An arrow repaired the head of a second-level zombie. Seeing the increase in the upper limit of blood volume, Wang Tao suddenly laughed.

"Go on, let me see how many zombies there are in here!"

The one he just killed was a second-level elite zombie. It was the first one, but it was certainly not the last one. Wang Tao could already foresee that a lot of blood would be added today!

Any zombie killed instantly by Wang Tao will drop a package. So this zombie naturally also dropped a package, but this package was in the sea of ​​fire, and Wang Tao couldn't get it for the time being.

But this also reminded Wang Tao that he had to snatch the zombie's head before it was burned to death. Otherwise, if the zombie is burned to death, not only will his blood volume be unable to increase, but there will also be no loot package. Because the fire burned for too long, it was not considered his death.

Soon, Xu Xiaojun also discovered a second-level zombie in the sea of ​​fire.


This zombie still had a lot of health, so Wang Tao didn't rush to take action. Instead, when it only had a thousand health left, Wang Tao shot it with an arrow.

call out--



Picked up another head.

Before Wang Tao had time to see how much blood volume had increased, Jiang Shixue's voice came again.

"Brother, there are two there!"

Wang Tao ran over quickly.

There were five zombies where Jiang Shixue pointed, but three of them were ordinary first-level zombies. The first-level zombies were naturally ignored by Jiang Shixue.

After killing two second-level zombies, Wang Tao did not take action again. If they were first-level elite zombies, it would still be worth his while. Ordinary zombies would not be necessary. It was just a few ordinary materials, not enough to waste arrows - he was When attacking zombies in a sea of ​​fire, arrows are basically useless after being shot, so save what you can.

Ten minutes later, the fire became more and more intense, and thick smoke shot into the sky.

“We don’t know how much pollution this thing can cause and how many degrees of global warming it can cause.”

Wang Tao smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Before the end of the world, I saw some news every day saying that humans are responsible for environmental pollution and global warming. But he is an ordinary person, and this thing is not caused by him, or it has little to do with him. It is okay to ask him to protect the environment, but it is outrageous to dump the blame on him... And now, this thing does have something to do with him. Yes, it was caused by his own hands, but no one was nagging in his ears anymore.


At this time, Wang Tao heard another roar. He followed the sound and saw a burly zombie.

"Huh? Violent terror?"

The reservoir is deeper than Wang Tao imagined, and the weeds inside are also taller than Wang Tao imagined. If the weeds hadn't been burned, Wang Tao wouldn't have been able to see the two-meter-tall man inside.

It's a good thing he didn't go down, otherwise it would be a disaster if he was besieged by zombies unknowingly.

[HP: 19339/22000]

[Blue amount: 10000/10000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

This violent terror is very powerful, with more than 22,000 blood. Even after being burned by fire for so long, it still has 19,000 blood left.

If it were a face-to-face battle, Wang Tao would have to put in some effort, but now, he just had to watch it slowly burn to death.

The Violent Terrorist discovered Wang Tao. With its simple brain, it might not be able to figure out what the fire was about, but it would attack any human it saw.

So after seeing Wang Tao, he immediately raised a thick steel pipe in his hand and hammered it hard on the ground.

A shock wave flew towards Wang Tao, but disappeared when it was still a considerable distance away from Wang Tao.

Wang Tao calmly drew his bow and nocked an arrow, but was not in a hurry to shoot.

The reason why he used a bow and arrow instead of a shock wave was because the distance was too far and the shock wave could not reach it. He didn't dare to get too close. After all, the flames were too strong and he would be hurt if he got too close.

This violent terror walked towards Wang Tao step by step, the flames burning crazily on its body, its head ignited with flames, like a god of war coming out of hell! A handsome one - of course, it loses health very quickly.

When it came to Wang Tao with some difficulty in the flames, Wang Tao let go of the bowstring.

call out--



The violent terror's health bar was cleared and he fell to the ground.

