This illustrated guide is divided into four parts.

They are zombies, monsters, plants and supernatural beings.

This is much more detailed than the previous zombie illustrated book, so I guess a lot of people are updating it. Wang Tao also wanted to make some contribution, after all, he had seen a lot. But unfortunately, he couldn't contact them.

In the zombie illustration section, in addition to Night Stalker, information on many other zombies has also been updated. There are all the things Wang Tao has seen and never seen before.

Wang Tao silently memorized all these zombie information, making it easier to deal with them when he encounters them in the future.

Then Wang Tao looked at the monster illustration section.

This "monster" means creatures other than humans, zombies, and plants.

Monsters are divided into three categories.

The first category is ordinary mutant beasts, such as animals that become larger in size, bloodthirsty and violent, such as the big fish Wang Tao caught before.

The second category is mutant beasts with super powers. Some animals not only become bloodthirsty and violent, but also have some special abilities! This kind of monster is more dangerous than zombies. But it’s rare. Anyway, Wang Tao has never seen it before.

The third category is mysterious monsters, things that don't look like any animals, plants, or even living things... such as a cloud, a stone, or something like that. These monsters whose details are unknown are called mysterious monsters.

Although these monsters look strange, they are very powerful.

Either you can't touch it, but if you touch it, you will basically die, and it is difficult to survive.

But their numbers are very rare, and there are currently no kill records. So I don’t know the details of these mysterious monsters... Anyway, they don’t feel like they are from the earth.

Wang Tao thought of the black fog monster in Shuize County. It can cause hallucinations and is very terrifying. It is obviously the mysterious monster mentioned above.

Wang Tao felt that the pressure on him from more than 30,000 blood black fog monsters was greater than the pressure from 50,000 blood blue night demons!

Regarding monsters, there is also a very useful information mentioned above - these monsters are not equal to zombies, they are also afraid of zombie viruses!

Therefore, these monsters usually live in the wild and will not enter the city because there are too many zombies in the city.

Wang Tao had some doubts before, why the black fog monster in Shuize County has been in the wild and not in the county. It turns out that it is because it is also afraid of the zombie virus! No wonder the black mist monster has internal impurities in its attributes.

But this brings a big problem to the human survivors - there are zombies in the city, and there are monsters outside the city... Where to build the survivors' base is a problem.

The plant section introduces many mutant plants. Research shows that these plants have evolved due to that special kind of acid rain.

Special acid rain can make these plants wither, but the plants that can only survive will mutate!

At present, these plants should be unconscious, but even if they are unconscious, they are still very dangerous!

For example, some piranha flowers have become very large. They used to only eat insects, but now they even eat humans and zombies!

The difference between plants and humans and monsters is that they are not afraid of zombie viruses, so the plants in the city grow like crazy. On the contrary, it is a plant in the wild, more like a normal plant... Researchers still don't understand why.

Finally, there is the superhuman part.

This part mainly talks about some information about superpowers and crystal nuclei, much of which Wang Tao already knew.

For example, after killing a certain number of zombies, a superpower user will reach a bottleneck and need to be promoted to a crystal core; for example, after a superpower user is promoted, he can delete one of his superpowers or pass it on to others...

As for the information related to the crystal core, Wang Tao knew it in much more detail than what was introduced above.

Because the specific functions and side effects cannot be known until the crystal nuclei are fused. Fusion of crystal cores requires labor costs and time costs, and it also needs to be tested over and over again... This is a very troublesome process.

But Wang Tao doesn't need it. He only needs to take a look to know the detailed information of the crystal core...

Although this part of the information is of little use to Wang Tao, it is still very valuable to others. In some cases, it can be life-saving!

Wang Tao gained a lot from reading all this information.

The only pity is that there is a business-like look between the lines in these messages. No other information was disclosed.

For example, what is the situation across the country now, what is happening in the large survivor bases everywhere, what is happening in the military bases... none of this is mentioned.

