Wang Tao looked at the next trophy.

This is what was put together with the tree essence in the cave. It looks like an egg.

[Obtain: Magic Seed*1]

[Magical Seed: Planted in the ground, a mid-level monster will grow. Planted in the body, you will gain a hidden ability]

"...Good guy!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw the properties of this magical seed.

Will monsters grow if planted in the ground? Will it gain hidden abilities if planted in the body?

Wang Tao's first reaction was to plant it in his body.

However, he thought about it carefully and realized that hidden abilities may not always be useful. For example, Han Rui's arresting hidden ability felt useless in the apocalypse.

And if it's a monster, plant it out and kill it, and you'll get the crystal core and trophies!

But Wang Tao has a small question, that is, what does "intermediate" mean? He only knows about the first, second and third levels, but has never heard of the intermediate level.

Just when Wang Tao looked at the word "intermediate", an explanation popped up.

[Low level: first level, second level, third level]

[Intermediate level: fourth level, fifth level, sixth level]

[High level: seventh level, eighth level, ninth level]


Intermediate level refers to the fourth, fifth and sixth levels?

Wang Tao immediately stopped thinking about planting it in the soil! Because if planted in the soil, monsters of the fourth, fifth and sixth levels will grow!

He kills third-level monsters by tricks. If he grows a fourth-level monster, how will he deal with it?

If he is unlucky and grows a fifth-level or even sixth-level monster, then not only he will be unlucky, but all human survivors will probably be unlucky as well!

Although, the monster grown from this seed is most likely of the plant type, and may be more afraid of fire. If prepared in advance, there is no chance of killing.

But what if this plant is not afraid of fire? The blood of zombies can extinguish flames, so it would not be surprising if plants evolved fire protection.

There is no need for Wang Tao to bet on this probability. He doesn't mind taking a gamble when the odds of winning are high. But in this situation, the winning rate is too low, and losing the bet will be fatal!

"But how is this seed planted in the it the same as the crystal core, placed in the mouth?"

Wang Tao tried to put the seed in his mouth.

Hiding ability is different from crystal core. Hiding ability has no side effects, so even if it is planted in the body, Wang Tao has nothing to worry about.

After a while, Wang Tao felt that the magical seed slowly turned into a gas and disappeared into his body... This was similar to the fusion crystal core.

Wang Tao quickly looked at his attributes.

There is an additional status below his health bar.

[Countdown to germination of magical seeds: 9 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

"It takes ten days to sprout..."

This time took much longer than Wang Tao expected.

But it’s not a big problem, it’s not in the way anyway, just wait.

"I hope I can give you a better hidden ability..."

Wang Tao now has two hidden abilities, one is to strengthen his body and the other is night vision. All are good abilities.

He estimated that this seed should have an ability related to plants, as long as it wasn't too useless.


Wang Tao suddenly thought that the reason why the third-level lord monster was hiding here was because of the protected seed, right?

If Wang Tao had not discovered this cave, then when the third-level monster planted the seed and an intermediate-level monster grew out, the human survivors would be in trouble...

Wang Tao felt that his own level promotion should be considered fast, but he was still at the second level. He didn't know if there were any third-level people in the world.

And when this seed grows up, it will be at least a fourth-level monster! Maybe even fifth or sixth level! If this was encountered by humans, or if it took the initiative to go to human areas, it would definitely be a massacre!

To a certain extent, Wang Tao nipped the danger in the cradle in advance...

Although Wang Tao is not a good person, his unintentional actions may have saved many compatriots, and he is still very happy thinking about it.

Smiling and shaking his head, Wang Tao looked at the last trophy again.

The last step is to kill this third-level lord monster and explode the loot package.

Four packages in total!

The first package is a crystal core gift package, which contains 5 crystal cores!

[Third-order crystal core·Almighty]

[Quality: Excellent (60%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

The first crystal core is Almighty, and the Almighty crystal core is also a regular visitor. It is one of Wang Tao's favorite crystal cores. However, it is of the third level and is unique.

