Yang Changhong's little hands are very soft, but it is obvious that there are many calluses on them.

[HP: 6230/6400]

[Blue amount: 2090/3200]

[Level: Level 2]

[Impurities in the body: 21%]

With six thousand blood and three thousand blue, she is the boss of this group of people and the strongest superpower among them.

"Wang Tao."

Wang Tao let go and introduced himself.

"Hello Mr. Wang, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding just now. It was my fault in discipline. I will punish him later. I hope you don't mind."

Yang Changhong was very polite.

This made others a little confused. When had their boss ever been so polite?

Is it possible that the boss has taken a liking to this big guy?

Not to mention, this big guy has good looks and a very explosive figure, which makes him feel very safe in the apocalypse...

Thinking of this, many people glared at Wang Tao.

After all, a beautiful and strong woman like the boss has become the dream lover of many people. They don't want their boss to take advantage of outsiders.

Wang Tao could clearly feel that this group of people had not been so hostile to him before, but since Yang Changhong came over, the hostility has obviously become much greater.

Women are indeed troublesome creatures.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Wang Tao looked at her and said.

Yang Changhong obviously had something to say, otherwise, he would either fight or leave. It's the end of the world, and there's no time to talk about everyday things.

Yang Changhong gave Wang Tao a charming look, then she glanced at the empty airdrop box next to Wang Tao and said:

"If you don't mind, Mr. Wang, can you tell me what's in this airdrop box? If it happens to be what we need, I can exchange it for other things. What do you think of Mr. Wang?"

Wang Tao's expression was not surprising. After all, on the surface, this was the only thing worth remembering about him. So he asked directly:

"What do you want in exchange?"

"Food, weapons, vehicles... are all fine, but only if the contents of the airdrop box are worth the price."

Yang Changhong looked very confident.

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows, she turned out to be a rich woman?

He looked back at Xu Xiaojun.

"Show it to Ms. Yang."


Xu Xiaojun took out the newly packed crystal nucleus synthesizer.


Yang Changhong frowned, this thing... she didn't recognize.

"Sorry, we don't need this thing. Excuse me."

Yang Changhong shook her head. What she lacked most now was inhibitors. Everything else was dispensable. Only inhibitors were necessary.

After Yang Changhong said that, he turned around and left. He was not sloppy at all, and the enthusiasm on his face just now was gone.

This made Wang Tao a little confused. Is this woman so realistic? And you don’t even ask what kind of machine this is?

However, there is one thing about Yang Changhong that Wang Tao appreciates more, that is, she did not attack the three of them.

After all, on the surface, with a dozen or so of them, it should be easy to deal with Wang Tao and the other three.

Whether she was afraid or had a bottom line, she really didn't do anything and had no intention of doing anything.

Seeing Yang Changhong leaving with a group of people, without any intention of communicating with Wang Tao again, Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun:

"Xiaojun, put away the crystal nucleus synthesizer, let's go.


Xu Xiaojun immediately rewrapped the instrument.

Yang Changhong, who had just opened the car door and was about to get in the car, suddenly stopped. After a second, she turned around with a warm and bright smile on her face.

"Mr. Wang, I suddenly remembered that I haven't asked the name of this instrument yet? Could you please tell me?"

"The crystal nucleus synthesizer is a small instrument that removes side effects from the crystal nucleus by synthesizing crystal nuclei. However, it can only act on first-order crystal nuclei."

Wang Tao spoke with a nonchalant expression.

"Remove the side effects!"

Yang Changhong hadn't spoken yet, and the other survivors' eyes widened when they heard this.

"The side effects can also be removed? Is it true?"

"It's the end of the world, is technology still so advanced?"

"Could it be a lie?"


The survivors whispered to each other.

Yang Changhong took a deep breath, and then said with a serious face:

"If this instrument is really what Mr. Wang said, then I want it. If Mr. Wang needs anything, just ask."

Seeing Yang Changhong's "I'm not short of money" look, Wang Tao showed a trace of doubt on his face.

