Wang Tao returned to Yuwan Camp and said to Xu Xiaojun:

"Clean up and let's get out of here!"


Xu Xiaojun didn't ask any questions and immediately packed his luggage.

In fact, there is not much luggage, mainly food. There have been so many fish caught in the past few days that the space in the magical stomach is limited and cannot be accommodated. Wang Tao made part of the fish into nutrient solution, and the rest was made into dried fish, which can be taken with him.

There is convenience in having fewer people, but there are also benefits in having more people.

When there were only two people, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue, neither of them brought much.

But now that Xu Xiaojun has joined, things are immediately different. He was carrying a lot of stuff on his back, including food, clothes, tools...even pots and pans.

In this comparison, Xu Xiaojun is more like an apocalyptic survivor than Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue.

"Are you sure you're carrying so much?"

Wang Tao opened his mouth.

"I'm fine! I can resist!"

Xu Xiaojun hurriedly patted his chest and said.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to waste it. There are some things in it, no matter how precious they are, you can definitely find them in the county town. But if you need it urgently, you definitely won’t have time to look for it...


Wang Tao saw that Xu Xiaojun was really fine, so he didn't say much.

After all, Xu Xiaojun has powerful powers. Although this thing looks like a lot, it is not heavy to him.

After everything was packed up, Wang Tao looked to the west and said:

"Let's go to Bauhinia City!"

Wang Tao's current location is still in Huangfeng City, but it is far away from the urban area of ​​Huangfeng City and closer to the urban area of ​​Zijing City next door.

And there is no need to go to the urban area of ​​Huangfeng City, because the large survivor base of Huangfeng City is in Hongshi County, and Hongshi County is at the easternmost edge of Huangfeng City. Wei Zhenguo, Han Rui and the others were going to the Red Stone Survivor Base.

If Wang Tao went to Hongshi Base, he would either have to take a long detour or pass through Shuize County. There is a terrifying black fog monster near Shuize County. Wang Tao is not sure he can beat him now, so he forgets it.

Wang Tao is relatively close to Zijing City now, and he is going to see where the large survivor base in Zijing City is.

When the virus broke out, official news said that every city in the country would have a large survivor base.

Wang Tao only knew that the large survivor base in Huangfeng City was in Hongshi County, but he didn't know about the ones in other cities. But the survivors in Zijing City must know that Wang Tao is relatively close to the urban area of ​​Zijing City. There should be survivors there, so you can go and find out.

Before leaving Jinbi County, Wang Tao was going to find a car. But all the cars outside were corroded by acid rain, and not a single one was usable. He opened some underground garages, and the cars in them were no longer usable.

Xu Xiaojun told Wang Tao that there had been a heavy rain here before, which caused floods. Many places were flooded, and the cars in the basement were naturally not spared.

Wang Tao was somewhat disappointed. It would be much more convenient if he had a car to travel, even a gas truck.

"Forget it, let's go."

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue had been walking all the way before. If you don't have a car, you don't have a car. It's just for exercise.

The three of them left Jinbi County and headed toward Zijing City along the national highway.

There are many abandoned vehicles on the national highway, and there are also many zombies. There is a desolate and dead atmosphere everywhere.

At the beginning, Xu Xiaojun was still very nervous. After all, he has never traveled far from the end of the world until now. He only knew that it was dangerous outside, but he didn't know the specific situation outside.

But after following Wang Tao for a while, he relaxed a little. There is no way, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue are too strong!

He had to deal with ordinary zombies. If he encountered some troublesome zombies, Wang Tao would easily beat them to half a disability, and then let him do the finishing touches.

Xu Xiaojun unknowingly increased his blood volume by 1,000.

"Brother Wang, I can't control it anymore, I'm going to sleep..."

Xu Xiaojun held on his sleepiness and spoke to Wang Tao.

"Huh? 4000 blood already! Okay, you can go to sleep."

Wang Tao didn't pay attention just now. After giving up a few heads to Xu Xiaojun, Xu Xiaojun had 4,000 health.

The sun was about to set at this time, so it was just a good time to rest for the night.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue can travel at night, but Xu Xiaojun obviously cannot, so they should have a good rest at night.

There were many unoccupied houses on the roadside. Wang Tao led Xu Xiaojun in.