Under normal circumstances, good news is reported but not bad news. But this didn't even bring good news... This made Wang Tao very pessimistic about the external situation.

"Maybe... we should go to the military base."

Wang Tao had previously thought about going to the large survivor base in Zijing City, if the base survived until now.

But thinking about it now, if you go further southwest from Zijing City, you will reach Wuyang City, the capital of Wuyang Province. And this military base is in Wuyang City.

Since we are almost in Bauhinia City anyway, we might as well walk a little further to the military base.

After all, since the military base can still be airdropped, it means that it is very safe inside. In addition, the military base has a lot of weapons and equipment and is strong, so it is obviously a good place to go. They should not refuse asylum to civilians...

"It's decided, let's go to Wuyang Military Base!"

Wang Tao determined the next itinerary.

Then he looked at the map again. He wanted to go to Wuyang Military Base. It was relatively close from Zijing City, so he didn't need to change direction and just followed the previously planned route.

"Do you want to get other airdrops?"

Jiang Shixue spoke eagerly.

The plane just dropped a lot of airdrops, but only one was relatively close to Wang Tao. Wang Tao came back after getting this airdrop. I don’t know where the other airdrops are yet.

"Let's wait for Xiaojun to wake up first. We are going in the direction of the airdrop anyway. It's not too late to go back and get it."

Wang Tao smiled and said.

For him, the most important thing in the airdrop was the monster illustrations, and other things didn't matter. So it doesn't matter even if the airdrop is picked up by other survivors.


Jiang Shixue wanted to pick up the airdrops because she thought these things falling from the sky were fun. But she still listened to Wang Tao's words, and she wouldn't go if Wang Tao said she wouldn't go.

After reading the monster illustrated book, Wang Tao is now more cautious.

Because although he is on the national highway now, this place is already in the countryside and is relatively remote. No one knows if there are any mysterious monsters like the black fog monster here. After all, this thing is scarier than zombies...

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened until Xu Xiaojun woke up.

"Brother Wang, let's go pick up the airdrop quickly!"

When Xu Xiaojun heard about the airdrop, he was instantly more excited than Wang Tao, and even subconsciously forgot about his promotion to the second level.

He had seen an airdrop before, but the airdrop was not in their county. At that time, many people died in their camp in order to pick up this airdrop. The result is worth it, because there are a lot of inhibitors and zombie illustrations in the airdrop...

Now that Xu Xiaojun heard that there was another airdrop, he was immediately excited. After all, there are good things in the airdrop! Wang Tao helped him so much, and he had nothing to repay Wang Tao. If he could pick up a few more airdrops and give them to Wang Tao, it would make him feel better.

Seeing the excited Xu Xiaojun, Wang Tao smiled and said:

"Okay, let's go then."

The three set off again, heading west.

On the way, Xu Xiaojun also tested his second-level strength. All I can say is that it is a world of difference compared to before.

Xu Xiaojun couldn't believe how strong he was - he killed more than a dozen crazy zombies with just a few axes!

This is something he never dared to think about before!

"The strength will become stronger and stronger in the future, just get used to it."

Wang Tao patted his shoulder.


Xu Xiaojun nodded fiercely.

Wang Tao suddenly felt that it would be appropriate to give that old giant ax to Xu Xiaojun?

That ax was quite powerful, but it was too big and too heavy. Wang Tao was not used to it. Wang Tao prefers one-handed axes, which are more flexible.

"Let Xu Xiaojun give it a try later. If he can use it properly, then you can give it to him..."

Wang Tao touched his chin and thought.

After a while, the three came to a small town.

Originally, Wang Tao had no intention of entering the town, but he found an airdrop in the town.

Then this must not be let go, so the three of them ran over.

There was a group of zombies near the airdrop. Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue did not take action, and Xu Xiaojun easily eliminated them all.

Wang Tao went over and opened the airdrop box.

Before I had time to look, I heard an exclamation.

