"Be careful……"

Wang Tao took Jiang Shixue into the cave together.

After careful consideration, Wang Tao decided to come down and take a look. After all, opportunities come to those who are prepared!

He hesitated before because he didn't know what was in the cave. But now after seeing the power mushroom, he knew the risk was worth taking.

After all, power mushrooms are the core material of power potion (small). With this thing, he can make his own power potion!

The strength potions in Wang Tao's hands were all exploded from zombies. They were not in large quantities and he was reluctant to use them...

Xu Xiaojun didn't follow him. He couldn't see at night, so he was at a disadvantage in a place like this. Wang Tao asked him to guard the off-road vehicle outside. If there was any irresistible danger, he could drive them away in time.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue's eyes glowed with red and green light, and they cautiously came to the power mushroom.

The shape and size of the power mushroom are similar to those of ordinary mushrooms, but upon closer inspection, it is discovered that there are some small red dots on the white mushroom.

"Can this thing be eaten..."

Wang Tao usually prefers to eat mushrooms, but he only eats seriously purchased mushrooms, never wild ones.

The little red dot on this power mushroom looks unusual, and the introduction also says that after eating a mushroom, although the power can be temporarily improved, it will fall into hallucinations for a certain period of time.

It doesn't matter how it tastes. If it's really delicious, then it doesn't seem to matter if you fall into a little hallucination or something? It’s not fatal anyway…

Shaking his head, Wang Tao quickly got rid of his foodie thoughts. Even if you want to eat it, you have to let others try it.

And there are very few of these mushrooms now, and they are not enough to make potions. It would be too luxurious to eat them as food...

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue picked all the mushrooms.

There are 14 mushrooms in total, and each mushroom can make 5 strength potions, so that’s 70 strength potions! In the future, you may be able to trade these power potions with others, or even sell them directly!

Moreover, this mushroom can be put into the space backpack, which is very convenient.

After collecting all these power mushrooms, you have reached the corner of the cave.

Wang Tao stretched his head and took a look. There was no danger behind the corner, and there were still a lot of mushrooms growing. And there is a mushroom with blue spots.

[Defense Mushroom*1]

[Defense Mushroom: Production material, edible. After eating, the defense can be temporarily improved, but you will fall into an illusion for a certain period of time]

The introductions of defense mushrooms and power mushrooms are similar, except that one increases strength and the other increases defense.

Defense mushrooms can make defense potions (small), which correspond to strength potions (small)!


We went all the way and passed three corners. A total of 55 mushrooms and 58 defensive mushrooms were harvested!

At this time, the road ahead finally changed.

Deep in the cave is a huge space. There are no power mushrooms here, but there are many tree roots spiraling together.

Wang Tao looked at those tree roots and suddenly looked wary.

Because these tree roots have health bars!


"One hundred thousand health, but not full health... Could it be that it was burned by fire?"

Wang Tao was a little curious.

Apart from the health bar, these tree roots showed no other attributes... This reminded Wang Tao of the flesh and blood with 100,000 blood in the Night Demon's lair. He felt that the two were somewhat similar.

Seeing these health bars, Wang Tao wanted to hit him with two axes, but he didn't know what was going on down there, so he held back.

The space here is very large, with tree roots everywhere, and inside the tree roots, there are some human bones... probably from zombies. Ye Yan) Wang Tao is a little confused about the relationship between these tree roots and zombies.

"Brother, here."

Jiang Shixue suddenly tugged on Wang Tao's clothes and pointed at a place.

Wang Tao followed the sound and was stunned.

More than a dozen zombies were tightly entangled with tree roots. The roots were stuck in the mouths of these zombies, and they seemed to be still surging... They looked very sentimental.

"What the hell is this?"

Wang Tao couldn't understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

Most of these zombies are first-level zombies, but there are also two second-level zombies. They have residual health, but they are not dead and are still struggling desperately.

