"How about we come together?"

As soon as Yang Changhong said these words, her subordinates who were still a little unhappy were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions suddenly changed - they turned into looks of expectation!

If Wang Tao and the other three were outsiders, they would definitely be unhappy. After all, Wang Tao beat their people and took their boss's things.

But if Wang Tao and the three are teammates, it would be different - these are second-level superpowers!

"Oh, by the way?"

Wang Tao glanced at Yang Changhong and the group of survivors, and felt that they didn't seem to be lying to him, but seemed to be on their way.

"Yes, we are also going to Bauhinia City. We are all survivors struggling to survive in the apocalypse. There is strength in numbers. Since we are on the way, why not go together!"

Yang Changhong spoke very enthusiastically.

"I'm ready to leave now..."

Now that he has a car, Wang Tao wants to get to Zijing City as soon as possible. After all, there are many mysterious monsters in the wild, and the longer he stays, the more danger he will face.

Yang Changhong immediately said:

"It just so happens that we are too!"

Wang Tao was a little confused.

"Don't you pack your things?"

Yang Changhong pointed to his motorcade and said:

"We don't have a camp, the car is our camp. We are considered 'apocalyptic herdsmen'..."

Hearing this, Wang Tao was a little stunned.

No wonder they had so much supplies in their car. Wang Tao thought that this was what they came out to search for today. He also thought that Yang Changhong was so lucky to find so much food in one morning - it turned out that they did not have a fixed residence. They are constantly moving in the apocalypse, like nomads.

Not to mention, this does have many benefits. For example, they don't have to worry about the base being besieged by a large number of zombies, they don't have to consider the development of the base, they won't be restricted by geographical location, etc.

Of course, this "nomadic" form also has one of the biggest drawbacks, which is that the team cannot grow too much.

After all, if there are too many people, many people will definitely want to settle down, and it will be inconvenient to move around if there are too many people.

"What do you think, Mr. Wang?"

Yang Changhong looked at Wang Tao with burning eyes.

If a second-level superpower can join, even temporarily, the safety factor of their team will be at least doubled!

As for the character of Wang Tao and the other three, it's hard to say, but Yang Changhong firmly believes that only relationships maintained by interests are the strongest. She thinks that she and Wang Tao are in a state of needing each other more now. In this situation, no one will be stupid.

So whether it was for herself or her subordinates, she had to try her best to invite Wang Tao.


After thinking for a moment, Wang Tao nodded.

As Yang Changhong said, it is true that there is strength in numbers. These people may not be strong, but they have good eyes. If there is any danger, they can at least serve as a human alarm for him.

Moreover, Wang Tao also wanted to know about the situation in other places. Seeing that Yang Changhong and the others had obviously traveled to many places, Wang Tao might be able to inquire from her.

"Welcome Mr. Wang to join our team! I believe you will not be disappointed!"

Yang Changhong laughed and shook hands with Wang Tao again, then looked at Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue and asked:

"I don't know what to call these two?"

"Xu Xiaojun."

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head and said.

The two groups who were originally at war with each other suddenly became teammates, and Xu Xiaojun was still a little uncomfortable with it.

"Hello Mr. Xu.

Yang Changhong was still very polite.

Jiang Shixue said nothing, but looked at Wang Tao.

"Her name is Jiang Shixue, she is my sister. She is quite timid and doesn't like to talk."

Wang Tao spoke.

"Jiang Shixue...a very nice name, as beautiful as the name!"

Yang Changhong thought of his sister, his eyes a little nostalgic.

But she quickly came to her senses and said to the others:

"Everyone get in the car and set off towards Bauhinia City! Oh, by the way -"

Yang Changhong looked at Wang Tao again.

"You have a radio in your car. If you have any questions, you can contact us directly. Do you have your own radio? That's fine. Let's check it out..."

Soon, eight vehicles left the town one after another and continued heading west along the national highway.

In the largest off-road vehicle, Xu Xiaojun was driving, and Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue were sitting in the back seat.