"Hey! Let go of our airdrop!"

Wang Tao looked up and saw a short-cut young man dressed like a survivor, pointing at Wang Tao on the roof of a three-story building.

The moment this person appeared, Jiang Shixue noticed it. However, she felt that this person was not a threat, so she did not react too violently.

Xu Xiaojun stood in front of Wang Tao immediately.

Wang Tao was burly, and Xu Xiaojun was even burlier, especially after he was promoted to the second level, and his size increased a bit. When he stood there, he immediately felt oppressive.

The man with the short hair was obviously at a high place, but when he saw Xu Xiaojun staring at him, he subconsciously took a step back.

Perhaps because he felt that his retreating action was a bit embarrassing, he quickly shouted in a low voice:

"What about you! This is our airdrop. You put your things down quickly and I can forget about it. Otherwise, when our boss comes, you will be in trouble!"

Hearing this, Wang Tao suddenly raised his eyebrows.

This guy has such a big face!

Not to mention that this airdrop is an ownerless thing, whoever picks it up belongs to whom. Let’s just say that this airdrop has not even been opened. Even if it is on a first-come, first-served basis, it belongs to Wang Tao!

"I don't like people talking on top of me."

Wang Tao looked at the man and spoke calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Shixue suddenly sprinted up to the third floor along the wall. The short-haired man didn't see anything, he felt a pain in his butt, and then he flew up.



The short-haired man was kicked down by Jiang Shixue and landed near the airdrop. He had a thousand blood, so he definitely couldn't be hit to death from this height, but he was dizzy after being hit.

Xu Xiaojun was stunned for a moment when he saw Jiang Shixue's actions, and then quickly reacted. He directly grabbed the man's collar, lifted him up, made him stand up, and then kicked him in the calf.


The short-haired man knelt directly in front of Wang Tao.

Wang Tao: "..."

What he actually meant was that he wanted this man to come down and speak on his own.

But I didn't expect Jiang Shixue to kick him down directly, and I didn't expect that Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue cooperated so well...

Forget it, these details don't matter, as long as the results are about the same.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Only then did the short-haired man wake up. Seeing Wang Tao standing in front of him like a mountain, looking at Wang Tao's indifferent expression, looking at the blood-stained fire ax on Wang Tao's waist... the short-haired man almost peed in fear. He quickly lowered his head and raised his hands to beg for mercy.

Wang Tao looked down at the short-haired man and said slowly:

"Whose airdrop is this?"

"What's yours, it's yours! This airdrop has nothing to do with me!"

The short-haired man spoke quickly.

Seeing that the other person finally recognized him, Wang Tao patted him on the shoulder, but he was so frightened that his legs softened and he fell directly to the ground.


Wang Tao was too lazy to speak. He looked directly at the airdrop.

Inside the airdrop was an instrument that looked a bit familiar.

"Crystal Nucleus Synthesizer?"

There was an instruction manual next to it. Wang Tao took a quick look and saw that it was indeed a crystal nucleation synthesizer. It's just an improved version of the previous one.

The overall operation method has not changed. Three first-order crystal nuclei of the same quality are still used for synthesis, but it may not be successful and there is a possibility of failure.

This instruction manual says that the probability of success is now higher than before.

But no matter how high it is, there is still a probability of failure, and Wang Tao's own synthesis of crystal nuclei will not fail. Moreover, Wang Tao's synthesis is a crystal nucleus with no side effects and no impurities. This instrument synthesizes crystal nuclei with no side effects but with impurities...

Therefore, even if this instrument is an improved version, it is of little use to Wang Tao, especially since this instrument cannot synthesize second-order crystal nuclei, and it is even more useless to Wang Tao.

In addition to the crystal nucleus synthesizer, there is also a hand-operated generator and 5 military walkie-talkies with headsets.

Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he saw the walkie-talkie.

His previous walkie-talkie was damaged while escaping, so he never had a walkie-talkie.

