
Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue came to the county again.

After seeing the situation in the county, Wang Tao's eyes widened.

"Hiss... so many!"

He thought there were only three third-level bloody zombies in the county. He killed one, so there should be two left... But now he had just entered the county and saw three bloody zombies!

"Take a detour."

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue sneaked around.

Although he now knows the fatal weaknesses of these zombies, he saw three of them as soon as he arrived, which gave Wang Tao a bad feeling - if there were so many zombies in other places, then he couldn't provoke them rashly... …

After bypassing these three zombies, Wang Tao saw another lone bloody zombie.

"Do you want to take action?"

Jiang Shixue was a little eager to try. She didn't know what it meant to be afraid.

Wang Tao was a little moved, but after thinking about it, he held it back.

"First check to see if there are any other zombies around..."

If there was only this one, Wang Tao felt that if he had a UV flashlight and UV flares, he should be able to deal with it, even if it was night.

But if there are other bloody zombies around, it's hard to say.


The two of them searched around the lonely bloody zombie, and Wang Tao suddenly felt a little numb.

"One, two, three...eight! Rub! It's a shame I didn't do anything!"

Wang Tao also didn't expect that there were so many bloody zombies nearby.

Could it be that... there is a lair of bloody zombies in the county, and is it nearby?

But if there really is a large nest, how much loot would be harvested if the nest could be blown up like a granary?

"Let's find a place to rest first, and then see if we have a chance to follow..."


It is impossible to deal with them now. After all, there are so many third-level zombies that Wang Tao cannot defeat. Although he has ultraviolet lights and flares, the range of these things is limited, unlike the sun, which gives zombies nowhere to hide. These zombies can escape.

The two found a six-story residential building with no too tall buildings around, so they could just observe it.

From time to time, you can see level three bloody zombies appearing, and the place where they appear most frequently is near the granary.

Wang Tao estimated that it might be because there was too much movement during the day. Although these zombies did not dare to come out during the day, they still wanted to go and have a look at night... This also proved from the side that these zombies do have some wisdom!

Until dawn, Wang Tao didn't find a chance to take action.

"They're running away!"

Jiang Shixue reminded Wang Tao.

"Let's go, follow!"

The sky in the distance turned fish-belly white, and these ferocious bloody zombies immediately ran towards the darkness.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue suddenly appeared near the bloody zombies, but they seemed to have not seen Wang Tao and the two, or were waiting to go home quickly, and ran towards the darkness regardless.

These zombies were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, most of them were gone.

Wang Tao stared at a zombie and followed it closely.

But I don’t know if they felt the threat of the sun coming out. These zombies ran extremely fast, faster than when they chased Wang Tao before!

Wang Tao's speed has increased so much now, and he still can't catch up!

So Wang Tao took out the UV flashlight without saying anything.


A bright purple light hit the bloody zombie.


The zombie immediately roared and ran faster!

The skin on its body sizzled as if it had been burned.

However, compared to the sun, the damage caused by ultraviolet flashlight is still incomparable-under the sun's irradiation, they will turn into ashes in a few seconds. But Wang Tao's ultraviolet flashlight can only make it drop a few hundred drops of blood.

Seeing the bloody zombie disappear from his sight, Wang Tao shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that the main purpose of this UV flashlight is for defense. It is impossible to attack with this thing. They can completely avoid it, and the damage is not high..."

However, Wang Tao was satisfied. It was better to have defensive measures than none.

After the sky was completely bright, the bustling Jinbi County began to slowly return to calm. Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue searched again, but still could not find the bloody zombie lair, but they found a few first-order elite zombies.

Wang Tao was not polite and easily dispatched these zombies, so that he did not return empty-handed.

Back at Yuwan Camp, Xu Xiaojun was busy cooking fish.

Seeing Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue coming back, Xu Xiaojun felt a little ashamed.

He felt that he really couldn't do anything to help him. Even though he was so big, he could only do some small jobs...