Wang Tao originally thought that these tree roots were going to kill or eat these zombies, but after secretly observing for a while, he discovered that these tree roots seemed to be injecting something into the zombies' mouths, and the zombies' blood volume was slowly increasing!

"What's happening here……"

Wang Tao frowned.

Jiang Shixue's eyes lit up.

"Brother, I smell a very fragrant smell..."

"Huh? Is it zombie culture fluid?"

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue.

"No, it tastes different..."

Jiang Shixue shook her head.

Wang Tao looked at the tree roots and zombies again.

The two of them have already searched the underground space, and there is no other way except this space and the hole that winds upward.

Obviously, the focus of this underground space lies on these tree roots.

"How about trying to attack?"

After thinking for a moment, Wang Tao threw a flying knife.




What the hell?

Wang Tao was a little dumbfounded. Although the surgical flying knife was very fragile and would basically be scrapped after one use, no matter how fragile it was, it wouldn't only cause 5 points of damage, right?

Wang Tao threw another shock wave.



Wang Tao can be sure this time, it's not that his flying knife does low damage, but that the defense of this tree root is too high!

This is completely different from the flesh and blood in the night devil's lair before. Although the flesh and blood also has 100,000 blood, its defense is very low, and Wang Tao can eliminate it in a few hits.

But the defense of this tree root is too high, and his strongest attack can only deal more than a dozen damage. If he wants to destroy this tree root, even if the opponent does not fight back, he will have to fight for several hours...

Wang Tao shot another arrow with his recurve bow, which also caused more than ten points of damage.

After receiving various attacks from Wang Tao, Tree Root did not react at all, seeming to ignore Wang Tao.

Then Wang Tao changed his target and shot the arrow at the zombies who were tied up by tree roots.

call out--



The health bar of this first-level zombie was cleared. It tilted its head, its body stopped struggling, and some milky white liquid flowed out of its mouth.


The tree root inserted into its mouth was immediately pulled out, and you could see that there was still a lot of white liquid on the root.

This time, Jiang Shixue didn't need to say anything, Wang Tao also smelled a faint fragrance.

The source of the fragrance is the white liquid on the roots of the tree!

The tree roots waved in the air, as if they were angry and dissatisfied. Then the tree roots that were tied to the zombies slowly loosened and let go of the zombies.


The zombie corpse fell to the ground.

The root that emitted white liquid retracted among the countless tree roots.

"It's interesting...the roots should be plants. Why do they help zombies increase their strength?"

Wang Tao didn't understand, but since the tree roots didn't have any big reaction, he was relieved. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

So Wang Tao pulled up the recurve bow again and started shooting at the zombies.

After a while, these dozen zombies were all easily dispatched by Wang Tao. They were all tied to tree roots and couldn't move at all. They were just living targets.

Wang Tao also added 1,300 blood, and the upper limit of blood volume reached 26,150!

After all the dozen or so zombies died, the tree roots seemed to be a little violent, slapping the air wildly, and then regained their composure after a while.

"It seems angry..."

Jiang Shixue suddenly whispered.

Wang Tao nodded, then said with a headache:

"It seems that the last big boss should be this tree root, but the defense of this thing is too strong...it can't be beaten at all. And I still don't know what it is..."

If these tree roots can't attack, then Wang Tao can kill it. But now it seems that this tree root is obviously capable of attacking, so it is impossible for him to slowly consume it...

"Try again!"

Wang Tao sneaked near the roots of the trees and hit them several times. A few drops of blood fell from the tree roots, but nothing happened.

Wang Tao increased his attack, knocking out more than a dozen drops of blood from the tree root. At this time, the tree roots finally moved!

Several tree roots were waving in the air, making seamless attacks.

Wang Tao wanted to test the damage of this tree root, so after dodging several tree roots, he deliberately resisted the attack of the last tree root.




Wang Tao was instantly knocked away!


Jiang Shixue quickly ran over to catch Wang Tao and prevent Wang Tao from hitting the wall.