After letting Xu Xiaojun sleep, Wang Tao took out some food and ate briefly with Jiang Shixue, and then asked Jiang Shixue to be on guard while he counted the trophies obtained in the zombie lair.

Although he didn't kill any zombies, he killed many half-finished zombies and hatched the flesh and blood of these zombies, so he got a total of 23 loot packages!

Among them, 19 were exploded by half-finished zombies, and 4 were exploded by hatched flesh and blood.

The half-finished zombies explode with the same things, all of them are second-order all-powerful crystal cores!

There are not many second-level zombies at present, and naturally there are very few second-level crystal nuclei, and even fewer second-level all-powerful crystal nuclei.

This time, he obtained 19 all-powerful crystal cores, which made Wang Tao unable to close his mouth.

He originally had 3 synthesized epic all-powerful crystal cores and 1 outstanding all-powerful crystal core.

Including this outstanding crystal core, there are exactly 20 unsynthesized ones. Wang Tao immediately started compositing.

Soon, 10 all-powerful crystal nuclei were synthesized. Most are epic, and two are remarkable. Counting the previous 3, he has a total of 13 almighty crystal cores!

The impurity content of the second-order crystal nucleus is 55%. If two crystal nuclei are used to synthesize it, the impurity content will be only 10%.

Therefore, the impurities of these 13 crystal nuclei are all 10%. If converted by the impurities in his body, it is 0.1%!

And Wang Tao now has 1.1% of impurities in his body... So Wang Tao thinks that he can fuse 9 all-powerful crystal nuclei first. Reduce the impurities in the body to 2%, and then use two bottles of cleaning agents to remove them all from the body!

Wang Tao has been enduring this impurity in his body for a long time.

At that time, when impurities appeared in his body, he felt a little uncomfortable. Although it did not affect his fighting, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

But there was nothing he could do at the time. He had to fuse and promote the crystal core, and then the impurities in his body accumulated to 2.2%...

Fortunately, when I reached the second level, the impurities in my body were reduced by half, and now only 1.1% remains.

Wang Tao considered at that time that he only had 5 bottles of cleaning agents, and each bottle of medicine was fixed to remove 1% of the impurities in the body. One bottle of the 1.1% impurities was not enough, and two bottles were wasted...

So he has been putting it off until now.

Now I finally have the chance to clear it all.

"But... I don't know which ability these all-powerful crystal cores will increase the level..."

Wang Tao looked at his three current abilities.

[Level 2·Shock Wave], [Level 2·Precision Shooting], [Level 2·Barrier].

If possible, Wang Tao naturally hopes that the Almighty Crystal Core will upgrade the barrier.

Because the barrier is a new power that he synthesized using the two powers of "copper skin and iron bones" and "self-healing".

Zombies seem to be unable to explode with barrier powers... If Wang Tao wants to upgrade, he can only rely on the all-powerful crystal core.

But the fused all-powerful crystal core is randomly upgraded based on several existing abilities. He has no control over which ability is upgraded.

Unless Wang Tao first upgrades shock wave and precision shooting to +10, the full level of the second level. In this case, the Almighty Crystal Core can only upgrade the barriers.

Unfortunately, Wang Tao only has one second-level shock wave crystal core in his hand now, and he doesn't even have one second-level precision shooting crystal core... so he can't upgrade these two abilities first.

Wang Tao subconsciously took another look at his special energy.

These special energies can only extract and fuse abilities, and cannot determine the order in which the all-powerful crystal cores are upgraded——


Wang Tao was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then quickly looked at the introduction of special energy.

[Current special energy: 7740]

[Extract superpowers: Turn learned superpowers into crystal nuclei of the current level. Extracting first-level abilities consumes 1,000 special energy; extracting second-level abilities consumes 5,000 special energy; extracting third-level abilities consumes 30,000 special energy]

[Fusion ability: Fusion of two learned abilities of the same level. If the fusion is successful, the power will have two characteristics, and the power level will be the average of the two. If the fusion fails, the main ability exists and the secondary ability disappears. Fusion of first-level abilities consumes 1,000 special energy; fusion of second-level abilities consumes 5,000 special energy, and fusion of third-level abilities consumes 30,000 special energy]

Wang Tao has used the fusion ability before, but this time he focused on extracting this ability.