Xu Xiaojun is not a person who hides his worries. Seeing the shame and loneliness on his face, Wang Tao suddenly smiled and said:

"Xiaojun, do you have any favorite abilities?"

"Huh? I don't know about supernatural powers..."

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head.

"That's it, then just listen to me."


Xu Xiaojun didn't know what Wang Tao meant, but he nodded immediately.

Xu Xiaojun's strength is too weak, with less than 2,000 blood now. This strength is indeed a hindrance when it comes to Wang Tao.

So Wang Tao is going to improve Xu Xiaojun's strength.

Xu Xiaojun has only fused one crystal core, which is the powerful crystal core.

This crystal core is quite suitable for him, because the side effects of this powerful crystal core are related to body size. Small body size will cause negative growth. And Xu Xiaojun happens to be tall and tall, so this side effect is equivalent to none.

Wang Tao had given most of the first-order crystal cores to Wei Zhenguo and Han Rui before, but Wang Tao still had some left in his hands. In addition, he killed many elite zombies along the way, so he had First order nuclei are sufficient.

Wang Tao directly took out 9 fused first-order powerful crystal cores and handed them to Xu Xiaojun.


Seeing so many red and orange crystal nuclei, Xu Xiaojun was a little confused. Because he has fused this kind of crystal core, he knows that he can use it!

"You should fuse all these crystal nuclei."

Wang Tao spoke very casually. It seems that these are not 9 crystal nuclei, but 9 ordinary stones.


Xu Xiaojun didn't dare to answer. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Tao.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."


Xu Xiaojun subconsciously took it.

Feeling the cool touch of the crystal core, Xu Xiaojun glanced at Wang Tao with great gratitude and excitement, and then took a crystal core and put it in his mouth.

Seeing Xu Xiaojun start to fuse the crystal core, Wang Tao looked at his backpack again.

Xu Xiaojun told Wang Tao before that he felt that he could fuse two or three more crystal nuclei.

Then Xu Xiaojun is a superpower who can fuse four kinds of crystal nuclei.

The first type of crystal core is Dali. As for the latter three, Wang Tao thinks that they can be considered in terms of close combat.

After all, Xu Xiaojun's body type is here, and he has the ability to increase strength, so if he doesn't integrate the melee ability, it will be wasted.

Moreover, Xu Xiaojun told Wang Tao before that he prefers to fight directly, so long-range attacks are not suitable for him.

After some consideration, Wang Tao took out a few crystal nuclei.

A copper-skinned iron bone, a shock wave and a charge.

Wang Tao felt that these three crystal cores were quite suitable for Xu Xiaojun. There is attack, defense, and displacement.

After spending some time, Xu Xiaojun fused all the powerful crystal nuclei given by Wang Tao. He has never felt so strong!

"I'll take you to kill some zombies in the next two days, and then fuse other crystal nuclei."

Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun.


Xu Xiaojun did not hesitate this time, but nodded heavily.

He liked the feeling of increased strength. Although he would owe Wang Tao a lot in this way, he has made up his mind to follow Wang Tao all the time, and he will slowly repay Wang Tao!

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue again. He said he would use zombie culture fluid for her before, but he never had time. Now I have time to train Jiang Shixue...

In the morning, Wang Tao and others fished for a while and harvested many big fish. In the afternoon, Wang Tao took Xu Xiaojun to hunt first-level elite zombies.

But his luck was not good today. He spent an afternoon wandering around the county town without much gain.

But the good thing is that Xu Xiaojun's blood volume has been increased to 2000.

Xu Xiaojun immediately fell into sleep and was dragged back by Wang Tao.

While Xu Xiaojun was sleeping, Wang Tao said to Jiang Shixue:

"Xiaoxue, let me use the culture medium for you."


Jiang Shixue's eyes lit up, and then she sat directly next to Wang Tao, opening her small mouth to him like a kitten.

Wang Tao took out a bottle of culture solution and poured it into Jiang Shixue's mouth.

