"Boss, the defense facilities have been set up!"

"Okay, according to the previous rules, everyone takes turns to keep vigil.


Wang Tao found it very interesting to see Yang Changhong and his group busy.

If Wang Tao stayed out overnight, he would basically find a suitable house and close the doors and windows tightly.

But Yang Changhong and the others were different. After arriving at this motel, they did not live in it. Instead, they set up a few simple tents and lived in the tents.

Outside the tent is a car, and outside the car are various fortifications such as spikes and barbed wire.

Yang Changhong explained that they like to live outside when they stay in some flat and open places. Because if they encounter danger, their first reaction is to drive away.

Wang Tao, on the other hand, is accustomed to living in a house no matter where he is. If there is any irresistible danger, he will hide first. If he can't hide, he will hide in the house. If he can't hide anymore, he will finally run... Of course, most of the time, Wang Tao will take the initiative to attack. Danger resolved.

It's hard to say which of the two methods is better, but Yang Changhong and the others are experienced and have considerable driving skills, so for them, the first method is obviously more suitable.

There is a tent in Wang Tao's car, but it is not big and can accommodate two people at most.

Xu Xiaojun offered to live in a tent and let Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue sleep in the car. The car has a lot of space and not much stuff, so sleeping two people is no problem.

When Xu Xiaojun set up his tent, Wang Tao gave him a set of sportswear.

[Black sportswear suit: durability +5, tear resistance +5]

This is what was in the package of the sportswear zombie today, just right for Xu Xiaojun to wear.

After Yang Changhong read the monster illustrated book, he was a little worried about his safety tonight. She wasn't sure if the Night Stalker would show up near her makeshift camp.

Although the illustrated book says that the more zombies there are, the more likely Night Devils are to appear. It is difficult to see Night Devils in places with few zombies and in the wild.

But after all, there is still a chance of encountering it, so Yang Changhong arranged for an extra group of people to be on duty today to ensure that any real danger can be discovered as soon as possible.

After the arrangements were made, it was time for dinner.

Yang Changhong's dinner is rice with pickled wild vegetables.

They had been to a rice factory before and got a lot of rice. The staple food during this period of time is mainly rice.

As for pickled wild vegetables, there are actually many wild vegetables in the wilderness, but few people know about them. Some of them knew wild vegetables, so they got some wild vegetables for pickling.

Yang Changhong invited Wang Tao to have dinner with him. Wang Tao was not polite and came over with Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun.

A group of people sat together, and in the middle was a small table with a large pot of pickled wild vegetables and several bottles of chili powder on it.

As the sun sets, a group of survivors sit together and enjoy dinner outside a semi-abandoned building. The atmosphere is quite special.

"Is this a wild vegetable?"

Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he heard Yang Changhong's introduction. He hasn't had vegetables for a long time.

Wang Tao tasted it and found that the taste of this wild vegetable... could only be described as average. However, it is understandable that if this kind of weed is really delicious, then it may not be a wild vegetable. Especially since this is simply pickled and has no other seasoning.

Xu Xiaojun is not picky about food and everything he eats tastes delicious. He and Wang Tao both held bowls and ate.

Jiang Shixue prefers to eat meat and nutrient solution. She seems to have no interest in these rice and wild vegetables. She eats them in small bites, looking very ladylike.

Everyone saw that Wang Tao and Xu Xiaojun were eating well, and they all had smiles on their faces.

Although you are very powerful, we are not useless. As for these foods, you probably haven’t eaten them for a long time - they all think so.

Yang Changhong's expression remained unchanged, but he was also a little proud in his heart.

She admitted that she was not Xu Xiaojun's opponent, but she won in terms of food.

But at this moment, Wang Tao suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Oh, by the way, I also have some fish here, so you're welcome."

Wang Tao took out something like a water bag from his arms.


Yang Changhong was stunned for a moment. How many fish can be packed in this bag? Dried small fish, right?

But she didn't dislike it either, on the contrary she was looking forward to it. After all, she hasn't had any meat for a long time, so it would be good to have a taste of it.