"Ms. Yang, I didn't say I would make a deal with you?"


Yang Changhong thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was really—she wanted to know what it was, and Wang Tao showed it to her. Wang Tao asked her what she had, and she told her. From beginning to end, Wang Tao never said he wanted to trade this instrument with her.

After all, according to what Wang Tao said, this is an instrument that can extract the side effects of crystal nuclei. In many cases, the value of this instrument is much higher than that of inhibitors!

It was normal for Wang Tao not to change with her, but this was unacceptable to Yang Changhong.

If she didn't know about this good thing, forget it, but now that she knows it, she must get it!

If she had this thing, not to mention mass-producing superpowers, it would definitely increase the strength of her men!

"Mr. Wang, there is no deal that cannot be made in the world, it is just that the price is not paid enough..."

Yang Changhong looked at Wang Tao and the others.

A big man, a big fat man, a girl who hides behind the big man and cannot see his face, plus not much luggage...

Yang Changhong suddenly knew something. She pointed to a car in her fleet and said:

"A truckload of grain, would you like to exchange it for this nucleation synthesizer?"

It was an off-road pickup truck, and the bed of the truck was filled with sacks. The sacks seemed to be filled with rice.

This cart of food can last even a person with a big appetite for a long time. For people who are short of food, this price is not low.

She felt that Wang Tao and the others were short of food. After all, Wang Tao didn't have a car and only had so much luggage on hand, which certainly couldn't hold much food.

But Wang Tao shook his head.

"Sorry, I'm not short of food for the time being."

Wang Tao told the truth. He used to make nutrient solution from the food in the granary, but the nutrient solution in his hand was much older, and the three of them couldn't finish it in a short time. So he is not short of food for the time being.

But in Yang Changhong's opinion, this is just a bargaining method.

Yang Changhong was not angry. After all, it was normal for businessmen to negotiate prices, and she was already used to it.

"Two carts of grain."

Yang Changhong smiled and spoke.

"I told you, I'm not short of food."

Wang Tao shrugged.

"Three carts of food, this is my final bottom line. After all, I have so many people to support."

Yang Changhong's face became much more serious.

It seems that if Wang Tao refuses again, the deal will not be completed.

But Wang Tao still refused.

"If there's nothing else, let's go first."

Yang Changhong frowned. Does Wang Tao really not want food? Seeing Wang Tao preparing to leave, she quickly called out to Wang Tao.

"Wait. Can the crystal core be used?"

Hearing the crystal core, Wang Tao stopped and then said with a smile:

"Of course the crystal core is no problem, but I only want the second-order crystal core."


Yang Changhong was silent.


Her subordinates, on the other hand, looked shocked.

"Second-order crystal core? Do they have second-order superpowers? Is it him or the big fat guy next to him?"

"It's probably the big fat man. As a first-level superpower, I can faintly feel a faint pressure from the big fat man..."

"I never expected that there would be a second-level superpower. No wonder our boss is so polite..."


Everyone was surprised.

It's not that they look down on Wang Tao and his group, but those of them who follow Yang Changhong know how difficult it is for Yang Changhong to advance to the second level!

Before Yang Changhong advanced, they had more than just this manpower - most of their men died in the process of hunting second-level zombies!

They paid a lot of lives, and Yang Changhong had the opportunity to advance to the second level...

After these survivors were shocked, they were frightened for a while.

Fortunately, their boss was sensible and did not fight Wang Tao.

Otherwise, when second-level superpowers fight, those of them who are not even first-level ones will definitely suffer!

The reason why Yang Changhong was so polite to Wang Tao was actually not because of Wang Tao, but because of Xu Xiaojun next to him.

She didn't know what Wang Tao's specific strength was. She felt that he shouldn't be weak, but not too strong, at most the first level of peak strength.

As for the girl behind Wang Tao, although she was dressed cleanly and did not look like a survivor of the apocalypse, she felt that she was just an ordinary person and was nothing to worry about.