"Rub! The damage is so high!"

Even with the barrier opened, Wang Tao was knocked out of nearly 400 blood!

Although this amount of blood seems to be nothing compared to Wang Tao's more than 20,000 blood. But this was only attacked by one tree root. If thousands of tree roots attacked at the same time, Wang Tao might not be beaten to a pulp in an instant...

But it's not without good news.

After Wang Tao's test, it was found that these tree roots do not seem to have much intelligence, and they may not have any senses and cannot observe the surrounding situation. Even if Wang Tao is walking in front of the tree roots, it cannot detect Wang Tao. Unless Wang Tao takes the initiative to attack it, but that is just a rebellious attack, not that it sees where Wang Tao is...

If these tree roots were blind, they might really be able to grind them to death!

Just when Wang Tao was considering whether to call Xu Xiaojun down and the three of them grind the roots to death together, Jiang Shixue suddenly said:

"Brother, why don't we burn it?"


After Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Xiaoxue is right! I almost forgot about the fire attack!"

Logically speaking, plants should be more afraid of fire, so fire attack is definitely not a big problem.

Moreover, the terrain is special, with only one entrance and exit passage. If it really gets burned, it won't be able to run even if it has legs.

Of course, the most important point is that these tree roots are not full of blood. Now they only have more than 70,000 blood. Where did the more than 20,000 blood go? If nothing else happened, it might have been burned by the fire outside!

Therefore, fire attack is definitely feasible!

"Go, get up!"

Wang Tao quickly took Jiang Shixue's little hand and ran out.

"Brother Wang, are you okay?"

When Xu Xiaojun saw Wang Tao and the others coming out, he quickly ran over.

"It's okay. There are a lot of attacking tree roots below. The defense is too high and they can't be hit at all. I'm going to burn them with fire!"

Wang Tao briefly explained.

There was still some gasoline left, but Wang Tao was afraid that it would not be enough, so he pumped some more oil out of the car.

After preparing a full pot of gasoline, Wang Tao entered the cave again.

"Although we don't seem to have any grudges, who told you to have a red health bar..."

Wang Tao muttered silently, and then poured all the gasoline on the roots of the tree.

These tree roots are coiling together like snakes and slowly squirming. It obviously hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet.

After Wang Tao poured out the large pot of gasoline, he took out an arrow with a piece of cloth wrapped around the arrowhead stained with gasoline.


The flame from the lighter instantly ignited the arrow.


At this time, before Wang Tao could shoot the arrow, he saw the tree roots starting to squirm crazily.

"Huh? Feel the temperature of the flame? It's too late!"

Wang Tao bent his bow and set an arrow.

call out--

The flaming arrow landed on the root of the tree.


In an instant, a fire ignited from the roots of the tree.

The roots of the tree swung wildly as if to extinguish the flames, but the gasoline stuck to it. It can't be extinguished so easily.





Seeing the tree root's blood volume beginning to decrease by one hundred, Wang Tao grinned, but did not dare to continue looking. He quickly pulled Jiang Shixue and ran out of the cave.

The three of them were waiting outside the cave.

After a while, Wang Tao felt a little warm under his feet, as if he was standing on a kang.

Flames and thick smoke continued to float out of the cave, and Wang Tao quickly covered his mouth and nose.

"It seems to be working well! Thanks to Xiaoxue!"

Wang Tao praised Jiang Shixue beside him.

He might also be able to think of the fire attack, but he really didn't react at the time. After all, there had just been a fire and it was dark under the lamp, so he subconsciously ignored it.

Jiang Shixue was very happy to be praised. She held Wang Tao's hand tightly, but her eyes looked towards the entrance of the cave from time to time. That faint fragrance has always been there, even if the flames can't cover it up, it's even more fragrant...

The fire in the cave ended faster than Wang Tao imagined. He thought it would be like yesterday's fire, which burned for a day and a night. But it actually burned all morning, and the flames went out in the afternoon.