Just enough for Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun. It will be much easier to communicate in the future.

Wang Tao waved, and Jiang Shixue jumped down from the third floor. The short-haired man was startled. He didn't know what the movement was, but he didn't dare to look up and buried his head lower.

Wang Tao handed the walkie-talkie to Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun. Before he could teach them how to use it, he heard a rumble.

Several modified off-road vehicles slowly appeared from a distance.

Wang Tao's eyesight has been enhanced and he can see farther than normal people. He was very happy to see this group of people, and it was probably a big gain. But their expressions soon changed.


Several cars braked one after another and stopped more than 20 meters away from Wang Tao. Then a group of people quickly got out of the car, holding pistols, steel pipes, homemade spears and other weapons in their hands, and looked at Wang Tao with great vigilance.

"Who are you? Why are you kidnapping our people?"

Someone snapped.

Looking at this group of people, Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

There is actually a second-level superpower?

Not bad!

Of course, it's just good. Because Wang Tao saw that this second-level superpower was not fused with four promotion crystal cores, her mana volume was relatively low. This kind of superpower is not a big threat to Wang Tao.

When the short-haired man saw that the boss had finally arrived, he burst into tears of joy. Just now he felt like he was really going to die!

However, he did not dare to get up without Wang Tao's permission. After all, his life was still in others' hands. He still doesn't understand how he got down from the roof just now. He didn't see Jiang Shixue going upstairs at all.

Wang Tao kicked the short-haired man.

"Answer him."

The short-haired man wanted to add fuel to the fire, but he didn't dare. He just honestly told what happened after Wang Tao came over.

After hearing this, the group of people on the opposite side suddenly looked at each other.

Although the short-haired man didn't tell the whole story, they had a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

Apparently the short-haired man discovered the airdrop, but there were many zombies nearby and he didn't dare to pick it up. Maybe while I was waiting for someone, another group of people came and took the airdrop away. The short-haired man was unwilling to give in. He was going to bring out his boss to scare the other party, but who knew that the other party would directly knock him down...

This group of people stared at Wang Tao and the others with some ill intentions.

Although Wang Tao and Xu Xiaojun are intimidating in size, there are only three of them after all, while there are thirteen of them on their side! Is this still scary?

Now is the end of the world. There is no such thing as being unreasonable or unreasonable. Fists are the last word!

"Your teammates don't seem to care about your life or death!"

Wang Tao suddenly took out an ax and put it on the short-haired man's neck.

The short-haired man looked horrified, and he couldn't care less, so he quickly said:

"Boss, don't! Don't you always say that multiple friends mean multiple paths! We survivors are all friends!"

Wang Tao was a little funny when he heard this. He didn't say that before.

At this time, the group of survivors moved aside, and a plump figure wearing a brown long trench coat came from behind. She took off the towel on her face, revealing a face with slightly rough skin but a very beautiful appearance.

A breathtaking smile appeared on the woman's face.

"Sir, we are all survivors struggling to survive in the apocalypse, and we are all compatriots. Why should we have such a tense relationship? Let Xiao Jia go, and we will put away our weapons. If we don't fight, we won't get to know each other. How about making friends? As for this airdrop... of course whoever picks it up belongs to whoever picks it up. If you pick it up first, it naturally belongs to you."

Hearing this, Wang Tao was a little disappointed, because Wang Tao took a fancy to their car. If this group of people didn't take action, then he would be embarrassed to seize the car...

"get out."

Wang Tao kicked the short-haired man, who immediately rolled and crawled into the crowd.

Seeing Wang Tao letting people go so happily, this woman and the group of survivors were a little surprised.

This group of survivors all looked at their boss, thinking that the boss would give an order at this time to teach Wang Tao a lesson.

But what surprised them was that the boss did not order an attack, but walked slowly to Wang Tao. She took off her gloves, looked up at Wang Tao, and stretched out her hand with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Yang Changhong."

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