What really makes her fearful is Xu Xiaojun, because like attracts like, and she can feel that this Xu Xiaojun is a second-level superpower! You can’t go wrong with this feeling!

As a second-level superpower herself, she knows how strong second-level superpowers are. If she had a conflict with Wang Tao and others, she might be fine, but her subordinates would be in bad luck.

That's why her attitude towards Wang Tao was so polite.

Now it seems that my feeling is indeed correct, this Xu Xiaojun is a second-level superpower!

After a moment of silence, Yang Changhong took out three crystal nuclei from his hand, two blue and one white.

"I currently only have these three second-order crystal cores in my hand. I don't know what they are used for. You choose one."

Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he saw the three crystal nuclei in Yang Changhong's hand.

[Second-order crystal core·Athletes]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Action consumes double physical strength)]

[Athlete: Passive ability, improved athletic ability]

The first crystal core is an athlete. This is a passive ability. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as an overall improvement of physical fitness.

This crystal core is very good, a good helper for survival in the apocalypse, except for the side effects, which are a bit uncomfortable.

But this is not the point. The point is that Wang Tao has an athlete crystal core in his hand, which he exploded while hunting hooded zombies. There are already two of them now. If I can save one more, I can synthesize an athlete without any side effects...

[Second-order crystal core·Jump]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 45% (Side Effect: Afraid of Noise)]

[Jump: Consume energy to increase jump height and distance]

The second core is jumping, which, like athletes, is also a good ability to save life. Of course, it can also be used to assist attacks, depending on how you match it.

Wang Tao also had a jumping crystal core in his hand, which was also exploded by the hooded zombie.

However, these two crystal cores were actually just appetizers. What really moved Wang Tao was the third crystal core.

[Second-order crystal core·violent]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 45% (side effect: blood volume reduced by 10,000 after fusion)]

[Rage: When the blood volume is less than 30%, berserk is automatically triggered and can only be triggered once a day. After the rage is triggered, the blood volume, mana volume, physical strength, and spirit are fully restored, the size is increased, all negative statuses are removed, the attack power is greatly increased, the speed is increased to a certain extent, and the defense power is reduced to a certain extent. The rage lasts for 1 hour and returns to normal after 1 hour]

The third crystal core is violent!

Wang Tao has an epic-quality violent crystal core in his hand, which was exploded by the orangutan zombie before! If Wu Fei hadn't saved his life at that time, he might have died.

This kind of violent crystal core is one of the best crystal nuclei in Wang Tao's opinion.

Because this is equivalent to one more life!

It's a pity that the side effects of this crystal core are too abnormal. 10,000 blood will be directly deducted, and Wang Tao will definitely not dare to fuse it.

He was thinking about whether he could save two more violent crystal cores, and then combine them into one without side effects before merging them.

Now, he really had to wait for a violent crystal core!

Although this crystal core is only of ordinary quality, it doesn't matter to Wang Tao. Anyway, the violent crystal core in his hand is of epic quality...

"I want these three crystal nuclei, and I also want a car. The crystal nucleus synthesizer can give it to you."

Wang Tao spoke at this time.


Even Yang Changhong, who was used to bargaining, couldn't help but frown.

She only has these 3 second-order crystal cores in total. They were exchanged for many lives. Wang Tao actually wants them all? And take a car?

Although this crystal nucleation synthesizer is indeed a good thing, if external factors are not taken into consideration, in terms of value alone, this instrument is definitely worth the price.

But the problem is, whether it is a second-order crystal core or a car, they are both very valuable things now. If these things are exchanged for a crystal nucleus synthesizer, it will not be a loss to her team, but it will be a loss to her personally!

After Wang Tao saw that Yang Changhong's face was not very good, he immediately said:

"Of course, I can add 10 more bottles of inhibitors."

"Do you have inhibitors?" Yang Changhong was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, "Deal!"

Seeing that Yang Changhong was suddenly so happy, Wang Tao felt that 10 bottles of inhibitors was too much. But once the words were spoken, he would naturally not go back on his words.