However, although the flame was extinguished, the high temperature inside was still there. For safety reasons, Wang Tao did not go in. Instead, he waited until night.

The temperature was relatively cool tonight, so Wang Tao and the other three came to the entrance of the cave to take a look. There is still some temperature inside, but it is not too high and is within an acceptable range.

Then Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to continue guarding outside, and he and Jiang Shixue walked in together.

The cave was full of ashes, and occasionally some black tree roots could be seen, but they would break if touched.

"It's all burned to charcoal!"

Wang Tao was a little speechless.

This fire attack is really useful, especially against these plant monsters.

The two of them moved forward among the warm ashes, and soon they arrived at the center of the underground space.

This place was blocked by tree roots before, and Wang Tao couldn't see clearly what was going on.

Now that he came here, Wang Tao let out a light sigh.

"Huh? You're not even dead?"

Among the ashes, there are still some tree roots that are tightly entangled, and the top is scorched black, but it is not dead because there are blood strips.


"There are still three thousand blood! The vitality is so tenacious..."

Wang Tao had some emotion in his mouth, but he was not polite.

A shock wave struck out with an axe.


"Huh? The damage has increased? Is it because it was burned?"

While thinking in his mind, Wang Tao summoned Jiang Shixue to attack together.

To Wang Tao's surprise, these tree roots did not fight back, but were still tightly entangled and squirming slowly.




Wang Tao's last ax blow cleared its health bar.

The tree roots slowly stopped moving, and then a package exploded.

"Isn't this considered a leapfrog kill..."

Looking at this lonely package, Wang Tao felt a little achy.

If these tree roots with a hundred thousand blood were not burned with fire, or if they were left standing for him to kill, he might not be able to kill them for several hours. Moreover, the attack power of tree roots is very strong. If Wang Tao is entangled, so many tree roots attack at the same time, and they will probably beat Wang Tao to a pulp in an instant!

But such a strong tree root is not considered a leapfrog kill.

Wang Tao looked at his health bar again.

"Oh no, not only does it not count as a leapfrog kill, but it also does not increase the upper limit of blood volume..."

Wang Tao thought of the attributes of the tree roots. Apart from the health bar, they had no other attributes. Just like the flesh and blood in the Night Demon's lair, but the flesh and blood does not add blood, and only explodes one package...

Wang Tao did not look at the package carefully, but looked at the roots.

These tree roots are tightly entangled together, forming an upside-down bowl shape, as if there is something inside.

This "bowl" is as big as a small room. Is there a third-level zombie inside?

Wang Tao asked Jiang Shixue to be ready for battle at any time, and then he carefully pushed the roots away.

“It smells so good!”

Jiang Shixue suddenly exclaimed, and Wang Tao's eyes widened.

I saw a small pool inside, and the small pool was full of white liquid like milk. This white liquid was so fragrant that Wang Tao secreted saliva involuntarily.

【Tree Essence*9364】

This thing has a name!

Without saying a word, Wang Tao put all the white liquid into his space backpack.


This alluring fragrance disappeared in an instant. Wang Tao didn't even have time to read the specific information because the essence was put away. There were two more things that caught my eye inside.

The first thing is a white object that looks like an egg.

【Magical Seed*1】

Wang Tao put it away without saying a word.

The second thing is a monster with an ugly human face, but the rest of its body is made of branches!

[HP: 1000/30000]

[Blue amount: 30000/30000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

[Impurities in the body: 60%]

[Status: 99% weak]

The monster closed its eyes and seemed not to notice Wang Tao's arrival.

"Only 1,000 blood and still 99% weak?"

Without saying a word, Wang Tao struck down with the ax.




The human-faced tree monster's health bar was instantly cleared.


A lot of stuff exploded out!

Wang Tao immediately put away the package of loot, and then dug open the head of the human-faced tree monster. There was a red crystal core inside.

After putting away the crystal core and making sure that there was no named item on the monster, he waved to Jiang Shixue.

"Go, get up!"

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