Everyone else looked at Wang Tao expectantly.

Then, a scene happened that confused everyone.

I saw Wang Tao opening the "water bag" and then pouring it onto the small table.

Dong dong dong——

Pieces of large dried fish appeared one after another from the "water bag", and in the blink of an eye the entire small table was piled up.

Everyone: "?"

After the confusion, everyone was a little excited.

"Fuck, what is this!"

"How can such a small bag contain so many things?"

"The space equipment in the novel?"


Yang Changhong also looked shocked, but soon looked at Wang Tao with fiery eyes.

"This is……"

She doesn't want to know the principle, she only knows that this thing is an artifact for survival in the doomsday! If only they could have this in their fleet...

"Well, this is called a magical stomach pouch. It's something inside some special zombie bodies. It can store a lot of food, and it's at a low temperature inside, just like a refrigerator. But it can only store food, and other things can't be put in it. .”

Wang Tao didn't hide it either. He would have to take things often in the future, so he couldn't hide it.

"I go!"

Everyone was amazed when they heard Wang Tao's explanation.

Although there are some restrictions, it still cannot hide the value of this thing!

"You're welcome, just take it as you like. We've been eating fish lately and we're all tired of it..."

Wang Tao greeted everyone.


Everyone quickly thanked him.

Originally, some people were still a little resentful towards Wang Tao, but now that they see how strong Wang Tao and others are, and how approachable Wang Tao is... everyone's little resentment disappeared instantly.

Many people even think that Wang Tao and their boss are actually a good match! Even Xiao Jia, who was kicked down by Jiang Shixue before, is no longer resentful. After all, this dried fish is so delicious!

Yang Changhong was hesitant to speak. She really wanted Wang Tao's magical stomach, but let's not say whether Wang Tao would give it to her. Even if he gave it, she couldn't afford it, and she had nothing in exchange for it.

As for giving it away for free...she is a more practical person and won't daydream.

So Yang Changhong can only give up and see if he can get anything good in the future, and then exchange it with Wang Tao, if Wang Tao is willing to exchange.

But I have to say, this dried fish is really delicious!

Hearing Wang Tao say that the fish was caught in the lake, Yang Changhong silently remembered the news. They had been moving and rarely encountered wild water sources. If they did, they had no chance to fish...

After the meal, Wang Tao gave them the uneaten dried fish.

When Wang Tao learned that there was a cook among the group of people, he was immediately overjoyed. It's not that Wang Tao doesn't know how to cook, it's that he doesn't have any seasoning. And this cook has a lot of spices in his hands.

Wang Tao also had some unprocessed fish meat, which he could just process. The cook was also very happy and said that there was no problem. After all, Wang Tao said that the cooked food would be shared with everyone.

It was still time to go to bed. Wang Tao did not get in the car, but chatted with Yang Changhong for a while.

"Why do they call you boss?"

Hearing this question, Yang Changhong smiled.

"I am the largest shareholder and chairman of a small company. When the apocalypse came, I organized some employees to resist and led them to escape from the building. Later, the old employees died and scattered, and there were fewer and fewer people. , but there are also some new people joining in. The new people call me boss when they see the old people, and they all call me boss..."

Yang Changhong's tone was a bit nostalgic.

It was obviously a few months ago that she became the boss, but now when I think about it, it feels like it was a lifetime ago, and even many memories are starting to blur.

"She turns out to be a rich woman!"

Wang Tao understood clearly. No wonder these cars are all luxury cars, and they are well maintained and have not been corroded by acid rain. It is estimated that these may be her own or company's cars.

Hearing the word rich woman, Yang Changhong shook his head helplessly.

In the apocalypse, no matter whether you are a rich man or a rich woman, if you have no strength, you will all be nothing. It's not easy for her to survive until now.

"What do you think about the second-level zombies I told you?"

Yang Changhong asked Wang Tao.

"Of course it's...killing! If you want to go, we can go together. If you don't want to go, I will go by myself."