Wang Tao took out 10 bottles of inhibitors from Xu Xiaojun's backpack, and then generously took out the instructions for the crystal nucleus synthesizer.

"I won't cheat you. Just read the instructions first and then trade if you think it's OK."

"And there are instructions?"

Yang Changhong was a little surprised. She had picked up a few airdrops, but she didn't see anything like instruments, so she wasn't very sure.

Taking the manual, Yang Changhong took a brief look at it, and was suddenly amazed and regretful.

The function of this crystal nucleation synthesizer is very powerful, but it also has many shortcomings, but overall, it is a good thing and worth her exchange.

"no problem."

After confirming that Yang Changhong was fine, Wang Tao gave her the crystal nucleus synthesizer and 10 bottles of inhibitors. And she also gave all three second-order crystal cores to Wang Tao.

When she gave the crystal core, she was somewhat reluctant to give it up. After all, she had fought hard to get it. But she didn't know what kind of powers these crystal nuclei had, and she couldn't test them. She could only comfort herself that the powers of these crystal nuclei were not suitable for her...

After Wang Tao got the three crystal cores, he felt a lot more comfortable when he saw this group of people.

The crystal core synthesizer was of little use to him. He originally thought that he could just change it to a car, but he didn't expect to get three more crystal nuclei, which was an extra bonus.

Yang Changhong asked someone to take away the crystal nucleus synthesizer, and she kept the 10 bottles of inhibitors personally.

Looking at these inhibitors, she finally felt a little safer.

Not everyone is as strong and well-protected as Wang Tao. During the battle between most survivors and zombies, they will inevitably be scratched and bitten by zombies. You can even be accidentally infected with zombie viruses, such as eating food contaminated with fresh zombie blood.

At this time, inhibitors are very important.

After confirming that you are infected with the virus, as long as you are not in a dying state, you can basically survive if you use an inhibitor within one minute.

If it exceeds one minute, you can only rely on luck. After all, the minimum incubation period of the zombie virus is one minute. But even so, having inhibitors can still greatly improve the probability of survival.

With inhibitors in hand, Yang Changhong could not panic, and his subordinates would not panic either. The inhibitor in her hand has recently been used up. If there is no new inhibitor to replenish, she will have no confidence. Others will be much more timid in fighting and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced...

"As for the car, except for my own, you can choose whatever you want."

Yang Changhong pointed to these lanes.

There were a dozen of them in total, but there were eight cars, which was quite a lot. Moreover, it is either a modified pickup truck or a modified off-road vehicle, which is very suitable for the apocalyptic environment.

"Just that one."

Wang Tao picked the largest off-road vehicle.

This car looks a bit ugly, like a coffin box, but it is very large and has only five seats inside, so there is plenty of space.

Wang Tao is 1.9 meters tall and Xu Xiaojun is just over 2 meters tall. They cannot fit in a car without a large space.

Yang Changhong was not surprised by Wang Tao's choice. She directly gave Wang Tao her car keys.

“Happy to work with!”

“A pleasure to work with.”

Wang Tao checked carefully and found that the outside of the car was covered with steel plates. There was nothing wrong with it inside, and the oil was almost full. Then he asked Xu Xiaojun to put his belongings into the car.

When they got in the car, Jiang Shixue, who had been staying behind Wang Tao, showed up.

Everyone was surprised when they saw such a clean and tidy little girl. However, there were second-level superpowers here, and they didn't dare to look at them.

Yang Changhong also looked at Jiang Shixue in surprise. She didn't expect this little girl to be so clean and beautiful! Seeing Jiang Shixue, she seemed to see her own sister.

Shaking her head, Yang Changhong tried not to think about the sad things, and she asked Wang Tao habitually.

"I wonder where Mr. Wang's next goal will be?"

"Redbud City."

Wang Tao didn't hide it either.

"Huh? Bauhinia City?"

After Yang Changhong was stunned for a moment, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Wang, we are also going to Bauhinia City. How about we go together?"

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