[Level 3 Crystal Core·Promotion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effects: None)]

The second crystal core was promotion, and Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw it.

He killed the third-level night demon before and exploded a third-level promotion crystal core, and it was also of excellent quality!

His upgrade to the third level should be the same as his upgrade to the second level. He needs four promotion cores, but he has already saved two of them now!

This made Wang Tao somewhat excited. Because this is much faster and simpler than collecting the second-level promotion cores before. After all, these two third-level zombies and monsters were killed by him through clever means...

[Third-order crystal core·Self-healing]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 40% (side effect: weakened tactile sense)]

The third crystal core is self-healing, which is also a very good ability. However, Wang Tao's self-healing ability is combined with the copper skin and iron bone ability, so Wang Tao himself cannot use this self-healing ability.

[Third-order crystal core·Absorb nutrients]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effect: Body becomes woody)]

[Absorb nutrients: Passive ability, standing on the land, you can absorb the nutrients of the land and slowly recover blood]

The fourth crystal core is a bit interesting, as long as you stand on the ground, you can increase your health. But it says that blood replenishes slowly...I don't know exactly how slow it is...

[Third-order crystal nucleus·Photosynthesis]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effect: Body becomes woody)]

[Photosynthesis: Passive ability, standing in the sun can absorb the sun's energy and slowly return to blue]


Seeing this last crystal core, Wang Tao was instantly tempted.

This "photosynthesis" is similar to "absorbing nutrients". One is to slowly return blood while standing on the ground, and the other is to slowly return to blue in the sun.

However, compared to recovering blood, Wang Tao wants the ability to add blue!

Because he still has some ways to increase blood, such as medical kits, self-healing abilities, or the current barrier ability, which can increase blood.

But he doesn't have any means to get back to blue!

If he wants to get back to blue, he can only rely on time to recover.

He had done tests before and found that if the blue was used up, it would take about six hours to restore it to full. In non-combat situations, six hours is not a long time.

But if it is in a combat situation, let alone six hours, even six minutes is too long - of course, if it really takes six minutes to get back to the full time, Wang Tao will not laugh out loud. But this is obviously impossible. Wang Tao can only restore his mana in six hours...

This is the first time Wang Tao has seen Hui Lan's superpower. To be honest, he really wants to fuse this crystal core.

It's a pity that this is a third-order crystal core, and his superpower position is not enough.

But Wang Tao suddenly thought, can this nutrient absorption and photosynthesis be synthesized?

Both of these are passive abilities, and both are related to plants, and their types are similar... I feel like there is such a possibility! You can give it a try if you have a chance in the future!

After looking at these crystal nuclei, Wang Tao also knew that this third-level monster was more supportive. His previous guess was similar to green-eyed zombies, so this guess was half right...

Then Wang Tao looked at the second loot package, which contained 10 bottles of potions and a blueprint.

[Obtain: Hemostatic Potion*10]

[Obtain: Hemostatic agent blueprint*1]

[Hemostatic Potion: Restore 1000 HP within ten seconds]

[Hemostatic Potion Blueprint: After learning it, you can make 10 hemostatic potions at a time. Materials required: Hemostatic grass*1, zombie crystal core*1, purified water*100 ml, 10 kcal food]

The effect of this hemostatic potion is quite good, it can restore 1000 blood, which is better than the medical kit, which can restore 100 blood within ten seconds.

Although for a person like Wang Tao with nearly 30,000 blood, recovering 100 blood or 1,000 blood does not seem to be that much.

But the point is that this thing has no cooldown time. You can use a lot of them at once and wait for the blood volume to recover slowly. And this thing can save lives at critical moments...

As for the blueprint of the hemostatic agent, Wang Tao learned it directly, but he currently lacks the hemostatic grass and cannot make it.

"In the future, we should pay more attention to the core materials of these potions..."