"It's so considerate, and you know how to come to me."

Including this shock wave crystal core that he has not yet picked up, Wang Tao has two shock wave crystal cores. If he saves one more, he can synthesize a crystal core that he can use!

"I hope I can see another violent terror..."

Wang Tao muttered silently in his heart.

Many zombies appeared later. Although there were no violent terrorists, they were all second-level.

Wang Tao killed very happily, but as he continued to kill, Wang Tao felt that something was not right.

"Why are there so many second-level zombies?"

What Yang Changhong told him at that time was that there were several second-level zombies here.

But now the fire has only burned a small area in the reservoir, and more than ten second-level zombies have been burned out!

Although most of them were zombies with low health, such as zombies with 7,000, 6,000 or even 5,000 health, the number was still too much. This doesn't look like normal!

If there are really so many second-level zombies, Wang Tao will definitely encounter them when he is on the road. Instead of running all the way here to kill zombies now.

Wang Tao suddenly thought of the previous situation at Shuize No. 1 Hospital.

At that time, there were so many first-level elite zombies that he couldn't kill them all. But that's because there is a green-eyed zombie in Mizusawa Hospital that can level up ordinary zombies.

Could it be that there is a similar big guy in this reservoir?

Thinking of this, Wang Tao suddenly felt a little excited and a little cautious.

If there is such a zombie, it is most likely a third-level zombie!

Although Wang Tao had killed third-level zombies, they were night demons killed by sunlight, which was different from normal killings.

Of course, the situation is different now - all zombies will gradually fall into a sea of ​​fire. If there are really third-level zombies, Wang Tao can't fight them!

Wang Tao told Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun about the speculation that there might be third-level zombies here, and asked them to be careful.

The two nodded quickly.

Fortunately for Jiang Shixue, she didn't have much mood swings when it came to fighting - simply put, she didn't know how to be afraid.

Xu Xiaojun was a little scared, but this fear was human nature. He himself still firmly believes that Wang Tao can deal with even third-level zombies. He has blind trust in Wang Tao.

The fire continued to burn, and from time to time some second-level zombies would jump out of the flames and be killed by Wang Tao with one arrow.

Wang Tao didn't want to think about whether there were any third-level zombies. He wanted to kill all the zombies he could kill first.

Wang Tao estimated that there must be many zombies who had no chance to break out of the sea of ​​​​fire before being burned to death, and he didn't know how much blood would be wasted... It was a pity that Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun were unable to attack from a distance, otherwise they could have picked up some heads.

The reservoir is very deep and there are protective railings around it. Even if some zombies rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire, they will not be able to cause any harm to Wang Tao and the other three.

But there are always exceptions. Some zombies have jumping abilities and can jump up directly. Some zombies have long-range abilities and launched attacks on Wang Tao and the others across the sea of ​​fire.

Fortunately, Wang Tao has always been very cautious, and he has been guarding against this kind of zombie. Only if he attacks the zombies secretly, he will not give the zombies a chance to sneak attack.

Therefore, the three of them were able to easily deal with these zombies without any danger.

Moreover, Wang Tao also discovered a good thing. A zombie with a special power called "Spit Nail" just jumped up.

The ability of the Spit Nail is to store one-tenth of the food eaten in the stomach, and then spit it out as a weapon.

Not to mention the special abilities of this zombie, the main thing is that killing it will drop a "magic stomach pouch"!

Wang Tao killed three spitting zombies before, and all of them exploded with a magical stomach pouch. And this spitting zombie is no exception, one also bursts out!

"Tsk, tsk, I can sell it to Yang Changhong later, if she can come up with something of high value..."

Wang Tao originally thought that he would come to the reservoir in the morning, kill all the second-level zombies at noon, and then meet Yang Changhong in the afternoon.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and there were too many zombies hiding in the reservoir. The fire burned from morning to afternoon.