"Turning the abilities I have learned into crystal cores of the current level... Doesn't that mean that I can temporarily turn my shock wave and precision shooting abilities into crystal cores, leaving me with only one barrier ability, and then I can Then use the all-powerful crystal core to directly act on the barrier ability to upgrade the barrier ability?"

Wang Tao's eyes lit up.

He seems to have discovered something incredible!

However, his current special energy is not enough to extract both shock wave and precision shooting, so he can only extract one for the time being.

But if only one ability is extracted, it only increases the probability of the barrier ability upgrade from one-third to one-half. Wang Tao is still not satisfied with this probability...

When it comes to extraction, Wang Tao thinks of another important point -

"Since I can turn the abilities I have learned into the core of the 'current level', can I learn the first-level ability, then use the promotion core to upgrade to the second level, and then extract this second-level core... Then don’t I have a second-order epic crystal core with 100% purity?”

Wang Tao was shocked by his sudden idea, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed feasible?

Under normal circumstances, if he wanted a second-order epic crystal core with 100% purity, he would have to use three second-order crystal cores to synthesize it. But this is such a waste.

And if he uses his method, the cost for him to get a 100% pure second-order crystal core is "10 first-order crystal cores" plus "1 promotion core" plus "5000 special energy"—— Because to extract this second-order crystal nucleus, special energy is required.

Looking at it this way, even if it consumes 5,000 special energy, it is worthwhile overall, because in addition to the promotion core, there is no need for other second-level crystal cores!

Wang Tao originally planned to fuse nine all-powerful crystal nuclei first, and then use two bottles of cleaning potions to remove impurities from the body. But now Wang Tao has changed his mind.

Now that the all-powerful crystal core is integrated, it is possible to add superpower levels to shock waves and precision shooting.

It's better to save up more. After accumulating 10,000 special energy, extract the shock wave and precision shooting, and then use the all-powerful crystal core to upgrade the barrier.

After the barrier reaches +10, start to fuse the first-level crystal core shock wave and accurately shoot the crystal core, so that the first-level crystal core can be promoted to the second level, and then the second-level superpower can be extracted.

Finally, if he collects 10 second-order shock waves and 10 precision shooting crystal cores, he can gain +10 for all three of his abilities!

The biggest advantage of this is that first-order crystal nuclei are much more common than second-order crystal nuclei!

Wang Tao only has one second-order shock wave core now. If he wants to get 30 second-order shock waves and 30 second-order precision shots, it will be too difficult - it's not that he is not strong enough, but that he cannot encounter the second-order violent terror. and second-level police zombies.

But if it is 100 first-level shock wave crystal cores, 100 second-level precision shooting crystal cores and 20 second-level promotion crystal cores, it will be relatively simple. There are quite a lot of first-level elite zombies. Wang Tao also has many first-order all-powerful crystal cores, which can also be used.

And these two methods can be done at the same time!

If you have enough second-order crystal nuclei, you can synthesize a second-order epic crystal core.

If you have enough first-level crystal cores, use the promotion crystal core to upgrade to the second level!

The sum of this efficiency is 1+1 greater than 2!

Wang Tao had a hunch that his promotion from the second level to the third level might be faster than his promotion from the first level to the second level!

"Just hold on a little longer!"

Wang Tao put away the omnipotent crystal core, and then looked at the things that hatched and exploded with flesh and blood. There are four packages in total, each package contains a peeling crystal core.

Counting these 4 crystal nuclei, Wang Tao has 5 peeling crystal nuclei.

In fact, Wang Tao himself can also use the peeling core, which is equivalent to saving 5000 special energy.

But there are impurities in the stripped crystal nucleus after all.

If you choose to save 5,000 special energy, the price will be to use more cleaning agents to remove impurities from the body.

Wang Tao currently only has 5 bottles of cleaning potions, so he has to use them sparingly. After all, special energy can be obtained by killing zombies by leapfrogging, no matter what kind of zombie they are. But he still doesn’t know what kind of zombies can use the cleaning potion...

The next day, early morning.

Wang Tao and the others continued on the road, heading towards Bauhinia City.

I was lucky today. I encountered many first-level elite zombies on the road, and even encountered a second-level elite zombie, which was easily dealt with by a few people.

Wang Tao felt that if this efficiency was followed, then there would be no problem for Wang Tao to accumulate hundreds of crystal cores after they reached Bauhinia City.