This time he got some power and defense mushrooms, and he figured the materials might be in the wild.

He tried not to run into the wild when he had nothing to do, but if like now, he came to the wild to do some business, then he would have to observe carefully to find out if there was such core material.

After all, he has learned quite a lot of potion making drawings, but the only ones he can make are strength potion (small), defense potion (small) and rejuvenation potion.

The third loot package is still a blueprint, but it is not a potion, but equipment.

[Obtained: Tree branch full-body armor production blueprint*1]

[Drawings for making full-body armor from branches: You can make a set of full-body armor made from branches. Materials required: third-order crystal core*1, wood block*100, iron block*10, steel wire*10, screw*10, rope*10, nail*10, rubber*10, plastic*10, cable*10, electronics Components*10, battery*10]

[Branches full-body armor: Tough in texture, it can block knives and guns, but its resistance to flames is slightly weaker. Durability +50, Defense +50]

The attributes of this branch armor look good. Although it is also afraid of fire, overall, this attribute is still very strong. Much stronger than the stubborn armor on him.

However, making it requires a third-order crystal core. Wang Tao only had a few third-order crystal cores in his hand, and he was reluctant to use them.

Moreover, Wang Tao already has entangled tree roots, which is much easier to use than a battle armor.

Moreover, Wang Tao is still a little concerned about his weakness of being afraid of fire.

If he puts on this armor and puts on a layer of entangled tree roots, and then has bad luck and encounters flames... The entangled tree roots can be retracted quickly, but he has to take off the armor first, then this time He can't even hide...

Wang Tao was ready to look back and make this armor if there was a third-order crystal core with poor attributes.

Although he doesn't want to use it himself, Xu Xiaojun can. If Xu Xiaojun puts on this armor and picks up the old old giant axe, his strength should be greatly improved.

The last loot package is tree essence.

[Obtain: Tree Essence*10000]

[Tree essence: can enhance the strength of living things]

I had obtained more than 9,000 copies of tree essence before, but I didn’t expect that another 10,000 copies would be released!

With nearly 20,000 parts of tree essence, Wang Tao thought it was time to give it a try.

"Xiaoxue, come and try this."

In the darkness, Wang Tao gently patted the person leaning on him.

A pair of glowing red eyes opened.

Wang Tao took out a piece of tree essence, and a very pleasant fragrance appeared.

A serving of tree essence is 10ml, which looks very small. Wang Tao held it in the palm of his hand and was about to find a container when Jiang Shixue suddenly stretched her head over and licked the palm of Wang Tao's hand like a kitten.


Wang Tao felt itchy in his palms.

After eating this tree essence, the red light in Jiang Shixue's eyes became even brighter.

"It's delicious! I still want it~"

Wang Tao has a lot of tree essence in his hand, so he is naturally not stingy.

But before taking out the new tree essence, Wang Tao took a look at Jiang Shixue's attributes.

Jiang Shixue's blood was 22,200 before. After drinking a portion of tree essence, her blood is now 22,300, and her blood volume has increased by 100! And not only her blood volume, but her mana volume also increased by 100!

"Hiss - a tree essence plus 100 blood and 100 mana? Is this so awesome!"

Wang Tao was shocked. The nearly 20,000 copies of tree essence in its hand were equivalent to two million pieces of blood and indigo.

But soon, Wang Tao knew that things were not that simple.

After Jiang Shixue drank ten servings, she felt that her strength would not increase in a short time.

In other words, after adding 1,000 blood and 1,000 mana, she temporarily reached the upper limit. As for when it will continue to be effective in the future, Jiang Shixue cannot say.

Wang Tao thought for a while and drank ten portions.

Although his blood volume has reached the upper limit, his mana volume is still far away. He has nearly 30,000 health, but he only has 4,800 mana. This needs to be improved!

After ten parts of the tree essence were taken down, Wang Tao's blood volume remained unchanged, but his mana volume increased by 1,000, reaching 5,800!