The three of them didn't have much stuff, and there was a lot of space in the car, so Wang Tao put down the backrests of the back seats and lay down for a while. Jiang Shixue was more attached to Wang Tao, so she lay down with Wang Tao.

Xu Xiaojun naturally became the driver, but he was very happy because this was the most luxurious car he had ever driven. It was said that this car cost millions!

At this time, the intercom in the car suddenly rang.

"Mr. Wang, are you there? I'm Yang Changhong."

"What's wrong?"

Wang Tao said while lying down.

"Mr. Wang, do you know what energy is needed to use this nucleation synthesizer?"

There was no emotion or anger in Yang Changhong's tone.

"I know, it requires a lot of electricity to drive the crystal nucleation synthesizer."

Wang Tao spoke directly.


Then he seemed to hear the sound of deep breathing.

On the other side, in a more luxurious off-road vehicle, Yang Changhong's towering chest rose and fell violently.

What a constantly moving team like them lacks most is energy, especially electricity. He only has a gasoline generator and a few solar panels, and the electricity he gets is stored in a few batteries. But this little electricity can't power the crystal nucleation synthesizer at all!

She spent a lot of money to get this synthesizer, but it didn't work... Yang Changhong almost vomited blood in anger.

She took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and then said:

"Since Mr. Wang knows, why don't you remind me!"

Yang Changhong's tone was somewhat resentful.

"Didn't I give you the instruction manual? This is all in the instruction manual. It's on page nine. Didn't you see it?"

Wang Tao asked rhetorically.

He really didn't mean it. He thought Yang Changhong saw it. At that time, he was still thinking about what method Yang Changhong used to solve the energy problem, but she didn't see it?

"...Okay! Then I will study it carefully."

Yang Changhong didn't regret it, after all, it was really good stuff, and she also got 10 bottles of inhibitors. But this energy limitation is too great, and she has to think of a way to solve it.

Yang Changhong was about to cut off the communication, but Wang Tao happened to have something to ask Yang Changhong, so he asked again:

"I haven't traveled far since the end of the world. Can you tell me what you saw?"


Yang Changhong didn't hide anything, and gave her a rough summary of what he saw along the way.

After listening to her words, Wang Tao felt a little sad.

As he expected, the situation elsewhere was also dire.

Although it has been more than four months since the end of the world, the survivors are still in a difficult stage of survival. Being able to form a small survivor camp is already awesome.

She has seen several large survivor bases, and one of them was a base organized by the government before. But these bases have gone cold one after another.

It can be heard from her words that she led so many people to become herdsmen in the apocalypse, not because she liked it, but because she had no choice.

This time her goal is the large survivor base in Bauhinia City. If there is such a base in Bauhinia City and it is good, then she may end her wandering career.

As for zombies, she naturally encountered a lot of them, some of which Wang Tao had never seen before.

But she had never seen a mysterious monster, nor had she seen the monster illustrated book in the airdrop, so she didn't know there was such a big danger in the wild.

"Monster Manual? What is that?"

Hearing this, Yang Changhong suddenly asked.

"It's the information in the airdrop. Haven't you seen the airdrop?"

Wang Tao was a little strange.

"No...stop the car, I'll go find you!"

Yang Changhong decisively stopped the convoy, then got out of the car and got into Wang Tao's car.

Many survivors felt a pang in their hearts when they saw this scene.

"It's over, the boss doesn't really like that person... His heart hurts so much!"

Yang Changhong naturally didn't know the dirty thoughts of his men. After getting in the car, he quickly asked:

"What is the Monster Manual? Can you show it to me?"

"no problem."

Wang Tao directly took out the illustrated book and handed it to Yang Changhong.

It is said that men who are serious are the most charming, but the same is true for women.

Although the long wandering life in the apocalypse has made Yang Changhong's skin rough. But her facial features are very beautiful, with an oval face, a high nose bridge, big eyes, a small mouth...the overall proportions are also very coordinated, and she is considered a beauty in the standard sense.

Especially when she looked at the illustrated book carefully, the way her eyebrows wrinkled slightly made her feel very charming...

Wang Tao quickly looked away.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I replenished my blood with my sister-in-law. I feel a little nostalgic..."

He shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

As the saying goes, after three years in the army, a sow competes with Diao Chan. Not to mention that Yang Changhong is not a sow, but a standard beauty. In his heart, it is normal for a normal man to have thoughts.

Of course, Wang Tao is not without women around him. Jiang Shixue is enough to kill countless women in an instant, and she also obeys Wang Tao's advice.

It is impossible to say that Wang Tao has no thoughts about Jiang Shixue. It's been a few months since the end of the world, and no one will hold themselves to the moral standards of peacetime anymore. Moreover, Jiang Shixue is 19 years old and he is 26. This is normal even in peacetime.

But Jiang Shixue is different from others. She is half human and half corpse. Her body is similar to that of a zombie. Wang Tao didn't dare to do anything excessive, otherwise if he was infected, he wouldn't have anywhere to cry...

While his mind was wandering, Wang Tao suddenly felt that someone was staring at him.

He turned his head and saw Jiang Shixue's big, clear eyes.


Wang Tao felt a little uncomfortable, and he rubbed Jiang Shixue's hair in a concealed manner. Jiang Shixue's hairstyle today is double ponytails, which was naturally done by Wang Tao for her. The main reason is that Wang Tao doesn't know how to do other hairstyles, and ponytails are relatively simple. Jiang Shixue's hair is either double ponytails or single ponytails every day...

Feeling the big hand on top of her head, Jiang Shixue suddenly narrowed her eyes slightly and rubbed her head against Wang Tao's hand like a kitten.

At this time, Yang Changhong suddenly exclaimed, attracting Wang Tao's attention.

"Huh? It turns out these night demons are afraid of ultraviolet rays! Damn it!"

Perhaps feeling that he had lost his composure, Yang Changhong explained to Wang Tao again.

"The night before yesterday, we encountered a night demon. I was sleeping at the time. The others didn't know what level of zombie it was. They thought it was a second-level zombie... In the end, three of us died! If it hadn't been for the car, we would have died. All dead..."

Wang Tao shrugged. With the strength of this group of people, meeting the Night Demon was indeed no different from delivering food.

Yang Changhong sighed and then looked down.

"Monsters in the wild...hiss!"

Seeing this, she suddenly felt that she was quite lucky? She had never encountered such a monster before. Before today, she had thought the night was safe. She even thought that if she really couldn't find a suitable base, she would collect more supplies in the future and build a camp in a deserted place in the wild to be self-sufficient.

But now it seems that there is no difference between this and seeking death...

After reading the monster illustrated book, Yang Changhong thanked Wang Tao very solemnly:

"Thank you! If I hadn't seen this illustrated book, I wouldn't have known it was so dangerous outside!"

"You're welcome." Wang Tao waved his hand and asked curiously, "Didn't you pick up the airdrop?"

"No, we saw the plane, but the airdrop this time is different from before. In the past, the airdrop was fixed in a certain city, but now it feels more random, and we don't know where to drop. Some of them are dropped into the deep mountains and old forests. I went there and there was no way to find it..."

Yang Changhong's face looked a little helpless. She saw an airdrop this time, but they came from another way and did not see the specific location of the airdrop at the first time. Then she found one of her subordinates, who was waiting for her to come over, but Wang Tao got there first... It was like their work was in vain.

"The airdrop landing point is relatively random..."

Wang Tao frowned a little.

When I was in Shuize County before, every time I was airdropped, it always landed in the city. There was no such situation as Yang Changhong said.

There is no need for pilots to deliberately make it more difficult to obtain airdrops, right? And don’t they know that there are monsters in the wild?

Wang Tao was a little confused, but he didn't understand this aspect, so he could only shake his head.

If there is another airdrop in the future, let’s take another look.

At noon.

The convoy stopped.

Because someone saw several elite zombies gathering together.

Elite zombies have crystal cores. Once they encounter them, no one wants to miss them.

But now that second-level elite zombies have appeared, not everyone can tell the difference between first-level and second-level zombies. So now everyone is very cautious when seeing elite zombies.