Wang Tao and the three of them all covered their mouths and noses with towels. They had no choice but to do it. The smell of burning corpses was too unpleasant.

He was actually a little worried about whether such large-scale flames and smoke would attract other third-level zombies or mysterious monsters in the wild.

But fortunately, this place may be too remote. There are only some scattered ordinary zombies around, which Xu Xiaojun easily eliminated.

As for the mysterious monsters... there are very few of them, and unless they are really in decline, they are not so easy to encounter.

"It feels like this fire won't burn out until tomorrow..."

Looking at the fire, Wang Tao felt helpless.

When the flames start to burn, he can easily go for the last hit. But after the flames gradually grew bigger, it became difficult to do last-ditch attacks. Now that the flames are burning, there is no way to finish the attack - because Wang Tao can only hear the roar of zombies occasionally, but can't see the specific location of the zombies at all. The fire is too strong, and the zombies can't get out...

To be honest, it was a bit wasteful, but Wang Tao was satisfied. He looked at his health bar——[24850/24850]

Before Wang Tao came, the upper limit of blood volume was 15,200, and now it is 24,850! It increased directly by 9650!

Although most of the zombies in the flames are second-level elite zombies, and their health volume is generally not high, the one with the highest health is still the Violent Terrorist. But there were so many zombies that Wang Tao couldn't even remember how many he had killed.

"There are still five thousand less than thirty thousand blood..."

Wang Tao felt a little excited.

This time he really came at the right time, and it gave him an idea to set fire. Otherwise, it would have taken a lot of time to save up the maximum blood volume of nearly 10,000.

There were a lot of weeds in the reservoir. Seeing that the sun had set and the fire had not finished, Wang Tao decided not to leave today and rest here overnight. After all, he hasn't picked up the crystal core and loot package yet, these things are still down there.

The wind direction changed somewhat in the afternoon, and Wang Tao drove in a different direction. Looking at the shining crystal nuclei and transparent packages in the sea of ​​​​fire, Wang Tao felt a little itchy. But he still held back.

After all, there was too much fire down there, and there might be zombies hiding somewhere. It's best not to go down until it's safe.

And Wang Tao felt a little strange. The resistance of these weeds to burning was beyond his imagination. He wondered if these weeds had also mutated.

But this also has an advantage -

In the past, when Wang Tao threw Molotov cocktails at zombies, the flames on the zombies would quickly go out.

At that time, Wang Tao didn't know what was happening. Later, after some observations, Wang Tao discovered that the blood of zombies might have the effect of "reducing fire"... So although Molotov cocktails can burn zombies, they generally cannot be burned to death.

But it's different now. If the flames were on the zombies alone, they might burn out before long. But now the flames are on the weeds. The weeds are too resistant to burning. The zombies cannot avoid the flames in the weeds. As long as the weeds cannot be burned out, the zombies can be burned alive.

"Let's wait, hope it can be finished tomorrow..."

Wang Tao and the other three were not ready to sleep.

After all, I can't sleep now. After being promoted to the second level, my need for sleep is not as great as before. Occasionally not sleeping will not have any impact on my mental state.

The three of them watched the fire burn in the car all night.

Wang Tao was relieved when he saw the sky turning white.

What he was most worried about was that night demons would come over at night.

Wang Tao was not sure whether the three of him could single out a third-level night demon with their current strength. But he knew that if there were more than two Night Stalkers, he would have to run away. Night demons are not lone zombies, they like to appear in groups... Fortunately, nothing happened at night.

The flames in the reservoir were still burning, but the fire was much smaller and concentrated in the middle of the reservoir. As for the rest of the place, it was all bare and scorched black. Among the ashes, many crystal nuclei sparkled under the reflection of the flames.

"Let's go, pick up the crystal core!"

The surroundings were empty, and you could see if there was any danger at a glance, so Wang Tao took Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun down directly.

"Second-level charge, second-level self-destruction, first-level self-healing..."