The effect is very good, Wang Tao is very satisfied.

And needless to say, this tree essence tastes really good.

Jiang Shixue was a little greedy and wanted to drink. Wang Tao gave her a few more copies, then called Xu Xiaojun over and gave Xu Xiaojun ten more copies.

Wang Tao has never been stingy with his own people. After all, they are all teammates fighting side by side. They are strong, which also increases the guarantee of survival for Wang Tao.

The next day.

Wang Tao woke up early. Xu Xiaojun had been on duty all night, but he was in high spirits and did not look sleepy at all.

But for safety reasons, this time Wang Tao drove the car himself.

"Let's go and make peace with them."

"Boss, something happened to Wang Tao and the others, right?"

Outside the abandoned motel, several survivors gathered around Yang Changhong, and one of them asked.

Although their meeting with Wang Tao and others was not pleasant, everyone felt relieved afterwards. After all, Wang Tao is generous and strong. Being with them will greatly improve the safety of the team. So they didn't want anything to happen to Wang Tao and the others.

Yang Changhong had full confidence in Wang Tao before, but now he was a little shaken because it was the third day.

She had told Wang Tao before that she would wait for Wang Tao for three days, and Wang Tao said he would be back soon. The result is still not back today.

If they don't come back today, no matter whether Wang Tao comes back or not, they have to leave early tomorrow morning. After all, this was said in front of her subordinates, and she had to have her own authority and not go back on her words.


Yang Changhong took out his walkie-talkie and tried to contact Wang Tao. But there was no response. This is beyond the scope of walkie-talkies.

"They are very strong and should be fine."

Yang Changhong could only say this to his subordinates.

She was also a little puzzled. There were only a few second-level zombies in the reservoir she was talking about, and she felt that the strength of those zombies was not the strongest among the second-level zombies.

Judging from the fact that both Xu Xiaojun and Wang Tao are second-level superpowers, it shouldn't be a big problem. Even if they can't be defeated, they should be able to run away... Could it be that those zombies have become stronger, or is there something unexpected?

Yang Changhong was also a little worried. After all, it was rare to encounter two second-level superpowers...

"Zizi... Yang Changhong, I am Wang Tao... Zizi..."

At this time, Wang Tao's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

After Yang Changhong was stunned for a moment, he quickly pressed the talk button.

"I am Yang Changhong! I am Yang Changhong! We are still where we were before. Where are you? Is everyone okay?"

After a while, Wang Tao's voice came again.

"We have nothing big to do, but we have a small matter that we would like to ask you to help us with..."

Wang Tao's tone was quite embarrassing.

"What a favor, if I can help, I will definitely help!"

Yang Changhong did not agree immediately. In case Wang Tao and the others were surrounded by powerful zombies, and even they couldn't solve the problem, my group might just deliver food...

"Hey, my car is out of gas. Send me a bottle of gas. You can ask for the price."


Yang Changhong opened her mouth. She thought that Wang Tao would encounter various difficulties, but she didn't expect that the car was out of gas. If she remembered correctly, not only had the car been filled with gas, but there was also a spare oil can in the car.

However, Yang Changhong didn't ask any more questions. She said directly:

"Okay, tell me the specific location and I'll have the oil delivered there. We'll talk about the rest when we get back."

"Okay. We're... thanks!"

"You are welcome."

An hour later, two cars arrived at the abandoned motel.

Yang Changhong, who was sitting on the hood of a car, got down immediately when he saw the car coming.

After a while, Wang Tao and the others got out of the car.

Looking at the three people who were intact, a smile appeared on Yang Changhong's face. She reached out and gave Wang Tao a high-five.

"I feel relieved to see that you are okay."

"Haha, I told you, there won't be any surprises."

"Then let's have lunch and set off now?"


It didn't take long for eight cars to leave the abandoned motel in a queue and head towards Bauhinia City.

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