After a while, Jiang Shixue became drowsy and fell into Wang Tao's arms.

[Cultivation: 1% of total amount (99% can also be added). Remaining time: 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

Wang Tao opened Jiang Shixue's mouth and continued to pour the culture solution. After pouring a total of 100 bottles, Jiang Shixue's head displayed "Total 100%".

An hour later, Jiang Shixue woke up.

[HP: 20200/20200]

Her maximum blood volume increased by 1,000, reaching 20,000!

"Brother, I feel like I'm a lot stronger..."

Jiang Shixue clenched her fists, feeling a little excited.

"As long as it's stronger, can you feel when you can continue to use the culture medium next time?"

"I feel like... it's about once every three days..."

Jiang Shixue frowned.

"Once every three days... OK, I'll train you again in three days."

Jiang Shixue can add 1,000 blood using the culture medium in three days, so she can reach 30,000 blood in a month!

I just don’t know what conditions Jiang Shixue needs to advance to the third level, because her situation is a bit special - she cannot fuse crystal nuclei.

Even Wang Tao still doesn't know what specific powers Jiang Shixue has. Wang Tao even doubted whether Jiang Shixue was just like the bloody zombies. She was purely physically strong and had no special powers...

Jiang Shixue herself couldn't explain clearly. Her missing memory seemed to have forgotten her powers. But fortunately, she knows how to use her hiding ability, and her physical fitness is very strong, so she is now Wang Tao's right-hand assistant.

After another two hours, Xu Xiaojun woke up.

"How many types of crystal nuclei do you think you can fuse now?"

Xu Xiaojun thought for a while and then said:

"It should be possible to... fuse two more types. If you fuse the third one, there may be problems..."

"Okay, then let's fuse the crystal cores. You can choose two to fuse."

Wang Tao gave the other three crystal nuclei to Xu Xiaojun.


Xu Xiaojun still feels like he is in a dream. He never thought that improving his strength would be so simple!

Of course, he knew that the reason why he could be so simple was all because of Wang Tao. If it weren't for Wang Tao, let alone improving his strength, he would probably be dead long ago... He is a person who is not good at words. There is no need to say anything more, just watch his actions.

The next day.

Wang Tao continued to take Xu Xiaojun to hunt zombies.

"I miss the First Hospital a little!"

Wang Tao was a little emotional.

Probably because there are green-eyed zombies in the First Hospital, first-level elite zombies are being produced in batches. Wang Tao couldn't even kill them all.

Although there is a hospital in Jinbi County, there are no green-eyed zombies, so there are not many elite zombies in the hospital.

However, this hospital is similar to the hospital in Shuize County, that is, there are many crazy zombies! In order to avoid trouble, Wang Tao did not go to the hospital.

A group of people fished and killed zombies during the day. I secretly followed the third-level bloody zombies at night, but unfortunately I couldn't keep up. The bloody zombies ran too fast when they fled for their lives...

Three days later, Xu Xiaojun finally reached 3,000 blood and fell into sleep again.

Wang Tao trained Jiang Shixue again, and Jiang Shixue's upper limit of blood volume was increased by 1,000, reaching 21,200!

In the evening, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue continued to look for the third-level bloody zombies.

Wang Tao is no longer prepared to fight the bloody zombies. After all, there are too many of them. If he is besieged, he will not be able to use ultraviolet light.

So Wang Tao now plans to follow these bloody zombies when they return to their lair at dawn to see where their lair is.

If he could find his lair and had the chance, Wang Tao wouldn't mind blowing up the granary again.

Today's luck seemed good. Just before dawn, Wang Tao clearly saw several bloody zombies getting into a building!

"Is this... a government building? You really know how to find a place..."

This building is very majestic, but there are many unknown plants around the building, blocking the light, making it very dark inside and making it difficult to see the specific situation.

It was already dawn and the surroundings were very quiet.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue cautiously entered the door together.


