"Brother Wang, are you okay?"

Seeing Wang Tao coming up, Xu Xiaojun ran over immediately.

"Haha, it's okay, the monster below has been dealt with!"

Wang Tao laughed.

This time I was lucky, I happened to have gasoline, and I happened to encounter a plant monster that was very afraid of fire.

A fire saved Wang Tao a lot of effort and avoided a lot of dangers. It was almost like cheating.

"I hope you're all right! It's a pity that I couldn't help..."

Xu Xiaojun had a look of shame on his face.

Seeing this, Wang Tao patted Xu Xiaojun on the shoulder and said:

"Don't think too much, let you guard the car, you are our retreat. If we didn't have this retreat, I wouldn't dare to attack with fire so boldly!"

Xu Xiaojun's current strength is not bad, but he cannot see at night, and his movements at night will be greatly restricted, so he is not allowed to come with him. There is no way.

Although Wang Tao's words were comforting words, Xu Xiaojun was still greatly encouraged after hearing them.

"Then let's do it now..."

Wang Tao looked at the stars in the sky and said:

"Now find a place to rest and you will drive. We will meet Yang Changhong tomorrow morning."

It’s still too dangerous to travel at night. Unless it is an emergency, Wang Tao prefers to travel more safely during the day.

The agreement with Yang Changhong was for three days, and tomorrow happened to be the third day, so I could catch up.



The off-road vehicle's engine roared and moved away from the scorched earth-like reservoir.

In the car, Wang Tao took a sip of water and then began to inspect the loot.

The first is the increase in blood volume upper limit. Although the tree root he killed did not increase any upper limit of blood volume, killing the human-faced tree monster did. Just added 3849!

Therefore, Wang Tao’s blood volume is now [29999/29999]!

Before Wang Tao came, he just thought that since he got the news about the second-level zombies and they were not too far away, he naturally couldn't waste it. Even if there was no loot, it would be good to add some blood.

But he didn't expect that when he came, he only had 15,000 blood, and when he returned, it would be almost 30,000!

Now we are only one drop of blood away from thirty thousand!

Of course, this drop of blood is not easy to obtain. He has now reached the upper limit of the second level. It is estimated that it will be the same as when he was at the first level. After all his abilities are promoted to the third level, he can be promoted to the third level and reach more than 30,000 blood. But Wang Tao's current abilities are all +1, and it will take a lot of effort to upgrade them all...

But Wang Tao was satisfied, after all, the blood volume was gained much faster than he expected. The speed at which he can advance to the third level may actually be faster than the speed at which he can advance to the second level!

The human-faced tree monster is a third-level lord monster, so it is naturally a leapfrog kill for Wang Tao. So in addition to the increase in blood volume, there is also special energy - his special ability is directly increased by 6000!

Special energy and blood volume are the same, which means that Wang Tao actually obtained the upper limit of 6000 blood volume. Unfortunately, it has reached the upper limit of the second level, so it can only add less than 4,000 blood.

Let’s talk about special energy. Adding these 6,000, Wang Tao’s special energy reaches 13,740!

This amount of special energy can already extract two second-order abilities. Wang Tao can now directly extract the shock wave and precision shooting abilities, and then use the all-powerful crystal core to upgrade the barrier!

But there is no rush now, Wang Tao continues to look at other trophies.

He had previously killed the second-level zombies in the sea of ​​fire and obtained a lot of crystal nuclei. These crystal nuclei were basically all ones he had seen before. Among them, the ones that were useful to Wang Tao were shock wave, omnipotence and precision shooting.

As for the loot they exploded, they were all potions, making materials, etc., and overall they were relatively average. However, these second-level zombies don’t have much health. Most of them have only been promoted to the second level not long ago. It’s normal that they don’t have any good things.

Then Wang Tao looked at the focus of this harvest, the loot obtained from the cave.

The tree root with a hundred thousand blood only exploded a loot package.

Wang Tao thought that the tree roots would explode like the flesh and blood in the Night Demon's lair, peeling off crystal nuclei or something. But actually it’s not, it’s a tree root——

[Level 3 Weapon·Tangled Roots]

[HP: 10000/10000 (upper limit 100000)]

[Status: Sleeping]

[Amplification: HP, attack, defense (weakness: fear of fire)]

[Fitness: 0%]

"Third level...weapon?"

This was the first time Wang Tao had seen this thing, so he quickly read the detailed explanation above.

[Weapon: a weapon that can only be used by humans]

[Twining tree roots: Can be wrapped around the body to provide oneself with extra health, attack and defense, but there is a limitation of "weakness: fear of fire\

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