Wang Tao said with a smile.

Yang Changhong had already told Wang Tao the location of the nest of second-level zombies, and Wang Tao was definitely going to take a look. As long as he is sure that there are no third-level zombies there, he will definitely take action.

"...Okay, I won't go, but I will wait for you. You must pay attention to safety!"

Yang Changhong actually wanted to go over and have a look, but after all, she had so many subordinates, and the combat effectiveness of the second level was much stronger than that of the first level. If they were affected, they would either die or be injured.

"Okay. I'll go there tomorrow and make a quick decision."

Wang Tao nodded.

Hearing this, Yang Changhong seemed to think of something, and suddenly frowned and asked:

"You... are you also a second-level superpower?"

She didn't feel the aura of a second-level superpower user from Wang Tao, but Wang Tao's confident look could not be faked. Unless he was a second-level superpower user himself, how could he have such great confidence?

So she stopped guessing and asked directly.


Wang Tao nodded.


Yang Changhong fell silent for a moment.

She suddenly thought of another question. A second-level superpower like Xu Xiaojun obeyed Wang Taoyan... So how strong is Wang Tao?

She had previously thought that Wang Tao might have some special personality charm that impressed Xu Xiaojun. But now after hearing Wang Tao admit that he is a second-level superpower, she felt that his personality charm may be there, but his strength must also play a big factor!

For example, if she didn't have this strength, it would be impossible for all these people to listen to her unconditionally.

And if Wang Tao is stronger than Xu Xiaojun, then his previous competition with Wang Tao seemed to be overestimating his abilities...

Yang Changhong was a little shocked.

She finally became a second-level superpower, and even when she successfully advanced to the second level, she had the illusion that "she was the first second-level superpower in the world."

But now, I randomly met two people on the road. Even if they were both second-level superpowers, they were still better than me!

Yang Changhong is a very competitive person, otherwise she would not have started a company and become the boss herself. But now that I'm being hit one after another, it's a bit uncomfortable...

Yang Changhong said a little helplessly:

"We made a bet before, what do you want to ask for?"

"Do you really agree to any conditions?"

Wang Tao looked at Yang Changhong with a somewhat unscrupulous gaze.

Yang Changhong suddenly felt goosebumps.

Before, when she thought Wang Tao was a first-level superpower, her attitude towards Wang Tao was somewhat arrogant, and she naturally felt that she was a higher level mentally. So it didn't matter to Wang Tao's glance.

But now, after discovering that Wang Tao may be stronger than herself, her psychological advantage is gone. Feeling Wang Tao's scanning eyes again, I suddenly felt as if I had been stripped naked...

"Ahem, within the scope of your ability...you can't go too far!"

Yang Changhong looked away unnaturally.

"I won't embarrass you. But I haven't thought about it yet. I'll talk about it later."

Wang Tao smiled and said.


After Yang Changhong left, Wang Tao also returned to the car and prepared to sleep.

There was a lot of space in the car, and he and Jiang Shixue didn't feel crowded at all when they were lying together. However, Jiang Shixue liked to get close to Wang Tao, and soon she got into Wang Tao's arms.

Wang Tao was a little helpless. He could only look at it but not use it. If he had known earlier, it would be better for him and Xu Xiaojun to sleep in a tent together, it would be torture.

Nothing happened all night.

After getting up in the morning, Wang Tao left the motorcade.

After hearing that Wang Tao was going to find those second-level zombies, other survivors were a little worried, but they didn't say much. After all, Wang Tao's strength lies here.

Yang Changhong said that he would wait for Wang Tao for three days. If Wang Tao didn't come back after three days, they would have to leave. After all, you can't wait forever.

Wang Tao said that there is no problem. It may take one day or two or three days. He will definitely come back.

The place Yang Changhong was talking about was in a miniature reservoir. She found it when she was passing by a few days ago.

Wang Tao looked at the map and found the location of the reservoir.