Looking at these crystal nuclei, Wang Tao grinned almost to his ears.

And not only the crystal core, but the zombies he killed before also had loot packages. After putting away all these packages, Wang Tao realized that he had killed 32 second-level elite zombies yesterday!

Then comparing it with the number of crystal nuclei, Wang Tao found that he only killed a small part! The three of them picked up more than 80 crystal nuclei alone!

In other words, at least fifty zombies were burned to death.

Thinking about it makes me feel a little distressed, after all, it’s all about the blood limit and the loot package! If all these zombies are killed, Wang Tao's blood volume will definitely be close to 30,000!

At the same time, Wang Tao was also a little worried.

Judging from the current situation, it goes without saying that there is definitely at least one level three zombie here!

And it might be a zombie similar to a green-eyed zombie that can breed other zombies!

This kind of zombie, maybe we can call it... a mother zombie?

Wang Tao feels that this title should be very appropriate.

As for where the mother zombie is... Wang Tao looked at the still burning flame in the middle of the reservoir. If nothing else, the mother zombie might be there!

What made Wang Tao confused was that the other party didn't roar or make any movements, as if he was burned to death.

But this should be impossible. After all, those first- and second-level zombies resisted, but these third-level zombies made no resistance at all?

After picking up everything, Wang Tao and the others returned to the shore.

"Let's wait until the fire in the middle goes out and see what's going on inside."


Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun naturally had no objections.

But this time, it was noon.

Wang Tao had just drank a few bottles of nutrient solution when he saw Jiang Shixue pointing to the reservoir and saying:

"It went out."

"Let's go and have a look!"

Without saying a word, Wang Tao took the ax and left.

In the middle of the reservoir is a pile of ashes, as if there were a lot of weeds here before.

The three of them picked up the ashes, but did not see any crystal nuclei.

"Are there no third-level zombies? It's impossible..."

Wang Tao was a little puzzled. He felt that his guess was correct...

Xu Xiaojun took a giant ax to clean up the ashes and accidentally hit the ground.


There's something wrong with that sound!

Xu Xiaojun suddenly said:

"The ground is empty!"

"Empty? Are the third-level zombies hiding underground? Keep searching!"

Soon, a large slab of stone beneath the ashes was revealed.

There are some holes in the stone slab. Through the holes, you can see the darkness inside. It is not clear what the specific situation is.

Wang Tao glanced at it without looking at the health bar information.

"There is something else down there..." After a slight hesitation, Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun, "Smash it open!"


Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue moved a little away. Xu Xiaojun raised the giant ax with both hands, and then slashed it down on the stone slab underground.



After a loud noise, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the stone slabs on the ground instantly shattered.

Xu Xiaojun, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately ran to Wang Tao's side.

All three were ready for battle.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened. After the smoke and dust slowly fell next to the broken stone slab, Wang Tao walked over cautiously.

"Huh? A hole?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

He originally thought that there might be a pit or other space below, with zombies hiding in it.

But I didn't expect that it was a hole that sloped downwards, and the hole was not small, enough for Wang Tao's size to go down.

"Level 3 zombies hiding inside?"

Wang Tao's eyes glowed green. He saw that the hole was not straight, but curved, and it was impossible to see the head at a glance.

Wang Tao hesitated whether to go in or not.

Rationally speaking, this is something you shouldn't go in. Because the benefits and risks don't match well - he doesn't know what the benefits are, nor what the dangers are.

If there was an intact level 3 zombie inside, they might not be able to defeat it.

But at this moment, Wang Tao suddenly saw some plants growing deeper into the cave entrance. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a mushroom, and it even had a name!

【Power Mushroom*1】

[Power Mushroom: Production material, edible. After eating, your strength can be temporarily improved, but you will fall into hallucination for a certain period of time]

"Power mushroom? It sounds a bit familiar... Isn't this the core material for making power potions (small)!"

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