Wang Tao, whose eyes glowed green, took a deep breath after seeing the situation inside.

Inside are pieces of black and red flesh that are still trembling slightly! There are also kneeling blood-red figures one after another in the flesh and blood!

"This lair... is so big!"

Wang Tao was a little nervous and a little happy. After all, risks and opportunities coexist!

This building was too big. Wang Tao looked at the number of self-explosion bombs he had and knew that it would definitely not collapse.

But even if you can't destroy these zombies, it's still good as long as you can gain something!

For example, kill these flesh and blood, kill those unformed zombies, and kill third-level zombies!

Those third-level zombies may have entered, but Wang Tao didn't see them for the time being.

So Wang Tao came up with the idea of ​​these flesh and blood and unformed zombies.

"Let's destroy these quickly. If I tell you to stop, stop!"

Wang Tao pointed to these things and whispered to Jiang Shixue.

Only when Wang Tao kills these things will the package explode, so he can only do the last hit.


The two discussed it and then immediately began to attack.

For the sake of safety, neither of them dared to make too much noise in their attack.

Jiang Shixue took Wang Tao's fire ax and slashed at these fleshy and semi-finished zombies.

Wang Tao took out the giant ax from his space backpack. After Jiang Shixue chopped all these things down to the point of residual health, Wang Tao directly struck down with the ax and harvested them all!


In an instant, Wang Tao saw a large area of ​​blood bars cleared!


Although these things will not increase Wang Tao's health limit, they will explode a package. As soon as Wang Tao thought, all these packages were taken back in an instant.


He was going to go deeper with Jiang Shixue. There were still a lot of flesh and blood and half-finished zombies inside.

But at this moment, Wang Tao suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

He and Jiang Shixue turned their heads at the same time and saw a tall figure!

It is a head taller than the bloody zombie, and its body has some metallic blue color. The bones on its body protrude, forming a kind of bone armor. Its bloodthirsty and violent eyes were staring at Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue!

[HP: 50000/50000]

[Blue amount: 30000/30000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

The moment he saw the zombie, Wang Tao picked up Jiang Shixue and charged outside the building without saying a word.

A second after Wang Tao and the two left the door, the blue zombie appeared at the door. If Wang Tao hesitates, he may be blocked.

This blue zombie did not dare to come into the sunlight. It roared at Wang Tao in the darkness. It stared at Wang Tao, as if it wanted to remember Wang Tao's appearance, and then dived into the darkness and disappeared.

Outside, Wang Tao let out a sigh of relief.

"The third-level lord zombie, this is too fierce!"

Although Wang Tao did not fight this zombie, he could feel the terror of this zombie. If they really fought, he and Jiang Shixue would be easily killed in seconds. After all, this is a third-level lord zombie with 50,000 blood!

"Let's go, let's go, we can't stay here anymore!"

Wang Tao always felt that this zombie seemed to be much more intelligent, and might even remember him!

Wang Tao destroyed many incubated flesh and blood and unformed zombies. This is equivalent to killing the "children" and "wombs" of these zombies. This will definitely cause this zombie to become furious!

If this zombie comes looking for Wang Tao in the middle of the night, Wang Tao probably won't be able to handle it even if he has an ultraviolet lamp.

Moreover, this is a lord zombie. If it comes with a group of third-level boys... then Wang Tao and the other three will definitely be dead!

So Wang Tao decided to evacuate the county immediately!

While Wang Tao and the two were running towards the Yuwan camp, Wang Tao suddenly heard a buzzing sound, and then the sound became louder and louder.

They both looked up at the same time.


Wang Tao was ready to evacuate, but he didn't expect the airdrop to come at this time. This made him a little confused.

According to past experience, if you want to get all these airdrops, you will need at least one day. Then he has to stay here for one more night...the risk factor increases dramatically!

But Wang Tao quickly frowned again.

Because this military transport plane did not airdrop in the county, but flew directly to the southwest... It seems that there is no need to worry about it now.

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