Of course, it would be different if there were second-level superpowers in the team.

After Yang Changhong's men saw a few elite zombies, they immediately notified Yang Changhong, who in turn notified Wang Tao.

"Are there any elite zombies... Let me take a look."

After receiving the news from Yang Changhong, Wang Tao climbed to the roof of the car. With his enhanced vision, he easily found the zombie group Yang Changhong was talking about.

"A Vomiter, a Charger, a Violent Terrorist, plus some ordinary zombies...all of the first level."

Wang Tao was a little disappointed, there were no second-level zombies.

Of course, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat and cannot be wasted.

"They are all first-level zombies, what does Boss Yang say?"

Wang Tao said to Yang Changhong who was not far away.

Yang Changhong put down the telescope and glanced at Wang Tao with some surprise.

She can also tell the difference between first-level zombies and second-level zombies. But she had to get closer and draw a conclusion based on her perception of danger and her experience with zombies.

And Wang Tao is so far away, can he directly tell that it is a first-order zombie?

"Are you sure these are first-level zombies?" Yang Changhong asked, and then explained, "It's not that I don't believe you, but if the judgment is wrong, someone may die, and I have to be responsible for their lives." .”

"OK. Of course, I am referring to this group of zombies. If there are other zombies coming, it will be hard to say."

Wang Tao said with a smile.


Yang Changhong chose to believe in Wang Tao. After all, everyone is now teammates. No need to trick people. And I will definitely have to go in and observe later.

After thinking for a while, she said to Wang Tao:

"Since they are all first-level zombies, it is not difficult for us. How about we compete to see who can kill faster? Whoever wins, the crystal core will naturally belong to that person, and then the winner can make a request that is not excessive. The other party can’t refuse, how about it?”

After saying that, she even licked her lips deliberately.


Wang Tao looked at Yang Changhong's seductive face and suddenly became interested.

"OK, no problem!"

Wang Tao doesn't care about victory or defeat, what Wang Tao cares about is the crystal core. After all, these first-level elite zombies were discovered by Yang Changhong's people. Even if he wanted the crystal core, it would be hard to fight for them.

But since Yang Changhong proposed to compete with who can kill faster, then he has to decide on this crystal core!

"Don't worry about making noise that will attract crazy zombies. Just attack with all your strength. The crazy zombies are not as fast as our car. They just leave after killing them. They can't catch up."

Yang Changhong also reminded Wang Tao very thoughtfully.

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows, what did this woman mean by looking down on him?

Of course Yang Changhong didn't look down on them. The main reason why she wanted to compete with Wang Tao was to see how strong Wang Tao and the others were.

Using a first-order crystal core and a promise as a bet is not too small. It should make them serious, right? Especially Xu Xiaojun, Yang Changhong wanted to know if this second-level superpower was as strong as himself!

As for whether she will lose...she definitely won't, because she has a speed power!

The convoy slowly drove towards the group of zombies.

Stopped about forty or fifty meters away from them.

Yang Changhong is obviously very experienced. Even if a zombie is discovered at this distance, the chargers among them will not be able to rush over at once, because the charging distance of the chargers is only about thirty meters. This will give them plenty of time to react.

The other survivors were very excited when they heard that their boss was going to compete with Wang Tao and the others. They have only met one second-level superpower in their boss so far, and they also want to know the strength of other second-level superpowers.

But what is surprising is that it was not Xu Xiaojun who took action on Wang Tao's side, but Wang Tao himself.

Not a second-level superpower?

Everyone was confused, even Yang Changhong frowned, but she didn't say much.

"Are you ready?"

"Hold on."

Wang Tao took out a recurve bow from the car.

Everyone: "?"

"Okay, we can start now."

When everyone was a little confused, Wang Tao directly drew his bow and arrow.

call out--

call out--

call out--

In an instant, all three elite zombies were hit by arrows in their heads, and their health bars were cleared.

"I won."

Wang Tao turned his head and looked at Yang Changhong who was holding a machete and was about to rush over.


Why didn't you tell me earlier that you knew how to attack from a distance?

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