of ultraviolet rays? No wonder I shined a flashlight on it before, and it didn't react much, but when the sun shined on it, it turned into ashes..."

Only then did Wang Tao realize that the weakness of these bloody zombies was actually ultraviolet rays, and a large amount of ultraviolet rays should be used to be effective. Ordinary lights also have ultraviolet rays, but too little, so they may not be effective...

Small UV flares are tubular in shape, similar to flares. Overall it is relatively compact and can be carried anywhere.

As for the specific effect of this flare, there is no way to test it for the time being. After all, he only has 20 of this thing, so he has to wait until the critical moment to use it.

And this trophy is quite interesting. After killing the bloody zombies, the corresponding weapons and equipment will be dropped!

Then if you encounter a bloody zombie again, you may not have to go to such trouble!

After putting away these trophies, Wang Tao looked at the second-order crystal core in his hand.

He has a lot of second-order crystal cores in his hand, but excluding promotion and almighty cores, most of the cores are basically not repeated.

Only the Weak Poison Mist has a larger number of crystal nuclei, about a dozen. Next is the powerful crystal core, there are three of them.

Wang Tao felt that the power of weak poisonous mist was not suitable for him. So don't think about it.

He could synthesize an epic powerful crystal core with no side effects or impurities. Wang Tao also wanted this ability.

But the problem is that now that he is fusing the crystal core, he has to consider whether it will be easy to fusing superpowers in the future.

Dali is a passive ability, and his other three abilities are all active abilities. Wang Tao felt that the probability of Dali's synthesis with the other three crystal nuclei was very low... So it would be inappropriate to fuse Dali now.

So after much deliberation, he still couldn't fuse the second-order crystal core for the time being. I still have to save some more.

Unfortunately, these more than nine thousand special energies may not be used for the time being.

The next day, early morning.

Wang Tao opened his eyes and saw Jiang Shixue staring at him.

Fortunately, Wang Tao is used to Jiang Shixue's occasional strange behaviors, otherwise he would probably be shocked.

"Good morning Xiaoxue."


Wang Tao came out and saw Xu Xiaojun patrolling nearby.

Wang Tao was on duty for the first half of the night yesterday, and Xu Xiaojun was on duty for the second half of the night. Jiang Shixue has been sleeping, but she is a very light sleeper and gets up immediately if there is any movement.

"Xiaojun, are you tired? If so, go and catch up on some sleep."

Wang Tao expressed concern.

"Brother Wang, I'm not sleepy."

Xu Xiaojun hurriedly patted his chest and said.


Seeing Xu Xiaojun's energetic appearance, Wang Tao smiled and nodded.

There was still some fish left from yesterday, so a few people ate it briefly as breakfast.

While eating, Wang Tao suddenly discovered that the three of them seemed to be quite capable of eating——

He didn't say anything. He already had a large appetite, but after becoming a superpower, his appetite increased dramatically.

Xu Xiaojun is stronger than him and has a large appetite.

As for Jiang Shixue, she looks thin and small, but her stomach is like a bottomless pit, and she eats the most among the three! After all, she is now half human and half corpse, so her appetite is very reasonable.

"I need to prepare more food in the future!"

Wang Tao felt a little emotional. Although he had a lot of nutrient solution, it was not a problem to always take nutrient solution.

Fortunately, Wang Tao has three magical stomach pouches in his hand, which can hold a lot of food.

"this is for you."

Wang Tao handed a stomach bag to Xu Xiaojun.

"Is this...a water bag?"

Xu Xiaojun was a little confused.

"It's a food storage thing."

Wang Tao gave him a brief demonstration, and Xu Xiaojun suddenly looked surprised.

"Today we will catch more fish and make the fish into food and put it in the stomach pouch..."

Each of the three people has a magical stomach pouch, which can store a lot of food.


Xu Xiaojun is full of energy.

The whole day, Wang Tao and the other three have been fishing here. A total of more than a dozen fish larger than ordinary humans were caught!

I kept busy until the sun went down and finally got rid of these fish.

Wang Tao planned to continue fishing during the day tomorrow. He came to a good fishing spot and couldn't waste it.

As for tonight, Wang Tao is going to go out with Jiang Shixue.

He remembered that there were two third-level bloody zombies here.

There are so many benefits to killing level 3 zombies, plus Wang Tao has a UV flashlight and flares in his hand, so he wants to see if he can kill another one!

Even if that doesn't work, then at least you have to know where the lair of these two bloody zombies is. Maybe we can replicate yesterday’s success again!

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