At night, they still rested in a house on the roadside. Along the way, except for Wang Tao and himself, no other survivors were seen. The house is naturally suitable for living in casually.

However, Wang Tao found that most of these houses had been ransacked and there should be survivors. He didn't know if there was a survivor camp nearby.

"I can do it again~"

Jiang Shixue looked at Wang Tao eagerly. She felt like she could continue to cultivate again.

"Come on then!"

Wang Tao took out the zombie culture solution and filled Jiang Shixue with the culture solution in a familiar manner. An hour later, Jiang Shixue's blood volume increased by 1000, reaching [22200/22200].

Wang Tao was a little envious of Jiang Shixue's physique. It was so easy to increase his blood volume.

Of course, Jiang Shixue can also increase her blood volume by killing zombies, but Wang Tao also needs blood volume now, so he can only focus on his own last hits first.

Moreover, Wang Tao still has 800 copies of zombie culture solution in his hand, which adds exactly 8,000 blood volume, which can increase Jiang Shixue's blood volume to 30,000. So there is no need for her to increase her health by killing zombies.

The next day, we continued on our way.

I don’t know if it’s because Wang Tao complained about the lack of first-order elite zombies before, but today he encountered many first-order elite zombies. This finally brought Xu Xiaojun's blood volume to 4999!

Xu Xiaojun has all integrated the crystal cores that Wang Tao prepared for Xu Xiaojun. He now has "First Level Shock Wave +10", "First Level Charge +10", "First Level Copper Skin Iron Bone +10" and "First Level Powerful Strength +10" ".

Wang Tao directly gave him four second-level promotion crystal cores. These promotion crystal cores were not synthesized and contained impurities. After all, Wang Tao did not have many promotion crystal cores in his hand. But they are all red and orange qualities. After Xu Xiaojun integrated them, they all succeeded.

After the fusion was successful, Xu Xiaojun's situation was similar to that of Wang Tao. He could feel that he needed to sleep for 24 hours in three days.

Wang Tao asked him to sleep directly.

Since Xu Xiaojun wants to advance to the second level, there is no rush to leave. After all, Xu Xiaojun after the second level is a teammate who can help Wang Tao. Now the first-level Xu Xiaojun is just a bag-carrying man.

And the next morning after Xu Xiaojun went to bed, another plane flew over from the sky!

"Or a military transport plane? This time... there should be an airdrop, right?"

Wang Tao stared at the military transport plane in the sky, his tone a little uncertain.

The main reason is that his current place is relatively remote, and planes may not necessarily drop airdrops here.

But after a while, Wang Tao saw small black dots falling out of the butt of the plane. He immediately grinned.

"Let me just say, I've been pretty lucky lately!"

Especially when Wang Tao saw that there was an airdrop not far from him, he immediately told Jiang Shixue:

"Xiaoxue, please look after Xu Xiaojun here. I'll go get an airdrop and I'll be back soon."


Jiang Shixue nodded.

Wang Tao looked at the direction of the airdrop, and it took him about ten minutes to reach the bottom of the airdrop.


The airdrop box landed directly in front of Wang Tao.

Wang Tao had already observed in advance that there was no danger around him, so he opened the airdrop with confidence. This airdrop is the safest he has ever taken.

The airdrop boxes are full of inhibitors, 100 bottles in total!

All the inhibitors in Wang Tao's hands were given to Han Rui and Ding Yuqin. He had a few bottles with him, but he lost them all while escaping. So Wang Tao doesn't have a bottle of inhibitor now.

These inhibitors couldn't have come at a better time.

"There is also a monster illustrated book... I will look at it when I get back."

Wang Tao picked up his things and returned to Jiang Shixue smoothly.

Then he opened the monster illustrated book and saw a familiar zombie at first sight.

"Night Demons... Zombies only appear at night. They are at least level three and are extremely powerful. They have certain wisdom, know how to cooperate, and even hold grudges. When you encounter Night Demons, you can run away if you can. And there are no crystals to kill them. Nuclear, so even if you are strong, you must not provoke it. However, the night demon has a fatal weakness, that is, it is afraid of ultraviolet rays..."

Looking at this introduction, Wang Tao nodded.

"The official name for those bloody zombies is Night Demon, which corresponds to the crazy zombie, which is very appropriate... Because like the crazy zombie, it has no crystal core, and killing it does not have much benefit..."

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