If you drive directly from here, it may only be an hour away. But there is a high probability that it will not be smooth sailing on the road, so Wang Tao set himself a morning.

But he seemed to be lucky today. Although he encountered a lot of zombies on the road, and even a small group of crazy zombies, he was able to deal with them easily. By the way, I also harvested several crystal nuclei.

Yesterday, the sportswear zombie added 690 blood to Wang Tao, and today these zombies added 60 more blood, so Wang Tao's blood volume also reached [15200/15200].

It's only half the distance from the third level of 30,000 HP!

"I hope this reservoir can give me a surprise..."

This is an abandoned reservoir with no water and overgrown with weeds.

Yang Changhong said that the second-level zombies she saw were outside the reservoir. Wang Tao drove around the reservoir and found no second-level zombies except for a few ordinary zombies.

Yang Changhong obviously didn't need to lie to him. Either these zombies were gone, or they were in the reservoir. The weeds in the reservoir were too tall, higher than people. If there were zombies in there, Wang Tao couldn't see them.

"Want to go down there?"

Xu Xiaojun looked at the weeds below and scratched his head.

He felt that if this continued, the risk would be too great. After all, no one knew where the zombies were, but if Wang Tao asked him to go, he would naturally not refuse.

Wang Tao looked at this large area of ​​weeds and suddenly had an idea.

"Don't go down yet, let's go clean up around the reservoir."

The reservoir is surrounded by concrete, so no grass can grow. Grass is found inside and around the reservoir.

Wang Tao and the others simply cleaned up and ensured that the inside and outside of the reservoir were completely separated. Then Wang Tao found a jug of gasoline from the car.

Gasoline came with the car. Yang Changhong was very generous. After giving the car to Wang Tao, he also left the gas for Wang Tao.

"I hope you're in there, otherwise I'll be wasting my gas..."

Wang Tao grinned.

Xu Xiaojun only found out about Wang Tao's plan at this time, and his eyes widened immediately.

Darling, you have to set off such a big fire!

It’s a bit exciting!

The area of ​​this reservoir is not large and it is a micro reservoir. But no matter how small it is, it still has a certain area. If this ignites the weeds inside, how big of a fire will there be!

Wang Tao was actually afraid that the fire would be too big and burn him, so he checked and cleaned up the surrounding area to make sure there were no other flammable objects around and to ensure that the fire was controlled within the scope of the reservoir.

There was a slight breeze today. Wang Tao took out a piece of cloth, tested the wind, and then drove the car upwind.

Then he took the oil can and poured gasoline on the weeds in the reservoir.

Gulu gulu——

Finally, Wang Tao lit the cloth in his hand and threw the burning cloth into the reservoir.


In an instant, a fire shot into the sky.

Wang Tao and the other two subconsciously took a step back.

"Okay, let's watch carefully. If any zombies appear, call me in time."

Wang Tao took out his bow and arrow and spoke.



These weeds are not dead grass, they contain a lot of moisture, so when the fire burns, thick smoke will billow directly.

"If this were left before the end of the world, I'm afraid I would have been imprisoned..."

Wang Tao felt a little short of breath because the surrounding oxygen was decreasing and the heat wave was hitting his face. He couldn't stand it anymore and quickly took the two of them back a few steps.

In the past, we only saw on the news that a fire broke out in a certain place and how many people were killed and injured. But he had not experienced how terrifying the fire was. But today, he felt the power of the fire. It was so uncomfortable on the periphery of the fire, but one could imagine how uncomfortable it was in the center of the fire.


About a few minutes later, Wang Tao heard a roar from the reservoir.

"Sure enough, there are zombies! This doesn't sound like an ordinary first-level zombie!"

After a while, the roars became more frequent.

"Look where they are!"

Wang Tao endured the discomfort and took a few steps forward.


Suddenly, Jiang Shixue pointed to a place.

Wang Tao looked quickly and found a zombie in flames.


call out--

An arrow flew out and accurately inserted into its eye socket.



Level 2 zombies, their health bars are cleared.

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